Document set '025'
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deare Rebeckah Richarson
by this thou may know that wee receved thine leaveing deate the 17: day 5: mo: 81
by which wee had that hoped and long desiered occount of thy [?] and thy husbond
with the rest: safe ariveall at that port of new yourke as all see of that friend patiance
story thy new nighbor:[?] and of that seasonable upertunity of haveing
thy sirtifieabe[?] read at friends quarterly meeting: now and your deare rebeckah oure[?]
berrels earned for thee: that the sones of the tockens of god great love every way allredy
showed: and may so devell [?]and rest one thy hart and mind: as never to be [?]
for goten by thee: and heare stayed to see that hand of love streched forth still
for further god: as thou art found in the way thear[?] of even as: thou takes
counsell of the lords good speriet: the which hath abended[?] thee from thy [?] youth
to this tim and it will never decline: thee: unless thee decline it: and surely thou
wilt find great need of its asistance: for many things will atend thee severall
ways that will be to hand for thee: unless this neare and never faileing friend
stand by and assist thee: so shall nothing be to hard for thee: and hence it was said
to trust in the lord is ever best: yee as it was said blesed is that man hose hope
the lord is: that he: will order all things things so far good: to them that
hath placed in thine harts the source[?] of the love of god above all: and shuch
can and shall say even in a day of sore besetments and greave breyalls [?] I have
none in heaven out thee nither any in the earth that I desier -- in comparisan
of thee: and shuch doe know that an inward and sperituall good is to be prefered
before any outward temperall good what ever: the lord has ben all that one
or make profechon of his presious way of truth: hether: theare being no trearpece [?]
or comfort shart of this: thus as minded will thou wilt find to be thy
great consarne and as feeling it so will not but remind thee of the same
deare rebeckah I cannot but lett the know that at the reeding the lienes that came
from thee as allso at the reeding of theaes that came from thy deare husbond
at scarberou[?] I had [?] senes that thay ware righten: in and from the same
life in love[?] that our good god had kept us in to our last parting ech from
other as to the outward at graves end my desir -- and earnest prayer -- is that
the lord by his allmighty power -- wold keepe and presarve us all in the Same way
Still who are ye unity is had and kept with the lord and So one with ech other
and as heare the lord of trew love and pece can never be brocken
now deare Rebeckah thy desir -- that thy love with thy husbands Should be remembered
to Severall friends in pirtickeler with all others that aske after -- thy and thy husbands
wellfare ye have in devered to pirforme as all So to thy relations at oxbridg
as upertunity oferreth: and as tuching thares Six paire of Shoose thou vought
to mee of if have Sent with Sam pinns 2000: and 9: heper-clouts[?]
I have all so meade an inquirr of the habr-dasher a bout thy husband
and he tould[?] mee: that thy husbond was safe and well at the conary (but
could not fraite [?]theare: but hee intended to the maderrea ) and from thare[?]
to: the barbados and from thence to Ingland: if the lord pirmitt and
I know not but that the lord hath thus ordered it for his safety:
no more at preseant but oure [?]deare loves to thee we rest: deare Susanah deare and har husbands law: mary Stott[?]: and Severall other -- frend love at london: with widow Stringer and other friends love at wanser[?] -- and my man John barber love: mary Stotts[?] Son and dafter -- kiss[?] with thare youngest child ere gon over to news:![?] had for yett: mensianing that theare is all so a librell[?] Spice in the box [?][?] and take leave and comiet[?] thee to that hand and power[?] of the allmighty god to be preserved farth full to the end
from batessey[?] 20: day 10: mo: 81 Theop[?] and Elizabeth Green our loves to patiance Story[?] I Sent one letter long ago but I know not whether it cam to thy hand deare Rebeckah Richarson
by this thou may know that wee receved thine leaveing deate the 17: day 5: mo: 81
by which wee had that hoped and long desiered occount of thy <del><ill></del> and thy husbond
with the rest: safe ariveall at that port of new yo<add>u</add>rke as all see <sup>of that</sup> friend patiance
story thy new nighbor:<del><ill></del> <add>and</add> of that seasonable upertunity of haveing
thy <unclear>sirtifieabe</unclear> read at friends quarterly meeting: now and your deare rebeckah <unclear>oure</unclear>
berrels earned for thee: that the sones of the tockens of god great love every way allredy
