Document set '515'
Transcript style:other pages

Adrian 4th Mo 6th 1845
Dear Sister
I congratulate thee on the improved State of thy health
when I first heard thee was "shaking the dust of as a testimony against Mich. I told
Elizabeth thy health would probably be the better for it, and although thee says you
cannot again journey to Mich, I think according to thy own account it might be
well to visit us every ten years at least, for if each visit should carry thy age
back as far as the last appears to have done I do not see that thee need
ever grow old -- however on more sober reflection I do not think there would
be any gain in that, for I can but agree with Jane Taylor's immagined visitor
from the planet Venus that "it is a great favour to be placed in a world where
we can die" & inherit a letter, where neither sin nor sorrow finds an
entrance, but peace & joy forever reign -- for although I have enjoyed
myself during the last eighteen months as well perhaps as during any
other equal period of my life, yet I have frequently thought laterly
that my hold on this world was but very slight, it is true I have an
affectionate wife whom I love & for whose loss I should feel sorry, & an
increasingly interesting little boy that I should love to endeavour to
train up in that that is declared to be the beginning of wisdom, I have
also dear relatives & kind friends, but so far as relates to myself individually
I see nothing to induce or wish to remain long in a world
where there there[sic] are so many evils, so much sin & wickedness & so
little of the vital spiritual religion that of the Gospel dispensation
that breathes "Glory -- in the highest" "on earth peace & good will to
men" my mind is often clothed with mourning not only on account
of the general state of society at large & of our own Religious
society in particular, but also on my own account, that I cannot
keep more constantly on the watch, so as to let no thought ward on
action escape without being brought to the light that it may be made
manifest where it is wrought -- I have sometimes been favoured with such
clear views of the vanity of this world, of the beauty of Holiness, & the awfulness
of entering upon an unchanging & neverending state of unspeakable
happiness, or unutterable woe, that if I were not sensible that of our
selves we can do nothing I could but be astonished that I should frequently
find myself so devoid of energy & warmth of feeling in relation respect,
to that which alone is worth living for -- In relation to the subjects
mentioned in thy letter, I have though for months & I believe I may say
Adrian 4<sup>th</sup> Mo 6<sup>th</sup> 1845
Dear Sister
I congratulate thee on the improved State of thy health
when I first heard thee was "<und>shaking the dust</und> of as a testimony against Mich. I told
Elizabeth thy health would probably be the better for it, and although thee says you
cannot again journey to Mich, I think according to thy own account it might be
well to visit us every ten years at least, for if each visit should carry thy age
back as far as the last appears to have done I do not see that thee need
ever grow old -- however on more sober reflection I do not think there would
be any gain in that, for I can but agree with Jane Taylor's immagined visitor
from the planet Venus that "it is a great favour to be placed in a world where
we can die" & inherit a letter, where neither sin nor sorrow finds an
entrance, but peace & joy forever reign -- for although I have enjoyed
myself during the last eighteen months as well perhaps as during any
other equal period of my life, yet I have frequently thought laterly
that my hold on this world was but very slight, it is true I have an
affectionate wife whom I love & for whose loss I should feel sorry, & an
increasingly interesting little boy that I should love to endeavour to
train up in that that is declared to be the beginning of wisdom, I have
also dear relatives & kind friends, but so far as relates to myself individually
I see nothing to induce or wish to remain long in a world
where there <sic>there</sic> are so many evils, so much sin & wickedness & so
little of the vital spiritual religion <del>that</del> of the Gospel dispensation
that breathes "Glory -- in the highest" "on earth peace & good will to
men" my mind is often clothed with mourning not only on account
of the general state of society at large & of our own Religious
society in particular, but also on my own account, that I cannot
keep more constantly on the watch, so as to let no thought ward on
action escape without being brought to the light that it may be made
manifest where it is wrought -- I have sometimes been favoured with such
clear views of the vanity of this world, of the beauty of Holiness, & the awfulness
of entering upon an unchanging & neverending state of unspeakable
happiness, or unutterable woe, that if I were not sensible that of our
selves we can do nothing I could but be astonished that I should frequently
find myself so devoid of energy & warmth of feeling in <del>relation</del><add> respect,</add>
to that which alone is worth living for -- In relation to the subjects
mentioned in thy letter, I have though for months & I believe I may say
Dear Sister
