Document set '568'
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Loving Cousines Rotherheith ye 25 of 1[?] mo 1724
Josheph & Mary Webb
thy Letter & kind token by the hands of oure
Loven freind Thomas Anniss which came Savef to
hand & kindly Except of thy kindness for them
And have Sent the a hatt and thy wife A pattaswea
hood and A pare of Silk Glouess which I hope you will
Except of ass a token of my Loufe and I have Sent
Cozs Nathaneell a hatt and his wife A pare of white
Silk Clouess & Cozs Nehemiah A shall And Cozs
Richard A hatt and desire to no If Cozs John
Is Leiveing and Desire the to take Care they have there hats
for there are all together In one box So no more at present
but hopeing these few Lines will find you In ass Good
health as I an my famerly Iis at this time blest bee
God for Git & Give my Love to brother Allen
And all my Cozenes So no more but my kind Love
you all
from thy Loveing Aunt Elizabeth Sparrow
Loving Cousines Rotherheith y<sup>e</sup> 25 of <unclear>1</unclear> mo 1724
Josheph & Mary Webb
<p-bgn>thy Letter & kind token by the hands of oure
Loven freind Thomas Anniss which came Savef to
hand & kindly Except of thy kindness for them
And have Sent the a hatt and thy wife A pattaswea
hood and A pare of Silk Glouess which <add>I hope</add> you will
Except of ass a token of my Loufe and I have Sent
Coz<sup>s</sup> Nathaneell a hatt and his wife A pare of white
Silk Clouess & Coz<sup>s</sup> Nehemiah A shall And Coz<sup>s</sup>
Richard A hatt and desire to no If Coz<sup>s</sup> John
Is Leiveing and Desire the to take Care they have there hat<add>s</add>
for there are all together In one box So no more at present
but hopeing these few Lines will find you In ass Good
health as I an my famerly Iis at this time blest bee
God for Git & Give my Love to brother Allen
And all my Cozenes So no more but my kind Love
you all<p-end>
from thy Loveing Aunt
from thy Loveing Aunt Elizabeth Sparrow
Loving Cousines Rotherheith y<sup>e</sup> 25 of <unclear>1</unclear> mo 1724
Josheph & Mary Webb
<p-bgn>thy Letter & kind token by the hands of oure
Loven freind Thomas Anniss which came Savef to
hand & kindly Except of thy kindness for them
And have Sent the a hatt and thy wife A pattaswea
hood and A pare of Silk Glouess which <add>I hope</add> you will
Except of ass a token of my Loufe and I have Sent
Coz<sup>s</sup> Nathaneell a hatt and his wife A pare of white
Silk Clouess & Coz<sup>s</sup> Nehemiah A shall And Coz<sup>s</sup>
Richard A hatt and desire to no If Coz<sup>s</sup> John
Is Leiveing and Desire the to take Care they have there hat<add>s</add>
for there are all together In one box So no more at present
but hopeing these few Lines will find you In ass Good
health as I an my famerly Iis at this time blest bee
God for Git & Give my Love to brother Allen
And all my Cozenes So no more but my kind Love
you all<p-end>
from thy Loveing Aunt

I desire to hear from you the first opertunity & wether you have Recved
thee Tokens that I have Sent In John Annish by thomas annish
I desire to hear from you the first opertunity & wether you have Recved
thee Tokens that I have Sent In John Annish by thomas annish
thee Tokens that I have Sent In John Annish by thomas annish