Document set '496'
Transcript style:other pages

1st Month 7th 1829 --
Although the evening is already far
advanced, I shall not retire with an easy mind until
I acknowledge the Receipt of your very welcome letter
we had almost relinquish'd all hope of hearing soon
as the line of communication seemed to be effectually
interrupted -- Mother, as usual, had been listening
to the disquieting insinuations of a fearful
fancy to the no small detriment of her peace of mind.
We rejoice to receive such favourable accounts from you both -- perhaps Jersey air may prove as beneficial to H __ as it certainly has to M__ if not the latter is undoubtedly right in preferring her 75 without the Dr.s bill &c &c -- nothing of much moment has occurd since thee left -- Our Literary Society met at the usual time & place to general satisfaction mem. you ought to send something for our next meeting -- ' 1<sup>st</sup> Month 7<sup>th</sup> 1829 --
<p-bgn>Although the evening is already far
advanced, I shall not retire with an easy mind until
I acknowledge the Receipt of your very welcome letter
we had almost relinquish'd all hope of hearing soon
as the line of communication seemed to be effectually
interrupted -- Mother, as usual, had been listening
to the disquieting insinuations of a fearful
fancy to the no small detriment of her peace of mind.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We rejoice to receive such favourable accounts
from you both -- perhaps Jersey air may prove as
beneficial to H __ as it certainly has to M__ if not
the latter is undoubtedly right in preferring her
<und>75 without</und> the Dr.s bill &c &c -- nothing of much
moment has occurd since thee left -- Our <und>Literary Society</und>
met at the usual time & place to <und>general</und> satisfaction
mem. you ought to send something for our next meeting -- '
We rejoice to receive such favourable accounts from you both -- perhaps Jersey air may prove as beneficial to H __ as it certainly has to M__ if not the latter is undoubtedly right in preferring her 75 without the Dr.s bill &c &c -- nothing of much moment has occurd since thee left -- Our Literary Society met at the usual time & place to general satisfaction mem. you ought to send something for our next meeting -- ' 1<sup>st</sup> Month 7<sup>th</sup> 1829 --
<p-bgn>Although the evening is already far
advanced, I shall not retire with an easy mind until
I acknowledge the Receipt of your very welcome letter
we had almost relinquish'd all hope of hearing soon
as the line of communication seemed to be effectually
interrupted -- Mother, as usual, had been listening
to the disquieting insinuations of a fearful
fancy to the no small detriment of her peace of mind.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We rejoice to receive such favourable accounts
from you both -- perhaps Jersey air may prove as
beneficial to H __ as it certainly has to M__ if not
the latter is undoubtedly right in preferring her
<und>75 without</und> the Dr.s bill &c &c -- nothing of much
moment has occurd since thee left -- Our <und>Literary Society</und>
met at the usual time & place to <und>general</und> satisfaction
mem. you ought to send something for our next meeting -- '

I went to Pine Street twice on First Day notwithstanding
The storm -- divers friends enquired after the invalid
The Morris's seemed greatly astonish'd at thy imprudence,
as well as many others -- however the
result may prove more favourable than was anticipated --
Yesterday we received a short
& hurried epistle from Mount Pleasant -- Josephus
has such a multiplicity of concerns to attend to
that we need not expect any more folios -- he
opened school the 3rd of the 11th month with 2 scholars
he now has 9 sais his family will probably amount
to 19 or 20 before long -- which will be as many as
they can accommodate -- seems to think he owes
several of them to his Lectures -- believe Astronomy
is the subject this time -- sais "L, and myself
have enjoy'd very good health since we came
<p-bgn>I went to Pine Street twice on First Day notwithstanding
The storm -- divers friends enquired after the invalid
The Morris's seemed greatly astonish'd at thy imprudence,
as well as many others -- however the
result may prove more favourable than was anticipated --
Yesterday we received a short
& hurried epistle from Mount Pleasant -- Josephus
has such a multiplicity of concerns to attend to
that we need not expect any more folios -- he
opened school the 3<sup>rd </sup>of the 11<sup>th</sup> month with 2 scholars
he now has 9 sais his family will probably amount
to 19 or 20 before long -- which will be as many as
they can accommodate -- seems to think he owes
several of them to his <und>Lectures</und> -- believe <und>Astronomy</und>
is the subject this time -- sais "L, and myself
have enjoy'd very good health since we came
The storm -- divers friends enquired after the invalid
The Morris's seemed greatly astonish'd at thy imprudence,
as well as many others -- however the
result may prove more favourable than was anticipated --
Yesterday we received a short
& hurried epistle from Mount Pleasant -- Josephus
has such a multiplicity of concerns to attend to
that we need not expect any more folios -- he
opened school the 3<sup>rd </sup>of the 11<sup>th</sup> month with 2 scholars
he now has 9 sais his family will probably amount
to 19 or 20 before long -- which will be as many as
they can accommodate -- seems to think he owes
several of them to his <und>Lectures</und> -- believe <und>Astronomy</und>
is the subject this time -- sais "L, and myself
have enjoy'd very good health since we came

