Document set '031'
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excepting one voige [?]to _e[?] mother I have not earned one peny this: 3: yeares which goes
very hard, Deare Sister I could realy[?] wish yt I could be so fre with brother shippen
as I Can be with ye then I should as littell vallew [?]ye braines as thay dow[?] me for If yt
I had but brother shippen to be as helpfull to me as I think thou wouldest be to me
If thou Couldest I queston not be ye Contest would sowne be eanded be twixt ye braines
& I: I questoning not but brother shippen hath those trusty ffreindes heare yt Could
maney them, but I derst not deseier presewme to brother shippen for his assistans in
this my disconsellet Condeishon & so must Rest under my sufferinges tell ye Lord be
pleased to give me happey Release from these teytanekell[?] enemyes yt I have two
deale with for fortainety[?] thay vallew neither god nor man further then self intrests
& so shall b_ lou_ad[?] with my good wich[?] & herty prayers for ye & thine for yower
healthes & we[llness]__[?] shall deseier of ye to Continue thy kindenes in leting me heare
from ye by all [oppete]__wnteyes[?] & in so doweing thou will Oblige me to answer thine
when Resaived & be pleased to direct thine for John Richardson sinyer to be
left att ye sine of ye Noah Arke below Ratclifcros[?] this being ye neadefull att present
I take leave & Remane thy ever Consteint brother to Cummand John Richardson
excepting one <unclear>voige </unclear>to<unclear> _e</unclear> mother I have not earned one peny this: 3: yeares which goes
very hard, Deare Sister I could <unclear>realy</unclear> wish y<sup>t</sup> I could be so fre with brother shippen
as I Can be with y<sup>e</sup> then I should as littell <unclear>vallew </unclear>y<sup>e</sup> braines as thay <unclear>dow</unclear> me for If y<sup>t</sup>
I had but brother shippen to be as helpfull to me as I think thou wouldest be to me
If thou Couldest I queston not be y<sup>e</sup> Contest would sowne be eanded be twixt y<sup>e</sup> braines
& I: I questoning not but brother shippen hath those trusty ffreindes heare y<sup>t</sup> Could
maney them, but I derst not deseier presewme to brother shippen for his assistans in
this my disconsellet Condeishon & so must Rest under my sufferinges tell y<sup>e</sup> Lord be
pleased to give me happey Release from these <unclear>teytanekell</unclear> enemyes y<sup>t</sup> I have two
deale with for <unclear>fortainety</unclear> thay vallew neither god nor man further then self intres<sup>t</sup>s
& so shall <unclear>b_ lou_ad</unclear> with my good <unclear>wich</unclear> & herty prayers for y<sup>e</sup> & thine for yower
healthes & <unclear>we[llness]__</unclear> shall deseier of y<sup>e</sup> to Continue thy kindenes in leting me heare
from y<sup>e</sup> by all <unclear>[oppete]__wnteyes</unclear> & in so doweing thou will Oblige me to answer thine
when Resaived & be pleased to direct thine for John Richardson sinyer to be
left att y<sup>e</sup> sine of y<sup>e</sup> Noah Arke below <unclear>Ratclifcros</unclear> this being y<sup>e</sup> neadefull att present
I take leave & Remane thy ever Consteint brother to Cummand John Richardson
very hard, Deare Sister I could <unclear>realy</unclear> wish y<sup>t</sup> I could be so fre with brother shippen
as I Can be with y<sup>e</sup> then I should as littell <unclear>vallew </unclear>y<sup>e</sup> braines as thay <unclear>dow</unclear> me for If y<sup>t</sup>
I had but brother shippen to be as helpfull to me as I think thou wouldest be to me
If thou Couldest I queston not be y<sup>e</sup> Contest would sowne be eanded be twixt y<sup>e</sup> braines
& I: I questoning not but brother shippen hath those trusty ffreindes heare y<sup>t</sup> Could
maney them, but I derst not deseier presewme to brother shippen for his assistans in
this my disconsellet Condeishon & so must Rest under my sufferinges tell y<sup>e</sup> Lord be
