Document set '567'
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Rotherhith the 29 of ye 2 month 1730
Loving Cozenes Joseph & mary weeb
I now haveing an opertunyty of Sending by your freind James
Steett[?] by houme I have heard of the and thy famaly Good health
when hee Came Away and in A thriving Condsion and the
flourishing Contishon of ye Colonney & the hapy Conversation
you In Goye with one A nothe which Is a Great Bleasing
I Pray God to Contency with all the mercys that you in Joye
Coxen I have Seen A Leeter the Sent my mother and in It ye[?] mentiond
thee heard that I was A Comeing over there and of thy Beeing Glad to
A have Sean mee But I thank God __mis[?] Stake. But Jane
sory for my Brother misforten for It was Josephine in
Stead of Jonathan But my Brother Samuel would A
had him[?] Came over and hee would A Setled him ther but his
wife was not willing & now hee Is Settled his forman & may
Doe[?] weell If hee will, But I cant feel ye meaning of thy
been Uneasee for to woe[?] the Price of the Glass that I sent to Long
a Goo both the Price & I Sent word In A Late by Capt.
Tenant hous famaly Is now setled in your Parts Both
Price and what thee mights Return it In and where to send
But If thy memory Is Shalloo I sould have thougt Loogking
In the Glase might A fraisenedst[?] But If the turn About &
for Gret I take this Present opertunyty to In form thee once
more I Gave for the Glas I sent the thirty Shilling
I shall takd it as A favor If the will bee so kind as to
Send mee by Capt. Annish A mohocomee Planck of
fore Inches thick If the Can Gitt It Eighteen Inches
Broad &: fore foot Long But If thee Cant Git mohocom a
Leet It bee Black wannuttree and If that Is to much
Leet mee noo and I will sent thee Retaliation in what
thee Sent for & I desire thee Give my Love to all my Cozene
as It named an to my unckle So I hope these Broken Lin
Will find the In as Good Health as they Leave us thank
God for It mine and wife kind Love to the an wife and
famally for thy Loven Cozenes --
Jonathan and Mary Sparrow
Rotherhith the 29 of y<sup>e</sup> 2 month 1730
Loving Cozenes Joseph & mary weeb
<p-bgn>I now haveing an opertunyty <add>of</add> Sending by your freind James
<unclear>Steett</unclear> by houme I have heard of the and thy famaly Good health
when hee Came Away and in A thriving Condsion and the
flourishing Contishon of y<sup>e</sup> Colonney & the hapy Conversation
you In Goye with one A nothe which Is a Great Bleasing
I Pray God to Contency with all the mercys that you in Joye
Coxen I have Seen A Leeter the Sent my mother and in It <add><unclear>ye</unclear></add> mention<add>d</add>
thee heard that I was A Comeing over there and of thy Beeing Glad to
A have Sean mee But I thank God <unclear>__mis</unclear> Stake. But Jane
sory for my Brother misforten for It was Josephine in
Stead of Jonathan But my Brother Samuel would A
had <unclear>him</unclear> Came over and hee would <add>A</add> Setled him ther but his
wife was not willing & now hee Is Settled his forman & may
<unclear>Doe</unclear> weell If hee will, But I cant feel y<sup>e</sup> meaning of thy
been Uneasee for to <unclear>woe</unclear> the Price of the Glass that I sent to Long
a Goo both the Price & I Sent word In A Late by Cap<sup>t</sup>.
Tenant hous famaly Is now setled in your Parts Both
Price and what thee mights Return <add>it</add> In and where to send
But If thy memory Is Shalloo I sould have thougt Loogking
In the Glase might A <unclear>fraisenedst</unclear> But If the turn About &
for Gret I take this Present opertunyty to In form thee once
more I Gave for the Glas I sent the thirty Shilling
I shall takd it as A favor If the will bee so kind as to
Send mee by Capt. Annish A mohocomee Planck of
fore Inches thick If the Can Gitt It Eighteen Inches
Broad &: fore foot Long But If thee Cant Git mohocom <add>a</add>
Leet It bee Black wannuttree and If that Is to much
Leet mee noo and I will sent thee Retaliation in what
thee Sent for & I desire thee Give my Love to all my Cozene
as It named an to my unckle So I hope these Broken Lin
Will find the In as Good Health as they Leave us thank
God for It mine and wife kind Love to the an wife and
famally for thy Loven Cozenes --
Jonathan and Mary Sparrow
Loving Cozenes Joseph & mary weeb
<p-bgn>I now haveing an opertunyty <add>of</add> Sending by your freind James
<unclear>Steett</unclear> by houme I have heard of the and thy famaly Good health
when hee Came Away and in A thriving Condsion and the
flourishing Contishon of y<sup>e</sup> Colonney & the hapy Conversation
you In Goye with one A nothe which Is a Great Bleasing
I Pray God to Contency with all the mercys that you in Joye
Coxen I have Seen A Leeter the Sent my mother and in It <add><unclear>ye</unclear></add> mention<add>d</add>
thee heard that I was A Comeing over there and of thy Beeing Glad to
A have Sean mee But I thank God <unclear>__mis</unclear> Stake. But Jane
sory for my Brother misforten for It was Josephine in
Stead of Jonathan But my Brother Samuel would A
had <unclear>him</unclear> Came over and hee would <add>A</add> Setled him ther but his
wife was not willing & now hee Is Settled his forman & may
<unclear>Doe</unclear> weell If hee will, But I cant feel y<sup>e</sup> meaning of thy
been Uneasee for to <unclear>woe</unclear> the Price of the Glass that I sent to Long
a Goo both the Price & I Sent word In A Late by Cap<sup>t</sup>.
Tenant hous famaly Is now setled in your Parts Both
Price and what thee mights Return <add>it</add> In and where to send
But If thy memory Is Shalloo I sould have thougt Loogking
In the Glase might A <unclear>fraisenedst</unclear> But If the turn About &
for Gret I take this Present opertunyty to In form thee once
more I Gave for the Glas I sent the thirty Shilling
I shall takd it as A favor If the will bee so kind as to
Send mee by Capt. Annish A mohocomee Planck of
fore Inches thick If the Can Gitt It Eighteen Inches
Broad &: fore foot Long But If thee Cant Git mohocom <add>a</add>
Leet It bee Black wannuttree and If that Is to much
Leet mee noo and I will sent thee Retaliation in what
thee Sent for & I desire thee Give my Love to all my Cozene
as It named an to my unckle So I hope these Broken Lin
Will find the In as Good Health as they Leave us thank
God for It mine and wife kind Love to the an wife and
famally for thy Loven Cozenes --
Jonathan and Mary Sparrow

my mother & brother Give Love too [?] for mee in queen Street Rotherhith
you allmy mother & brother Give Love too <ill> for mee in queen Street Rotherhith
you all
you all

my mother & brother Give ther Love too
you all
[?] for mee in queen Street Rotherhith
my mother & brother Give ther Love too
you all
<ill> for mee in queen Street Rotherhith
you all
<ill> for mee in queen Street Rotherhith