Document set '507'
Transcript style:other pages

7. mo 21st 1860.
Seventh day --
You cannot expect much of interest
from our warm dusty deserted city, but
as it was really very kind in Sister M.
to prefer our gratification to the nice
walk she might have taken in such
most agreeable company, I will make
a great effort & gather up the news
from the four quarters of the earth
towards which, those for whom you
inquire seem to be travelling.
In the first place cousin Anna & Jane went, the day before your letters arrived, to Alexandria, expected to stay a week or two, then go to Ohio for an indefinite period, and then to Isaac's -- H's letter was enclosed & left at the house for C. to forward. The slip for cousin E. I gave him but it was quite an omission that you did not mention the gentleman's name I hope it will appear in your next. what7. mo 21st 1860.
Seventh day --
<p-bgn>You cannot expect much of interest
from our warm dusty deserted city, but
as it was really very kind in Sister M.
to prefer our gratification to the nice
walk she might have taken in such
most agreeable company, I will make
a great effort & gather up the news
from the four quarters of the earth
towards which, those for whom you
inquire seem to be travelling.<p-end>
<p-bgn> In the first place cousin Anna &
Jane went, the day before your letters
arrived, to Alexandria, expected to
stay a week or two, then go to Ohio
for an indefinite period, and then
to Isaac's -- H's letter was enclosed
& left at the house for C. to forward.
The slip for cousin E. I gave him but
it was quite an omission that you
did not mention the gentleman's <und>name</und>
I hope it will appear in your next.
In the first place cousin Anna & Jane went, the day before your letters arrived, to Alexandria, expected to stay a week or two, then go to Ohio for an indefinite period, and then to Isaac's -- H's letter was enclosed & left at the house for C. to forward. The slip for cousin E. I gave him but it was quite an omission that you did not mention the gentleman's name I hope it will appear in your next. what7. mo 21st 1860.
Seventh day --
<p-bgn>You cannot expect much of interest
from our warm dusty deserted city, but
as it was really very kind in Sister M.
to prefer our gratification to the nice
walk she might have taken in such
most agreeable company, I will make
a great effort & gather up the news
from the four quarters of the earth
towards which, those for whom you
inquire seem to be travelling.<p-end>
<p-bgn> In the first place cousin Anna &
Jane went, the day before your letters
arrived, to Alexandria, expected to
stay a week or two, then go to Ohio
for an indefinite period, and then
to Isaac's -- H's letter was enclosed
& left at the house for C. to forward.
The slip for cousin E. I gave him but
it was quite an omission that you
did not mention the gentleman's <und>name</und>
I hope it will appear in your next.

a treat it must be to meet with such
a most interesting intelligent companion
do let us hear more about him. If I had
found such a fellow-boarder at Lenox
how much more I should have enjoyed
that beautiful country -- but I was
utterly alone, -- no one from morning till
evening to whom I could say how beautiful!
no one with whom to walk -- to ride -- even
to eat not the least privation -- think
of sitting down to a solitary table day
after day -- instead of your brilliant circle
so be thankful for your privileges; & further
--show your gratitude by gathering up
some fragments from your intellectual
feasts for the benefit of those less highly
favored. -- But this is an episode --
I spent a day or two at Haverford
where it was said Frank performed
admirably -- that is well -- and comes
under the head of compensation -- if
you had seen the trunk of clothes he
brought home -- coats -- pants & any quantity
a treat it must be to meet with such
a most interesting intelligent companion
do let us hear more about him. If I had
found such a fellow-boarder at Lenox
how much more I should have enjoyed
that beautiful country -- but I was
utterly alone, -- no one from morning till
evening to whom I could say how beautiful!
no one with whom to walk -- to ride -- even
to <und>eat</und> not the least privation -- think
of sitting down to a solitary table day
after day -- instead of your <und>brilliant circle</und>
so be thankful for your privileges; & further
--show your gratitude by gathering up
some fragments from your intellectual
feasts for the benefit of those less highly
favored. -- But this is an episode --
I spent a day or two at Haverford
where it was said Frank performed
admirably -- that is well -- and comes
under the head of compensation -- if
you had seen the trunk of clothes he
brought home -- coats -- pants & any quantity
a most interesting intelligent companion
do let us hear more about him. If I had
found such a fellow-boarder at Lenox
how much more I should have enjoyed
that beautiful country -- but I was
utterly alone, -- no one from morning till
evening to whom I could say how beautiful!
no one with whom to walk -- to ride -- even
to <und>eat</und> not the least privation -- think
of sitting down to a solitary table day
after day -- instead of your <und>brilliant circle</und>
so be thankful for your privileges; & further
--show your gratitude by gathering up
some fragments from your intellectual
feasts for the benefit of those less highly
favored. -- But this is an episode --
I spent a day or two at Haverford
where it was said Frank performed
admirably -- that is well -- and comes
under the head of compensation -- if
you had seen the trunk of clothes he
brought home -- coats -- pants & any quantity

