Document set '566'
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Loving Coz:s
Thy kind letter of ye last of october
Came Save to hand But Iit not Suteing mee So well to
Answer till this opertunyty ofered for I haveing
A near Neibour that is A comeing to Setle with whose parte you
And I am Glad that the Glass came Save too hand & as
For the price It Cost Is thirty Shilling & if It
Sutes with ye to Gitt me Some mohocome Plank that come
From Jamaca and If you have none ther Left itt
Bee Black whannuttree that Is Good Will fetch teen
Pence p foot for Inch Planck & att any time when
Thou hast opertunyty I and wife shall bee Glad heare
From you & Dreick for mee att queen Street Just
BeeLow the horns in Rotherheith teell Cozs
Nehemiah that I have Recved is Leeter and Kind
token by his freind Samuell Powel wency Save
And I kindly Except of and hope thee will Rember
my kind Love & wife my mother an Brother are
All well & Give ther love to you all as If named
I and wife Give our Kind Love too the and wife
and all thy famaly an Shall be Glad of thy Prospe__[?]
Now mor to Ad But hopeing thes fuee[?] Lines
Will find you in as Good healt as they Leave
US Blesed bee God for It and all merceys bestowed
one us Loveing Cosen I hope the Except of thes
Few Lines From thy Loveing Cozens
Jonathan & Mary
Sept the 4 day 1727
Loving Coz:<sup>s</sup>
<p-bgn>Thy kind letter of y<sup>e</sup> last of october
Came Save to hand But Iit not Suteing mee So well to
Answer till this opertunyty ofered for I haveing
A near Neibour that is A comeing to Setle with <add>whose parte</add> you
And I am Glad that the Glass came Save too hand & as
For the price It Cost Is thirty Shilling & if It
Sutes with y<sup>e</sup> to Gitt me Some mohocome Plank that come
From Jamaca and If you have none ther Left itt
Bee Black whannuttree that Is Good Will fetch teen
Pence p foot for Inch Planck & att any time when
Thou hast opertunyty I and wife shall bee Glad heare
From you & Dreick for mee <add>att</add> queen Street Just
BeeLow the horns in Rotherheith teell Coz<sup>s</sup>
Nehemiah that I have Recved is Leeter and Kind
token by his freind Samuell Powel wency Save
And I kindly Except of and hope thee will Rember
my kind Love & wife my mother an Brother are
All well & Give ther love to you all as If named
I and wife Give our Kind Love too the and wife
and all thy famaly an Shall be Glad of thy <unclear>Prospe__</unclear>
Now mor to Ad But hopeing thes <unclear>fuee</unclear> Lines
Will find you in as Good healt as they Leave
US Blesed bee God for It and all merceys bestowed
one us Loveing Cosen I hope the Except of thes
Few Lines From thy Loveing Cozens
Jonathan & Mary
<und>Sep<sup>t</sup> the 4 day 1727</und>
<p-bgn>Thy kind letter of y<sup>e</sup> last of october
Came Save to hand But Iit not Suteing mee So well to
Answer till this opertunyty ofered for I haveing
A near Neibour that is A comeing to Setle with <add>whose parte</add> you
And I am Glad that the Glass came Save too hand & as
For the price It Cost Is thirty Shilling & if It
Sutes with y<sup>e</sup> to Gitt me Some mohocome Plank that come
From Jamaca and If you have none ther Left itt
Bee Black whannuttree that Is Good Will fetch teen
Pence p foot for Inch Planck & att any time when
Thou hast opertunyty I and wife shall bee Glad heare
From you & Dreick for mee <add>att</add> queen Street Just
BeeLow the horns in Rotherheith teell Coz<sup>s</sup>
Nehemiah that I have Recved is Leeter and Kind
token by his freind Samuell Powel wency Save
And I kindly Except of and hope thee will Rember
my kind Love & wife my mother an Brother are
All well & Give ther love to you all as If named
I and wife Give our Kind Love too the and wife
and all thy famaly an Shall be Glad of thy <unclear>Prospe__</unclear>
Now mor to Ad But hopeing thes <unclear>fuee</unclear> Lines
Will find you in as Good healt as they Leave
US Blesed bee God for It and all merceys bestowed
one us Loveing Cosen I hope the Except of thes
Few Lines From thy Loveing Cozens
Jonathan & Mary
<und>Sep<sup>t</sup> the 4 day 1727</und>