I congratulate thee on the improved State of thy health
when I first heard thee was "<und>shaking the dust</und> of as a testimony against Mich. I told
Elizabeth thy health would probably be the better for it, and although thee says you
cannot again journey to Mich, I think according to thy own account it might be
well to visit us every ten years at least, for if each visit should carry thy age
back as far as the last appears to have done I do not see that thee need
ever grow old -- however on more sober reflection I do not think there would
be any gain in that, for I can but agree with Jane Taylor's immagined visitor
from the planet Venus that "it is a great favour to be placed in a world where
we can die" & inherit a letter, where neither sin nor sorrow finds an
entrance, but peace & joy forever reign -- for although I have enjoyed
myself during the last eighteen months as well perhaps as during any
other equal period of my life, yet I have frequently thought laterly
that my hold on this world was but very slight, it is true I have an
affectionate wife whom I love & for whose loss I should feel sorry, & an
increasingly interesting little boy that I should love to endeavour to
train up in that that is declared to be the beginning of wisdom, I have
also dear relatives & kind friends, but so far as relates to myself individually
I see nothing to induce or wish to remain long in a world
where there <sic>there</sic> are so many evils, so much sin & wickedness & so
little of the vital spiritual religion <del>that</del> of the Gospel dispensation
that breathes "Glory -- in the highest" "on earth peace & good will to
men" my mind is often clothed with mourning not only on account
of the general state of society at large & of our own Religious
society in particular, but also on my own account, that I cannot
keep more constantly on the watch, so as to let no thought ward on
action escape without being brought to the light that it may be made
manifest where it is wrought -- I have sometimes been favoured with such
clear views of the vanity of this world, of the beauty of Holiness, & the awfulness
of entering upon an unchanging & neverending state of unspeakable
happiness, or unutterable woe, that if I were not sensible that of our
selves we can do nothing I could but be astonished that I should frequently
find myself so devoid of energy & warmth of feeling in <del>relation</del><add> respect,</add>
to that which alone is worth living for -- In relation to the subjects
mentioned in thy letter, I have though for months & I believe I may say

this without looking over it
years past that many of even the prominent members of our society
were vergeing very fast into the very mixture out of which our primitive
friends were called . & that like Epraim of old strangers were devouring
their substance & they knew it not -- I had "read & approved" the
article in Nos 21 & 22 of "The Friend (with the exception of one
unfriendly word "war-cry" I did not like that) but not I W's
letters. nor have I seen the recent work of his thee mentions, but should be
glad to have them I should a suitable opportunity occurs how much he may
or may not have erred I cannot tell as it is almost as easy to err on the
right hand as on the left, but of one thing I feel very sure. I have seen some
of J. J. Gs writings that do not accord with the writings of George Fox &
the friends of his day & I think as I have long thought that when I loose my
confidence in the correctness of the principles they advocated. I shall be
without any religion, for I have any experience or knowledge of
The Witness for Truth in my own heart, it agrees with & confirms their
testimony -- At our last Q. M. the week before last we had a number
of copies of an address from the meeting for Sufferings in N.Y. &
also of one from N. E. one of each was read & probably there are but
few of our members here but what look upon J. W. in very much about the
light he is there represented, a headstrong self willed separatist, & I do
not know but if any of us should undertake publicly to advocate his
cause or say much against J. J. G we should be disowned too, although many
disapprove of some parts of his writings "The society here has lately met with
a great loss in the removal of David Harkness especially should such difficulties
as thee apprehends overtake us, he seemed to be one generally looked up to
& a firm believer in primitive quakerism, but he who does all things well
& has seen meet in his wisdom to take him away, can raise up others to
stand for his cause. & I feel the language at this time to arise, oh
that he may be pleased in his mercy to raise up in our society "judges as
at the first & counsellors as at the beginning" who may come forth
not in thier own wisdom & strength, but in the weight & authority of his
Spirit to judge down whatever is contrary thereto -- for I think I can
plainly perceive that the enemies bait is so skillfully laid at this time,
he has so completely assumed the appearance of an angel of light, that nothing
short of the true anointing will prove infallible against his wiles
although there may & no doubt will be those who will side with the right
merely from the force of circumstances & prepossessions -- but I [?]