showed: <del>and</del> may so <unclear>devell </unclear>and rest one thy hart and mind: as never to be <ill>
for goten by thee: and heare stayed to see that ha<add>n</add>d of love streched forth still
for further god: as thou art found in the way <unclear>thear</unclear> of even as: thou takes
counsell of the lords good speriet: the which hath <unclear>abended</unclear> thee from thy <del><ill></del> youth
to this tim and it will never decline: thee: unless thee decline it: and surely thou
wilt find great need of its asistance: for many things will atend thee severall
ways that will be to hand for thee: unless this neare and never faileing friend
stand by and assist thee: so shall nothing be to hard for thee: and hence it was said
to trust in the lord is ever best: yee as it was said blesed is that man hose hope
the lord is: that he: will order all things <del>things</del> so far good: to them that
hath placed in thine harts the <unclear>source</unclear> of the love of god above all: and shuch
can and shall say even in a day of sore bes<add>e</add>tments and <unclear>greave breyalls </unclear> I have
none in heaven out thee nither any in the earth that I desier -- in comparisan
of thee: and shuch doe know that an inward and sperituall good is to be prefered
before any outward temperall good what ever: the lord has ben all that one
or make profechon of his presious way of truth: hether: theare being no <unclear>trearpece </unclear>
or comfort shart of this: thus as minded <del>will</del> thou wilt find to be thy
great consarne and as feeling it <add>so</add> will not <add>but</add> remind thee of the same
deare rebeckah I cannot but lett the know that <add>at</add> the reeding the lienes that came
from thee as allso at the reeding of theaes that came from thy deare husbond
at <unclear>scarberou</unclear> I had <ill> senes that <add>thay </add>ware righten: in and from the same
life in <unclear>love</unclear> that our good god had kept us in to our last parting ech from
other as to the outward at graves end my desir -- and earnest prayer -- is that
the lord by his allmighty power -- wold keepe and presarve us all in the Same way
Still who are ye unity is had and kept with the lord and So one with ech other
and as heare the lord of trew love and pece can never be brocken
now deare Rebeckah thy desir -- that thy love with thy husbands Should be remember<add>ed</add>
to Severall friends in pirtickeler with all others that aske after -- thy and thy husbands
wellfare ye have in devered to pirforme as all So to thy relations at oxbridg
as upertunity oferreth: and as tuching thares Six paire of Shoose thou vought
to mee of if have Sent <add>with</add> Sam pinns 2000: and 9: <unclear>heper-clouts</unclear>
I have all so meade an inquirr of the habr-dasher a bout thy husband
and he <unclear>tould</unclear> mee: that <add>thy</add> husbond was safe and well at the conary (but
could not <unclear>fraite </unclear>theare: but hee intended to the maderrea ) and from <unclear>thare</unclear>
to: the barbados and from thence to Ingland: if the lord pirmitt and
I know not but <add>that</add> the lord hath thus ordered it for his safety:<p-end>
no more at preseant but <unclear>oure </unclear>deare loves to thee we rest: deare Susan<add>ah</add>
deare and har husbands law: mary <unclear>Stott</unclear>: and Severall other -- frend love at
london: with widow Stringer and other friends love at <unclear>wanser</unclear> -- and my
man John barber love: mary <unclear>Stotts</unclear> Son and dafter -- <unclear>kiss</unclear> with thare
youngest child <unclear>ere gon over to news:!</unclear> had for yett: mensianing that
theare is all so a<unclear> librell</unclear> Spice in the box <unclear><ill></unclear> and take
leave and <unclear>comiet</unclear> thee to that hand and <unclear>power</unclear> of the allmighty god to
be preserved farth full to the end<p-end>
from <unclear>batessey</unclear> 20: day 10: mo: 81 <unclear>Theop</unclear> and Elizabeth Green
our loves to <unclear>patiance Story</unclear>
I Sent one letter long ago but I know not whether it cam to thy hand
no more at preseant but oure [?]deare loves to thee we rest: deare Susanah deare and har husbands law: mary Stott[?]: and Severall other -- frend love at london: with widow Stringer and other friends love at wanser[?] -- and my man John barber love: mary Stotts[?] Son and dafter -- kiss[?] with thare youngest child ere gon over to news:![?] had for yett: mensianing that theare is all so a librell[?] Spice in the box [?][?] and take leave and comiet[?] thee to that hand and power[?] of the allmighty god to be preserved farth full to the end
from batessey[?] 20: day 10: mo: 81 Theop[?] and Elizabeth Green our loves to patiance Story[?] I Sent one letter long ago but I know not whether it cam to thy hand deare Rebeckah Richarson
