Document set '198'
Transcript style:other pages

Wednesday, 24th 1828
My Dear Uncle
We received thy kind letter Monday
morning. I would have answered it immediately.
if my dear Mother had been as well as usual. I
do feel very much alarmed about her. she has
a very bad cough. and the pains are very severe
in deed. she has had several very bad spells this
week. she is quite dis-couraged. thinks their is no hope
of her ever getting better. her spirits are very much
depressed. it is very distressing to us to see her suffer as
she does day after day. Sister Susan would be very glad
to accept of the offer Cousin Sarah made her. if Mother
was well enough for her to leave Home, but I cannot
think of taking the charge of the Family and doing
Mother justice while she remains in this weak state.
I am afraid we shall not have her with us a great
while. and then we shall have to be separated.
the thought is painful. we thought of sending
Brother John to School the first of next month. as
the has been so kind as to mention it. I spoke to
James Tailor this morning about. it he said he
would take him. the price is 4 dollars per quarter.
Wednesday, 24<sup>th</sup> 1828
My Dear Uncle
<p-bgn>We received thy kind letter Monday
morning. I would have answered it immediately.
if my dear Mother had been as well as usual. I
do feel very much alarmed about her. she has
a very bad cough. and the pains are very severe
in deed. she has had several very bad spells this
week. she is quite dis-couraged. thinks their is no hope
of her ever getting better. her spirits are very much
depressed. it is very distressing to us to see her suffer as
she does day after day. Sister Susan would be very glad
to accept of the offer Cousin Sarah made her. if Mother
was well enough for her to leave Home, but I cannot
think of taking the charge of the Family and doing
Mother justice while she remains in this weak state.
I am afraid we shall not have her with us a great
while. and then we shall have to be separated.
the thought is painful. we thought of sending
Brother John to School the first of next month. as
the has been so kind as to mention it. I spoke to
James Tailor this morning about. it he said he
would take him. the price is 4 dollars per quarter.
My Dear Uncle
<p-bgn>We received thy kind letter Monday
morning. I would have answered it immediately.
if my dear Mother had been as well as usual. I
do feel very much alarmed about her. she has
a very bad cough. and the pains are very severe
in deed. she has had several very bad spells this
week. she is quite dis-couraged. thinks their is no hope
of her ever getting better. her spirits are very much
depressed. it is very distressing to us to see her suffer as
she does day after day. Sister Susan would be very glad
to accept of the offer Cousin Sarah made her. if Mother
was well enough for her to leave Home, but I cannot
think of taking the charge of the Family and doing
Mother justice while she remains in this weak state.
I am afraid we shall not have her with us a great
while. and then we shall have to be separated.
the thought is painful. we thought of sending
Brother John to School the first of next month. as
the has been so kind as to mention it. I spoke to
James Tailor this morning about. it he said he
would take him. the price is 4 dollars per quarter.

we shall be glad to see thee when ever it is
quite convenient for thee to leave Home, that
was one thing Mother wished to see thee about.
John's going to School. he has promised me to be
very attentive to his Studies this winter. he is a
very good Boy. Mother says she does not wish
the to come up until it is quite convenient. nothing
will suffer. we hear Sister Abbey is in Philadelphia.
we are very anxious to see her. Aunt May has been
very kind to keep her so long. we never can pay
her for her kindness. we look for Aunt Mary
Lamb every day.
from your affectionate Niece, Mary Hoskins remember us to all the Family. I hope cousin John is better. we shall be glad to see thee when ever it is
quite convenient for thee to leave Home, that
was one thing Mother wished to see thee about.
John's going to School. he has promised me to be
very attentive to his Studies this winter. he is a
very good Boy. Mother says she does not wish
the to come up until it is quite convenient. nothing
will suffer. we hear Sister Abbey is in Philadelphia.
we are very anxious to see her. Aunt May has been
very kind to keep her so long. we never can pay
her for her kindness. we look for Aunt Mary
Lamb every day.<p-end>
from your affectionate
Niece, Mary Hoskins
remember us to all the Family. I hope cousin
John is better.
from your affectionate Niece, Mary Hoskins remember us to all the Family. I hope cousin John is better. we shall be glad to see thee when ever it is
quite convenient for thee to leave Home, that
was one thing Mother wished to see thee about.
John's going to School. he has promised me to be
very attentive to his Studies this winter. he is a
very good Boy. Mother says she does not wish
the to come up until it is quite convenient. nothing
will suffer. we hear Sister Abbey is in Philadelphia.
we are very anxious to see her. Aunt May has been
very kind to keep her so long. we never can pay
her for her kindness. we look for Aunt Mary
Lamb every day.<p-end>
from your affectionate
Niece, Mary Hoskins
remember us to all the Family. I hope cousin
John is better.