Document set '410'
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Philada 4th Mo. 7th 1855.
Dear Cousin
The enclosed Sum of One Thousand
Dollars I desire thee to invest in some good
Security, for the benefit of thy three Sons, the
Interest arising therefrom to be applied towards
defraying the expense of their board and
clothing till they respectively arrive at the
age of twenty one years, at which time one
third of the Principal to be paid to each of
them as a present from me, and in case one
or more of them should die in their minority
it is to pass into the hands of the survivors
or survivors of them
respectfully thy cousin Jane Clark To John Richardson N.B. To the above please add the Sum of Five Hundred Dollars, subject to like conditions.
6th Mo. 4th 1855. Jane Clark Philad<sup>a</sup> 4<sup>th</sup> Mo. 7<sup>th</sup> 1855.
Dear Cousin
<p-bgn>The enclosed Sum of One Thousand
Dollars I desire thee to invest in some good
Security, for the benefit of thy three Sons, the
Interest arising therefrom to be applied towards
defraying the expense of their board and
clothing till they respectively arrive at the
age of twenty one years, at which time one
third of the Principal to be paid to each of
them as a present from me, and in case one
or more of them should die in their minority
it is to pass into the hands of the survivors
or survivors of them <p-end>
respectfully thy cousin
Jane Clark
To John Richardson
<p-bgn>N.B. To the above please add the Sum of Five
Hundred Dollars, subject to like conditions.<p-end>
6<sup>th</sup> Mo. 4<sup>th</sup> 1855. Jane Clark
respectfully thy cousin Jane Clark To John Richardson N.B. To the above please add the Sum of Five Hundred Dollars, subject to like conditions.
6th Mo. 4th 1855. Jane Clark Philad<sup>a</sup> 4<sup>th</sup> Mo. 7<sup>th</sup> 1855.
Dear Cousin
<p-bgn>The enclosed Sum of One Thousand
Dollars I desire thee to invest in some good
Security, for the benefit of thy three Sons, the
Interest arising therefrom to be applied towards
defraying the expense of their board and
clothing till they respectively arrive at the
age of twenty one years, at which time one
third of the Principal to be paid to each of
them as a present from me, and in case one
or more of them should die in their minority
it is to pass into the hands of the survivors
or survivors of them <p-end>
respectfully thy cousin
Jane Clark
To John Richardson
<p-bgn>N.B. To the above please add the Sum of Five
Hundred Dollars, subject to like conditions.<p-end>
6<sup>th</sup> Mo. 4<sup>th</sup> 1855. Jane Clark