pleased to give me happey Release from these <unclear>teytanekell</unclear> enemyes y<sup>t</sup> I have two
deale with for <unclear>fortainety</unclear> thay vallew neither god nor man further then self intres<sup>t</sup>s
& so shall <unclear>b_ lou_ad</unclear> with my good <unclear>wich</unclear> & herty prayers for y<sup>e</sup> & thine for yower
healthes & <unclear>we[llness]__</unclear> shall deseier of y<sup>e</sup> to Continue thy kindenes in leting me heare
from y<sup>e</sup> by all <unclear>[oppete]__wnteyes</unclear> & in so doweing thou will Oblige me to answer thine
when Resaived & be pleased to direct thine for John Richardson sinyer to be
left att y<sup>e</sup> sine of y<sup>e</sup> Noah Arke below <unclear>Ratclifcros</unclear> this being y<sup>e</sup> neadefull att present
I take leave & Remane thy ever Consteint brother to Cummand John Richardson

ffrom London November ye: 30 : 1694 --
Most Deare
And ever affeckeshoned & ever esteamed Sister my Cordell Love with wifes &
mothers & all Relateions to ye & thy Husband & Childer hopeing of all yower
good healthes & wellfare & we dow Inioy throegh marcy onely mother Crasey by
Reason of her yeares as thou mayest know by ye inclosed her seight faileing her
so much yt she Cannot answer thine as her good will is to done but hath heare got
one of our sisters to eppres her thankefullnes as well as Can to ye for all thy mindefullnes
to her also hearein she is wiling to let ye know yt her willingnes was never
a wanting two a answered thine eare now but thou must excues her by Reason
abillnes is not & also she liveing ebsquere from hence[?] so yt much writeing
Cannot be expected from her but be pleased to except of ye will for ye dead for as
I understand she hath sent to ye befor now & likewise I my self how ever ye incarey[?]
of ouers hath hapened as we understand by thine thou hast never Resaived
from none of us sence thy alltering of thy Condeishon which is very strange
thine by ffreind bond Came safe to my hand with thy Remembrance for which I Render
ye my good wish & herty love for thy kinde Remembrance for as proveidence hath ordered
Itt I think I never had more nead of Releafe so yt thine Came in an excepted
tyme I queston not but eare now thou hast an a Count of my misforto in faleing
into ye handes of yt Dyranefell[?] enemy ye french which was not satisfyed to take all
yt I had but also kept me a Capttive for ye spase of seaven monthes with bread &
water & not two much of yt as Jonathan boston yt lives att boston & Robert singeler
of york Can both tell thay both being parttakers of ye same att ye same tyme espechell[?]
singeller & after ye suffering of yt & got home ye Caterpillers ye braines who was
all ye Owners yt I had thoueght Itt Requeset to put ye seamen upon me for thare ways
also for what bils I drew[?] upon them whilest we lay in ye Cuntery thay Refowes to
pay anything for ye Charge of ye whole roiye[?] with thare good will thay knoweing
yt I haveing lost all yt I had my world except wife & Childer so yt thay know yt I have
neither monyes nor ffreindes to stand by me to assist in this my deploreabill Condeishon
so yt I Can think no other but yt If thay Cud[?] thay dow[?] intend to put a wich[?] upon me
but I hope in ye Lord yt he will Rase me sume good ffreind or other to venderate[?]
my Just Caues againest them we are now att law a bout mens wages & If Can
accumplish yt then I must Indeaver to fors them to an a Count If possabill Can
for I sea nothing Can be dun with them in ye way of honesty or peaseabelly thay
like so much to fish in troubellsum waters yt thay know not what a good Conshes
is as doth two well appeare to god & ye world, Deare Sister If these Caterpillers
would have dun me Justis as behoves all honest men so to dow then I did Intend
If god willing two a seane ye in yt Cuntery[?] gave now hopeing yt I meight have
met with an honest Imploy in yower[?] parts for treuly I am hertely sorry yt Ift
falls in my lot yt I Cannot give a better Correctter of those which pretendes [?]
