Document set '051'
Transcript style:other pages

Boston ye 2 of the 6mo 1708
after my Duty to thee this may
Informe thee that through the goodness of god I
am at this Jounture of time very well So hoping
these fwe Lines may find you all injoying the same
I have recd but one Letter from the this prety while
but hope by the next post to have a leter I sopose
[?][?] thee hast recd mine this being the forth
as I have write which hope may Come safe to
thy hand I recd a letter from Mary Hayood which
in formed me that thou was not well at which
I was trubeled to hear of thy being so indisposed I
hope to hear by the first oppo how its with thee
I thought to a wright by Brother Joseph his going
so Sudingly away Could not have time Sopose he
may have gott home or near it by this time I
saw his wife and Son to Day who are well --
I think long to see you againe some time in the
seven Seventh month I hope to be at home to
see you once againe if it be the will of god
which I earnestly Desier if it pleas god to
Conduct me home in Satty to see one another
fase to fase then Shall my Soul magnifie
the grate god who is presarver of his both
by See and Land though men may meat
with trubel hear below yett god is the
Stay of his people so with harty acqnoledgements
of my Duty to the who has ben such a tender
& Efectienate Mother which hope
I Shall never forgett I subscribe thy
most Dutifull and obediand son
Boston y<sup>e</sup> 2 of the 6<sup>mo</sup> <und>1708</und>
after my Duty to thee this may
Informe thee that through the goodness of god I
am at this Jounture of time very well So hoping
these fwe Lines may find you all injoying the same
I have recd but one Letter from the this prety while
but hope by the next post to have a leter I sopose
<unclear><ill></unclear> thee hast rec<sup>d</sup> mine this being the forth
as I have write which hope may Come safe to
thy hand I rec<sup>d</sup> a letter from Mary Hayood which
in formed me that thou was not well at which
I was trubeled to hear of thy being so indisposed I
hope to hear by the first opp<sup>o</sup> how its with thee
I thought to a wright by Brother Joseph his going
so Sudingly away Could not have time Sopose he
may have gott home or near it by this time I
saw his wife and Son to Day who are well --
I think long to see you againe some time in the
<del>seven</del> Seventh month I hope to be at home to
see you once againe if it be the will of god
which I earnestly Desier if it pleas god to
Conduct me home in Satty to see one another
fase to fase then Shall my Soul magnifie
the grate god who is presarver of his both
by See and Land though men may meat
with trubel hear below yett god is the
Stay of his people so with harty acqnoledge<add>ments</add>
of my Duty to the who has ben such a tender
& Efectienate Mother which hope
I Shall never forgett I subscribe thy
most Dutifull and obediand son
Boston y<sup>e</sup> 2 of the 6<sup>mo</sup> <und>1708</und>
after my Duty to thee this may
Informe thee that through the goodness of god I
am at this Jounture of time very well So hoping
these fwe Lines may find you all injoying the same
I have recd but one Letter from the this prety while
but hope by the next post to have a leter I sopose
<unclear><ill></unclear> thee hast rec<sup>d</sup> mine this being the forth
as I have write which hope may Come safe to
thy hand I rec<sup>d</sup> a letter from Mary Hayood which
in formed me that thou was not well at which
I was trubeled to hear of thy being so indisposed I
hope to hear by the first opp<sup>o</sup> how its with thee
I thought to a wright by Brother Joseph his going
so Sudingly away Could not have time Sopose he
may have gott home or near it by this time I
saw his wife and Son to Day who are well --
I think long to see you againe some time in the
<del>seven</del> Seventh month I hope to be at home to
see you once againe if it be the will of god
which I earnestly Desier if it pleas god to
Conduct me home in Satty to see one another
fase to fase then Shall my Soul magnifie
the grate god who is presarver of his both
by See and Land though men may meat
with trubel hear below yett god is the
Stay of his people so with harty acqnoledge<add>ments</add>
of my Duty to the who has ben such a tender
& Efectienate Mother which hope
I Shall never forgett I subscribe thy
most Dutifull and obediand son

Daniel Zachary
I have I have
I hav have Ingland
I pray[?]
I pra Sent to
you all Mother
I am y
I I have
Loving ffriend
This Day I have
recd Thine & I note
the Contence but
have not time to
Answer it So Sesire[?]
the to SE Eques[?]
Daniel Zachary
I have I have
I hav have Ingland
I <unclear>pray</unclear>
I pra Sent to
you all Mother
I am y
I I have
Loving ffriend
This Day I have
rec<sup>d</sup> Thine & I note
the Contence but
have not time to
Answer it <unclear>So Sesire</unclear>
the to SE <unclear>Eques</unclear>
Daniel Zachary
I have I have
I hav have Ingland
I <unclear>pray</unclear>
I pra Sent to
you all Mother
I am y
I I have
Loving ffriend
This Day I have
rec<sup>d</sup> Thine & I note
the Contence but
have not time to
Answer it <unclear>So Sesire</unclear>
the to SE <unclear>Eques</unclear>