Document set '035'
Transcript style:other pages

Philadelphia ye 13 of ye 8 mo 99
dear & tenderly Beloved freind S: Dew[?]
Who with unfained love I dearly Salute at this time not knowing
whether I may have another oppertunity for dear freind it has been
a time of grate mortality hear yeLord has been pleased to remove many
of our Ancient as well as young & midelaged many yt was very near &
dear to us: as dear Roger Gill A___[?] Cooke Tho: Ducket & dear
Richard Hoskins wife & Eldest __ Sister[?] & dear Ann Dillworths
Husband yt of writ to ye by & my dear Sistor Mary Mary is Prefer
ye to dear Arron Adkinson by whome this comes for ferther
accot who has been a faithfull Labouror Amongst us who has
largely ptooke of our Exercise & was very weak of body
but Blesed be ye worthy Name of our Good & Gracious
God in yt he was pleased to Rayse him Again Amongst
us which wast o ye Reioycing & Comforting of many
he was at our yearly meating thoug weake of body yet ye lords
power was Eminently with him & dear The Story & Roger gill
& ye lords presance filled ye harts of people many & blessed be his lively
& powerfull name over all for ever we had a sweat & precious
Season & time to gather to ye Strengthenig & comforting of
ye wery travelours althoug it is a bowing time ye lord is good
to his people I desire we may be willing to be resined to his will
dear Roger Gill had traveled throug newengland & as he was
returning from thenc heard of our Excorcise & wass not easy
untill he came amongst us who was a diligent & faithfull
labourror visiting ye Sick & at burialls everyday as well as
dear arron untill they ware taken Sick dear Roger lay a
boute a weak & then I beleave ye Lord took him to his Everlasting
rest & peace & his memorial lives & will live amoung
ye faithfull oh yt we may be fited to follow him & as to our
dear freind arron hous face is set towards you al thoug but
weakly as yet its our earnest breathing Cry & suplication to
all mighty god yt he will preserve him & conduct him safe to
you which we Shall much rejoyce to hear of oh yt we may be
truly bowed in deepe humility before ye lord our God yt he
may be Intreated if it be his Blessed will to Stay his hand
& Say to ye destroying Angell it is anougf but not our --
Philadelphia y<sup>e</sup> 13 of y<sup>e</sup> 8 <sup>mo</sup> <und>99</und>
dear & tenderly B<add>e</add>loved freind <unclear>S: Dew</unclear>
Who with unfained love I dearly Salute at this time not knowing
whether I may have another oppertunity for dear freind it has been
a time of grate mortality hear y<sup>e</sup>Lord has been pleased to remove many
of our Ancient as well as young & midelaged many y<sup>t</sup> was very near &
dear to us: as dear Roger Gill <unclear>A___</unclear> Cooke Tho: Ducket & dear
Richard Hoskins wife & Eldest <unclear>__ Sister</unclear> & dear Ann Dillworths
Husband y<sup>t</sup> of writ to y<sup>e</sup> by & my dear Sistor Mary Mary is Prefer
y<sup>e</sup> to dear Arron Adkinson by <add>w</add>home this comes for ferther
acco<sup>t</sup> who has been a faithfull Labouror Amongst us who has
largely ptooke of our Exercise & was very weak of body
but Blesed be y<sup>e</sup> worthy Name of our Good & Gracious
God in y<sup>t</sup> he was pleased to Rayse him Again Amongst
us which wast o y<sup>e</sup> Reioycing & Comforting of many
he was at our yearly meating thoug weake of body yet y<sup>e</sup> lords
power was Eminently with him & dear The Story & Roger gill
& y<sup>e</sup> lords presance filled y<sup>e</sup> harts of <del>people</del> <add>many</add> & blessed be his lively
& powerfull name over all for ever we had a sweat & precious
Season & time to gather to y<sup>e</sup> Strengthenig & comforting of
y<sup>e</sup> wery travelours althoug it is a bowing time y<sup>e</sup> lord is good
to his people I desire we may be willing to be resined to his will
dear Roger Gill had traveled throug newengland & as he was
returning from thenc heard of our Excorcise & wass not easy
