Document set '292'
Transcript style:other pages

Bristole, Febry. 25th 1724 --
Loving Cozn
I received your Token which you sent me by --
Ann Jones and preturne you thanks for it and I am heartily
glad to heare that you are In good health as I am at present
writing and as of your Sending of me Severall Letters I recd.
none of them and that was the reason, that you did not heare
from me and as for the furer I will Send Letters att any time
that I have an oppertunity for to Send by any one that comes
that way and I shall Expect the Same of you as Long as you
are Living -- & Remember my hearty Love to my Brother
Nehemiah and to his Children, & to your Selfe and Wife and
to all your family -- & to Sister Lydia Pryor and to all --
friends -- So having no more to add at present --
to you but Shall Conclude and I Remaine your Loving --
Aunt --
Joyce Brewer -- Bristole, Feb<sup>ry</sup>. 25<sup>th</sup> 1724 --
Loving Coz<sup>n</sup>
I received your Token which you sent me by --
Ann Jones and preturne you thanks for it and I am heartily
glad to heare that you are In good health as I am at present
writing and as of your Sending of me Severall Letters I rec<sup>d</sup>.
none of them and that was the reason, that you did not heare
from me and as for the furer I will Send Letters att any time
that I have an oppertunity for to Send by any one that comes
that way and I shall Expect the Same of you as Long as you
are Living -- & Remember my hearty Love to my Brother
Nehemiah and to his Children, & to your Selfe and Wife and
to all your family -- & to Sister Lydia Pryor and to all --
friends -- So having no more to add at present --
to you but Shall Conclude and I Remaine your Loving --
Aunt --<p-end>
Joyce Brewer --
Joyce Brewer -- Bristole, Feb<sup>ry</sup>. 25<sup>th</sup> 1724 --
Loving Coz<sup>n</sup>
I received your Token which you sent me by --
Ann Jones and preturne you thanks for it and I am heartily
glad to heare that you are In good health as I am at present
writing and as of your Sending of me Severall Letters I rec<sup>d</sup>.
none of them and that was the reason, that you did not heare
from me and as for the furer I will Send Letters att any time
that I have an oppertunity for to Send by any one that comes
that way and I shall Expect the Same of you as Long as you
are Living -- & Remember my hearty Love to my Brother
Nehemiah and to his Children, & to your Selfe and Wife and
to all your family -- & to Sister Lydia Pryor and to all --
friends -- So having no more to add at present --
to you but Shall Conclude and I Remaine your Loving --
Aunt --<p-end>
Joyce Brewer --