Document set '564'
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Son Glosester ye 26 12 mo 1715/16
Joseph thy Letter I Reseved wherein thee Signify that thee
art under an obligation of Siting mee[?] to the Bishop of --
Canterburys Cort Except a Speedy end be made; Son Joseph
though I am not terified thy with thy Seiting of me to the --
Bishop of Canterburys Cort yet I am willing to that a speedy
end may be made Because I Beleve Ii[?] will be for thy god[?]
which I very much desirs for my bouls yerns towards thee
I understand by our Law pleduce[?] that wee mighte accomadat
thing very weell if we wate home together, therfor if
the art willing that a Speedy & end bee mad I Shall
Send for Samuel wirt[?] for he hath Lefte directions when
I Shall Send to him in a bout a weeks time I think I Shall
goe to painswik next week if thee dust not agree to this
So noe mor at presant But dear and tender desirs for
thy wellfere I Remain thy Loveing and afechonat
Hannah Lee I did understand by Samuel wirt[?] thee wold not Stand to the formar ageement that you made
Son Glosester y<sup>e</sup> 26 12 <und>mo 1715/16</und>
Joseph thy Letter I Reseved wherein thee Signify that thee
art under an obligation of <unclear>Siting mee</unclear> to the Bishop of --
Canterburys Cort Except a Speedy end be made; Son Joseph
though I am not terified <del>thy</del> with thy Seiting of me to the --
Bishop of Canterburys Cort yet I am willing to that a speedy
end may be made Because I Beleve <unclear>Ii</unclear> will be for thy <unclear>god</unclear>
which I very much desirs for my bouls yerns towards thee
I understand by our Law <unclear>pleduce</unclear> that wee mighte accomad<add>at</add>
thing very weell if we wate home together, therfor if
the art willing that a Speedy <del>&</del> end bee mad I Shall
Send for Samuel <unclear>wirt</unclear> for he hath Lefte directions when
I Shall Send to him in a bout a weeks time I think I Shall
goe to painswik next week if thee dust not agree to this
So noe mor at presant But dear and tender desirs for
thy wellfere I Remain thy Loveing and afechonat
Hannah Lee
I did understand by Samuel <unclear>wirt</unclear>
thee wold not Stand to the formar
ageement that you made<p-end>
Hannah Lee I did understand by Samuel wirt[?] thee wold not Stand to the formar ageement that you made
Son Glosester y<sup>e</sup> 26 12 <und>mo 1715/16</und>
Joseph thy Letter I Reseved wherein thee Signify that thee
art under an obligation of <unclear>Siting mee</unclear> to the Bishop of --
Canterburys Cort Except a Speedy end be made; Son Joseph
though I am not terified <del>thy</del> with thy Seiting of me to the --
Bishop of Canterburys Cort yet I am willing to that a speedy
end may be made Because I Beleve <unclear>Ii</unclear> will be for thy <unclear>god</unclear>
which I very much desirs for my bouls yerns towards thee
I understand by our Law <unclear>pleduce</unclear> that wee mighte accomad<add>at</add>
thing very weell if we wate home together, therfor if
the art willing that a Speedy <del>&</del> end bee mad I Shall
Send for Samuel <unclear>wirt</unclear> for he hath Lefte directions when
I Shall Send to him in a bout a weeks time I think I Shall
goe to painswik next week if thee dust not agree to this
So noe mor at presant But dear and tender desirs for
thy wellfere I Remain thy Loveing and afechonat
Hannah Lee
I did understand by Samuel <unclear>wirt</unclear>
thee wold not Stand to the formar
ageement that you made<p-end>