honesty & also to yt which I am sewer is but two fur a distans from them thare
ackshons &[?] doe not signeyfy to what thay pretend two yt is to dow[?] as thay would all
men should dow unto them but trouely to ye Contrary thay dow more appeare to be
wolves in sheapes Cloutheing but I shall neither accues nor opoues but leave them to
yt good god yt thay must answer two for all thinges dun in ye flesh & will Reward
them accordeing to thare doweinges so I shall Indeavor with my herty & earnes pray
to ye allmeighty for a satisfyed heart wishing yt ye Lord may be so pleased as to santyfiy
those afflickeshons two me as my hope is, he will but trouely Itt is Cume but two
neare Colemans saying now in these dayes yt is in his sufferring found men so deseitfull
yt he said yt thare was no trust in man & trouely Itt is two much maid out by those
yt I have to dow with all for so fur as I have expearensed If a knave fales Itt is a hard
matter to finde an honest man to take him up Itt is but two much maid out so in those parts
ffrom London November y<sup>e</sup>: 30 : 1694 --
Most Deare
And ever affeckeshoned & ever esteamed Sister my Cordell Love with wifes &
mothers & all Relateions to y<sup>e</sup> & thy Husband & Childer hopeing of all yower
good healthes & wellfare & we dow Inioy throegh marcy onely mother Crasey by
Reason of her yeares as thou mayest know by y<sup>e</sup> inclosed her seight faileing her
so much y<sup>t</sup> she Cannot answer thine as her good will is to done but hath heare got
one of our sisters to eppres her thankefullnes as well as Can to y<sup>e</sup> for all thy mindefullnes
to her also hearein she is wiling to let y<sup>e</sup> know yt her willingnes was never
a wanting two a answered thine eare now but thou must excues her by Reason
abillnes is not & also she liveing ebsquere from <unclear>hence</unclear> so y<sup>t</sup> much writeing
Cannot be expected from her but be pleased to except of y<sup>e</sup> will for y<sup>e</sup> dead for as
I understand she hath sent to y<sup>e</sup> befor now & likewise I my self how ever y<sup>e</sup><unclear> incarey</unclear>
of ouers hath hapened as we understand by thine thou hast never Resaived
from none of us sence thy alltering of thy Condeishon which is very strange
thine by ffreind bond Came safe to my <add>hand</add> with thy Remembrance for which I Render
y<sup>e</sup> my good wish & herty love for thy kinde Remembrance for as proveidence hath ordered
Itt I think I never had more nead of Releafe so y<sup>t</sup> thine Came in an excepted
tyme I queston not but eare now thou hast an a Count of my misforto in faleing
into y<sup>e</sup> handes of y<sup>t</sup> <unclear>Dyranefell</unclear> enemy y<sup>e</sup> french which was not satisfyed to take all
yt I had but also kept me a Capttive for y<sup>e</sup> spase of seaven monthes with bread &
water & not two much of y<sup>t</sup> as Jonathan boston y<sup>t</sup> lives att boston & Robert singeler
of york Can both tell thay both being parttakers of y<sup>e</sup> same att ye same tyme <unclear>espechell</unclear>
singeller & after y<sup>e</sup> suffering of y<sup>t</sup> & got home y<sup>e</sup> Caterpillers y<sup>e</sup> braines who was
all y<sup>e</sup> Owners y<sup>t</sup> I had thoueght Itt Requeset to put y<sup>e</sup> seamen upon me for thare ways
also for what bils I <unclear>drew</unclear> upon them whilest we lay in y<sup>e</sup> Cuntery thay Refowes to
pay anything for y<sup>e</sup> Charge of y<sup>e</sup> whole <unclear>roiye</unclear> with thare good will thay knoweing
y<sup>t</sup> I haveing lost all yt I had my world except wife & Childer so y<sup>t</sup> thay know y<sup>t</sup> I have
neither monyes nor ffreindes to stand by me to assist in this my deploreabill Condeishon
so y<sup>t</sup> I Can think no other but y<sup>t</sup> If thay <unclear>Cud</unclear> thay <unclear>dow</unclear> intend to put a <unclear>wich</unclear> upon me
but I hope in y<sup>e</sup> Lord y<sup>t</sup> he will Rase me sume good ffreind or other to <unclear>venderate</unclear>
my Just Caues againest them we are now att law a bout mens wages & If Can
