Document set '495'
Transcript style:other pages

Phila 12th mo. 6th 1828
Seventh day morning
Dear Mary:
Jno Deacon just now Stopped in at the
office to Enquire if we had any commands
for Burlington, said he had seen Mary yesterday
& she was well -- I first told him no, as I knew
there was nothing prepared nor time to do it in by
the Girls, if I was even to go home for the purpose.
they are So busy at their coats -- A. Hudson was here
for the last two & to day they want to finish --
So concluded if Jno would wait I would Scribble
a few lines to Serve for the present --
thy small packet with $15 inclosed came Safe to hand, it was left with J. K. in my absence -- I expect from his description by Maria -- H's health better than it has been latterly, tho' still complaining of Pain in her Side & the back part of her head, particularly since her present close application at mantua making -- the rest of us about middling, nothing to brag of -- thy mother & me were at H. Lewis's wedding last 4th day as O--s, a small company (about 30) very few young persons --, and a very quiet orderly company -- we did not go till near dark & left by half past 9. -- there is much less parade & a great Saving of Expense in this way of having only an Evening entertainment, H & I, went to J. Pauls & spent 3d - day Evining with G & Ann Jones[?] -- don't know which course they will go next -- we invited them, & they said they would like to come & See us -- but I think 'tis very uncertain Phil<sup>a</sup> 12<sup>th</sup> mo. 6<sup>th</sup> 1828
<und>Seventh day morning</und>
Dear Mary:
<p-bgn>Jn<sup>o</sup> Deacon just now Stopped in at the
office to Enquire if we had any commands
for Burlington, said he had seen Mary yesterday
& she was well -- I first told him no, as I knew
there was nothing prepared nor time to do it in by
the Girls, if I was even to go home for the purpose.
they <add>are</add> So busy at their coats -- A. Hudson was here
for the last two & to day they want to finish --
So concluded if Jn<sup>o</sup> would wait I would Scribble
a few lines to <und>Serve for the present</und> -- <p-end>
<p-bgn>thy small packet with $15 inclosed came
Safe to hand, it was left with J. K. in my absence --
I expect from his description by Maria -- H's health
better than it has been latterly, tho' still complaining
of Pain in her Side & the back part of her head,
particularly since her present close application at
mantua making -- the rest of us about middling,
nothing to brag of -- thy mother & me were at
H. Lewis's wedding last 4<sup>th</sup> day as O--s, a small
company (about 30) very few young persons --, and a very
quiet orderly company -- we did not go till near dark
& left by half past 9. -- there is much less parade
& a great Saving of Expense in this way of having only an
Evening entertainment, H & I, went to J. Pauls & spent
3d - day Evining with G & Ann <unclear>Jones</unclear> -- don't know which course
they will go next -- we invited them, & they said they would
like to come & See us -- but I think 'tis very uncertain
thy small packet with $15 inclosed came Safe to hand, it was left with J. K. in my absence -- I expect from his description by Maria -- H's health better than it has been latterly, tho' still complaining of Pain in her Side & the back part of her head, particularly since her present close application at mantua making -- the rest of us about middling, nothing to brag of -- thy mother & me were at H. Lewis's wedding last 4th day as O--s, a small company (about 30) very few young persons --, and a very quiet orderly company -- we did not go till near dark & left by half past 9. -- there is much less parade & a great Saving of Expense in this way of having only an Evening entertainment, H & I, went to J. Pauls & spent 3d - day Evining with G & Ann Jones[?] -- don't know which course they will go next -- we invited them, & they said they would like to come & See us -- but I think 'tis very uncertain Phil<sup>a</sup> 12<sup>th</sup> mo. 6<sup>th</sup> 1828
<und>Seventh day morning</und>
Dear Mary:
<p-bgn>Jn<sup>o</sup> Deacon just now Stopped in at the
office to Enquire if we had any commands
for Burlington, said he had seen Mary yesterday
& she was well -- I first told him no, as I knew
there was nothing prepared nor time to do it in by
the Girls, if I was even to go home for the purpose.
they <add>are</add> So busy at their coats -- A. Hudson was here
for the last two & to day they want to finish --
So concluded if Jn<sup>o</sup> would wait I would Scribble
a few lines to <und>Serve for the present</und> -- <p-end>
<p-bgn>thy small packet with $15 inclosed came
Safe to hand, it was left with J. K. in my absence --
I expect from his description by Maria -- H's health
better than it has been latterly, tho' still complaining
of Pain in her Side & the back part of her head,
particularly since her present close application at
mantua making -- the rest of us about middling,
nothing to brag of -- thy mother & me were at
H. Lewis's wedding last 4<sup>th</sup> day as O--s, a small
company (about 30) very few young persons --, and a very
quiet orderly company -- we did not go till near dark
& left by half past 9. -- there is much less parade
& a great Saving of Expense in this way of having only an
Evening entertainment, H & I, went to J. Pauls & spent
3d - day Evining with G & Ann <unclear>Jones</unclear> -- don't know which course
they will go next -- we invited them, & they said they would
like to come & See us -- but I think 'tis very uncertain

being crampt for time & my head in such a bewildered
State that I cannot think of any thing worth writing
Shall close this with my best love --
J.G. I shall urge the Girls to write to thee more in detail as soon as they can --
being crampt for time & my head in such a bewildered
State that I cannot think of any thing worth writing
Shall close this with my best love -- <p-end>
<p-bgn>I shall urge the Girls to write to thee more in detail
as soon as they can -- <p-end>
J.G. I shall urge the Girls to write to thee more in detail as soon as they can --
being crampt for time & my head in such a bewildered
State that I cannot think of any thing worth writing
Shall close this with my best love -- <p-end>
<p-bgn>I shall urge the Girls to write to thee more in detail
as soon as they can -- <p-end>