Document set '030'
Transcript style:other pages

February ye 2 Day 1693/4
Brother and Sister my love to you both and your
Chilldren hopping you are in so good helth as i
and mine are at present thanks be to god for
it this is to let you understand my husband has
been taken in to france to my and my famyles
few sorow he has bin in france seven months
untill he had lost all that ever he had he
was all most two years of his voyge to vergine
hee tooke all that he had with him and now
he has lost it all and I thought good to give
you an account of it hooping you would stand
his freind another time and I hope he is
nigh home he came to Plymouth the twenty
seventh day of January from france but he is not
come to London yeett Loving Sister your broother
howard Rememembers his Love to you but he is
very ill at present as My Soon John seet saile
for virgine and my son Frances with him John is
Master of the Vessel Pray God send them beeter
Success then his Father had my Mother is very
well and all your relations remembers their
Loves to you your son Presents his Duty to his
ffather and you tho he was not so kind all the
time he has bin at London to come see me
though i heard he was well so having no more
at present but I rest your Loving Sister till dth[?]
Elizebeth Richerdson
Pray send me word the
first oppertunity you have
February y<sup>e</sup> 2 Day 1693/4
Brother and Sister my love to you both and your
Chilldren hopping you are in so good helth as i
and mine are at present thanks be to god for
it this is to let you understand my husband has
been taken in to france to my and my famyles
<del>few</del> sorow he has bin in france seven months
untill he had lost all that ever he had he
was all most two years of his voyge to vergine
hee tooke all that he had with him and now
he has lost it all and I thought good to give
you an account of it hooping you would stand
his freind another time and I hope he is
nigh home he came to Plymouth the twenty
seventh day <add>of</add> January from france but he is not
come to London yeett Loving Sister your broother
howard Rememembers his Love to you but he is
very ill at present as My So<del>o</del>n John seet saile
for virgine and my son Frances with him John is
Master of the Vessel Pray God send them beeter
Success then his Father had my Mother is very
well and all your relations remembers their
Loves to you your son Presents his Duty to his
ffather and you tho he was not so kind all the
time he has bin at London to come see me
though i heard he was well so having no more
at present but I rest your Loving Sister till <unclear>dth</unclear>
Elizebeth Richerdson
Pray send me word the
first oppertunity you have
Brother and Sister my love to you both and your
Chilldren hopping you are in so good helth as i
and mine are at present thanks be to god for
it this is to let you understand my husband has
been taken in to france to my and my famyles
<del>few</del> sorow he has bin in france seven months
untill he had lost all that ever he had he
was all most two years of his voyge to vergine
hee tooke all that he had with him and now
he has lost it all and I thought good to give
you an account of it hooping you would stand
his freind another time and I hope he is
nigh home he came to Plymouth the twenty
seventh day <add>of</add> January from france but he is not
come to London yeett Loving Sister your broother
howard Rememembers his Love to you but he is
very ill at present as My So<del>o</del>n John seet saile
for virgine and my son Frances with him John is
Master of the Vessel Pray God send them beeter
Success then his Father had my Mother is very
well and all your relations remembers their
Loves to you your son Presents his Duty to his
ffather and you tho he was not so kind all the
time he has bin at London to come see me
though i heard he was well so having no more
at present but I rest your Loving Sister till <unclear>dth</unclear>
Elizebeth Richerdson
Pray send me word the
first oppertunity you have

All my Chilldren are well and Gives their service to you both (tho wee --
be downe now Dont you forgett us
All my Chilldren are well and Gives their service to you both (tho wee --
be downe now Dont you forgett us
be downe now Dont you forgett us