accumplish y<sup>t</sup> then I must Indeaver to fors them to an a Count If possabill Can
for I sea nothing Can be dun with them in y<sup>e</sup> way of honesty or peaseabelly thay
like so much to fish in troubellsum waters y<sup>t</sup> thay know not what a good Conshes
is as doth two well appeare to god & y<sup>e</sup> world, Deare Sister If these Caterpillers
would have dun me Justis as behoves all honest men so to dow then I did Intend
If god willing two a seane y<sup>e</sup> in y<sup>t</sup> <unclear>Cuntery</unclear> gave now hopeing y<sup>t</sup> I meight have
met with an honest Imploy in <unclear>yower</unclear> parts for treuly I am hertely sorry y<sup>t</sup> If<sup>t</sup>
falls in my lot y<sup>t</sup> I Cannot give a better Correctter of those which pretendes <ill>
honesty & also to y<sup>t</sup> which I am sewer is but two fur a distans from them thare
ackshons <unclear>&</unclear> doe not signeyfy to what thay pretend two y<sup>t</sup> is to <unclear>dow</unclear> as thay would all
men should dow unto them but trouely to y<sup>e</sup> Contrary thay dow more appeare to be
wolves in sheapes Cloutheing but I shall neither accues nor opoues but leave them to
y<sup>t</sup> good god y<sup>t</sup> thay must answer two for all thinges dun in y<sup>e</sup> flesh & will Reward
them accordeing to thare doweinges so I shall Indeavor with my herty & earnes pray
to y<sup>e</sup> allmeighty for a satisfyed heart wishing y<sup>t</sup> y<sup>e</sup> Lord may be so pleased as to santyfiy
those afflickeshons two me as my hope is, he will but trouely Itt is Cume but two
neare Colemans saying now in these dayes y<sup>t</sup> is in his sufferring found men so deseitfull
y<sup>t</sup> he said y<sup>t</sup> thare was no trust in man & trouely Itt is two much maid out by those
y<sup>t</sup> I have to dow with all for so fur as I have expearensed If a knave fales Itt is a hard
matter to finde an honest man to take him up Itt is but two much maid out so in those parts
Most Deare
And ever affeckeshoned & ever esteamed Sister my Cordell Love with wifes &
mothers & all Relateions to y<sup>e</sup> & thy Husband & Childer hopeing of all yower
good healthes & wellfare & we dow Inioy throegh marcy onely mother Crasey by
Reason of her yeares as thou mayest know by y<sup>e</sup> inclosed her seight faileing her
so much y<sup>t</sup> she Cannot answer thine as her good will is to done but hath heare got
one of our sisters to eppres her thankefullnes as well as Can to y<sup>e</sup> for all thy mindefullnes
to her also hearein she is wiling to let y<sup>e</sup> know yt her willingnes was never
a wanting two a answered thine eare now but thou must excues her by Reason
abillnes is not & also she liveing ebsquere from <unclear>hence</unclear> so y<sup>t</sup> much writeing
Cannot be expected from her but be pleased to except of y<sup>e</sup> will for y<sup>e</sup> dead for as
I understand she hath sent to y<sup>e</sup> befor now & likewise I my self how ever y<sup>e</sup><unclear> incarey</unclear>
of ouers hath hapened as we understand by thine thou hast never Resaived
from none of us sence thy alltering of thy Condeishon which is very strange
thine by ffreind bond Came safe to my <add>hand</add> with thy Remembrance for which I Render
y<sup>e</sup> my good wish & herty love for thy kinde Remembrance for as proveidence hath ordered
Itt I think I never had more nead of Releafe so y<sup>t</sup> thine Came in an excepted
tyme I queston not but eare now thou hast an a Count of my misforto in faleing
into y<sup>e</sup> handes of y<sup>t</sup> <unclear>Dyranefell</unclear> enemy y<sup>e</sup> french which was not satisfyed to take all
yt I had but also kept me a Capttive for y<sup>e</sup> spase of seaven monthes with bread &
water & not two much of y<sup>t</sup> as Jonathan boston y<sup>t</sup> lives att boston & Robert singeler
of york Can both tell thay both being parttakers of y<sup>e</sup> same att ye same tyme <unclear>espechell</unclear>
singeller & after y<sup>e</sup> suffering of y<sup>t</sup> & got home y<sup>e</sup> Caterpillers y<sup>e</sup> braines who was
