Document set '479'
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Dear Aunt
I am very much engag'd preparing to move
to morrow morning, but must take time, to write
a few lines on friend Anoleys account, who has been
here 3 week times[?] is very desirous to go with us to Ohio
if we shou'd go, she says that as we are all light, &
wou'd take but little baggage with us, perhaps uncle will
may think it will do when he counts up the weight
she wou'd willingly pay her proportion of the expence
& further that she is a pretty great walker & wou'd prefer
walking up the hills & frequently a mile or two at a
time -- but does not wish to urge any thing improperly
if uncle & thee thinks it can be brought to bear & are
quite free that she shou'd go, I wou'd be much oblig'd
if thee wou'd write & let me know as soon as possible
I hope uncle will not think me too importunate, I have
no Interest in the business but to accomadate a friend who
has been as a Mother to me in sickness & in health, --
we are tolerably well, but greatly hurry'd affectionately thy S G Dear Aunt
I am very much engag'd preparing to move
to morrow morning, but must take time, to write
a few lines on friend Anoleys account, who <del>has been</del>
<del><unclear>here 3 week times</unclear></del> is very desirous to go with us to Ohio
<del>if we shou'd go,</del> she says that as we are all light, &
wou'd take but little baggage with us, perhaps uncle <del>will</del>
may think it will do when he counts up the weight
she wou'd willingly pay her proportion of the expence
& further that she is a pretty great walker & wou'd prefer
walking up the hills & frequently a mile or two at a
time -- but does not wish to urge any thing improperly
if uncle & thee thinks it can be brought to bear & are
quite free that she shou'd go, I wou'd be much oblig'd
if thee wou'd write & let me know as soon as possible
I hope uncle will not think me too importunate, I have
no Interest in the business but to accomadate a friend who
has been <add>as</add> a Mother to me in sickness & in health, --<p-end>
we are tolerably well, but greatly hurry'd
affectionately thy
we are tolerably well, but greatly hurry'd affectionately thy S G Dear Aunt
I am very much engag'd preparing to move
to morrow morning, but must take time, to write
a few lines on friend Anoleys account, who <del>has been</del>
<del><unclear>here 3 week times</unclear></del> is very desirous to go with us to Ohio
<del>if we shou'd go,</del> she says that as we are all light, &
wou'd take but little baggage with us, perhaps uncle <del>will</del>
may think it will do when he counts up the weight
she wou'd willingly pay her proportion of the expence
& further that she is a pretty great walker & wou'd prefer
walking up the hills & frequently a mile or two at a
time -- but does not wish to urge any thing improperly
if uncle & thee thinks it can be brought to bear & are
quite free that she shou'd go, I wou'd be much oblig'd
if thee wou'd write & let me know as soon as possible
I hope uncle will not think me too importunate, I have
no Interest in the business but to accomadate a friend who
has been <add>as</add> a Mother to me in sickness & in health, --<p-end>
we are tolerably well, but greatly hurry'd
affectionately thy