Document set '605'
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211 Aberdeen[?] Ave
Wayne Pa
My dear Uncle Charlie
I have been looking
in the family Bible and
over some papers I have
and find the following
John Richardson 2nd born 5mo 13th 1790 " " married 3rd mo 4th 1835 " " died of Cholera 10th mo 1st 1866 Martha Gibbons Richardson died 1st mo 31st 1879 about 11.15 P. M of apoplexy. 211 <unclear>Aberdeen</unclear> Ave
Wayne Pa
My dear Uncle Charlie
<p-bgn>I have been looking
in the family Bible and
over some papers I have
and find the following
John Richardson 2<sup>nd</sup> born 5<sup>mo</sup> 13<sup>th</sup> 1790
" " married 3<sup>rd</sup> mo 4<sup>th</sup> 1835
" " died of Cholera 10<sup>th</sup> mo 1<sup>st</sup> 1866
Martha Gibbons Richardson died 1<sup>st</sup> mo 31<sup>st</sup> 1879
about 11.15 P. M of apoplexy.
John Richardson 2nd born 5mo 13th 1790 " " married 3rd mo 4th 1835 " " died of Cholera 10th mo 1st 1866 Martha Gibbons Richardson died 1st mo 31st 1879 about 11.15 P. M of apoplexy. 211 <unclear>Aberdeen</unclear> Ave
Wayne Pa
My dear Uncle Charlie
<p-bgn>I have been looking
in the family Bible and
over some papers I have
and find the following
John Richardson 2<sup>nd</sup> born 5<sup>mo</sup> 13<sup>th</sup> 1790
" " married 3<sup>rd</sup> mo 4<sup>th</sup> 1835
" " died of Cholera 10<sup>th</sup> mo 1<sup>st</sup> 1866
Martha Gibbons Richardson died 1<sup>st</sup> mo 31<sup>st</sup> 1879
about 11.15 P. M of apoplexy.

If I can find the date of
Grandmothers birth, I will be
glad to send it to thee. I
think we must have it somewhere.
though most of the
papers I have are about the
Josephine was very much pleased with the two pretty pictures thee sent her. and and wants them put up on her nursery wall tomorrow.
I was so glad for Mamma to have her visit to you
<p-bgn>If I can find the date of
Grandmothers birth, I will be
glad to send it to thee. I
think we must have it somewhere.
though most of the
papers I have are about the
<p-bgn>Josephine was very much
pleased with the two pretty
pictures thee sent her. and
and wants them put up on
her nursery wall tomorrow.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I was so glad for Mamma
to have her visit to you<p-end>
Josephine was very much pleased with the two pretty pictures thee sent her. and and wants them put up on her nursery wall tomorrow.
I was so glad for Mamma to have her visit to you
<p-bgn>If I can find the date of
Grandmothers birth, I will be
glad to send it to thee. I
think we must have it somewhere.
though most of the
papers I have are about the
<p-bgn>Josephine was very much
pleased with the two pretty
pictures thee sent her. and
and wants them put up on
her nursery wall tomorrow.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I was so glad for Mamma
to have her visit to you<p-end>