Document set '034'
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ffrom Roterdam May ye 20: day 1698
Ever esteamed & ever affeckeshoned sister after ye sallewets of unformed
love to ye & thy husband & kinde love to Cusin ffrancis & Rebeckah allso our
deare mothers prayers for ye & thine If she be liveing as yt I much queston
loveing Sister I being heare att prisent[?] as mate in a Colyer from Newcascell
& still Continues in a miserabill poore meane Condeishon by what --
un speakeabill troubills I have met with all by faleing into ye handes of unmerceyfull
men, & deare Sister meateing[?] with this opertewnety maid
bold to give ye ye troubill of these to a_guent[?] ye how Itt is with me & ye other
of our Relateions, thre weakes a goe I parted with mother leaveing her
as all may think neare her etarnell happeynes she haveing maid her
will & satteled all worldely affares haveing maid a deveiden for all her
owne Childer to ye vallew of: 50: pd: pease except my self & Itt is Conclouuded
yt mine went ye Endeaver by french also to all granchilder --
moyety so yt I Can sea no other purspest yt If Continu heare I & my
poore ffamely shall know great want & god knowes I know never ye
so much as of late being distiuede of [?] not so much as a bed to lay my --
poore bones one my wife haveing beane[?] very unqratefull to me ye Lord
give her an understandeing in her faileing other wise Itt may shortein
my heare being, but whilest I am heare being meate & ramint[?] would--
make my heare being more Cumfertabill to me If Could have Itt & shall
humbely & earnesly beg for thy Charety by ye hand of sume good trusty
freind I haveing accordeing to thy [?] maid a demand of Will Crouch
for yt littell for ye seather plank but [le]aves[?] he had not: Mr: shippin order
for to pay tharefor none payment ye[t][?] I also produeased him thy litter
wheare in brother shippin had underwrit in thine for to pay yet all --
would not dow so yt If Could have had Itt meight have giveing me great
supply my a boad att prisent is with mother att soueth sheildes neare
newcastell upon tyme mother would be glad & my self a bove all to heare
of thy wellfar & thine with ye she dous much thy Resaiveing of her --
smale toaken to ye by ye hand of: M Lewman[?] yt brought her thine &
yt same pease is ordered to be Returned to ye againe in Remembrance
deare Sister excuese my meane dick[etac]en[?] att prisent being in greate --
hast yt I Cannot expres my self to __as[?] would tharefor would deseier ye
to except of ye will for ye dead & s__[?] Conclouead with herty good wish
& prayers for ye & thine & so Remaine thy poor & ever loveing brother
to ye utmost of my poore Capassety John Richardson
deare Sister If thou Canst give us an a Count of our undewetyfull soon
John, this Cumes by ye: Tryell of London [?] William I well master a freind as
I supose yt Cumes with pasengers fr[om] [?]heare Rotterdam & sent by ye hand
of ye Thomas young a liver in phillaydelpha fines
ffrom Roterdam May y<sup>e</sup> 20: day 1698
Ever esteamed & ever affeckeshoned sister after y<sup>e</sup> sallewets of unform<sup>ed</sup>
love to y<sup>e</sup> & thy husband & kinde love to Cusin ffrancis & Rebeckah allso our
deare mothers prayers for y<sup>e</sup> & thine If she be liveing as y<sup>t</sup> I much queston
loveing Sister I being heare att<unclear> prisent</unclear> as mate in a Colyer from Newcascell
& still Continues in a miserabill poore meane Condeishon by what --
un speakeabill troubills I have met with all by faleing into y<sup>e</sup> handes of unmerceyfull
men, & deare Sister <unclear>meateing</unclear> with this opertewnety maid
bold to give y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>e</sup> troubill of these to <unclear>a_guent</unclear> y<sup>e</sup> how Itt is with me & y<sup>e</sup> other
of our Relateions, thre weakes a goe I parted with mother leaveing her
as all may think neare her etarnell happeynes she haveing maid her
will & satteled all worldely affares haveing maid a deveiden for all her
owne Childer to y<sup>e</sup> vallew of: 50: p<sup>d</sup>: pease except my self & Itt is Conclouuded
y<sup>t</sup> mine went y<sup>e</sup> Endeaver by french also to all granchilder --
moyety so y<sup>t</sup> I Can sea no other purspest y<sup>t</sup> If Continu heare I & my
poore ffamely shall know great want & god knowes I know never y<sup>e</sup>
so much as of late being distiuede of <ill> not so much as a bed to lay my --
poore bones one my wife haveing <unclear>beane</unclear> very unqratefull to me y<sup>e</sup> Lord
give her an understandeing in her faileing other wise Itt may shortein
my heare being, but whilest I am heare being <unclear>meate & ramint</unclear> would--
make my heare being more Cumfertabill to me If Could have Itt & shall
humbely & earnesly beg for thy Charety by y<sup>e</sup> hand of sume good trusty
freind I haveing accordeing to thy <ill> maid a demand of Will Crouch
for y<sup>t</sup> littell for y<sup>e</sup> seather plank but <unclear>[le]aves</unclear> he had not: M<sup>r</sup>: shippin order