here. L weighs 115. lbs. (12 more than when she left
Farmington) and I weigh 158 -- (14 more) --
we felt disappointed in not seeing Sister H. as we
look'd for her when Aunt H. returned hope
we shall see some of you next summer --
our relations here are in usual health I beleive
except Uncle D. S. who sent for me today to
bleed him after which he felt better."
What a universal genius is this brother of ours !
wonder what he will undertake next! --
Mon Pere & Moi Mere desire me to day that your letter was very satisfactory & we all wish you to write whenever you can, H. sais nothing about returning to our city of brotherly love -- pray dost thou expect to spend the winter at Birmingham? doubtless thee finds it a pleasant home with Mentor for This/ here. L weighs 115. lbs. (12 more than when she left
Farmington) and I weigh 158 -- (14 more) --
we felt disappointed in not seeing Sister H. as we
look'd for her when Aunt H. returned hope
we shall see some of you next summer --
our relations here are in usual health I beleive
except Uncle D. S. who sent for me today to
<und>bleed</und> him after which he felt better."
What a <und>universal</und> genius is this brother of ours !
wonder what he will undertake next! --<p-end>
<p-bgn><for>Mon Pere</for> & <for>Moi Mere</for> desire me to day
that your letter was very satisfactory & we
all wish you to write whenever you can,
H. sais nothing about returning to our city
of brotherly love -- pray dost thou expect to
spend the winter at Birmingham? doubtless
thee finds it a pleasant <add>home</add> with <und>Mentor</und> for
Mon Pere & Moi Mere desire me to day that your letter was very satisfactory & we all wish you to write whenever you can, H. sais nothing about returning to our city of brotherly love -- pray dost thou expect to spend the winter at Birmingham? doubtless thee finds it a pleasant home with Mentor for This/ here. L weighs 115. lbs. (12 more than when she left
Farmington) and I weigh 158 -- (14 more) --
we felt disappointed in not seeing Sister H. as we
look'd for her when Aunt H. returned hope
we shall see some of you next summer --
our relations here are in usual health I beleive
except Uncle D. S. who sent for me today to
<und>bleed</und> him after which he felt better."
What a <und>universal</und> genius is this brother of ours !
wonder what he will undertake next! --<p-end>
<p-bgn><for>Mon Pere</for> & <for>Moi Mere</for> desire me to day
that your letter was very satisfactory & we
all wish you to write whenever you can,
H. sais nothing about returning to our city
of brotherly love -- pray dost thou expect to
spend the winter at Birmingham? doubtless
thee finds it a pleasant <add>home</add> with <und>Mentor</und> for

companion, we may hope thee will be preserved from any
Serious errors -- though for my own part I must confess
I should have more confidence in his guidance if
Prudence was oftener his counsellor -- treason -- thee will say --
my love to the good friends particularly S. Taylor
if thee should chance to meet her
it is time to retire --
M --
mem -- understand Sarah B. was married last night.
companion, we may hope thee will be preserved from any
Serious errors -- though for my own part I must confess
I should have more confidence in his guidance if
<und>Prudence</und> was oftener his counsellor -- treason -- thee will say --
my love to the good friends particularly S. Taylor
if thee should chance to meet her
it is time to retire --
M --
mem -- understand Sarah B. was married last night.
Serious errors -- though for my own part I must confess
I should have more confidence in his guidance if
<und>Prudence</und> was oftener his counsellor -- treason -- thee will say --
my love to the good friends particularly S. Taylor
if thee should chance to meet her
it is time to retire --
M --
mem -- understand Sarah B. was married last night.