this subject for the present, hopeing that all may in the end, work together
this without looking over it
years past that many of even the prominent members of our society
were vergeing very fast into the very mixture out of which our primitive
friends were called . & that like Epraim of old strangers were devouring
their substance & they knew it not -- I had "read & approved" the
article in Nos 21 & 22 of "The Friend (with the exception of one
unfriendly word "war-cry" I did not like that) but not I W's
letters. nor have I seen the recent work of his thee mentions, but should be
glad to have them <del>I</del> <add>should</add> a suitable opportunity occur<del>s</del> how much he may
or may not have erred I cannot tell as it is almost as easy to err on the
right hand as on the left, but of one thing I feel very sure. I have seen some
of J. J. Gs writings that do not accord with the writings of George Fox &
the friends of his day & I think as I have long thought that when I loose my
confidence in the correctness of the principles they advocated. I shall be
without any religion, for I have any experience or knowledge of
The Witness for Truth in my own heart, it agrees with & confirms their
testimony -- At our last Q. M. the week before last we had a number
of copies of an address from the meeting for Sufferings in N.Y. &
also of one from N. E. one of each was read & probably there are but
few of our members here but what look upon J. W. in <del>very much</del> about the
light he is there represented, a headstrong self willed separatist, & I do
not know but if any of us should undertake publicly to advocate his
cause or say much against J. J. G we should be disowned too, although many
disapprove of some parts of his writings "The society here has lately met with
a great loss in the removal of David Harkness especially should such difficulties
as thee apprehends overtake us, he seemed to be one generally looked up to
& a firm believer in primitive quakerism, but he who does all things well
& has seen meet in his wisdom to take him away, can raise up others to
stand for his cause. & I feel the language at this time to arise, oh
that he may be pleased in his mercy to raise up in our society "judges as
at the first & counsellors as at the beginning" who may come forth
not in thier own wisdom & strength, but in the weight & authority of his
Spirit to judge down whatever is contrary thereto -- for I think I can
plainly perceive that the enemies bait is so skillfully laid at this time,
he has so completely assumed the appearance of an angel of light, that nothing
short of the true anointing will prove infallible against his wiles
although there may & no doubt will be those who will side with the right
merely from the force of circumstances & prepossessions -- but I <ill>
this subject for the present, hopeing that all may in the end, work together
years past that many of even the prominent members of our society
were vergeing very fast into the very mixture out of which our primitive
friends were called . & that like Epraim of old strangers were devouring
their substance & they knew it not -- I had "read & approved" the
article in Nos 21 & 22 of "The Friend (with the exception of one
unfriendly word "war-cry" I did not like that) but not I W's
letters. nor have I seen the recent work of his thee mentions, but should be
glad to have them <del>I</del> <add>should</add> a suitable opportunity occur<del>s</del> how much he may
or may not have erred I cannot tell as it is almost as easy to err on the
right hand as on the left, but of one thing I feel very sure. I have seen some
of J. J. Gs writings that do not accord with the writings of George Fox &
the friends of his day & I think as I have long thought that when I loose my
confidence in the correctness of the principles they advocated. I shall be
without any religion, for I have any experience or knowledge of
The Witness for Truth in my own heart, it agrees with & confirms their
testimony -- At our last Q. M. the week before last we had a number
of copies of an address from the meeting for Sufferings in N.Y. &
also of one from N. E. one of each was read & probably there are but
few of our members here but what look upon J. W. in <del>very much</del> about the
light he is there represented, a headstrong self willed separatist, & I do
not know but if any of us should undertake publicly to advocate his
cause or say much against J. J. G we should be disowned too, although many
