Document set '493'
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Woodbury 5th day morn
Dear Miss Mary
Perhaps thee
remembers my telling thee the
early this winter I told thee
a friend of mine was to be
married in May & I was first
bridesmaid I had no idea
when I came down it would
be so soon. But as she is to be
married this week & we are very
busy getting ready perhaps thee
will excuse me until 2nd day
& then I shall be able to settle
down quietly -- Love to the
children & thyself affec.
in haste please excuse the appearance
Woodbury 5<sup>th</sup> day morn
Dear Miss Mary
<p-bgn>Perhaps thee
remembers my telling thee <del>the</del>
early this winter <del>I told thee</del>
a friend of mine was to be
married in May & I was first
bridesmaid I had no idea
when I came down it would
be so soon. But as she is to be
married this week & we are very
busy getting ready perhaps thee
will excuse me until 2<sup>nd</sup> day
& <und>then I shall be able to settle</und>
<und>down quietly</und> -- Love to the
children & thyself affec.
in haste please excuse the appearance
Dear Miss Mary
<p-bgn>Perhaps thee
remembers my telling thee <del>the</del>
early this winter <del>I told thee</del>
a friend of mine was to be
married in May & I was first
bridesmaid I had no idea
when I came down it would
be so soon. But as she is to be
married this week & we are very
busy getting ready perhaps thee
will excuse me until 2<sup>nd</sup> day
& <und>then I shall be able to settle</und>
<und>down quietly</und> -- Love to the
children & thyself affec.
in haste please excuse the appearance