Document set '505'
Transcript style:other pages

Colerain 3rd mo 7th -- 45
My Dear Cousins
H. M. & M. P. Gibbons. It seems a long time since we received
your communications by A. T. Updegraff -- but as there is
no one here but myself who willwrite letters & I have written
several to Phila by which you would hear from us I thot
I had best not answer yours directly as it would be but a repetition
of what I had written -- not that I copy my letters -- but ideas are
scarce at least new ones, & if I get one in a letter I think I
do well -- cousin H. will excuse me I Know for she expressed
much sympathy -- for me whilst here for having so many to write
I dont write so many as I "used to did" but that take "lots" more
pains with them. as you will see by the contents & execution
of this -- before I get throug -- it --
We were glad to hear that cousin H's hard shaking among our hills had improved her health & that she kept so well -- Cousin Mary -- must have her turn not that I would wish her to be shaken by the same means but come & have a longer stay with us -- we have enough of up's & downs in our land to give sufficient exercises without aid of chills to put one in motion such things as agues are well enough in a level country but among the hills is perfectly useless
No doubt you have heard of my wandering to & fro up & down in the land this winter & therefore it is not worth time to repeat I had a very pleasant visit among our Kinfolk at Cincinnati & think them very clever relations of ours.-- I hope they have the same Colerain 3<sup>rd</sup> mo 7<sup>th</sup> -- 45
My Dear Cousins
H. M. & M. P. Gibbons. <p-bgn>It seems a long time since we received
your communications by A. T. Updegraff -- but as there is
no one here but myself who <und>will</und>write letters & I have written
several to Phil<sup>a</sup> by which you would hear from us I thot
I had best not answer yours directly as it would be but a repetition
of what I had written -- not that I copy my letters -- but ideas are
scarce at least new ones, & if I get one in a letter I think I
do well -- cousin H. will excuse me I Know for she expressed
much sympathy -- for me whilst here for having so many to write
I dont write so many as I "used to did" but that <und>take "lots" more</und>
<und>pains with them</und>. as you will see by the contents & execution
of this -- before I get throug -- it --<p-end>
<p-bgn>We were glad to hear that cousin H's hard shaking among
our hills had improved her health & that she kept so well --
Cousin Mary -- must have her turn not that I would wish her to
be shaken by the same means but come & have a longer stay
with us -- we have enough of up's & downs in our land to give
sufficient exercises without aid of chills to put one in motion
such things as agues are well enough in a level country but
among the hills is perfectly useless<p-end>
<p-bgn> No doubt you have heard of my wandering to & fro up & down
in the land this winter & therefore it is not worth time to repeat
I had a very pleasant visit among our Kinfolk at Cincinnati
& think them very clever relations of ours.-- I hope they have the same
We were glad to hear that cousin H's hard shaking among our hills had improved her health & that she kept so well -- Cousin Mary -- must have her turn not that I would wish her to be shaken by the same means but come & have a longer stay with us -- we have enough of up's & downs in our land to give sufficient exercises without aid of chills to put one in motion such things as agues are well enough in a level country but among the hills is perfectly useless
No doubt you have heard of my wandering to & fro up & down in the land this winter & therefore it is not worth time to repeat I had a very pleasant visit among our Kinfolk at Cincinnati & think them very clever relations of ours.-- I hope they have the same Colerain 3<sup>rd</sup> mo 7<sup>th</sup> -- 45
My Dear Cousins
H. M. & M. P. Gibbons. <p-bgn>It seems a long time since we received
your communications by A. T. Updegraff -- but as there is
no one here but myself who <und>will</und>write letters & I have written
several to Phil<sup>a</sup> by which you would hear from us I thot
I had best not answer yours directly as it would be but a repetition
of what I had written -- not that I copy my letters -- but ideas are
scarce at least new ones, & if I get one in a letter I think I
do well -- cousin H. will excuse me I Know for she expressed
much sympathy -- for me whilst here for having so many to write
I dont write so many as I "used to did" but that <und>take "lots" more</und>
<und>pains with them</und>. as you will see by the contents & execution
of this -- before I get throug -- it --<p-end>
<p-bgn>We were glad to hear that cousin H's hard shaking among
our hills had improved her health & that she kept so well --
Cousin Mary -- must have her turn not that I would wish her to
be shaken by the same means but come & have a longer stay
with us -- we have enough of up's & downs in our land to give
sufficient exercises without aid of chills to put one in motion
such things as agues are well enough in a level country but
among the hills is perfectly useless<p-end>
<p-bgn> No doubt you have heard of my wandering to & fro up & down
in the land this winter & therefore it is not worth time to repeat
I had a very pleasant visit among our Kinfolk at Cincinnati
& think them very clever relations of ours.-- I hope they have the same

opinion of me -- I received a letter not long since from H. G. Hughes
please thank her for it, & tell her I intend answering it soon
when I feel able to comply fully with the "promises" & most
likely before.
