Document set '205'
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Sunday Feb 7th 1830
My dear Uncle
Perhaps it would be a Satisfaction
to no we have got moved to
Ruth Morris's. The 2d of this Month. Mother
did not take any cold. she is much more
comfortable here. I think she is rather better
she has not had a return of shiting --
she[?] feels very much like it sometime
her Blisters are very sore. in consequence
of having them repeated so often --
Mother desires her love to all your Family
My time is short. Therefore my letter
must be short -- from Thy affectionate
Niece Mary -- Sunday Feb 7<sup>th</sup> 1830
My dear Uncle
<p-bgn>Perhaps it would be a Satisfaction
to no we have got moved to
Ruth Morris'<sup>s</sup>. The 2<sup>d</sup> of this Month. Mother
did not take any cold. she is much more
comfortable here. I think she is rather better
she has not had a return of shiting --
<unclear>she</unclear> feels very much like it sometime
her Blisters are very sore. in consequence
of having them repeated so often --
Mother desires her love to all <und>your Family</und>
My time is short. Therefore my letter
must be short -- from Thy affectionate<p-end>
Niece Mary --
Niece Mary -- Sunday Feb 7<sup>th</sup> 1830
My dear Uncle
<p-bgn>Perhaps it would be a Satisfaction
to no we have got moved to
Ruth Morris'<sup>s</sup>. The 2<sup>d</sup> of this Month. Mother
did not take any cold. she is much more
comfortable here. I think she is rather better
she has not had a return of shiting --
<unclear>she</unclear> feels very much like it sometime
her Blisters are very sore. in consequence
of having them repeated so often --
Mother desires her love to all <und>your Family</und>
My time is short. Therefore my letter
must be short -- from Thy affectionate<p-end>
Niece Mary --