untill he came amongst us who was a diligent & faithfull
labourror visiting y<sup>e</sup> Sick & at burialls everyday as well as
dear arron untill they ware taken Sick dear Roger lay a
boute a weak & then I beleave y<sup>e</sup> Lord took him to his Everlasting
rest & peace & his memorial lives & will live amoung
y<sup>e</sup> faithfull oh yt we may be fited to follow him & as to our
dear freind arron hous face is set towards you al thoug but
weakly as yet its our earnest breathing Cry & suplication to
all mighty god yt he will preserve him & conduct him safe to
you which we Shall much rejoyce to hear of oh y<sup>t</sup> we may be
truly bowed in deepe humility before y<sup>e</sup> lord our God y<sup>t</sup> he
may be Intreated if it be his Blessed will to Stay his hand
& Say to y<sup>e</sup> destroying Angell it is anou<add>g</add>f but not our --
dear & tenderly B<add>e</add>loved freind <unclear>S: Dew</unclear>
Who with unfained love I dearly Salute at this time not knowing
whether I may have another oppertunity for dear freind it has been
a time of grate mortality hear y<sup>e</sup>Lord has been pleased to remove many
of our Ancient as well as young & midelaged many y<sup>t</sup> was very near &
dear to us: as dear Roger Gill <unclear>A___</unclear> Cooke Tho: Ducket & dear
Richard Hoskins wife & Eldest <unclear>__ Sister</unclear> & dear Ann Dillworths
Husband y<sup>t</sup> of writ to y<sup>e</sup> by & my dear Sistor Mary Mary is Prefer
y<sup>e</sup> to dear Arron Adkinson by <add>w</add>home this comes for ferther
acco<sup>t</sup> who has been a faithfull Labouror Amongst us who has
largely ptooke of our Exercise & was very weak of body
but Blesed be y<sup>e</sup> worthy Name of our Good & Gracious
God in y<sup>t</sup> he was pleased to Rayse him Again Amongst
us which wast o y<sup>e</sup> Reioycing & Comforting of many
he was at our yearly meating thoug weake of body yet y<sup>e</sup> lords
power was Eminently with him & dear The Story & Roger gill
& y<sup>e</sup> lords presance filled y<sup>e</sup> harts of <del>people</del> <add>many</add> & blessed be his lively
& powerfull name over all for ever we had a sweat & precious
Season & time to gather to y<sup>e</sup> Strengthenig & comforting of
y<sup>e</sup> wery travelours althoug it is a bowing time y<sup>e</sup> lord is good
to his people I desire we may be willing to be resined to his will
dear Roger Gill had traveled throug newengland & as he was
returning from thenc heard of our Excorcise & wass not easy
untill he came amongst us who was a diligent & faithfull
labourror visiting y<sup>e</sup> Sick & at burialls everyday as well as
dear arron untill they ware taken Sick dear Roger lay a
boute a weak & then I beleave y<sup>e</sup> Lord took him to his Everlasting
rest & peace & his memorial lives & will live amoung
y<sup>e</sup> faithfull oh yt we may be fited to follow him & as to our
dear freind arron hous face is set towards you al thoug but
weakly as yet its our earnest breathing Cry & suplication to
all mighty god yt he will preserve him & conduct him safe to
you which we Shall much rejoyce to hear of oh y<sup>t</sup> we may be
truly bowed in deepe humility before y<sup>e</sup> lord our God y<sup>t</sup> he
may be Intreated if it be his Blessed will to Stay his hand
& Say to y<sup>e</sup> destroying Angell it is anou<add>g</add>f but not our --

will but his will be doun & yt we may neyther ask length of day
nor riches nor honour but the fue days we have hear to spend
may be spent to ye glory honour & prays of his glories worthy
& honourable name who is worthy worthy says my Soul forever[?]
more dear freind. if ye Should se our dear freinds yt [?]
from hence I desire to have my dear love to them as al__[?][?]
those of our dear freinds yt has been in our parts to visit[?][?]
ye may have opertunity we ware very glad to hear of their arrivall[?]
I hope we shall hear soon of ye Arival of our dear [?]
Joseph Kirkbright by home I writ to ye I allso desire to h__[?][?]
