Document set '498'
Transcript style:other pages

6th day, 6,th mo, 14,th 1833
Thee may put this Canister
of Ground Coffee in thy Chamber
if thee has room for it, & the
Bedstead goes there too, for a time at least[?]
I know it will be a troublesome Job
but if thee cou'd spread down the breadth,
of Carpetting, & tell me how much more
in length & Width will be necessary
we can send it by W. J. next time,
we have now fix'd upon going
to morrow week, unless some unseen
& unexpected occurronce takes place, to prevent[?]
I feel very dull about it to day, H & I, undertook
to do a little shopping yesterday, the
walk prov'd too much for me, the day was
warm, & on getting home, I was not cautious
enough about cooling too suddenly, & to day
my cough is bad, in addition to which the
accounts we have daily, of the Cholera being
in many parts of our country particularly
at Wheeling & in the neighborhood of Mount
Pleasant, & many looking for it in our City, as soon
as the warm weather commences that under
all these circumstances I feel it a very serious
thing to leave home, & part of the Family here
6<sup>th</sup> day, 6,<sup>th</sup> mo, 14,<sup>th</sup> 1833
<p-bgn>Thee may put this Canister
of Ground Coffee in thy Chamber
if thee has room for it, & the
Bedstead goes there too, for a time at <unclear>least</unclear>
I know it will be a troublesome Job
but if thee cou'd spread down the breadth,
of Carpetting, & tell me how much more
in length & Width will be necessary
we can send it by W. J. next time,
we have now fix'd upon going
to morrow week, unless some unseen
& unexpected occurronce takes place, to <unclear>prevent</unclear>
I feel very dull about it to day, H & I, undertook
to do a little shopping yesterday, the
walk prov'd too much for me, the day was
warm, & on getting home, I was not cautious
enough about cooling too suddenly, & to day
my cough is bad, in addition to which the
accounts we have daily, of the Cholera being
in many parts of our country particularly
at Wheeling & in the neighborhood of Mount
Pleasant, & many looking for it in our City, as soon
as the warm weather commences that under
all these circumstances I feel it a very serious
thing to leave home, & part of the Family here
<p-bgn>Thee may put this Canister
of Ground Coffee in thy Chamber
if thee has room for it, & the
Bedstead goes there too, for a time at <unclear>least</unclear>
I know it will be a troublesome Job
but if thee cou'd spread down the breadth,
of Carpetting, & tell me how much more
in length & Width will be necessary
we can send it by W. J. next time,
we have now fix'd upon going
to morrow week, unless some unseen
& unexpected occurronce takes place, to <unclear>prevent</unclear>
I feel very dull about it to day, H & I, undertook
to do a little shopping yesterday, the
walk prov'd too much for me, the day was
warm, & on getting home, I was not cautious
enough about cooling too suddenly, & to day
my cough is bad, in addition to which the
accounts we have daily, of the Cholera being
in many parts of our country particularly
at Wheeling & in the neighborhood of Mount
Pleasant, & many looking for it in our City, as soon
as the warm weather commences that under
all these circumstances I feel it a very serious
thing to leave home, & part of the Family here

