Document set '029'
Transcript style:other pages

Most kinde
and Loveing Doughter these When Come to hand is to Satisfie you of ye
Realety and Sinserety of my Love and Affection to you and also to your
husband though Unacquented and at a distence in body yet Can Unfainedly
Say prisent in Spiret and truth and I Will assure you I have not
bene neglygent in Expresing ye Same by pen and paper hetherto
When Ever an opertunety presented but I do Suppose I have bene
Very Unsucksessfull for I have not heard of any that Came to hand
which I must say hath bene no Small trouble to me for I fear if
hath given you an occasion to think me both Unkind and forgetfull
Which I Will assure you I have not nither Shall be during ye bind[?]
of my pilgrimage Doughter I Rece ye price of Silver which
your husband ordered you to Send me and by the Same bearer did
Send you a Small token Which Was half a brode peic[?] of gould and
Would be glad to hear that you had Recived it my Son John Writ
to me that he had Rece a Letter from you Which I Was glad
to hear of both in Respect of your health and Wellfare and also
that you are So kind as to take noatis of him now in the time of
his great poverty I hope if it fall out that he Com into your
Cuntry your husbend and you Will Show him What kindnse[?] you
Can in assisting him in the Way of an Imploy and if you go I hop you
Will find him Honist though never So poor as for my Gran Childer
Which is francis and Rebeckah I Should be glad to So With an
Unexpressable Joy and gladnes but Seing no posebilety of it I
Shall Rest my Self Content and desire of the almighty to give them
a portion of his grace all that Relates to my famely is in health
and gives their Respects to you and yours and desirs you When Ever
an opertunety presents to Let Us hear from you and you may
assure your Self I Shall do the Like When Ever I meat With
a Convinence these being the neadfull I Conclud With my harty
Well Wishes for your health and Happines and Rest your --
from Sheilde ye th 29 Affectionat mother tell
of Octobr -- 1694 Death Dorothy Watson
Most kinde
and Loveing Doughter these When Come to hand is to Satisfie you of y<sup>e</sup>
Realety and Sinserety of my Love and Affection to you and also to your
husband though Unacquented and at a distence in body yet Can Unfainedly
Say prisent in Spiret and truth and I Will assure you I have not
bene neglygent in Expresing y<sup>e</sup> Same by pen and paper hetherto
When Ever an opertunety presented but I do Suppose I have bene
Very Unsucksessfull for I have not heard of any that Came to hand
which I must say hath bene no Small trouble to me for I fear if
hath given you an occasion to think me both Unkind and forgetfull
Which I Will assure you I have not nither Shall be during y<sup>e</sup> <unclear>bind</unclear>
of my pilgrimage Doughter I Rece y<sup>e</sup> price of Silver which
your husband ordered you to Send me and by the Same bearer did
Send you a Small token Which Was half a brode <unclear>peic</unclear> of gould and
Would be glad to hear that you had Recived it my Son John Writ
to me that he had Rece a Letter from you Which I Was glad
to hear of both in Respect of your health and Wellfare and also
that you are So kind as to take noatis of him now in the time of
his great poverty I hope if it fall out that he Com into your
Cuntry your husbend and you Will Show him What <unclear>kindnse</unclear> you
Can in assisting him in the Way of an Imploy and if you <add>go</add> I hop you
Will find him Honist though never So poor as for my Gran Childer
Which is francis and Rebeckah I Should be glad to So With an
Unexpressable Joy and gladnes but Seing no posebilety of it I
Shall Rest my Self Content and desire of the almighty to give them
a portion of his grace all that Relates to my famely is in health
and gives their Respects to you and yours and desirs you When Ever
an opertunety presents to Let Us hear from you and you may
assure your Self I Shall do the Like When Ever I meat With
a Convinence these being the neadfull I Conclud With my harty
Well Wishes for your health and Happines and Rest your --
from Sheilde y<sup>e</sup> <sup>th</sup> 29 Affectionat mother tell
of Octob<sup>r</sup> -- <und>1694</und> Death Dorothy Watson
and Loveing Doughter these When Come to hand is to Satisfie you of y<sup>e</sup>
Realety and Sinserety of my Love and Affection to you and also to your
husband though Unacquented and at a distence in body yet Can Unfainedly
Say prisent in Spiret and truth and I Will assure you I have not
bene neglygent in Expresing y<sup>e</sup> Same by pen and paper hetherto
When Ever an opertunety presented but I do Suppose I have bene
Very Unsucksessfull for I have not heard of any that Came to hand
which I must say hath bene no Small trouble to me for I fear if
hath given you an occasion to think me both Unkind and forgetfull
Which I Will assure you I have not nither Shall be during y<sup>e</sup> <unclear>bind</unclear>
of my pilgrimage Doughter I Rece y<sup>e</sup> price of Silver which
your husband ordered you to Send me and by the Same bearer did
Send you a Small token Which Was half a brode <unclear>peic</unclear> of gould and
Would be glad to hear that you had Recived it my Son John Writ
to me that he had Rece a Letter from you Which I Was glad
to hear of both in Respect of your health and Wellfare and also
that you are So kind as to take noatis of him now in the time of
his great poverty I hope if it fall out that he Com into your
Cuntry your husbend and you Will Show him What <unclear>kindnse</unclear> you
Can in assisting him in the Way of an Imploy and if you <add>go</add> I hop you
Will find him Honist though never So poor as for my Gran Childer
Which is francis and Rebeckah I Should be glad to So With an
Unexpressable Joy and gladnes but Seing no posebilety of it I
Shall Rest my Self Content and desire of the almighty to give them
a portion of his grace all that Relates to my famely is in health
and gives their Respects to you and yours and desirs you When Ever
an opertunety presents to Let Us hear from you and you may
assure your Self I Shall do the Like When Ever I meat With
a Convinence these being the neadfull I Conclud With my harty
Well Wishes for your health and Happines and Rest your --
from Sheilde y<sup>e</sup> <sup>th</sup> 29 Affectionat mother tell
of Octob<sup>r</sup> -- <und>1694</und> Death Dorothy Watson