We have had much sickness through this section of country this winter it has been very remarkably warm & most of the time pleasant -- more like spring than winter -- in last month the willow was putting out in leaf & the birds were singing -- as indeed they have been all winter.
Mother has been unwell for near six weeks, confined to the house though not so unwell but that she has been about the house -- it appears to be some prevailing complaint as there are many others who were afflicted in the same way -- Cousin Jane Rice, Rachel Raley & Mary Wright -- Mother has had sore throat extreme pain in head & a hard Cough the last she does not get clear of nor will not until the weather gets settled. There has been a great deal of the black tongue fever or erysipelas of the throat -- & mostly fatal -- the disease in our neighborhood is thought to be something of the same but in a much milder form
Those books for W. M. Star are still here because there has been no oppertunity but Joseph talks of going this Spring & if he does I will send them. I will take them there & leave them with Joseph.
Cousin H. makes enquiry about little Benny & Henry C. they have both grown in stutue[?] & Knowledge -- both can run about Harry began to walk first &walks goes about whistling quite
large -- Benny Can tell what the lambs say & divers other
things -- & altogether they are two -- very pretty play[?] things -- minus crying
and they do but precious little at that I think
opinion of me -- I received a letter not long since from H. G. Hughes
please thank her for it, & tell her I intend answering it soon
when I feel able to comply fully with the "promises" & most
likely before.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We have had much sickness through this section
of country this winter it has been very remarkably warm &
most of the time pleasant -- more like spring than winter -- in
last month the willow was putting out in leaf & the birds
were singing -- as indeed they have been all winter.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Mother has been unwell for near six weeks, confined to the house
though not so unwell but that she has been about the house -- it appears
to be some prevailing complaint as there are many others who were
afflicted in the same way -- Cousin Jane Rice, Rachel Raley &
Mary Wright -- Mother has had sore throat extreme pain in
head & a hard Cough the last she does not get clear of
nor will not until the weather gets settled. There has been a great
deal of the black tongue fever or erysipelas of the throat -- &
mostly fatal -- the disease in our neighborhood is thought to be
something of the same but in a much milder form<p-end>
<p-bgn>Those books for W. M. Star are still here because there has
been no oppertunity but Joseph talks of going this Spring
& if he does I will send them. I will take them there & leave
them with Joseph.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Cousin H. makes enquiry about little Benny & Henry C.
they have both grown in <unclear>stutue</unclear> & Knowledge -- both can run
about Harry began to walk first & <del>walks</del> <add>goes</add> about whistling quite
large -- Benny Can tell what the lambs say & divers other
things -- & altogether they are two -- very pretty <unclear>play</unclear> things -- minus crying
and they do but precious little at that I think<p-end>
We have had much sickness through this section of country this winter it has been very remarkably warm & most of the time pleasant -- more like spring than winter -- in last month the willow was putting out in leaf & the birds were singing -- as indeed they have been all winter.
Mother has been unwell for near six weeks, confined to the house though not so unwell but that she has been about the house -- it appears to be some prevailing complaint as there are many others who were afflicted in the same way -- Cousin Jane Rice, Rachel Raley & Mary Wright -- Mother has had sore throat extreme pain in head & a hard Cough the last she does not get clear of nor will not until the weather gets settled. There has been a great deal of the black tongue fever or erysipelas of the throat -- & mostly fatal -- the disease in our neighborhood is thought to be something of the same but in a much milder form
Those books for W. M. Star are still here because there has been no oppertunity but Joseph talks of going this Spring & if he does I will send them. I will take them there & leave them with Joseph.
