Document set '036'
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Rebecca Shippen Newport the 22 March 1702/3
Frend This comes to the to Desire that thou wouldest Send
me word -- how my Grand Daughter Doth; for I have
I have a Great Desire to here of her; I being [?] Old and
not Well know not butt this may be the Last that Every I
Shall write. pray Lett me here from Mary by her one hand If
She Can Write, I am with my Love to thy Self and thy husband
and Mary and all frinds Etec;[?] I am Thy Loveing frind
Ann Coddington
Rebecca Shippen Newport <sup>the</sup> 22 March 1702/3
Frend This comes to the to Desire that thou wouldest Send
me word -- how my Grand Daughter Doth; for I have
I have a Great Desire to here of her; I being <del><ill></del> Old and
not Well know not butt this may be the Last that Every I
Shall write. pray Lett me here from Mary by her <add>one</add> hand If
She Can Write, I am with my Love to thy Self and thy husband
and Mary and all frinds <unclear>Etec;</unclear> I am Thy Loveing frind
Ann Coddington
Frend This comes to the to Desire that thou wouldest Send
me word -- how my Grand Daughter Doth; for I have
I have a Great Desire to here of her; I being <del><ill></del> Old and
not Well know not butt this may be the Last that Every I
Shall write. pray Lett me here from Mary by her <add>one</add> hand If
She Can Write, I am with my Love to thy Self and thy husband
and Mary and all frinds <unclear>Etec;</unclear> I am Thy Loveing frind
Ann Coddington