all y<sup>e</sup> Owners y<sup>t</sup> I had thoueght Itt Requeset to put y<sup>e</sup> seamen upon me for thare ways
also for what bils I <unclear>drew</unclear> upon them whilest we lay in y<sup>e</sup> Cuntery thay Refowes to
pay anything for y<sup>e</sup> Charge of y<sup>e</sup> whole <unclear>roiye</unclear> with thare good will thay knoweing
y<sup>t</sup> I haveing lost all yt I had my world except wife & Childer so y<sup>t</sup> thay know y<sup>t</sup> I have
neither monyes nor ffreindes to stand by me to assist in this my deploreabill Condeishon
so y<sup>t</sup> I Can think no other but y<sup>t</sup> If thay <unclear>Cud</unclear> thay <unclear>dow</unclear> intend to put a <unclear>wich</unclear> upon me
but I hope in y<sup>e</sup> Lord y<sup>t</sup> he will Rase me sume good ffreind or other to <unclear>venderate</unclear>
my Just Caues againest them we are now att law a bout mens wages & If Can
accumplish y<sup>t</sup> then I must Indeaver to fors them to an a Count If possabill Can
for I sea nothing Can be dun with them in y<sup>e</sup> way of honesty or peaseabelly thay
like so much to fish in troubellsum waters y<sup>t</sup> thay know not what a good Conshes
is as doth two well appeare to god & y<sup>e</sup> world, Deare Sister If these Caterpillers
would have dun me Justis as behoves all honest men so to dow then I did Intend
If god willing two a seane y<sup>e</sup> in y<sup>t</sup> <unclear>Cuntery</unclear> gave now hopeing y<sup>t</sup> I meight have
met with an honest Imploy in <unclear>yower</unclear> parts for treuly I am hertely sorry y<sup>t</sup> If<sup>t</sup>
falls in my lot y<sup>t</sup> I Cannot give a better Correctter of those which pretendes <ill>
honesty & also to y<sup>t</sup> which I am sewer is but two fur a distans from them thare
ackshons <unclear>&</unclear> doe not signeyfy to what thay pretend two y<sup>t</sup> is to <unclear>dow</unclear> as thay would all
men should dow unto them but trouely to y<sup>e</sup> Contrary thay dow more appeare to be
wolves in sheapes Cloutheing but I shall neither accues nor opoues but leave them to
y<sup>t</sup> good god y<sup>t</sup> thay must answer two for all thinges dun in y<sup>e</sup> flesh & will Reward
them accordeing to thare doweinges so I shall Indeavor with my herty & earnes pray
to y<sup>e</sup> allmeighty for a satisfyed heart wishing y<sup>t</sup> y<sup>e</sup> Lord may be so pleased as to santyfiy
those afflickeshons two me as my hope is, he will but trouely Itt is Cume but two
neare Colemans saying now in these dayes y<sup>t</sup> is in his sufferring found men so deseitfull
y<sup>t</sup> he said y<sup>t</sup> thare was no trust in man & trouely Itt is two much maid out by those
y<sup>t</sup> I have to dow with all for so fur as I have expearensed If a knave fales Itt is a hard
matter to finde an honest man to take him up Itt is but two much maid out so in those parts

Deare Sister I must give ye a smale account of thy brothers so far as I well Can
tho Itt is but smale as for brother Will: poor man is in great misery of paine &
hath beane for a Conseitherabill tyme under ye afflickeshen of ye gouet in so much
yt he hath not beane out of his bed to go a broad not for this: 2: mounthes but throuegh
mercy hath wheare with all to live for while he Could stur a broad Indeavered
in ye world & got Conseitherabill & his wife a very Induesteres prewent woman
thay have onely one doueghter of thy name & trouely I Could wish yt Itt weare no
wors with brother thomas then Itt is with Will but as for he I Cannot say much
for onely so fur as I heare he knowes two much of want & partely by a bad wife
I had a littell dealeinges with him a bout: 5: yeares a go: to ye rallew[?] of betwixt: 4
or: 3[?]: poundes & ye last wige[?] when I was absent Itt so happend ye thare magesteyes
was pleased to grant an act of grase as Itt is so Called heare for all priseners
yt had not wheare with all to pay so brother thomas being att yt tyme a prisener
unknowen to me he sendes me one of these papers which he Reckons is a discharge
from yt debt but I understand yt some others of his Creadetters will not