Cousin H. makes enquiry about little Benny & Henry C. they have both grown in stutue[?] & Knowledge -- both can run about Harry began to walk first &
opinion of me -- I received a letter not long since from H. G. Hughes
please thank her for it, & tell her I intend answering it soon
when I feel able to comply fully with the "promises" & most
likely before.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We have had much sickness through this section
of country this winter it has been very remarkably warm &
most of the time pleasant -- more like spring than winter -- in
last month the willow was putting out in leaf & the birds
were singing -- as indeed they have been all winter.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Mother has been unwell for near six weeks, confined to the house
though not so unwell but that she has been about the house -- it appears
to be some prevailing complaint as there are many others who were
afflicted in the same way -- Cousin Jane Rice, Rachel Raley &
Mary Wright -- Mother has had sore throat extreme pain in
head & a hard Cough the last she does not get clear of
nor will not until the weather gets settled. There has been a great
deal of the black tongue fever or erysipelas of the throat -- &
mostly fatal -- the disease in our neighborhood is thought to be
something of the same but in a much milder form<p-end>
<p-bgn>Those books for W. M. Star are still here because there has
been no oppertunity but Joseph talks of going this Spring
& if he does I will send them. I will take them there & leave
them with Joseph.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Cousin H. makes enquiry about little Benny & Henry C.
they have both grown in <unclear>stutue</unclear> & Knowledge -- both can run
about Harry began to walk first & <del>walks</del> <add>goes</add> about whistling quite
large -- Benny Can tell what the lambs say & divers other
things -- & altogether they are two -- very pretty <unclear>play</unclear> things -- minus crying
and they do but precious little at that I think<p-end>

Dear Children
I have been so much at home and alone this winter
that my stock of information is very limited I have
only been at meeting once for 6 weeks and then I took cold
and was verry poorly 2 or 3 weeks and hav not ventured out
since altho I am now almost well except some cough and very
weak -- we have had a quiet comfortable winter Benjn and I
thro the day, and Sam. and a young woman added to our number
thro the night -- they board with us and go to school, M. B. Stroud[?]
has had a nice school of 30 students in one end of our meeting house
the last 4 months -- frds of Smithfield have employed her to teach
for them the coming summer where she expects to go 1st of next mo.
we had a letter from H. M. P. lately, her family and mother were well, she talks
of visiting the citty in a few months, with John when on business
the last acount letter from Michigan gives verry discouraging acount
of your Aunt Phebes health, she had been entirely ill for 3 months
and was only able to write a few lines at a time when she wrote
tho she had been mending for a month -- she continued to have chills
if she used any exertion even to write a few lines woud brag them
our thy aunt Jane feals verry desirous of visiting them this spring
but her health is but poor, and she is not willing to go without me
and I feal as tho' it would be imposable for me to go at present
Cousin Joshuas family and Parvins have escaped sickness thus far
almost the only families in the neighborhood, altho there has not been
any deaths just within our limmis[?] -- but many of our frds and others at
Gurway [?]and Flushing -- there is now a child of Charles tenant layind[?] very
low and our old neighbour Mary Pickering, Joshua Bonsall in laying
at the school extremely ill with inflamation of the lungs, within the last too
or three days they have some hope of his recovery, tho the Dr had given him up
the family were sent for and are all with him. -- this information is for H. G. Hugh
Jane Rice has been suffering much with many infirmities almost all winter
not able to go from home and of late weeks unable to be about house -- we are very
aprehensive she will not get thro the spring, with love to Martha and Anna
I say afectionately farwell H MDear Children
I have been so much at home and alone this winter
that my stock of information is very limited I have
only been at meeting once for 6 weeks and then I took cold
and was verry poorly 2 or 3 weeks and hav not ventured out
since altho I am now almost well except some cough and very
weak -- we have had a quiet comfortable winter Benjn and I
thro the day, and Sam. and a young woman added to our number
thro the night -- they board with us and go to school, M. B. <unclear>Stroud</unclear>
has had a nice school of 30 students in one end of our meeting house
the last 4 months -- frds of Smithfield have employed her to teach
for them the coming summer where she expects to go 1st of next <und>mo</und>.
