Document set '518'
Transcript style:other pages

Hillside 3rd of 10th mo /59.
We were much pleased at
the reception of thy letter. some weeks
since, telling of your safe arrival at
the City of Brotherly Love, but
we very sorry to hear you had so
dismal a journey, it was too bad to
have to get so fatigued reaching home
I think you would have had it
much pleasanter & less tiresome
staying all night in Catskills I
beleive stage routes are conceded by
all to be a rather hard way of traveling
& then to be so crowded made
it still worse, & only think the next
week the stage went entirely empty.
We attended Quarterly Meeting & the company we were expecting Hillside 3<sup>rd</sup> of 10<sup>th</sup> mo /59.
<p-bgn>We were much pleased at
the reception of thy letter. some weeks
since, telling of your safe arrival at
the City of Brotherly Love, but
we very sorry to hear you had so
dismal a journey, it was too bad to
have to get so fatigued reaching home
I think you would have had it
much pleasanter & less tiresome
staying all night in Catskills I
beleive stage routes are conceded by
all to be a rather hard way of traveling
& then to be so crowded made
it still worse, & only think the next
week the stage went <und>entirely empty</und>.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We attended Quarterly
Meeting & the company we were expecting
We attended Quarterly Meeting & the company we were expecting Hillside 3<sup>rd</sup> of 10<sup>th</sup> mo /59.
<p-bgn>We were much pleased at
the reception of thy letter. some weeks
since, telling of your safe arrival at
the City of Brotherly Love, but
we very sorry to hear you had so
dismal a journey, it was too bad to
have to get so fatigued reaching home
I think you would have had it
much pleasanter & less tiresome
staying all night in Catskills I
beleive stage routes are conceded by
all to be a rather hard way of traveling
& then to be so crowded made
it still worse, & only think the next
week the stage went <und>entirely empty</und>.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We attended Quarterly
Meeting & the company we were expecting

came home with us after it the week
you left, the next week Father, Mother
& Sarah started on their journey to
Sullivan Co. Mother found her brother
rather better than she expected although
very feeble, they were gone about two
weeks, I had to be houskper[?], with
Ruth King to stay with me, you remember
her perhaps,
We are now once more settled quietly down, just our own family we are enjoying it much, but mother has been quite unwell lately & we have rather too much work to do to make it entirely comfortable.
The weather has been delightful since you left, real cool, too cool for corn for it froze before much of it ripened the 14th of last mo. so I fear corn cakes & mush will not be very plenty this winter for those who have not of last years crop. came home with us after it the week
you left, the next week Father, Mother
& Sarah started on their journey to
Sullivan Co. Mother found her brother
rather better than she expected although
very feeble, they were gone about two
weeks, I had to be <unclear>houskper</unclear>, with
Ruth King to stay with me, you remember
her perhaps,<p-end>
<p-bgn>We are now once more settled
quietly down, just our own family
we are enjoying it much, but mother
has been quite unwell lately &
we have rather too much work to
do to make it entirely comfortable.<p-end>
<p-bgn>The weather has been
delightful since you left, <und>real cool,</und>
<und>too cool for corn</und> for it froze before
much of it ripened the 14<sup>th</sup> of last mo.
so I fear corn cakes & mush will
not be very plenty this winter for
those who have not of last years crop.
We are now once more settled quietly down, just our own family we are enjoying it much, but mother has been quite unwell lately & we have rather too much work to do to make it entirely comfortable.
The weather has been delightful since you left, real cool, too cool for corn for it froze before much of it ripened the 14th of last mo. so I fear corn cakes & mush will not be very plenty this winter for those who have not of last years crop. came home with us after it the week
you left, the next week Father, Mother
& Sarah started on their journey to
Sullivan Co. Mother found her brother
rather better than she expected although
very feeble, they were gone about two
weeks, I had to be <unclear>houskper</unclear>, with
Ruth King to stay with me, you remember
her perhaps,<p-end>
<p-bgn>We are now once more settled
quietly down, just our own family
we are enjoying it much, but mother
has been quite unwell lately &
we have rather too much work to
do to make it entirely comfortable.<p-end>
<p-bgn>The weather has been
delightful since you left, <und>real cool,</und>
<und>too cool for corn</und> for it froze before
much of it ripened the 14<sup>th</sup> of last mo.
so I fear corn cakes & mush will
not be very plenty this winter for
those who have not of last years crop.