be so satisfyed but is like to give him further troubell & some of them hath got
what he oueght them but for my part for thy sake & those former kindeneses yt
I have Resaived from ye when tyme was & att all tymes I shall never be
mindefull of wishing yt I weare in a Capasety two Retalleate ye in ye same
spacehy as Resaived then, I dow[?] understand yt thou doth accouse me & thinkes
me very unmindefull in answering but hestyly wish my self with ye or att least
Could wish yt my pen Could explaine to ye what my tongue Could If with ye for
I will inswer ye many is ye tyme nay & I Can say att all tymes yt thou out in
my mind as much or more then any Relateion yt I have & Could have wished
myself often as well satteld in those parts by ye as I was heare when in my
prosperety & Could as Itt is, & I think shall yowes[?] ye utmost of my Indeavers
with what dilligence I Can posabill to get my self discharged of ye worldey
affares in these parts & then dow[?] to ye utmost to sea ye hopeing brother shippen
will be so kinde with some others of those parts two assist me in an Imploy yt I
may Inioy my self in pease for trouely I finde none houre for me nor for any
yt deseiers to pease, Deare Sister I take notis in one of thy letters to me wheare
in thou gives me an a Count of Miles Foster in york liveing in ye houes yt thou did live
in for ye vallew of: 4: poundes od monyes yt thou gave me a Count of & wished me
to Cale upon him for ye said monyes but I never haveing ye opertounety to Cale
upon him nor order I would deseier ye to be so kinde as to Calle upon him for ye
said thou menteions Itt was upon ye account of ye black walnot yt I left with my
deare brother If thou Couldest get him to order Itt me here Itt would dow[?] me a - [?]
[?] in Ienes[?] now in this my poor & neasy Condeishon & If not to pay Itt to ye
Deare Sister I Can give ye no account of thy soon shippen att Mr Crouches by --
Reason I ley under yt sercumstance att prisent yt I dow[?] not goe a broad by Reason
of ye I uncist[?] doweinges of ye busines which doth accaseion my Confinement by thare
not Cumeing two an a Count with me yt I may be discharged of those bills & likewise
all ye shipes bisnes If I Could a proposed two Inioyed my self & two a had my liberty
with you I should a beane with you by ye way of treyaney but I propose to my
self yt If I should Cume into yower[?] parts befor yt these bils is satisfyed heare
yt was draweing from meryland upon ye shipes account then those peopell in those
parts may give me further troubell so yt ye Conseitheraceion of this doth Obstruct
my Cume'ing other wise should have beane with you eare now for I will insuere
ye I hope I know how I dow[?] explaine my self two when I dow[?] Itt to ye as I Can intrust
Deare Sister I must give y<sup>e</sup> a smale account of thy brothers so far as I well Can
tho Itt is but smale as for brother Will: poor man is in great misery of paine &
hath beane for a Conseitherabill tyme under y<sup>e</sup> afflickeshen of y<sup>e</sup> gouet in so much
y<sup>t</sup> he hath not beane out of his bed to go a broad not for this: 2: mounthes but throuegh
mercy hath wheare with all to live for while he Could stur a broad Indeavered
in y<sup>e</sup> world & got Conseitherabill & his wife a very Induesteres prewent woman
thay have onely one doueghter of thy name & trouely I Could wish y<sup>t</sup> Itt weare no
wors with brother thomas then Itt is with Will but as for he I Cannot say much
for onely so fur as I heare he knowes two much of want & partely by a bad wife
I had a littell dealeinges with him a bout: 5: yeares a go: to y<sup>e</sup> <unclear>rallew</unclear> of betwixt: 4
or: <unclear>3</unclear>: poundes & y<sup>e</sup> last <unclear>wige</unclear> when I was absent Itt so happend y<sup>e</sup> thare magesteyes
was pleased to grant an act of grase as Itt is so Called heare for all priseners
y<sup>t</sup> had not wheare with all to pay so brother thomas being att y<sup>t</sup> tyme a prisener
unknowen to me he sendes me one of these papers which he Reckons is a discharge
from y<sup>t</sup> debt but I understand y<sup>t</sup> some others of his Creadetters will not
