Document set '033'
Transcript style:other pages

From Soueth Sheildes [?] ye Janenary ye: 10: 1692[?]
Ever esteamed Sister after ye salleuts[?] of trew love with mothers & all ye rest of
ours to ye & all thine with ye, Deare Sister this opertewnety presenting heare
with us I well knew my self Obliged to give ye ye troubell of these & by ye Request
of deare mother is strictly Charged two give ye an a Count of thine Resaived by
one new man & in Remembrance of ye same to ye by ye bearer hath sent a half
pease of Olde gould & to satisfy if of ye same a bout a twelve munth a goe I write
to ye & sent by a merylander hopeing Itt Came safe to thy hand, allso in mine was
inclosed are of mothers to ye, allso in mine I gave ye an a Count of my poore &
meane Capassety ye lord help me I allso in mine I gave ye an a Count of ye unkindenes
of my imployers ye braines which braines hath sertainely beane ye greateest
instrewment of my totell Rewen & poore ffammelyes for by thare Ienicistnes[?]
hath broueght me & mine to yt pas yt att prisent we have not a being but wandring
two & fro & att this prisent is att sheildes I have not had my liberty two yowes[?]
my Indeavers to get for my self & ffamely & all through these Caterpillers ye
braines by thare not paying ye bills draweing upon them for ye ships yorues[?] when
last in uergeny hath much occaseioned greate sufferinges to me & poore ffammely
& likewise detained me from seaing of ye eare now which was my reall deseine
but as thay have dun to me ye lord I hope will Reward them & so shall leave Revenge
to whome itt is don, Deare Sister Itt is ye herty & earnes deseier of thy poore
Obliged brother to deseier ye two don me ye kindenes as to make Inqueiery after
yt undewetyfull soon John of mine & allso of his kinsman John Grundy thay both
being so unmindefull yt neither of them had so much as a line to give us notis of
thare being dead or liveing one my poore boy frances was left to shife for him
self & so by his shifts got safe home & this last sumer had a deseier to goe to sea
his granmother & other ffreindes att sheldes proveidence so ordering yt a storme
tooke them which storme accaceioned great shipwreck to ye los of: 2: hundred &
more of ships & most of thare men lost & ye lord so pleased to preserve him
poore boy, he gives me an a Count yt his brother John Came over to yower parts
& thare touke himself one bord of a preivittere both he & his kinsman grundy
& If so I & Sister, grundy mother shoould earnesly beg of ye yt If thou Canst
heare of thare griuell any wheare in a merycay[?] yt thou would be pleased to
send grundy home otherwise lett him never expect ye good yt his ffather & mother
Can dow him but as for mine proueide yt he doth well for himself I hope
Itt is well for trewly I sea no more of yt thing Called a pease then was: 5: yere
a goe so yt If younge men weare in ye way of Itt I think Itt would be harde for
them two a skape from Itt but Can dow no other but blame them for thare unmindefullnes
in not writeing to give us an a Count of thare welfare & praseadence yt I
Can dow no les then think them very unkinde, pray ye lett me earnesly beg of ye yt
thou wouldest pleased to yowes what meanes in ye leyes to send this grundy home
If posabill his mother is one of our owne Sisters soons & his mother a fretfull
woman in so much yt she Cannot be satisfyed without him, Deare Sister I --
think to Continue my a boade heare & so to goe betwixt heare & London as a mate
in a Colyer with Coles tell ye Lord prouvides better for me, but trewly If Imploy woud
offer with you Could frelly imbrase[?] Itt with you prouvided yt I could but Inioy my
self with peas
From Soueth Sheildes <del><ill> y<sup>e</sup></del> Janenary y<sup>e</sup>: 10: <unclear>1692</unclear>
Ever esteamed Sister after y<sup>e</sup> <unclear>salleuts</unclear> of trew love with mothers & all y<sup>e</sup> rest of
ours to y<sup>e</sup> & all thine with y<sup>e</sup>, Deare Sister this opertewnety presenting heare
with us I well knew my self Obliged to give y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>e</sup> troubell of these & by y<sup>e</sup> Request
of deare mother is strictly Charged two give y<sup>e</sup> an a Count of thine Resaived by
one new man & in Remembrance of y<sup>e</sup> same to y<sup>e</sup> by y<sup>e</sup> bearer hath sent a half
pease of Olde gould & to satisfy if of y<sup>e</sup> same a bout a twelve munth a goe I write
to y<sup>e</sup> & sent by a merylander hopeing Itt Came safe to thy hand, allso in mine was
inclosed are of mothers to y<sup>e</sup>, allso in mine I gave y<sup>e</sup> an a Count of my poore &