disapprove of some parts of his writings "The society here has lately met with
a great loss in the removal of David Harkness especially should such difficulties
as thee apprehends overtake us, he seemed to be one generally looked up to
& a firm believer in primitive quakerism, but he who does all things well
& has seen meet in his wisdom to take him away, can raise up others to
stand for his cause. & I feel the language at this time to arise, oh
that he may be pleased in his mercy to raise up in our society "judges as
at the first & counsellors as at the beginning" who may come forth
not in thier own wisdom & strength, but in the weight & authority of his
Spirit to judge down whatever is contrary thereto -- for I think I can
plainly perceive that the enemies bait is so skillfully laid at this time,
he has so completely assumed the appearance of an angel of light, that nothing
short of the true anointing will prove infallible against his wiles
although there may & no doubt will be those who will side with the right
merely from the force of circumstances & prepossessions -- but I <ill>
this subject for the present, hopeing that all may in the end, work together

good to them who with fear & trembling in humility & true sincerity are desiring
& endeavouring to walk in the light & hold the Truth as it is in their Holy
head -- I should be glad to be kept apprised of any important movements
that are or may be made in relation to these difficulties -- as our channel
of information here is almost wholy onesided at present --, I hope sister
M. & the boys are all long [?] this enjoying their usual or better state of
health, & if brother J. thinks it will be returning good for evil to return
answers to my letters in half the time I take, let him take example by this and
write within a week -- a disease that we suppose to be the same that in some
places is termed Malignant Erysipelas has made great inroads amongst us
we have had I think within a few months past more deaths among our
acquaintances. than during the twelve preceding years that I have lived
in this state (though not all with that disease) we have been favoured to
escape the disease thus far though there have been three deaths & are now
quite a number of cases within less than a mile of us, among the deceased
were some of the heads of our meeting an accont of two * of them I [?]
forward for insertion in "The Friend" if the editor sees fit so to do with what
ever abreviation or alteration he may choose to make I have myself left
out at least half of what was handed me in relation to John White although he was
no doubt a worthy man of whom much more might have been said in truth
if brother J or one of you will please hand them to the Editor with
such explanation as may seem required I shall feel much obliged.
13th Aunt P. S. has lately had an attack of inflamation of the lungs but is
good to them who with fear & trembling in humility & true sincerity are desiring
& endeavouring to walk in the light & hold the Truth as it is in their Holy
head -- I should be glad to be kept apprised of any important movements
that are or may be made in relation to these difficulties -- as our channel
of information here is almost wholy onesided at present --, I hope sister
M. & the boys are all long <ill> this enjoying their usual or better state of
health, & if brother J. thinks it will be returning good for evil to return
answers to my letters in half the time I take, let him take example by this and
write within a week -- a disease that we suppose to be the same that in some
places is termed Malignant Erysipelas has made great inroads amongst us
we have had I think within a few months past more deaths among our
acquaintances. than during the twelve preceding years that I have lived
in this state (though not all with that disease) we have been favoured to
escape the disease thus far though there have been three deaths & are now
quite a number of cases within less than a mile of us, among the deceased
were some of the heads of our meeting an accont of two * of them I <ill>
forward for insertion in "The Friend" if the editor sees fit so to do with what
ever abreviation or alteration he may choose to make I have myself left
out at least half of what was handed me in relation to John White although he was
no doubt a worthy man of whom much more might have been said in truth
if brother J or one of you will please hand them to the Editor with
such explanation as may seem required I shall feel much obliged.