be so satisfyed but is like to give him further troubell & some of them hath got
what he oueght them but for my part for thy sake & those former kindeneses y<sup>t</sup>
I have Resaived from y<sup>e</sup> when tyme was & att all tymes I shall never be
mindefull of wishing y<sup>t</sup> I weare in a Capasety two Retalleate y<sup>e</sup> in y<sup>e</sup> same
spacehy as Resaived then, I <unclear>dow</unclear> understand y<sup>t</sup> thou doth accouse me & thinkes
me very unmindefull in answering but hestyly wish my self with y<sup>e</sup> or att least
Could wish y<sup>t</sup> my pen Could explaine to y<sup>e</sup> what my tongue Could If with y<sup>e</sup> for
I will inswer y<sup>e</sup> many is y<sup>e</sup> tyme nay & I Can say att all tymes y<sup>t</sup> thou out in
my mind as much or more then any Relateion y<sup>t</sup> I have & Could have wished
myself often as well satteld in those parts by y<sup>e</sup> as I was heare when in my
prosperety & Could as Itt is, & I think shall <unclear>yowes</unclear> y<sup>e</sup> utmost of my Indeavers
with what dilligence I Can posabill to get my self discharged of y<sup>e</sup> worldey
affares in these parts & then <unclear>dow</unclear> to y<sup>e</sup> utmost to sea y<sup>e</sup> hopeing brother shippen
will be so kinde with some others of those parts two assist me in an Imploy y<sup>t</sup> I
may Inioy my self in pease for trouely I finde none houre for me nor for any
y<sup>t</sup> deseiers to pease, Deare Sister I take notis in one of thy letters to me wheare
in thou gives me an a Count of Miles Foster in york liveing in y<sup>e</sup> houes y<sup>t</sup> thou did live
in for y<sup>e</sup> vallew of: 4: poundes od monyes y<sup>t</sup> thou gave me a Count of & wished me
to Cale upon him for y<sup>e</sup> said monyes but I never haveing y<sup>e</sup> opertounety to Cale
upon him nor order I would deseier y<sup>e</sup> to be so kinde as to Calle upon him for y<sup>e</sup>
said thou menteions Itt was upon y<sup>e</sup> account of y<sup>e</sup> black walnot y<sup>t</sup> I left with my
deare brother If thou Couldest get him to order Itt me here Itt would <unclear>dow</unclear> me <unclear>a - </unclear>
<ill> <unclear>in Ienes</unclear> now in this my poor & neasy Condeishon & If not to pay Itt to y<sup>e</sup>
Deare Sister I Can give y<sup>e</sup> no account of thy soon shippen att M<sup>r</sup> Crouches by --
Reason I ley under y<sup>t</sup> sercumstance att prisent y<sup>t</sup> I <unclear>dow</unclear> not goe a broad by Reason
of y<sup>e</sup> I <unclear>uncist</unclear> doweinges of y<sup>e</sup> busines which doth accaseion my Confinement by thare
not Cumeing two an a Count with me y<sup>t</sup> I may be discharged of those bills & likewise
all y<sup>e</sup> shipes bisnes If I Could <add>a</add> proposed two Inioyed my self & two a had my liberty
with you I should a beane with you by y<sup>e</sup> way of treyaney but I propose to my
self y<sup>t</sup> If I should Cume into <unclear>yower</unclear> parts befor y<sup>t</sup> these bils is satisfyed heare
y<sup>t</sup> was draweing from meryland upon y<sup>e</sup> shipes account then those peopell in those
parts may give me further troubell so y<sup>t</sup> y<sup>e</sup> Conseitheraceion of this doth Obstruct
my Cume'ing other wise should have beane with you eare now for I will insuere
y<sup>e</sup> I hope I know how I <unclear>dow</unclear> explaine my self two when I <unclear>dow</unclear> Itt to ye as I Can intrust
tho Itt is but smale as for brother Will: poor man is in great misery of paine &
hath beane for a Conseitherabill tyme under y<sup>e</sup> afflickeshen of y<sup>e</sup> gouet in so much
y<sup>t</sup> he hath not beane out of his bed to go a broad not for this: 2: mounthes but throuegh
mercy hath wheare with all to live for while he Could stur a broad Indeavered
in y<sup>e</sup> world & got Conseitherabill & his wife a very Induesteres prewent woman
thay have onely one doueghter of thy name & trouely I Could wish y<sup>t</sup> Itt weare no
wors with brother thomas then Itt is with Will but as for he I Cannot say much
for onely so fur as I heare he knowes two much of want & partely by a bad wife