by this thou may know that wee receved thine leaveing deate the 17: day 5: mo: 81
by which wee had that hoped and long desiered occount of thy <del><ill></del> and thy husbond
with the rest: safe ariveall at that port of new yo<add>u</add>rke as all see <sup>of that</sup> friend patiance
story thy new nighbor:<del><ill></del> <add>and</add> of that seasonable upertunity of haveing
thy <unclear>sirtifieabe</unclear> read at friends quarterly meeting: now and your deare rebeckah <unclear>oure</unclear>
berrels earned for thee: that the sones of the tockens of god great love every way allredy
showed: <del>and</del> may so <unclear>devell </unclear>and rest one thy hart and mind: as never to be <ill>
for goten by thee: and heare stayed to see that ha<add>n</add>d of love streched forth still
for further god: as thou art found in the way <unclear>thear</unclear> of even as: thou takes
counsell of the lords good speriet: the which hath <unclear>abended</unclear> thee from thy <del><ill></del> youth
to this tim and it will never decline: thee: unless thee decline it: and surely thou
wilt find great need of its asistance: for many things will atend thee severall
ways that will be to hand for thee: unless this neare and never faileing friend
stand by and assist thee: so shall nothing be to hard for thee: and hence it was said
to trust in the lord is ever best: yee as it was said blesed is that man hose hope
the lord is: that he: will order all things <del>things</del> so far good: to them that
hath placed in thine harts the <unclear>source</unclear> of the love of god above all: and shuch
can and shall say even in a day of sore bes<add>e</add>tments and <unclear>greave breyalls </unclear> I have
none in heaven out thee nither any in the earth that I desier -- in comparisan
of thee: and shuch doe know that an inward and sperituall good is to be prefered
before any outward temperall good what ever: the lord has ben all that one
or make profechon of his presious way of truth: hether: theare being no <unclear>trearpece </unclear>
or comfort shart of this: thus as minded <del>will</del> thou wilt find to be thy
great consarne and as feeling it <add>so</add> will not <add>but</add> remind thee of the same
deare rebeckah I cannot but lett the know that <add>at</add> the reeding the lienes that came
from thee as allso at the reeding of theaes that came from thy deare husbond
at <unclear>scarberou</unclear> I had <ill> senes that <add>thay </add>ware righten: in and from the same
life in <unclear>love</unclear> that our good god had kept us in to our last parting ech from
other as to the outward at graves end my desir -- and earnest prayer -- is that
the lord by his allmighty power -- wold keepe and presarve us all in the Same way
Still who are ye unity is had and kept with the lord and So one with ech other
and as heare the lord of trew love and pece can never be brocken
now deare Rebeckah thy desir -- that thy love with thy husbands Should be remember<add>ed</add>
to Severall friends in pirtickeler with all others that aske after -- thy and thy husbands
wellfare ye have in devered to pirforme as all So to thy relations at oxbridg
as upertunity oferreth: and as tuching thares Six paire of Shoose thou vought
to mee of if have Sent <add>with</add> Sam pinns 2000: and 9: <unclear>heper-clouts</unclear>
I have all so meade an inquirr of the habr-dasher a bout thy husband
and he <unclear>tould</unclear> mee: that <add>thy</add> husbond was safe and well at the conary (but
could not <unclear>fraite </unclear>theare: but hee intended to the maderrea ) and from <unclear>thare</unclear>
to: the barbados and from thence to Ingland: if the lord pirmitt and
I know not but <add>that</add> the lord hath thus ordered it for his safety:<p-end>
no more at preseant but <unclear>oure </unclear>deare loves to thee we rest: deare Susan<add>ah</add>
deare and har husbands law: mary <unclear>Stott</unclear>: and Severall other -- frend love at
london: with widow Stringer and other friends love at <unclear>wanser</unclear> -- and my
man John barber love: mary <unclear>Stotts</unclear> Son and dafter -- <unclear>kiss</unclear> with thare
youngest child <unclear>ere gon over to news:!</unclear> had for yett: mensianing that
theare is all so a<unclear> librell</unclear> Spice in the box <unclear><ill></unclear> and take
leave and <unclear>comiet</unclear> thee to that hand and <unclear>power</unclear> of the allmighty god to
be preserved farth full to the end<p-end>
from <unclear>batessey</unclear> 20: day 10: mo: 81 <unclear>Theop</unclear> and Elizabeth Green
our loves to <unclear>patiance Story</unclear>
I Sent one letter long ago but I know not whether it cam to thy hand