meane Capassety y<sup>e</sup> lord help me I allso in mine I gave y<sup>e</sup> an a Count of y<sup>e</sup> unkindenes
of my imployers y<sup>e</sup> braines which braines hath sertainely beane y<sup>e</sup> greateest
instrewment of my totell Rewen & poore ffammelyes for by thare <unclear>Ienicistnes</unclear>
hath broueght me & mine to y<sup>t</sup> pas y<sup>t</sup> att prisent we have not a being but wandring
two & fro & att this prisent is att sheildes I have not had my liberty two <unclear>yowes</unclear>
my Indeavers to get for my self & ffamely & all through these Caterpillers y<sup>e</sup>
braines by thare not paying y<sup>e</sup> bills draweing upon them for y<sup>e</sup> ships <unclear>yorues</unclear> when
last in uergeny hath much occaseioned greate sufferinges to me & poore ffammely
& likewise detained me from seaing of y<sup>e</sup> eare now which was my reall deseine
but as thay have dun to me y<sup>e</sup> lord I hope will Reward them & so shall leave Revenge
to whome itt is don, Deare Sister Itt is y<sup>e</sup> her<sup>t</sup>y & earnes deseier of thy poore
Obliged brother to deseier y<sup>e</sup> two don me y<sup>e</sup> kindenes as to make Inqueiery after
y<sup>t</sup> undewetyfull soon John of mine & allso of his kinsman John Grundy thay both
being so unmindefull y<sup>t</sup> neither of them had so much as a line to give us notis of
thare being dead or liveing one my poore boy frances was left to shife for him
self & so by his shifts got safe home & this last sumer had a deseier to goe to sea
his granmother & other ffreindes att sheldes proveidence so ordering y<sup>t</sup> a storm<add>e</add>
tooke them which storme accaceioned great shipwreck to y<sup>e</sup> los of: 2: hundred &
more of ships & most of thare men lost & y<sup>e</sup> lord so pleased to preserve him
poore boy, he gives me an a Count y<sup>t</sup> his brother John Came over to yower parts
& thare touke himself one bord of a preivittere both he & his kinsman grundy
& If so I & Sister, grundy mother shoould earnesly beg of y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>t</sup> If thou Canst
heare of thare griuell any wheare in a <unclear>merycay</unclear> y<sup>t</sup> thou would be pleased to
send grundy home otherwise lett him never expect y<sup>e</sup> good y<sup>t</sup> his ffather & mother
Can dow him but as for mine proueide y<sup>t</sup> he doth well for himself I hope
Itt is well for trewly I sea no more of y<sup>t</sup> thing Called a pease then was: 5: yere
a goe so y<sup>t</sup> If younge men weare in y<sup>e</sup> way of Itt I think Itt would be harde for
them two a skape from Itt but Can dow no other but blame them for thare unmindefullnes
in not writeing to give us an a Count of thare welfare & praseadence y<sup>t</sup> I
Can dow no les then think them very unkinde, pray y<sup>e</sup> lett me earnesly beg of y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>t</sup>
thou wouldest pleased to yowes what meanes in y<sup>e</sup> leyes to send this grundy home
If posabill his mother is one of our owne Sisters soons & his mother a fretfull
woman in so much y<sup>t</sup> she Cannot be satisfyed without him, Deare Sister I --
think to Continue my a boade heare & so to goe betwixt heare & London as a mate
in a Colyer with Coles tell y<sup>e</sup> Lord prouvides better for me, but trewly If Imploy woud
offer with you Could <unclear>frelly imbrase</unclear> Itt with you prouvided y<sup>t</sup> I could but Inioy my
self with peas
Ever esteamed Sister after y<sup>e</sup> <unclear>salleuts</unclear> of trew love with mothers & all y<sup>e</sup> rest of
ours to y<sup>e</sup> & all thine with y<sup>e</sup>, Deare Sister this opertewnety presenting heare
with us I well knew my self Obliged to give y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>e</sup> troubell of these & by y<sup>e</sup> Request
of deare mother is strictly Charged two give y<sup>e</sup> an a Count of thine Resaived by
one new man & in Remembrance of y<sup>e</sup> same to y<sup>e</sup> by y<sup>e</sup> bearer hath sent a half
pease of Olde gould & to satisfy if of y<sup>e</sup> same a bout a twelve munth a goe I write
to y<sup>e</sup> & sent by a merylander hopeing Itt Came safe to thy hand, allso in mine was
inclosed are of mothers to y<sup>e</sup>, allso in mine I gave y<sup>e</sup> an a Count of my poore &
meane Capassety y<sup>e</sup> lord help me I allso in mine I gave y<sup>e</sup> an a Count of y<sup>e</sup> unkindenes
of my imployers y<sup>e</sup> braines which braines hath sertainely beane y<sup>e</sup> greateest
instrewment of my totell Rewen & poore ffammelyes for by thare <unclear>Ienicistnes</unclear>
