Document set '570'
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Loving kosens
this Coms too lett y yow now I am in good halth as Can bee Expexted At
my Edg[?] y Blesed bee ye All myty for it and having this upe__y[?]
my grandatter wos wiling too Send you All a Smoll token
of hur Love And that Is Every on of hur Cosens A pare of
garters that is ye men and thar wifes wich is Eight paree of
hur on niting sent by a publick frend and a nothar frend ye over
frend name is John Sparrow beeit hee is no kind too mee[?]
Only a Acquaintance of mine and I not noing ye over fred his name I
kould not menshon his name but hee Is a brave honest
frend and is Coming too visit yoo I have not had a letter[?]
from none of yow but on for this Several years made too
[?] think yoow ware all Dad this granddafter I brougt
up Shee wos[?] my on Dafter Rebeca Child she left too
but it pllesd ye All myty too tak ye over and thes fell
too my Shear for hur father navr minded hur and
hif ye over had livg[?] I most have tacken kere of huar too[?]
I wold Dissir too give my Dear Love too Thomas Chabkle and
his Wife and too Elizabeth[?] Esst for hur hosband is a komen
too veset ous for wee here hee is waly[?] Laned at brestee
hee wos Expeted too bee here At our yarly meten but hee
Is not Com as It Soo I Shal Conklud with my Deer Love
too All my Loving Cosengs tell your loving Ant Dall
Dath Elizabeth Sparrow } Rotherif the 21 of the 6 mounth 1730 Loving kosens
this Coms too lett <del>y</del> yow now I am in <add>good</add> halth as Can bee Expexted At
my <unclear>Edg</unclear> y Blesed bee y<sup>e</sup> All myty for it and having this <unclear>upe__y</unclear><note>some variant of opportunity</note>
my grandatter wos wiling too Send you All a Smoll token
of hur Love And that Is Every on of hur Cosens A pare of
garters that is y<sup>e</sup> men and thar wifes wich is Eight paree of
hur on niting <add>sent </add>by a publick frend and a nothar frend y<sup>e</sup> over
frend name is John Sparrow beeit hee is no kind too <unclear>mee</unclear>
Only a Acquaintance of mine and I not noing <add>y<sup>e</sup> over fred</add> his name I
kould not menshon his name but hee Is a brave honest
frend and is Coming too visit yoo I have not had a <unclear>letter</unclear>
from none of yow but on for this Several years made too
<ill> think yoow ware all Dad this granddafter I brougt
<unclear>up Shee wos</unclear> my on Dafter Rebeca Child she left too
but it pllesd y<sup>e</sup> All myty too tak y<sup>e</sup> over and thes fell
too my Shear for hur father navr minded hur and
hif y<sup>e</sup> over had <unclear>livg</unclear> I most have tacken kere of huar <unclear>too</unclear>
I wold Dissir too give my Dear Love too Thomas Chabkle and
his Wife and too <unclear>Elizabeth</unclear> Esst for hur hosband is a kome<add>n</add>
too veset ous for wee here hee is <unclear>waly</unclear> Laned at brestee
hee wos Expeted too bee here At our yarly meten but hee
Is not Com as It Soo I Shal Conklud with my Deer Love
too All my Loving Cosengs tell your loving Ant Dall<p-end>
Dath Eliz<sup>a</sup>beth Sparrow }
Rotherif the 21 of the 6 mounth 1730
Dath Elizabeth Sparrow } Rotherif the 21 of the 6 mounth 1730 Loving kosens
this Coms too lett <del>y</del> yow now I am in <add>good</add> halth as Can bee Expexted At
my <unclear>Edg</unclear> y Blesed bee y<sup>e</sup> All myty for it and having this <unclear>upe__y</unclear><note>some variant of opportunity</note>
my grandatter wos wiling too Send you All a Smoll token
of hur Love And that Is Every on of hur Cosens A pare of
garters that is y<sup>e</sup> men and thar wifes wich is Eight paree of
hur on niting <add>sent </add>by a publick frend and a nothar frend y<sup>e</sup> over
frend name is John Sparrow beeit hee is no kind too <unclear>mee</unclear>
Only a Acquaintance of mine and I not noing <add>y<sup>e</sup> over fred</add> his name I
kould not menshon his name but hee Is a brave honest
frend and is Coming too visit yoo I have not had a <unclear>letter</unclear>
from none of yow but on for this Several years made too
<ill> think yoow ware all Dad this granddafter I brougt
<unclear>up Shee wos</unclear> my on Dafter Rebeca Child she left too
but it pllesd y<sup>e</sup> All myty too tak y<sup>e</sup> over and thes fell
too my Shear for hur father navr minded hur and
hif y<sup>e</sup> over had <unclear>livg</unclear> I most have tacken kere of huar <unclear>too</unclear>
I wold Dissir too give my Dear Love too Thomas Chabkle and
his Wife and too <unclear>Elizabeth</unclear> Esst for hur hosband is a kome<add>n</add>
too veset ous for wee here hee is <unclear>waly</unclear> Laned at brestee
hee wos Expeted too bee here At our yarly meten but hee
Is not Com as It Soo I Shal Conklud with my Deer Love
too All my Loving Cosengs tell your loving Ant Dall<p-end>
Dath Eliz<sup>a</sup>beth Sparrow }
Rotherif the 21 of the 6 mounth 1730