Document set '057'
Transcript style:other pages

Mother Boston the 6: 9:mo 1704
I Wright by the Last post acquainting
thee of my welfare now this may alsoe acquaint
thee that through the marcy of god I am at this present
time Ingoying the Same and further that I
Intend to Sett out of Boston next forth Day if nothing
hinders the occasune of my Staying So long hear
was to See the friends and to take my Leave of
them who Came to town the Last Six Day the
first Day following we had a meating at the meating
house which was very Large and peaseable alsoe
another in the Evening at [?] D: Z House
which Exceded the formor this morning I went
over to Charlestown with them where I took my
Leave of them they were both well and gives
their Kind Love to thee and the rest of friends
Having now taking my Leave I Shall Indever to make
all possable Speade home as I can Knowing my bisness
[?] Requiers me to be at home I hope in
two weeks time to geet their I have bought of
Tho: Titek[?] one quilt prise 3:lb 10:s and a KaineKouch
prise 2lb 10s he says he rfousees me kind
for my part I am holy a Strainger to those things
I have alsoe bought a small parsell of tules and
other nessa Nessesary belonging to my Traid and a
pease of Drugett for a Koate[?] Six[?] bottles of Canary
I have Ships the a boue Menchened on board
a Sloop Nicklis Johnes Master bound for Phila
Pleas to Speake to Brother Joseph to Receve them
for me in my absence paying Six Shillings for the
freight and at my returne Shall reimburse him
a gaine and Satisfie him for his Truble as for [?]
Bewburb and Jallup Jensend to put it up in my port[?]
Mantill I thought to a wright a line or two to
Brother Joseph but having not time I Desier
thee to Speake to him for me I have letle
further to add Save my Duty to Selfe and Father
wish Kind Love to Sister Brothers and Sisters and to the
rest of my Relations and Friends as though named
so Shall take my Leave at present subscribing my
Selfe with Due Respects thy most Dutifull Son
D Zachary and Waltor Franc Richardson Newberry gives their Kind Love to you all Bro: J. Shipen wifes motherwas I Saw this Day
whose femely is all well
Mother Boston the 6: 9:<sup>mo</sup> <und>1704</und>
<p-bgn>I Wright by the Last post acquainting
thee of my welfare now this may alsoe acquaint
thee that through the marcy of god I am at this present
time Ingoying the Same and further that I
Intend to Sett out of Boston next forth Day if nothing
hinders the occasune of my Staying So long hear
was to See the friends and to take my Leave of
them who Came to town the Last Six Day the
first Day following we had a meating at the m<add>e</add>ating
house which was very Large and peaseable alsoe
another in the Evening at <del><ill></del> D: Z House
which Exceded the formor this morning I went
over to Charlestown with them where I took my
Leave of them they were both well and gives
their Kind Love to thee and the rest of friends
Having now taking my Leave I Shall Indever to make
all possable Speade home as I can Knowing my bisness
<del><ill></del> Requiers me to be at home I hope in
two weeks time to geet their I have bought of
Tho: <unclear>Titek</unclear> one quilt prise 3:<sup>lb</sup> 10:<sup>s</sup> and a KaineKouch
prise 2<sup>lb </sup>10<sup>s</sup> he says he rfousees me kind
for my part I am holy a Strainger to those things
I have alsoe bought a small parsell of tules and
other <del>nessa</del> Nessesary belonging to my Traid and a
pease of Drugett for a <unclear>Koate</unclear> <unclear>Six</unclear> bottles of Canary
I have Ships the a boue Menchened on board
a Sloop Nicklis Johnes Master bound for Phil<sup>a</sup>
Pleas to Speake to Brother Joseph to Receve them
for me in my absence paying Six Shillings for the
freight and at my returne Shall reimburse him
a gaine and Satisfie him for his Truble as for <ill>
Bewburb and Jallup Jensend to put it up in my <unclear>port</unclear>
Mantill I thought to a wright a line or two to
Brother Joseph but having not time I Desier
thee to Speake to him for me I have letle
further to add Save my Duty to Selfe and Father
wish Kind Love to <del>Sister</del> Brothers and Sisters and to the
rest of my Relations and Friends as though named
so Shall take my Leave at present subscribing my
Selfe with Due Respects thy most Dutifull Son<p-end>
D Zachary and Waltor Fran<sup>c</sup> Richardson
<p-bgn>Newberry gives their Kind
Love to you all <add>Bro</add>: J. Shipen
wifes mother <del>was</del> I Saw this Day
whose femely is all well
D Zachary and Waltor Franc Richardson Newberry gives their Kind Love to you all Bro: J. Shipen wifes mother
Mother Boston the 6: 9:<sup>mo</sup> <und>1704</und>
<p-bgn>I Wright by the Last post acquainting
thee of my welfare now this may alsoe acquaint
thee that through the marcy of god I am at this present
time Ingoying the Same and further that I
Intend to Sett out of Boston next forth Day if nothing
hinders the occasune of my Staying So long hear
was to See the friends and to take my Leave of
them who Came to town the Last Six Day the
first Day following we had a meating at the m<add>e</add>ating
house which was very Large and peaseable alsoe
another in the Evening at <del><ill></del> D: Z House
which Exceded the formor this morning I went
over to Charlestown with them where I took my
Leave of them they were both well and gives
their Kind Love to thee and the rest of friends
Having now taking my Leave I Shall Indever to make
all possable Speade home as I can Knowing my bisness
<del><ill></del> Requiers me to be at home I hope in
two weeks time to geet their I have bought of
Tho: <unclear>Titek</unclear> one quilt prise 3:<sup>lb</sup> 10:<sup>s</sup> and a KaineKouch
prise 2<sup>lb </sup>10<sup>s</sup> he says he rfousees me kind
for my part I am holy a Strainger to those things
I have alsoe bought a small parsell of tules and
other <del>nessa</del> Nessesary belonging to my Traid and a
pease of Drugett for a <unclear>Koate</unclear> <unclear>Six</unclear> bottles of Canary
I have Ships the a boue Menchened on board
a Sloop Nicklis Johnes Master bound for Phil<sup>a</sup>
Pleas to Speake to Brother Joseph to Receve them
for me in my absence paying Six Shillings for the
freight and at my returne Shall reimburse him
a gaine and Satisfie him for his Truble as for <ill>
Bewburb and Jallup Jensend to put it up in my <unclear>port</unclear>
Mantill I thought to a wright a line or two to
Brother Joseph but having not time I Desier
thee to Speake to him for me I have letle
further to add Save my Duty to Selfe and Father
wish Kind Love to <del>Sister</del> Brothers and Sisters and to the
rest of my Relations and Friends as though named
so Shall take my Leave at present subscribing my
Selfe with Due Respects thy most Dutifull Son<p-end>
D Zachary and Waltor Fran<sup>c</sup> Richardson
<p-bgn>Newberry gives their Kind
Love to you all <add>Bro</add>: J. Shipen
wifes mother <del>was</del> I Saw this Day
whose femely is all well