for to pay tharefor none payment <unclear>ye[t]</unclear> I also produeased him thy litter
wheare in brother shippin had underwrit in thine for to pay yet all --
would not dow so y<sup>t</sup> If Could have had Itt meight have giveing me great
supply my a boad att prisent is with mother att soueth sheildes neare
newcastell upon tyme mother would be glad & my self a bove all to hear<sup>e</sup>
of thy wellfar & thine with y<sup>e</sup> she dous much thy Resaiveing of her --
smale toaken to y<sup>e</sup> by y<sup>e</sup> hand of: <unclear>M Lewman</unclear> y<sup>t</sup> brought her thine &
y<sup>t</sup> same pease is ordered to be Returned to y<sup>e</sup> againe in Remembrance
deare Sister excuese my meane <unclear>dick[etac]en</unclear> att prisent being in greate --
hast y<sup>t</sup> I Cannot expres my self to <unclear>__as</unclear> would tharefor would deseier y<sup>e</sup>
to except of y<sup>e</sup> will for y<sup>e</sup> dead & <unclear>s__</unclear> Conclouead with herty good wish
& prayers for y<sup>e</sup> & thine & so Remaine thy poor & ever loveing brother
to y<sup>e</sup> utmost of my poore Capassety John Richardson
deare Sister If thou Canst give us an a Count of our undewetyfull soon
John, this Cumes by y<sup>e</sup>: Tryell of London <ill> William I well master a freind as
I supose y<sup>t</sup> Cumes with pasengers <unclear>fr[om] </unclear>heare Rotterdam & sent by y<sup>e</sup> hand
of y<sup>e</sup> Thomas young a liver in phillaydelpha fines
Ever esteamed & ever affeckeshoned sister after y<sup>e</sup> sallewets of unform<sup>ed</sup>
love to y<sup>e</sup> & thy husband & kinde love to Cusin ffrancis & Rebeckah allso our
deare mothers prayers for y<sup>e</sup> & thine If she be liveing as y<sup>t</sup> I much queston
loveing Sister I being heare att<unclear> prisent</unclear> as mate in a Colyer from Newcascell
& still Continues in a miserabill poore meane Condeishon by what --
un speakeabill troubills I have met with all by faleing into y<sup>e</sup> handes of unmerceyfull
men, & deare Sister <unclear>meateing</unclear> with this opertewnety maid
bold to give y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>e</sup> troubill of these to <unclear>a_guent</unclear> y<sup>e</sup> how Itt is with me & y<sup>e</sup> other
of our Relateions, thre weakes a goe I parted with mother leaveing her
as all may think neare her etarnell happeynes she haveing maid her
will & satteled all worldely affares haveing maid a deveiden for all her
owne Childer to y<sup>e</sup> vallew of: 50: p<sup>d</sup>: pease except my self & Itt is Conclouuded
y<sup>t</sup> mine went y<sup>e</sup> Endeaver by french also to all granchilder --
moyety so y<sup>t</sup> I Can sea no other purspest y<sup>t</sup> If Continu heare I & my
poore ffamely shall know great want & god knowes I know never y<sup>e</sup>
so much as of late being distiuede of <ill> not so much as a bed to lay my --
poore bones one my wife haveing <unclear>beane</unclear> very unqratefull to me y<sup>e</sup> Lord
give her an understandeing in her faileing other wise Itt may shortein
my heare being, but whilest I am heare being <unclear>meate & ramint</unclear> would--
make my heare being more Cumfertabill to me If Could have Itt & shall
humbely & earnesly beg for thy Charety by y<sup>e</sup> hand of sume good trusty
freind I haveing accordeing to thy <ill> maid a demand of Will Crouch
for y<sup>t</sup> littell for y<sup>e</sup> seather plank but <unclear>[le]aves</unclear> he had not: M<sup>r</sup>: shippin order
for to pay tharefor none payment <unclear>ye[t]</unclear> I also produeased him thy litter
wheare in brother shippin had underwrit in thine for to pay yet all --
would not dow so y<sup>t</sup> If Could have had Itt meight have giveing me great
supply my a boad att prisent is with mother att soueth sheildes neare
newcastell upon tyme mother would be glad & my self a bove all to hear<sup>e</sup>
of thy wellfar & thine with y<sup>e</sup> she dous much thy Resaiveing of her --
smale toaken to y<sup>e</sup> by y<sup>e</sup> hand of: <unclear>M Lewman</unclear> y<sup>t</sup> brought her thine &
y<sup>t</sup> same pease is ordered to be Returned to y<sup>e</sup> againe in Remembrance
deare Sister excuese my meane <unclear>dick[etac]en</unclear> att prisent being in greate --
hast y<sup>t</sup> I Cannot expres my self to <unclear>__as</unclear> would tharefor would deseier y<sup>e</sup>
to except of y<sup>e</sup> will for y<sup>e</sup> dead & <unclear>s__</unclear> Conclouead with herty good wish
& prayers for y<sup>e</sup> & thine & so Remaine thy poor & ever loveing brother
to y<sup>e</sup> utmost of my poore Capassety John Richardson
deare Sister If thou Canst give us an a Count of our undewetyfull soon
John, this Cumes by y<sup>e</sup>: Tryell of London <ill> William I well master a freind as
I supose y<sup>t</sup> Cumes with pasengers <unclear>fr[om] </unclear>heare Rotterdam & sent by y<sup>e</sup> hand
of y<sup>e</sup> Thomas young a liver in phillaydelpha fines