Document set '497'
Transcript style:other pages

Wilmington -- 9. mo. 17. 1829 --
Dear Mary --
Being much a stranger to thee I do not know what
thee will think of the proposal I am about to make to thee --
but believing thou will recieve it with the same friendly disposition
in which it is made I will briefly state -- that my husband
& myself have undertaken the charge of a boarding school which
requires the aid of several teachers & assistants of various qualification,
-- for one year we have been agreeably aided by Elizabeth Oakford
but her health not being sufficient for the station -- & her mother
much dissatisfied at her being so far from home in her present
delicate state -- she has concluded to leave us -- & we are now
looking about for some one to supply her place -- As it is an
important one & we do not wish to be hasty about it -- we have
thought it would be right to enquire of thee whether thou would
be willing to come for two or three months as the months -- as the
case may be -- & assist us in our important concerns to the best
of thy ability -- I would not have thee be discouraged by a
feeling of diffidence -- or fear of wanting the necessary qualification,
-- but recollect that we are in want of help -- & that if thee can
mend a pen & attend a little to the cyphering arithmetic. thee
can be useful -- and we shall be still more glad if thee
should feel willing to assist in the care of the children &c.
-- Be so kind as to write to us immediately -- or -- it would be
particularly acceptable if thou could make us a little visit
Wilmington -- 9. mo. 17. 1829 --
Dear Mary --
<p-bgn>Being much a stranger to thee I do not know what
thee will think of the proposal I am about to make to thee --
but believing thou will recieve it with the same friendly disposition
in which it is made I will briefly state -- that my husband
& myself have undertaken the charge of a boarding school which
requires the aid of several teachers & assistants of various qualification,
-- for one year we have been agreeably aided by Elizabeth Oakford
but her health not being sufficient for the station -- & her mother
much dissatisfied at her being so far from home in her present
delicate state -- she has concluded to leave us -- & we are now
looking about for some one to supply her place -- As it is an
important one & we do not wish to be hasty about it -- we have
thought it would be right to enquire of thee whether thou would
be willing to come for two or three <del>months as the</del> months -- as the
case may be -- & assist us in our important concerns to the best
of thy ability -- I would not have thee be discouraged by a
feeling of diffidence -- or fear of wanting the necessary qualification,
-- but recollect that <und>we are in want of help</und> -- & that if thee can
mend a pen & attend a little to the <del>cyphering</del> arithmetic. thee
can be useful -- and we shall be still more glad if thee
should feel willing to assist in the care of the children &c.
-- Be so kind as to write to us immediately -- or -- it would be
<und>particularly</und> acceptable if thou could make us a little visit
Dear Mary --
<p-bgn>Being much a stranger to thee I do not know what
thee will think of the proposal I am about to make to thee --
but believing thou will recieve it with the same friendly disposition
in which it is made I will briefly state -- that my husband
& myself have undertaken the charge of a boarding school which
requires the aid of several teachers & assistants of various qualification,
-- for one year we have been agreeably aided by Elizabeth Oakford
but her health not being sufficient for the station -- & her mother
much dissatisfied at her being so far from home in her present
delicate state -- she has concluded to leave us -- & we are now
looking about for some one to supply her place -- As it is an
important one & we do not wish to be hasty about it -- we have
thought it would be right to enquire of thee whether thou would
be willing to come for two or three <del>months as the</del> months -- as the
case may be -- & assist us in our important concerns to the best
of thy ability -- I would not have thee be discouraged by a
feeling of diffidence -- or fear of wanting the necessary qualification,
-- but recollect that <und>we are in want of help</und> -- & that if thee can
mend a pen & attend a little to the <del>cyphering</del> arithmetic. thee
can be useful -- and we shall be still more glad if thee
should feel willing to assist in the care of the children &c.
-- Be so kind as to write to us immediately -- or -- it would be
<und>particularly</und> acceptable if thou could make us a little visit

and see about it for thyself -- we can then discuss the matter fully
as to terms[?] -- the time of thy coming &c. &c. -- E. Oakford is
kindly unwilling to leave us without some one in her place --& as it
may be a disadvantage to her to stay longer than a week or two
more -- it is desirable to us to make such an arrangment as shall
enable us to accommodate her in this respect --
Hoping our proposal may meet thine & thy parents' approbation -- to whom we wish to be respectfully mention'd -- we remain thy friends -- Samuel & Margaret Hilles -- Mary Gibbons and see about it for thyself -- we can then discuss the matter fully
as to <unclear>terms</unclear> -- the <und>time of thy coming</und> &c. &c. -- E. Oakford is
kindly unwilling to leave us without some one in her place --& as it
may be a disadvantage to her to stay longer than a week or two
more -- it is desirable to us to make such an arrangment as shall
enable us to accommodate her in this respect -- <p-end>
<p-bgn>Hoping our proposal may meet thine & thy parents'
approbation -- to whom we wish to be respectfully mention'd --
we remain thy friends -- Samuel & Margaret Hilles --
Mary Gibbons
Hoping our proposal may meet thine & thy parents' approbation -- to whom we wish to be respectfully mention'd -- we remain thy friends -- Samuel & Margaret Hilles -- Mary Gibbons and see about it for thyself -- we can then discuss the matter fully
as to <unclear>terms</unclear> -- the <und>time of thy coming</und> &c. &c. -- E. Oakford is
kindly unwilling to leave us without some one in her place --& as it
may be a disadvantage to her to stay longer than a week or two
more -- it is desirable to us to make such an arrangment as shall
enable us to accommodate her in this respect -- <p-end>
<p-bgn>Hoping our proposal may meet thine & thy parents'
approbation -- to whom we wish to be respectfully mention'd --
we remain thy friends -- Samuel & Margaret Hilles --
Mary Gibbons