Document set '569'
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ye 1 of ye 8th Month 1725
Loving kosins Joseph and Magry web my kind love
too you both this is too leat yow onder Stand that I
that I am in Defran thru [?]marsy as i hop you are all
Brok my reast a bout a yare a gou and it is very
Lame it and I am Consand a bout ye mouf the Sent mee
for John Andes told my Son Jonathn that I had ye rong
one and ye Sent mee word that myne wos a otter
Skine and a very good one as Every ye Sest and I have
Shoued too furers and allso too our worthy frend
thomas Sakry a foruer too and hee Sees that it wos
not a otter Skin for a otterskin wos worth a bout
ten Shillings and that wos not worth above five
Shillings but that is nott all that vex mee but
John annes Son told my Son that hee wos out of poket
About forty or fifty Shilling wich is a bout too pound
more then it is worth wich if hee had brot mee the
over mouf hee Should have had mine for iwold not
have kapt it from him for i am not so fond of A
mouf and Spesle of a ourny on it has not a le__[?]
vex mee my Sons all are in good helih blesed bee
yo[?] Lord for it So having no mor at prsart I reman
yore loving Ant tel Dath Elisabeth Sparrow
I Desire ye too give my Dare love too Thomas Chakly And John Est and his wife And I allso Desire too hear from ye by all[?]
y<sup>e</sup> 1 of y<sup>e</sup> 8<sup>th</sup> Month 1725
<p-bgn>Loving kosins Joseph and Ma<del>g</del>ry web my kind love
too you both this is too leat yow onder Stand that I
that I am in <unclear>Defran thru </unclear>marsy as i hop you are all
Brok my reast a bout a yare a gou and it is very
Lame it and I am Consand <add>a</add> bout y<sup>e</sup> mouf the Sent mee
for John Andes told my Son Jonathn that I had y<sup>e</sup> rong
one and y<sup>e</sup> Sent mee word that myne wos a otter
Skine and a very good one as Every y<sup>e</sup> Sest and I hav<add>e</add>
Shoued too furers and allso too our worthy frend
thomas Sakry a foruer too and hee Sees that it wos
not a otter Skin for a otterskin wos worth a bout
ten Shillings and that wos not worth above five
Shillings but that is nott all that vex mee but
John annes Son told my Son that hee wos out of poket
About forty or fifty Shilling wich is a bout too poun<add>d</add>
more then it is worth wich if hee had brot mee the
over mouf hee Should have had mine for iwold not
have kapt it from him for i am not so fond of A
mouf and Spesle of a ourny on it has not a <unclear>le__</unclear>
vex mee my Sons all are in good helih blesed bee
<unclear>y<sup>o</sup></unclear> Lord for it So having no mor at prsart I reman
yore loving Ant tel Dath Elisabeth Sparrow<p-end>
<p-bgn>I Desire y<sup>e</sup> too give my Dare love too Thomas Chakly
And John Est and his wife
And I allso Desire too hear from y<sup>e</sup> by all <del><ill></del>
I Desire ye too give my Dare love too Thomas Chakly And John Est and his wife And I allso Desire too hear from ye by all
y<sup>e</sup> 1 of y<sup>e</sup> 8<sup>th</sup> Month 1725
<p-bgn>Loving kosins Joseph and Ma<del>g</del>ry web my kind love
too you both this is too leat yow onder Stand that I
that I am in <unclear>Defran thru </unclear>marsy as i hop you are all
Brok my reast a bout a yare a gou and it is very
Lame it and I am Consand <add>a</add> bout y<sup>e</sup> mouf the Sent mee
for John Andes told my Son Jonathn that I had y<sup>e</sup> rong
one and y<sup>e</sup> Sent mee word that myne wos a otter
Skine and a very good one as Every y<sup>e</sup> Sest and I hav<add>e</add>
Shoued too furers and allso too our worthy frend
thomas Sakry a foruer too and hee Sees that it wos
not a otter Skin for a otterskin wos worth a bout
ten Shillings and that wos not worth above five
Shillings but that is nott all that vex mee but
John annes Son told my Son that hee wos out of poket
About forty or fifty Shilling wich is a bout too poun<add>d</add>
more then it is worth wich if hee had brot mee the
over mouf hee Should have had mine for iwold not
have kapt it from him for i am not so fond of A
mouf and Spesle of a ourny on it has not a <unclear>le__</unclear>
vex mee my Sons all are in good helih blesed bee
<unclear>y<sup>o</sup></unclear> Lord for it So having no mor at prsart I reman
yore loving Ant tel Dath Elisabeth Sparrow<p-end>
<p-bgn>I Desire y<sup>e</sup> too give my Dare love too Thomas Chakly
And John Est and his wife
And I allso Desire too hear from y<sup>e</sup> by all <del><ill></del>