hath broueght me & mine to y<sup>t</sup> pas y<sup>t</sup> att prisent we have not a being but wandring
two & fro & att this prisent is att sheildes I have not had my liberty two <unclear>yowes</unclear>
my Indeavers to get for my self & ffamely & all through these Caterpillers y<sup>e</sup>
braines by thare not paying y<sup>e</sup> bills draweing upon them for y<sup>e</sup> ships <unclear>yorues</unclear> when
last in uergeny hath much occaseioned greate sufferinges to me & poore ffammely
& likewise detained me from seaing of y<sup>e</sup> eare now which was my reall deseine
but as thay have dun to me y<sup>e</sup> lord I hope will Reward them & so shall leave Revenge
to whome itt is don, Deare Sister Itt is y<sup>e</sup> her<sup>t</sup>y & earnes deseier of thy poore
Obliged brother to deseier y<sup>e</sup> two don me y<sup>e</sup> kindenes as to make Inqueiery after
y<sup>t</sup> undewetyfull soon John of mine & allso of his kinsman John Grundy thay both
being so unmindefull y<sup>t</sup> neither of them had so much as a line to give us notis of
thare being dead or liveing one my poore boy frances was left to shife for him
self & so by his shifts got safe home & this last sumer had a deseier to goe to sea
his granmother & other ffreindes att sheldes proveidence so ordering y<sup>t</sup> a storm<add>e</add>
tooke them which storme accaceioned great shipwreck to y<sup>e</sup> los of: 2: hundred &
more of ships & most of thare men lost & y<sup>e</sup> lord so pleased to preserve him
poore boy, he gives me an a Count y<sup>t</sup> his brother John Came over to yower parts
& thare touke himself one bord of a preivittere both he & his kinsman grundy
& If so I & Sister, grundy mother shoould earnesly beg of y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>t</sup> If thou Canst
heare of thare griuell any wheare in a <unclear>merycay</unclear> y<sup>t</sup> thou would be pleased to
send grundy home otherwise lett him never expect y<sup>e</sup> good y<sup>t</sup> his ffather & mother
Can dow him but as for mine proueide y<sup>t</sup> he doth well for himself I hope
Itt is well for trewly I sea no more of y<sup>t</sup> thing Called a pease then was: 5: yere
a goe so y<sup>t</sup> If younge men weare in y<sup>e</sup> way of Itt I think Itt would be harde for
them two a skape from Itt but Can dow no other but blame them for thare unmindefullnes
in not writeing to give us an a Count of thare welfare & praseadence y<sup>t</sup> I
Can dow no les then think them very unkinde, pray y<sup>e</sup> lett me earnesly beg of y<sup>e</sup> y<sup>t</sup>
thou wouldest pleased to yowes what meanes in y<sup>e</sup> leyes to send this grundy home
If posabill his mother is one of our owne Sisters soons & his mother a fretfull
woman in so much y<sup>t</sup> she Cannot be satisfyed without him, Deare Sister I --
think to Continue my a boade heare & so to goe betwixt heare & London as a mate
in a Colyer with Coles tell y<sup>e</sup> Lord prouvides better for me, but trewly If Imploy woud
offer with you Could <unclear>frelly imbrase</unclear> Itt with you prouvided y<sup>t</sup> I could but Inioy my
self with peas

This being ye neadefull att prisent saveing Deare mothers trew love to ye &
husband & herty good wish for thy Childer allso mine & wifes with all
brothers & sisters kinde love & herty good wish to ye & husband & allso to
Cussin Frances & Rebeckah & so shall deseier yt thou would be pleased to
let us heare from ye when Opertewnety offers & If pleas to write
Derest thine for: Mrs Dorythy Watson Liveing in Soueth Sheildes
neare Newcastell upon tyme, to be: II: to John Richardson If for me
This being y<sup>e</sup> neadefull att prisent saveing Deare mothers trew love to y<sup>e</sup> &
husband & herty good wish for thy Childer allso mine & wifes with all
brothers & sisters kinde love & herty good wish to y<sup>e</sup> & husband & allso to
Cussin Frances & Rebeckah & so shall deseier y<sup>t</sup> thou would be pleased to
let us heare from y<sup>e</sup> when Opertewnety offers & If pleas to write
Derest thine for: M<sup>rs</sup> Dorythy Watson Liveing in Soueth Sheildes
neare Newcastell upon tyme, to be: II: to John Richardson If for me
husband & herty good wish for thy Childer allso mine & wifes with all
brothers & sisters kinde love & herty good wish to y<sup>e</sup> & husband & allso to
Cussin Frances & Rebeckah & so shall deseier y<sup>t</sup> thou would be pleased to
let us heare from y<sup>e</sup> when Opertewnety offers & If pleas to write
Derest thine for: M<sup>rs</sup> Dorythy Watson Liveing in Soueth Sheildes
neare Newcastell upon tyme, to be: II: to John Richardson If for me