Grapes & tomatoes have
ripened rather better than usual this
fall, we are now abounding in them
both, I suppose they have got to be
an old story with you.
Our forests are now clad in the bright glowing colors of Autumn the mountains look as if they were covered with huge boquets of flowers mingled with the dark green pine & hemlock. If you could be here now I know you would enjoy these Autumn days with the purest air & bluest sky & the cool fresh breeze so nice for exercise. but the fogs & rain will come occasionally reminding us of the heavier fall we will have by & by. Winter will soon be upon us seeming to shut us out from the rest of the world by its barriers of snow & ice & bitter cold, not quite so impassible as those that surrounded <p-bgn>Grapes & tomatoes have
ripened rather better than usual this
fall, we are now abounding in them
both, I suppose they have got to be
an old story with you.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Our forests are now clad
in the bright glowing colors of Autumn
the mountains look as if they were
covered with huge boquets of flowers
mingled with the dark green pine <add>&</add>
hemlock. If you could be here now
I know you would enjoy these Autumn
days with the purest air & bluest
sky & the cool fresh breeze so nice
for exercise. but the fogs & rain
will come occasionally reminding us
of the heavier fall we will have
by & by. Winter will soon be upon
us seeming to shut us out from
the rest of the world by its barriers
of snow & ice & bitter cold, not quite
so impassible as those that surrounded
Our forests are now clad in the bright glowing colors of Autumn the mountains look as if they were covered with huge boquets of flowers mingled with the dark green pine & hemlock. If you could be here now I know you would enjoy these Autumn days with the purest air & bluest sky & the cool fresh breeze so nice for exercise. but the fogs & rain will come occasionally reminding us of the heavier fall we will have by & by. Winter will soon be upon us seeming to shut us out from the rest of the world by its barriers of snow & ice & bitter cold, not quite so impassible as those that surrounded <p-bgn>Grapes & tomatoes have
ripened rather better than usual this
fall, we are now abounding in them
both, I suppose they have got to be
an old story with you.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Our forests are now clad
in the bright glowing colors of Autumn
the mountains look as if they were
covered with huge boquets of flowers
mingled with the dark green pine <add>&</add>
hemlock. If you could be here now
I know you would enjoy these Autumn
days with the purest air & bluest
sky & the cool fresh breeze so nice
for exercise. but the fogs & rain
will come occasionally reminding us
of the heavier fall we will have
by & by. Winter will soon be upon
us seeming to shut us out from
the rest of the world by its barriers
of snow & ice & bitter cold, not quite
so impassible as those that surrounded

Dr. Kane in his Arctic winter quarters
but sufficiently formidable to keep
us mostly at home with but little
company, so letters from our friends
are doubly welcome as they reach
here in spite of frost & snow will
you not favor us with one occasionally
as opportunity offers, Hannah
gave a promise of something from Mary
but whether her journey has quite
annihilated her or not I cannot
imagine, at least she gave no
visible token of her actual existence
in the body. This letter is
meant for you both, although I
have hardly used the right pronoun
throughout, you are so intimately
associated that it does not seem
natural to write to one alone.
With much love from us all to you both I am affectionately
Mary Drake. Dr. Kane in his Arctic winter quarters
but sufficiently formidable to keep
us mostly at home with but little
company, so letters from our friends
are doubly welcome as they reach
here in spite of frost & snow will
you not favor us with one occasionally
as opportunity offers, Hannah
gave a promise of something from Mary
but whether her journey has quite
annihilated her or not I cannot
imagine, at least she gave no
visible token of her actual existence
in the body. This letter is
meant for you both, although I
have hardly used the right pronoun
throughout, you are so intimately
associated that it does not seem
natural to write to one alone.<p-end>
<p-bgn>With much love from us all to you
both I am affectionately<p-end>
Mary Drake.
With much love from us all to you both I am affectionately
Mary Drake. Dr. Kane in his Arctic winter quarters
but sufficiently formidable to keep
us mostly at home with but little
company, so letters from our friends
are doubly welcome as they reach
here in spite of frost & snow will
you not favor us with one occasionally
as opportunity offers, Hannah
gave a promise of something from Mary
but whether her journey has quite
annihilated her or not I cannot
imagine, at least she gave no
visible token of her actual existence
in the body. This letter is
meant for you both, although I
have hardly used the right pronoun
throughout, you are so intimately
associated that it does not seem
natural to write to one alone.<p-end>
<p-bgn>With much love from us all to you
both I am affectionately<p-end>
Mary Drake.