we had a letter from H. M. P. lately, her family and mother were well, she talks
of visiting the citty in a few months, with John when on business
the last <del>acount</del> letter from Michigan gives verry discouraging acount
of your Aunt Phebes health, she had been entirely ill for 3 months
and was only able to write a few lines at a time when she wrote
tho she had been mending for a month -- she continued to have chills
if she used any exertion even to write a few lines woud brag them
our thy aunt Jane feals verry desirous of visiting them this spring
but her health is but poor, and she is not willing to go without me
and I feal as tho' it would be imposable for me to go at present
Cousin Joshuas family and Parvins have escaped sickness thus far
almost the only families in the neighborhood, altho there has not been
any deaths just within our <unclear>limmis</unclear> -- but many of our frds and others at
<unclear>Gurway </unclear>and Flushing -- there is now a child of Charles tenant <unclear>layind</unclear> very
low and our old neighbour Mary Pickering, Joshua Bonsall in laying
at the school extremely ill with inflamation of the lungs, within the last too
or three days they have some hope of his recovery, tho the D<sup>r</sup> had given him up
the family were sent for and are all with him. -- this information is for H. G. Hugh
Jane Rice has been suffering much with many infirmities almost all winter
not able to go from home and of late weeks unable to be about house -- we are very
aprehensive she will not get thro the spring, with love to Martha and Anna
I say afectionately farwell H M
I have been so much at home and alone this winter
that my stock of information is very limited I have
only been at meeting once for 6 weeks and then I took cold
and was verry poorly 2 or 3 weeks and hav not ventured out
since altho I am now almost well except some cough and very
weak -- we have had a quiet comfortable winter Benjn and I
thro the day, and Sam. and a young woman added to our number
thro the night -- they board with us and go to school, M. B. <unclear>Stroud</unclear>
has had a nice school of 30 students in one end of our meeting house
the last 4 months -- frds of Smithfield have employed her to teach
for them the coming summer where she expects to go 1st of next <und>mo</und>.
we had a letter from H. M. P. lately, her family and mother were well, she talks
of visiting the citty in a few months, with John when on business
the last <del>acount</del> letter from Michigan gives verry discouraging acount
of your Aunt Phebes health, she had been entirely ill for 3 months
and was only able to write a few lines at a time when she wrote
tho she had been mending for a month -- she continued to have chills
if she used any exertion even to write a few lines woud brag them
our thy aunt Jane feals verry desirous of visiting them this spring
but her health is but poor, and she is not willing to go without me
and I feal as tho' it would be imposable for me to go at present
Cousin Joshuas family and Parvins have escaped sickness thus far
almost the only families in the neighborhood, altho there has not been
any deaths just within our <unclear>limmis</unclear> -- but many of our frds and others at
<unclear>Gurway </unclear>and Flushing -- there is now a child of Charles tenant <unclear>layind</unclear> very
low and our old neighbour Mary Pickering, Joshua Bonsall in laying
at the school extremely ill with inflamation of the lungs, within the last too
or three days they have some hope of his recovery, tho the D<sup>r</sup> had given him up
the family were sent for and are all with him. -- this information is for H. G. Hugh
Jane Rice has been suffering much with many infirmities almost all winter
not able to go from home and of late weeks unable to be about house -- we are very
aprehensive she will not get thro the spring, with love to Martha and Anna
I say afectionately farwell H M

we have had no cold weather, perhaps it is to come yet, tho
the yards and meadows are green and many of the trees and shrubbery almos ready to bloom
we have had some birds to sing for us the coldest days we have had this winter -- and now
the robbin and Turtledove with many others are poring forth this morning lays
this morning there was quite a choir
we have had no cold weather, perhaps it is to come yet, tho
the yards and meadows are green and many of the trees and shrubbery almos ready to bloom
we have had some birds to sing for us the coldest days we have had this winter -- and now
the robbin and Turtledove with many others are poring forth this morning lays
this morning there was quite a choir<p-end>
we have had no cold weather, perhaps it is to come yet, tho
the yards and meadows are green and many of the trees and shrubbery almos ready to bloom
we have had some birds to sing for us the coldest days we have had this winter -- and now
the robbin and Turtledove with many others are poring forth this morning lays
this morning there was quite a choir<p-end>

Benjamin had intended saying something
more but he has been much engaged and had to go from home
this evening, tomorrow being post day I will close and send this as
it is after adding -- he wishes you to let him know, if you want
your moaney this spring, if so he will try to acomodate you
we would like to hear from you, when you feal disposed to write
<p-bgn>Benjamin had intended saying something
more but he has been much engaged and had to go from home
this evening, tomorrow being post day I will close and send this as
it is after adding -- he wishes you to let him know, if you want
your moaney this spring, if so he will try to acomodate you
we would like to hear from you, when you feal disposed to write<p-end>
<p-bgn>Benjamin had intended saying something
more but he has been much engaged and had to go from home
this evening, tomorrow being post day I will close and send this as
it is after adding -- he wishes you to let him know, if you want
your moaney this spring, if so he will try to acomodate you
we would like to hear from you, when you feal disposed to write<p-end>