Document set '037'
Transcript style:other pages

philadelphia ye: 11: 5mo: 1703
deare Child
F[?] Richardson I am sorey I have not had a _ove[?] line from
thee I heard of thy going from New york well but with
who I know not by our friends docter More & Samuel
Chew who desired to be Remembred to thee: threw mercy
our family are well but thy Sister very bad with
ye distemper of A feaviour & Ague & Cough & I am
very porely ye hott wether is very heard for me dere child
give my very Kind Respects to danyell Zackary I saw his
deare Wife & litl Sons A feaw days Agoe they ware very
likely to doe well: be Shure thee Keeps at danyells &
use all diligence to Improve thy Self in what thee wents
About give my Respects to ye friend ye Gould Smith I
Know not his name & to Tho Fitch & Wife & desire
him to lett thee have ye dosen of spones for we much
want them & I would have thee send [?] them by sum safe
hand my Love to Joseph & Wife send them by him
if not comaway & A pice or to of ours if he will
be so Kind as bring them if not doe thee be shure to bring them wth
thee fill them with Stockens or linen & one may
[?] well enough in A port Mantell their
[?] pices of ours [?] one tankert on cap on
shager base on poringer deare Child be very Carefull
of thy Self this hott Season Capt Joshew Grie[?] is Arived
& Randall Johney I hope thee will not be negligent
in writeing to us its three wekes & we have had none
from thee I had a lettor from Samuell Arnold with ye
news of John Crouch his being Maryed: my kind Love
Walter Newbery & friends at Rhoad Island & allso
to friends & neighbours Att Boston My dear Love
to thee with thy Father & Sisters allso I conclude
thy Afectonate Mother
who Earnestly desirs thy wellfaire Rebe: Shippen
philadelphia y<sup>e</sup>: 11: 5<sup>mo</sup>: 1703
deare Child
<unclear>F</unclear> Richardson I am sorey I have not had a <add><unclear>_ove</unclear></add> line from
thee I heard of thy going from New york well but with
who I know not by our friends docter More & Samuel
Chew who desired to be Remembred to thee: threw mercy
our family are well but thy Sister very bad with
y<sup>e</sup> distemper of A feaviour & Ague & Cough & I am
very porely y<sup>e</sup> hott wether is very heard for me dere child
give my very Kind Respects to danyell Zackary I saw his
deare Wife & litl Sons A feaw days Agoe they ware very
likely to doe well: be Shure thee Keeps at danyells &
use all diligence to Improve thy Self in what thee wents
About give my Respects to y<sup>e</sup> friend y<sup>e</sup> Gould Smith I
Know not his name & to Tho Fitch & Wife & desir<sup>e</sup>
him to lett thee have y<sup>e</sup> dosen of spones for we much
want them & I would have thee send <del><ill></del> <add>them</add> by sum safe
hand my Love to Joseph & Wife send them by him
if not comaway & A pice or to of ours if he will
be so Kind <add>as bring them</add> if not doe thee be shure to bring them w<sup>th</sup>
thee fill them with Stockens or linen & one may
<ill> well enough in A port Mantell their
<ill> pices of ours <ill> one ta<add>n</add>kert on cap on
shager base on poringer deare Child be very Carefull
of thy Self this hott Season Capt Joshew <unclear>Grie</unclear> is Arived
& Randall Johney I hope thee will not be negligent
in writeing to us its three wekes & we have had non<add>e</add>
from thee I had a lettor from Samuell Arnold with y<sup>e</sup>
news of John Crouch his being Maryed: my kind Love
Walter Newbery & friends at Rhoad Island & allso
to friends & neighbours Att Boston My dear Love
to thee with thy Father & Sisters allso I conclude
thy Afectonate Mother
who Earnestly desirs thy wellfaire Rebe: Shippen
deare Child
<unclear>F</unclear> Richardson I am sorey I have not had a <add><unclear>_ove</unclear></add> line from
thee I heard of thy going from New york well but with
who I know not by our friends docter More & Samuel
Chew who desired to be Remembred to thee: threw mercy
our family are well but thy Sister very bad with
y<sup>e</sup> distemper of A feaviour & Ague & Cough & I am
very porely y<sup>e</sup> hott wether is very heard for me dere child
give my very Kind Respects to danyell Zackary I saw his
deare Wife & litl Sons A feaw days Agoe they ware very
likely to doe well: be Shure thee Keeps at danyells &
use all diligence to Improve thy Self in what thee wents
About give my Respects to y<sup>e</sup> friend y<sup>e</sup> Gould Smith I
Know not his name & to Tho Fitch & Wife & desir<sup>e</sup>
him to lett thee have y<sup>e</sup> dosen of spones for we much
want them & I would have thee send <del><ill></del> <add>them</add> by sum safe
hand my Love to Joseph & Wife send them by him
if not comaway & A pice or to of ours if he will
be so Kind <add>as bring them</add> if not doe thee be shure to bring them w<sup>th</sup>
thee fill them with Stockens or linen & one may
<ill> well enough in A port Mantell their
<ill> pices of ours <ill> one ta<add>n</add>kert on cap on
shager base on poringer deare Child be very Carefull
of thy Self this hott Season Capt Joshew <unclear>Grie</unclear> is Arived
& Randall Johney I hope thee will not be negligent
in writeing to us its three wekes & we have had non<add>e</add>
from thee I had a lettor from Samuell Arnold with y<sup>e</sup>
news of John Crouch his being Maryed: my kind Love
Walter Newbery & friends at Rhoad Island & allso
to friends & neighbours Att Boston My dear Love
to thee with thy Father & Sisters allso I conclude
thy Afectonate Mother
who Earnestly desirs thy wellfaire Rebe: Shippen

Thy Brother Edwd is gone for Ingland with Capt Watt__[?] I very much want to Remeb
ye valew of five pounds Stabling to Lond__[?] could posiable if the could
gett A small bill yt would be surely payd [?] glad its too one in great nesesity
[?] her love to thee
Thy Brother Edwd is gone for Ingland with Capt <unclear>Watt__</unclear> I very much want to Remeb
ye valew of five pounds Stabling to<unclear> Lond__</unclear> could posiable if the could
gett A small bill yt would be surely payd <ill> glad its too <add>one</add> in great nesesity
<ill> her love to thee
ye valew of five pounds Stabling to<unclear> Lond__</unclear> could posiable if the could
gett A small bill yt would be surely payd <ill> glad its too <add>one</add> in great nesesity
<ill> her love to thee