13<sup>th</sup> Aunt P. S. has lately had an attack of inflamation of the lungs but is
& endeavouring to walk in the light & hold the Truth as it is in their Holy
head -- I should be glad to be kept apprised of any important movements
that are or may be made in relation to these difficulties -- as our channel
of information here is almost wholy onesided at present --, I hope sister
M. & the boys are all long <ill> this enjoying their usual or better state of
health, & if brother J. thinks it will be returning good for evil to return
answers to my letters in half the time I take, let him take example by this and
write within a week -- a disease that we suppose to be the same that in some
places is termed Malignant Erysipelas has made great inroads amongst us
we have had I think within a few months past more deaths among our
acquaintances. than during the twelve preceding years that I have lived
in this state (though not all with that disease) we have been favoured to
escape the disease thus far though there have been three deaths & are now
quite a number of cases within less than a mile of us, among the deceased
were some of the heads of our meeting an accont of two * of them I <ill>
forward for insertion in "The Friend" if the editor sees fit so to do with what
ever abreviation or alteration he may choose to make I have myself left
out at least half of what was handed me in relation to John White although he was
no doubt a worthy man of whom much more might have been said in truth
if brother J or one of you will please hand them to the Editor with
such explanation as may seem required I shall feel much obliged.
13<sup>th</sup> Aunt P. S. has lately had an attack of inflamation of the lungs but is

much better now, she wished to send a great deal of love to you all & would
be very glad if you would write to her -- our dear little Joseph H is now laboring
under an attack of the same disease. but we hope he is a little better than he
has been we have been up with him most of two nights past he appears to suffer a great
deal but is more patient than we could expect, we think he is also cutting teeth though not
shown themselves yer, it would be a very great trial to part with him & yet I would
much rather he should be taken now than live to be a man & not "die the
death of the righteous" I send a little lock of his hair that was taken off two
or three months since --
much better now, she wished to send a great deal of love to you all & would
be very glad if you would write to her -- our dear little Joseph H is now laboring
under an attack of the same disease. but we hope he is a little better than he
has been we have been up with him most of two nights past he appears to suffer a great
deal but is more patient than we could expect, we think he is also cutting teeth though not
shown themselves yer, it would be a very great trial to part with him & yet I would
much rather he should be taken now than live to be a man & not "die the
death of the righteous" I send a little lock of his hair that was taken off two
or three months since --
be very glad if you would write to her -- our dear little Joseph H is now laboring
under an attack of the same disease. but we hope he is a little better than he
has been we have been up with him most of two nights past he appears to suffer a great
deal but is more patient than we could expect, we think he is also cutting teeth though not
shown themselves yer, it would be a very great trial to part with him & yet I would
much rather he should be taken now than live to be a man & not "die the
death of the righteous" I send a little lock of his hair that was taken off two
or three months since --

[?] other obituary notice is not quite ready & there is no room for it in this if it was -- the tax on that bitter
[?] land was 38 dollars & some cents, besides a dollar cost making nearly $40. for 3 years that remained unpaid --
with much love
to all farewell
<ill> other obituary notice is not quite ready & there is no room for it in this if it was -- the tax on that bitter
<ill> land was 38 dollars & some cents, besides a dollar cost making nearly $40. for 3 years that remained unpaid --
with much love
to all farewell
<ill> land was 38 dollars & some cents, besides a dollar cost making nearly $40. for 3 years that remained unpaid --
with much love
to all farewell

20th meeting time - cant explain now why this is here yet. Joseph H has been qute sick but is now so well that we think of
taking him to meeting to day it is so bright & warm -- the Thermometer has stood for several days at nearly 90° I shall have to close
20<sup>th</sup> meeting time - cant explain now why this is here yet. Joseph H has been qute sick but is now so well that we think of
taking him to meeting to day it is so bright & warm -- the Thermometer has stood for several days at nearly 90° I shall have to close
taking him to meeting to day it is so bright & warm -- the Thermometer has stood for several days at nearly 90° I shall have to close