tour through the western portion of our
State -- but as they were described in the
Bulletion I will send the scrap to save
writing, provided you will be sure to
return it in your next -- as the boys
would like to see it. when they return.
We have had 3 or 4 letter from J. -- mostly written under the friendly shade of some forest tree while they were resting -- he seems to enjoy the novelty wonderfully well -- considering all things -- each one carried in his knapsack beside other needful articles a blanket & the 6th part of a tent so that they could camp out at pleasure -- Yesterday J. R. and sister H left us for Atlantic city where I hope they are being refreshed this hot morning. -- Lizzie, I understand, has been there for 2 or 3 week -- of M. R. I know nothing -- 4th day -- J R. returned this morning looking much better & the boys have all reached home in safety, -- nothing decided yet as totour through the western portion of our
State -- but as they were described in the
Bulletion I will send the scrap to save
writing, provided you will be <und>sure</und> to
<und>return it</und> in your next -- as the boys
would like to see it. <del>when they return.</del><p-end>
<p-bgn>We have had 3 or 4 letter from J. -- mostly
written under the friendly shade of some
forest tree while they were resting -- he
seems to enjoy the novelty wonderfully
well -- considering all things -- each one
carried in his knapsack beside other
needful articles a <und>blanket & the 6<sup>th</sup> part of a tent</und>
so that they could <und>camp out</und> at pleasure --
Yesterday J. R. and sister H left us
for Atlantic city where I hope they
are being refreshed this hot morning. --
<und>Lizzie</und>, I understand, has been there
for 2 or 3 week -- of M. R. I know nothing --
4<sup>th</sup> day -- J R. returned this morning looking
much better & the boys have all reached
home in safety, -- nothing decided yet as
We have had 3 or 4 letter from J. -- mostly written under the friendly shade of some forest tree while they were resting -- he seems to enjoy the novelty wonderfully well -- considering all things -- each one carried in his knapsack beside other needful articles a blanket & the 6th part of a tent so that they could camp out at pleasure -- Yesterday J. R. and sister H left us for Atlantic city where I hope they are being refreshed this hot morning. -- Lizzie, I understand, has been there for 2 or 3 week -- of M. R. I know nothing -- 4th day -- J R. returned this morning looking much better & the boys have all reached home in safety, -- nothing decided yet as totour through the western portion of our
State -- but as they were described in the
Bulletion I will send the scrap to save
writing, provided you will be <und>sure</und> to
<und>return it</und> in your next -- as the boys
would like to see it. <del>when they return.</del><p-end>
<p-bgn>We have had 3 or 4 letter from J. -- mostly
written under the friendly shade of some
forest tree while they were resting -- he
seems to enjoy the novelty wonderfully
well -- considering all things -- each one
carried in his knapsack beside other
needful articles a <und>blanket & the 6<sup>th</sup> part of a tent</und>
so that they could <und>camp out</und> at pleasure --
Yesterday J. R. and sister H left us
for Atlantic city where I hope they
are being refreshed this hot morning. --
<und>Lizzie</und>, I understand, has been there
for 2 or 3 week -- of M. R. I know nothing --
4<sup>th</sup> day -- J R. returned this morning looking
much better & the boys have all reached
home in safety, -- nothing decided yet as

Frank's future he did not see J. Thomas himself but likes his partner
Herendeen, very much & may go to Macedon as one of his family
if he chooses -- but the distance is so objectionable --
No time to write more at present -- & this is in haste
M.__ <p-bgn>Frank's future he did not see J. Thomas himself but likes his partner
Herendeen, very much & may go to Macedon as one of his family
if he chooses -- but the <und>distance</und> is so objectionable --<p-end>
<p-bgn>No time to <add>write</add> more at present -- & this is in haste<p-end>
No time to write more at present -- & this is in haste
M.__ <p-bgn>Frank's future he did not see J. Thomas himself but likes his partner
Herendeen, very much & may go to Macedon as one of his family
if he chooses -- but the <und>distance</und> is so objectionable --<p-end>
<p-bgn>No time to <add>write</add> more at present -- & this is in haste<p-end>

The Friend & Inquirer have no doubt been regularly sent to your address -- hope
they are received. M.
<p-bgn>The Friend & Inquirer have no doubt been regularly sent to your address -- hope
they are received. M.<p-end>
<p-bgn>The Friend & Inquirer have no doubt been regularly sent to your address -- hope
they are received. M.<p-end>