the Tea Kettle is full of crokery, dont know
how it will carry, hope the roll will not
be lost, as there are some valuable articles
on it, thought it the best way to carry
without injuring the crape lise thy _ankerg[?]
& the Map, the pocket Hstn[?] thee may keep
I want thee to see that evry thing arives
safe, Beadsteds, Sacken Bottom, & screws
tea Kettle Brush & Broom, Landirons Canister
& Carpetting, beside the roll.
had thee not better have a dress of the thin Buff Gingam, it looks much better made up than the calico (which we cant get) & is so cool & pleasant, washes well I see nothing so cheap that looks so respectable
Mother says thee must answer her questions as soon as thee can -- We had one letter from thee this week the Tea Kettle is full of crokery, dont know
how it will carry, hope the roll will not
be lost, as there are some valuable articles
on it, thought it the best way to carry
without injuring the crape lise thy <unclear>_ankerg</unclear>
& the Map, the pocket <unclear>Hstn</unclear> thee may keep
I want thee to see that evry thing arives
safe, Beadsteds, Sacken Bottom, & screws
tea Kettle Brush & Broom, Landirons Canister
& Carpetting, beside the roll.<p-end>
<p-bgn>had thee not better have a dress of the
thin Buff Gingam, it looks much better
made up than the calico (which we cant
get) & is so cool & pleasant, washes well
I see nothing so cheap that looks so respectable<p-end>
<p-bgn>Mother says thee must answer her
questions as soon as thee can --
We had one letter from thee this
had thee not better have a dress of the thin Buff Gingam, it looks much better made up than the calico (which we cant get) & is so cool & pleasant, washes well I see nothing so cheap that looks so respectable
Mother says thee must answer her questions as soon as thee can -- We had one letter from thee this week the Tea Kettle is full of crokery, dont know
how it will carry, hope the roll will not
be lost, as there are some valuable articles
on it, thought it the best way to carry
without injuring the crape lise thy <unclear>_ankerg</unclear>
& the Map, the pocket <unclear>Hstn</unclear> thee may keep
I want thee to see that evry thing arives
safe, Beadsteds, Sacken Bottom, & screws
tea Kettle Brush & Broom, Landirons Canister
& Carpetting, beside the roll.<p-end>
<p-bgn>had thee not better have a dress of the
thin Buff Gingam, it looks much better
made up than the calico (which we cant
get) & is so cool & pleasant, washes well
I see nothing so cheap that looks so respectable<p-end>
<p-bgn>Mother says thee must answer her
questions as soon as thee can --
We had one letter from thee this

I send 1 1/4 yds of crape lis for S. at 87./5 --
2 little Shawls for thee .33 -- & 40 cts --
the calico was all gone, so what next
Thee ought really to have written by W.
I today -- will have to send a letter
past yet I think before we go --
'Tis so very warm I should be glad to
make my escape tomorrow -- but mother
thinks she cannot go yet
We have "Nature display'd" by Da_[?] [?] 2 large vols -- I wish I knew whether I had best take it -- dont know what that pronouncing Dictionary is --
Have been very busy preparing for company this mornin -- expect J. Tallcot & wife from S Kaneoteles & W. & E. Evans -- I send 1 1/4 yds of crape lis for S. at 87./5 --
2 little Shawls for thee .33 -- & 40 cts --
the calico was all gone, so what next
Thee ought really to have written by W.
I today -- will have to send a letter
past yet I think before we go --
'Tis so very warm I should be glad to
make my escape tomorrow -- but mother
thinks she cannot go yet<p-end>
We have "Nature display'd" by <unclear>Da_</unclear> <ill>
2 large vols -- I wish I knew whether I had
best take it -- dont know what that pronouncing
Dictionary is --<p-end>
<p-bgn>Have been very busy preparing for company
this mornin -- expect J. Tallcot & wife
from S Kaneoteles & W. & E. Evans --
We have "Nature display'd" by Da_[?] [?] 2 large vols -- I wish I knew whether I had best take it -- dont know what that pronouncing Dictionary is --
Have been very busy preparing for company this mornin -- expect J. Tallcot & wife from S Kaneoteles & W. & E. Evans -- I send 1 1/4 yds of crape lis for S. at 87./5 --
2 little Shawls for thee .33 -- & 40 cts --
the calico was all gone, so what next
Thee ought really to have written by W.
I today -- will have to send a letter
past yet I think before we go --
'Tis so very warm I should be glad to
make my escape tomorrow -- but mother
thinks she cannot go yet<p-end>
We have "Nature display'd" by <unclear>Da_</unclear> <ill>
2 large vols -- I wish I knew whether I had
best take it -- dont know what that pronouncing
Dictionary is --<p-end>
<p-bgn>Have been very busy preparing for company
this mornin -- expect J. Tallcot & wife
from S Kaneoteles & W. & E. Evans --