I had a littell dealeinges with him a bout: 5: yeares a go: to y<sup>e</sup> <unclear>rallew</unclear> of betwixt: 4
or: <unclear>3</unclear>: poundes & y<sup>e</sup> last <unclear>wige</unclear> when I was absent Itt so happend y<sup>e</sup> thare magesteyes
was pleased to grant an act of grase as Itt is so Called heare for all priseners
y<sup>t</sup> had not wheare with all to pay so brother thomas being att y<sup>t</sup> tyme a prisener
unknowen to me he sendes me one of these papers which he Reckons is a discharge
from y<sup>t</sup> debt but I understand y<sup>t</sup> some others of his Creadetters will not
be so satisfyed but is like to give him further troubell & some of them hath got
what he oueght them but for my part for thy sake & those former kindeneses y<sup>t</sup>
I have Resaived from y<sup>e</sup> when tyme was & att all tymes I shall never be
mindefull of wishing y<sup>t</sup> I weare in a Capasety two Retalleate y<sup>e</sup> in y<sup>e</sup> same
spacehy as Resaived then, I <unclear>dow</unclear> understand y<sup>t</sup> thou doth accouse me & thinkes
me very unmindefull in answering but hestyly wish my self with y<sup>e</sup> or att least
Could wish y<sup>t</sup> my pen Could explaine to y<sup>e</sup> what my tongue Could If with y<sup>e</sup> for
I will inswer y<sup>e</sup> many is y<sup>e</sup> tyme nay & I Can say att all tymes y<sup>t</sup> thou out in
my mind as much or more then any Relateion y<sup>t</sup> I have & Could have wished
myself often as well satteld in those parts by y<sup>e</sup> as I was heare when in my
prosperety & Could as Itt is, & I think shall <unclear>yowes</unclear> y<sup>e</sup> utmost of my Indeavers
with what dilligence I Can posabill to get my self discharged of y<sup>e</sup> worldey
affares in these parts & then <unclear>dow</unclear> to y<sup>e</sup> utmost to sea y<sup>e</sup> hopeing brother shippen
will be so kinde with some others of those parts two assist me in an Imploy y<sup>t</sup> I
may Inioy my self in pease for trouely I finde none houre for me nor for any
y<sup>t</sup> deseiers to pease, Deare Sister I take notis in one of thy letters to me wheare
in thou gives me an a Count of Miles Foster in york liveing in y<sup>e</sup> houes y<sup>t</sup> thou did live
in for y<sup>e</sup> vallew of: 4: poundes od monyes y<sup>t</sup> thou gave me a Count of & wished me
to Cale upon him for y<sup>e</sup> said monyes but I never haveing y<sup>e</sup> opertounety to Cale
upon him nor order I would deseier y<sup>e</sup> to be so kinde as to Calle upon him for y<sup>e</sup>
said thou menteions Itt was upon y<sup>e</sup> account of y<sup>e</sup> black walnot y<sup>t</sup> I left with my
deare brother If thou Couldest get him to order Itt me here Itt would <unclear>dow</unclear> me <unclear>a - </unclear>
<ill> <unclear>in Ienes</unclear> now in this my poor & neasy Condeishon & If not to pay Itt to y<sup>e</sup>
Deare Sister I Can give y<sup>e</sup> no account of thy soon shippen att M<sup>r</sup> Crouches by --
Reason I ley under y<sup>t</sup> sercumstance att prisent y<sup>t</sup> I <unclear>dow</unclear> not goe a broad by Reason
of y<sup>e</sup> I <unclear>uncist</unclear> doweinges of y<sup>e</sup> busines which doth accaseion my Confinement by thare
not Cumeing two an a Count with me y<sup>t</sup> I may be discharged of those bills & likewise
all y<sup>e</sup> shipes bisnes If I Could <add>a</add> proposed two Inioyed my self & two a had my liberty
with you I should a beane with you by y<sup>e</sup> way of treyaney but I propose to my
self y<sup>t</sup> If I should Cume into <unclear>yower</unclear> parts befor y<sup>t</sup> these bils is satisfyed heare
y<sup>t</sup> was draweing from meryland upon y<sup>e</sup> shipes account then those peopell in those
parts may give me further troubell so y<sup>t</sup> y<sup>e</sup> Conseitheraceion of this doth Obstruct
my Cume'ing other wise should have beane with you eare now for I will insuere
y<sup>e</sup> I hope I know how I <unclear>dow</unclear> explaine my self two when I <unclear>dow</unclear> Itt to ye as I Can intrust