Document set '293'
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Bristoll ye 15th of ye 12 mo -- 1731/2
Loving Cozn
I -- Recd: Thine of ye 18th of ye 3d mo: Butt have Been for some
Time under Illness & weakness had nott yt opertunity of sending
an answer am heartily Glad to heare of thy welfare & also
of ye whole family my kind Love To my Dear Brother if Liveing
nott Excluding ye Rest from a share therein Distance of Relation
Doth nott Disolve union of affection in ye people of God they
are of one spiritt though in ye Remotest parts of ye Earth I
am through mer_y[?] att present as well as I Can Expect to Be
Considering my age hopeing these Lines may find thee & ye
family so Likewise I Should Be Glad of a Line from thee
By ye Returne of ye Bearer who Designes to Return ye next fall
his name is Arthur Tuft Goes Mate in ye Diamond Gally
& is a person yt knows my Brother very well if there is
an opertunity sooner I should Be Glad to heare from ye
there Being a Lad Comeing over a servt in yt ship Bound
To Thos Sharp Merchant, yt Liv:d in ye same house with
me his father & Mother Being sober people will Long to
here Now he is setled there & so shall I haveing a Respect
for ym& ye Lad which induceth me to Desire an answer &
first opertunity ye Lads name is Ebenezer Powell Dont omitt
wn there is an opertunity to Enquire for him & if ye Canst Come
To speak with Him Give him Good Counsell & send me word
how he is satisfi:d, with an acct. of our family Desireing the
Most High God to Bless you all in preserving you from Evill
& Makeing us meett for yt Eternall world of Rest & peace
To which in his Due time he will Gather all his from
the utermost parts of ye Earth with which I Conclude --
Subscribing My Self thy Loveing Aunt Joyce Brewer Bristoll y<sup>e</sup> 15<sup>th</sup> of y<sup>e</sup> 12 <sup>mo</sup> -- 1731/2
Loving Coz<sup>n</sup>
<p-bgn>I -- Recd: Thine of y<sup>e</sup> 18<sup>th</sup> of y<sup>e</sup> 3<sup>d</sup> m<sup>o</sup>: Butt have Been for some
Time under Illness & weakness had nott y<sup>t</sup> opertunity of sending
an answer am heartily Glad to heare of thy welfare & also
of y<sup>e</sup> whole family my kind Love To my Dear Brother if Liveing
nott Excluding y<sup>e</sup> Rest from a share therein Distance of Relation
Doth nott Disolve union of affection in y<sup>e</sup> people of God they
are of one spiritt though in y<sup>e</sup> Remotest parts of y<sup>e</sup> Earth I
am through <unclear>mer_y</unclear> att present as well as I Can Expect to Be
Considering my age hopeing these Lines may find thee & y<sup>e</sup>
family so Likewise I Should Be Glad of a Line from thee
By y<sup>e</sup> Returne of y<sup>e</sup> Bearer who Designes to Return ye next fall
his name is Arthur Tuft Goes Mate in y<sup>e</sup> Diamond Gally
& is a person y<sup>t</sup> knows my Brother very well if there is
an opertunity sooner I should Be Glad to heare from y<sup>e</sup>
there Being a Lad Comeing over a serv<sup>t</sup> in y<sup>t</sup> ship Bound
To Tho<sup>s</sup> Sharp Merchant, y<sup>t</sup> Liv:d in y<sup>e</sup> same house with
me his father & Mother Being sober people will Long to
here Now he is setled there & so shall I haveing a Respect
for y<sup>m</sup>& y<sup>e</sup> Lad which induceth me to Desire an answer &
first opertunity y<sup>e</sup> Lads name is Ebenezer Powell Dont omitt
w<sup>n</sup> there is an opertunity to Enquire for him & if y<sup>e</sup> Canst Come
To speak with Him Give him Good Counsell & send me word
how he is satisfi:d, with an acc<sup>t</sup>. of our family Desireing the
Most High God to Bless you all in preserving you from Evill
& Makeing us meett for y<sup>t</sup> Eternall world of Rest & peace
To which in his Due time he will Gather all his from
the utermost parts of y<sup>e</sup> Earth with which I Conclude --<p-end>
Subscribing My Self thy Loveing Aunt
Joyce Brewer
Subscribing My Self thy Loveing Aunt Joyce Brewer Bristoll y<sup>e</sup> 15<sup>th</sup> of y<sup>e</sup> 12 <sup>mo</sup> -- 1731/2
Loving Coz<sup>n</sup>
<p-bgn>I -- Recd: Thine of y<sup>e</sup> 18<sup>th</sup> of y<sup>e</sup> 3<sup>d</sup> m<sup>o</sup>: Butt have Been for some
Time under Illness & weakness had nott y<sup>t</sup> opertunity of sending
an answer am heartily Glad to heare of thy welfare & also
of y<sup>e</sup> whole family my kind Love To my Dear Brother if Liveing
nott Excluding y<sup>e</sup> Rest from a share therein Distance of Relation
Doth nott Disolve union of affection in y<sup>e</sup> people of God they
are of one spiritt though in y<sup>e</sup> Remotest parts of y<sup>e</sup> Earth I
am through <unclear>mer_y</unclear> att present as well as I Can Expect to Be
Considering my age hopeing these Lines may find thee & y<sup>e</sup>
family so Likewise I Should Be Glad of a Line from thee
By y<sup>e</sup> Returne of y<sup>e</sup> Bearer who Designes to Return ye next fall
his name is Arthur Tuft Goes Mate in y<sup>e</sup> Diamond Gally
& is a person y<sup>t</sup> knows my Brother very well if there is
an opertunity sooner I should Be Glad to heare from y<sup>e</sup>
there Being a Lad Comeing over a serv<sup>t</sup> in y<sup>t</sup> ship Bound
To Tho<sup>s</sup> Sharp Merchant, y<sup>t</sup> Liv:d in y<sup>e</sup> same house with
me his father & Mother Being sober people will Long to
here Now he is setled there & so shall I haveing a Respect
for y<sup>m</sup>& y<sup>e</sup> Lad which induceth me to Desire an answer &
first opertunity y<sup>e</sup> Lads name is Ebenezer Powell Dont omitt
w<sup>n</sup> there is an opertunity to Enquire for him & if y<sup>e</sup> Canst Come
To speak with Him Give him Good Counsell & send me word
how he is satisfi:d, with an acc<sup>t</sup>. of our family Desireing the
Most High God to Bless you all in preserving you from Evill
& Makeing us meett for y<sup>t</sup> Eternall world of Rest & peace
To which in his Due time he will Gather all his from
the utermost parts of y<sup>e</sup> Earth with which I Conclude --<p-end>
Subscribing My Self thy Loveing Aunt
Joyce Brewer