every dear love to dear Theo: Gre__[?] I writ to him according to his
desire & let him know how it is with us we have laws to be very
thankfull to ye Lord who has spared our family to this time
my dear Husband was ill when dear Arron was Sick & I have
been attend with much weakness & more of our family down but
are through mercy up again my brother John has buried his wife
& Eldest daughter dear Tho: Musgrove dyed at sea youl have an acot
of ye desolate ship by our dear freind who has an Account of
ye names of those yt dyed ye lord Is shewing of us yt our dependance
should be upon him alone who is an Alsoficient god help our
who sayd worm Jacob I will help ye & although many comforts are
removed from us its he alone yt able to rays up [?] to cary on his
grate & gloryus work yt he has begun to ye praise of his gloryes
& powerfull name & my dear freind once more my very dear love is
to ye & mariabalah[?] & son & daughter with dear Mary Elson with our
dear freind John Feald & John Vatton with all our dear freinds & ac
acquaintence yt may Inquire Aftor us we desire your prayers may
be to ye Lord for us as ours is oft for you for for we have nead of them
so dear friend to ye Lord I desire to commit ye with my own Soull
& Remain thy Real friend - - -
Rebekah Shippen
will but his will be doun & y<sup>t</sup> we may neyther ask length of day
nor riches nor honour but the fue days we have hear to spend
may be spent to y<sup>e</sup> glory honour & prays of his glories worthy
& honourable name who is worthy worthy says my Soul <unclear>forever</unclear>
more dear freind. if y<sup>e</sup> Should se our dear freinds y<sup>t</sup> <ill>
from hence I desire to have my dear love to them as <unclear>al__</unclear><ill>
those of our dear freinds y<sup>t</sup> has been in our parts to <unclear>visit</unclear><ill>
y<sup>e</sup> may have opertunity we ware very glad to hear of <unclear>their arrivall</unclear>
I hope we shall hear soon of y<sup>e</sup> Arival of our dear <ill>
Joseph Kirkbright by home I writ to y<sup>e</sup> I allso desire to <unclear>h__</unclear><ill>
every dear love to dear Theo: <unclear>Gre__</unclear> I writ to him according to his
desire & let him know how it is with us we have laws to be very
thankfull to y<sup>e</sup> Lord who has spared our family to this time
my dear Husband was ill when dear Arron was Sick & I have
be<sup>e</sup>n attend with much weakness & more of our family down but
are through mercy up again my brother John has buried his wife
& Eldest daughter dear Tho: Musgrove dyed at sea youl have an aco<sup>t</sup>
of y<sup>e</sup> desolate ship by our dear freind who has an Account of
y<sup>e</sup> names of those y<sup>t</sup> dyed y<sup>e</sup> lord Is shewing of us y<sup>t</sup> our dependance
should be upon him alone who is an Alsoficient <del>god</del> help our
who sayd worm Jacob I will help y<sup>e</sup> & although many comforts are
removed from us its he alone y<sup>t</sup> able to rays up <ill> to cary on his
grate & gloryus work y<sup>t</sup> he has begun to y<sup>e</sup> praise of his gloryes
& powerfull name & my dear freind once more my very dear love is
to y<sup>e</sup> & <unclear>mariabalah</unclear> & son & daughter with dear Mary Elson with our
dear freind John Feald & John Vatton with all our dear freinds & <del>ac</del>
acquaintence y<sup>t</sup> may Inquire Aftor us we desire your prayers may
be to y<sup>e</sup> Lord for us as ours is oft for you for for we have nead of them
so dear friend to y<sup>e</sup> Lord I desire to commit y<sup>e</sup> with my own Soull
& Remain thy Real friend - - -
Rebekah Shippen
nor riches nor honour but the fue days we have hear to spend
may be spent to y<sup>e</sup> glory honour & prays of his glories worthy
& honourable name who is worthy worthy says my Soul <unclear>forever</unclear>
more dear freind. if y<sup>e</sup> Should se our dear freinds y<sup>t</sup> <ill>
from hence I desire to have my dear love to them as <unclear>al__</unclear><ill>
those of our dear freinds y<sup>t</sup> has been in our parts to <unclear>visit</unclear><ill>
y<sup>e</sup> may have opertunity we ware very glad to hear of <unclear>their arrivall</unclear>
I hope we shall hear soon of y<sup>e</sup> Arival of our dear <ill>
Joseph Kirkbright by home I writ to y<sup>e</sup> I allso desire to <unclear>h__</unclear><ill>
every dear love to dear Theo: <unclear>Gre__</unclear> I writ to him according to his
desire & let him know how it is with us we have laws to be very
thankfull to y<sup>e</sup> Lord who has spared our family to this time
my dear Husband was ill when dear Arron was Sick & I have
be<sup>e</sup>n attend with much weakness & more of our family down but
are through mercy up again my brother John has buried his wife
& Eldest daughter dear Tho: Musgrove dyed at sea youl have an aco<sup>t</sup>
of y<sup>e</sup> desolate ship by our dear freind who has an Account of
y<sup>e</sup> names of those y<sup>t</sup> dyed y<sup>e</sup> lord Is shewing of us y<sup>t</sup> our dependance
should be upon him alone who is an Alsoficient <del>god</del> help our
who sayd worm Jacob I will help y<sup>e</sup> & although many comforts are
removed from us its he alone y<sup>t</sup> able to rays up <ill> to cary on his
grate & gloryus work y<sup>t</sup> he has begun to y<sup>e</sup> praise of his gloryes
& powerfull name & my dear freind once more my very dear love is
to y<sup>e</sup> & <unclear>mariabalah</unclear> & son & daughter with dear Mary Elson with our
dear freind John Feald & John Vatton with all our dear freinds & <del>ac</del>
acquaintence y<sup>t</sup> may Inquire Aftor us we desire your prayers may
be to y<sup>e</sup> Lord for us as ours is oft for you for for we have nead of them
so dear friend to y<sup>e</sup> Lord I desire to commit y<sup>e</sup> with my own Soull
& Remain thy Real friend - - -
Rebekah Shippen