Document set '573'
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Port Royal On Rappahach[?]
Cousin Jon Webb
Novr 26: 1755
I am the Daughter of Nathl. Perring
[?] and my mothers maiden name was Sarah
Webb. I Left Phila. wth John Dinwiddie abt
41 years ago & have a Son now alive wch I
had By him. I am now married to Wm. Pin &
Live within about a mile of His[?] place [?]
I have no Children But the above son whose
name Is Henry Dinwiddie, of abt. 40 years
old -- My Uncle John Webbs Wife Brot me
From Bristol -- I Shou'd Be glad To Hear whether
my Father or Mother who Lived In Gloucester
old England Be yet alive & what relations
are yet alive In Pennsylva -- a Line from
you or any of my Freinds wou'd be Very
acceptable To Yor. Loveing Cousin
Sarah Pinn Port Royal On <unclear>Rappahach</unclear>
Cousin Jo<sup>n</sup> Webb
Nov<sup>r </sup> 26: 1755
<p-bgn>I am the Daughter of Nath<sup>l</sup>. Perring
<del><ill></del> and my mothers maiden name was Sarah
Webb. I Left Phil<sup>a</sup>. w<sup>th</sup> John Dinwiddie ab<sup>t</sup>
41 years ago & have a Son now alive w<sup>ch</sup> I
had By him. I am now married to W<sup>m</sup>. Pin &
Live within about a mile of <unclear>His</unclear> place <del><ill></del>
I have no Children But the above son whose
name Is Henry Dinwiddie, of ab<sup>t</sup>. 40 years
old -- My Uncle John Webbs Wife Bro<sup>t</sup> me
From Bristol -- I Shou'd Be glad To Hear whether
my Father or Mother who Lived In Gloucester
old England Be yet alive & what relations
are yet alive In Pennsylv<sup>a</sup> -- a Line from
you or any of my Freinds wou'd be Very
acceptable To Yo<sup>r</sup>. Loveing Cousin<p-end>
Sarah Pinn
Sarah Pinn Port Royal On <unclear>Rappahach</unclear>
Cousin Jo<sup>n</sup> Webb
Nov<sup>r </sup> 26: 1755
<p-bgn>I am the Daughter of Nath<sup>l</sup>. Perring
<del><ill></del> and my mothers maiden name was Sarah
Webb. I Left Phil<sup>a</sup>. w<sup>th</sup> John Dinwiddie ab<sup>t</sup>
41 years ago & have a Son now alive w<sup>ch</sup> I
had By him. I am now married to W<sup>m</sup>. Pin &
Live within about a mile of <unclear>His</unclear> place <del><ill></del>
I have no Children But the above son whose
name Is Henry Dinwiddie, of ab<sup>t</sup>. 40 years
old -- My Uncle John Webbs Wife Bro<sup>t</sup> me
From Bristol -- I Shou'd Be glad To Hear whether
my Father or Mother who Lived In Gloucester
old England Be yet alive & what relations
are yet alive In Pennsylv<sup>a</sup> -- a Line from
you or any of my Freinds wou'd be Very
acceptable To Yo<sup>r</sup>. Loveing Cousin<p-end>
Sarah Pinn