Document set '492'
Transcript style:other pages

6th day
J. Deacon call'd to see us last evening, &
kindly offer'd to take a letter, but we had just sent one
by H. Richardson, therefore have nothing particularly to say
yet I thought perhaps, even a line or two just
to tell thee we are all tolerably well, might be
acceptable. we have no further accounts from
Joseph of H, in a few weeks the frds will be going
on to Ohio Y. Meeting, it will be a good oppertunity
to send letters to J. as there will be several I suppose
from this City. if thee is so dispos'd thee can
write & forward thy letter to us & we will
take care to have it convey'd to him.
4th day last was our monthly M__ we all din'd at Blakys, on special invitation, Mary appears to be considerably better, has been 2 weeks up at Downingtown with all the children. was very kind I believe we have not told thee that Sarah Loyd is, & has been for several months past, in poor health -- pain in her side &c, looks a good deal alterd A H & A M D are still absent from the City -- don't forget that we are glad to hear from thee every oppertunity
S G Joanna & the children are out at Woolsmans. she sent word lately that there was room for me -- but I cannot make up my mind to leave home yet 6th day
<p-bgn>J. Deacon call'd to see us last evening, &
kindly offer'd to take a letter, but we had just sent one
by H. Richardson, <add>therefore</add> have nothing particularly to say
yet I thought perhaps, even a line or two just
to tell thee we are all tolerably well, might be
acceptable. we have no further accounts from
Joseph of H, in a few weeks the frds will be going
on to Ohio Y. Meeting, it will be a good oppertunity
to send letters to J. as there will be several I suppose
from this City. if thee is so dispos'd thee can
write & forward thy letter to us & <add>we</add> will
take care to have it convey'd to him.<p-end>
<p-bgn>4th day last was our monthly M__ we all din'd
at Blakys, on special invitation, Mary appears
to be considerably better, has been 2 weeks up
at Downingtown with all the children. was very kind
I believe we have not told thee that Sarah Loyd
is, & has been for several months past, in poor
health -- pain in her side &c, looks a good deal alterd
A H & A M D are still absent from the City
-- don't forget that we are glad to
hear from thee every oppertunity<p-end>
<p-bgn>Joanna & the children are out at
Woolsmans. she sent word lately
that there was room for me -- but
I cannot make up my mind to leave home yet
4th day last was our monthly M__ we all din'd at Blakys, on special invitation, Mary appears to be considerably better, has been 2 weeks up at Downingtown with all the children. was very kind I believe we have not told thee that Sarah Loyd is, & has been for several months past, in poor health -- pain in her side &c, looks a good deal alterd A H & A M D are still absent from the City -- don't forget that we are glad to hear from thee every oppertunity
S G Joanna & the children are out at Woolsmans. she sent word lately that there was room for me -- but I cannot make up my mind to leave home yet 6th day
<p-bgn>J. Deacon call'd to see us last evening, &
kindly offer'd to take a letter, but we had just sent one
by H. Richardson, <add>therefore</add> have nothing particularly to say
yet I thought perhaps, even a line or two just
to tell thee we are all tolerably well, might be
acceptable. we have no further accounts from
Joseph of H, in a few weeks the frds will be going
on to Ohio Y. Meeting, it will be a good oppertunity
to send letters to J. as there will be several I suppose
from this City. if thee is so dispos'd thee can
write & forward thy letter to us & <add>we</add> will
take care to have it convey'd to him.<p-end>
<p-bgn>4th day last was our monthly M__ we all din'd
at Blakys, on special invitation, Mary appears
to be considerably better, has been 2 weeks up
at Downingtown with all the children. was very kind
I believe we have not told thee that Sarah Loyd
is, & has been for several months past, in poor
health -- pain in her side &c, looks a good deal alterd
A H & A M D are still absent from the City
-- don't forget that we are glad to
hear from thee every oppertunity<p-end>
<p-bgn>Joanna & the children are out at
Woolsmans. she sent word lately
that there was room for me -- but
I cannot make up my mind to leave home yet

mother handed me this letter to make some addition
but it must be very little under my present circumstances
& inability to write legibly -- having about a week since
mashed the forefinger of my right hand at the root
of the nail -- which for some days was very painful --
& much Swell'd the nail of course black & will doubt
come off -- it is in short just as my thumb was only
worse & the only old thing of finger. Stalls[?] has to be gone
over, as it their way - that I belive lasted 9 months -- if
this should as long it will be a great disadvantage & loss.
I write this with the remaining three fingers, but it
feels very awkward & besides my nerves are very much
irritated with the extremely warm weather we have
had for 3 days past & at this moment (near one oClock)
I am perspiring profusely) so that I expect thee will
not be able to read this scrawl -- & having nothing particularly
to communicate as I suppose thy mother & M. has
said all that is necessary Shall conclude with my love
I.[?] G.
S. Lightfoot is in town & was to be at our
house to Dinner -- & I was at urged to come
home early -- which however will not be
the case as I had to get this ready to
leave for J. Deacon who was to call
at the office between 2 & 3 for it --
a time when I would wish to be at
home --
7th mo. 25th --
mother handed me this letter to make some addition
but it must be very little under my present circumstances
& inability to write legibly -- having about a week since
mashed the forefinger of my right hand at the root
of the nail -- which for some days was very painful --
& much Swell'd the nail of course black & will doubt
come off -- it is in short just as my thumb was only
worse & the only old thing of finger. <unclear>Stalls</unclear> has to be gone
over, as it their way - that I belive lasted 9 months -- if
this should as long it will be <add>a</add> great disadvantage & loss.
I write this with the remaining three fingers, but it
feels very awkward & besides my nerves are very much
irritated with the extremely warm weather we have
had for 3 days past & at this moment (near one oClock)
I am perspiring profusely) so that I expect thee will
not be able to read this scrawl -- & having nothing particularly
to communicate as I suppose thy mother & M. has
said all that is necessary Shall conclude with my love
<unclear>I.</unclear> G.
S. Lightfoot is in town & was to be at our
house to Dinner -- & I was at urged to come
home early -- which however will not be
the case as I had to get this ready to
leave for J. Deacon who was to call
at the office between 2 & 3 for it --
a time when I would wish to be at
home --
7th mo. 25th --
but it must be very little under my present circumstances
& inability to write legibly -- having about a week since
mashed the forefinger of my right hand at the root
of the nail -- which for some days was very painful --
& much Swell'd the nail of course black & will doubt
come off -- it is in short just as my thumb was only
worse & the only old thing of finger. <unclear>Stalls</unclear> has to be gone
over, as it their way - that I belive lasted 9 months -- if
this should as long it will be <add>a</add> great disadvantage & loss.
I write this with the remaining three fingers, but it
feels very awkward & besides my nerves are very much
irritated with the extremely warm weather we have
had for 3 days past & at this moment (near one oClock)
I am perspiring profusely) so that I expect thee will
not be able to read this scrawl -- & having nothing particularly
to communicate as I suppose thy mother & M. has
said all that is necessary Shall conclude with my love
<unclear>I.</unclear> G.
S. Lightfoot is in town & was to be at our
house to Dinner -- & I was at urged to come
home early -- which however will not be
the case as I had to get this ready to
leave for J. Deacon who was to call
at the office between 2 & 3 for it --
a time when I would wish to be at
home --
7th mo. 25th --