Document set '491'
Transcript style:other pages

6th day
I was glad to hear of thy safe arrival at West H.
& have been looking dayly for some further account
from thee respecting thy future movements --
yesterday I made a visit to A H she came home on
2nd day last, had been sent for on account of Edwards
sickness, Dr had receiv'd intelligence of his being
very ill, & went to Jersy for him, found it necessary
to bring him home on a bed, he continued bad
for several days, but is now recovering fast -- Anna
& the rest of the children well, __ I gave her the letter &
purse, she admir'd it very much, said it was beautiful
that she had a nice clasp suitable for it, & wou'd
lay it by for her best.
I fear these stockings are too small, & as I am footing another pair for thee, shou'd like to know as soon as convenient how they fit, they are very easily wash'd & will do without boiling ('tho better with) so that thee can wash them out & hang them up in a tree or in thy room ev'ry week, if thee chooses, -- we have had no further account from J or H, since the letter thee sent Hannahs fall & the feelings occasion'd by it has given me considerable uneasyness, & I am anxious to hear from he'r. Mary Huges is deceased a few days since -- & there is a good deal of sickness in many families, I hope my dear Mary thee will be very carefull of thyself 6th day
<p-bgn>I was glad to hear of thy safe arrival at West H.
& have been looking dayly for some further account
from thee respecting thy future movements --
yesterday I made a visit to A H she came home on
2nd day last, had been sent for on account of Edwards
sickness, Dr had receiv'd intelligence of his being
very ill, & went to Jersy for him, found it necessary
to bring him home on a bed, he continued bad
for several days, but is now recovering fast -- Anna
& the <add>rest of the</add> children well, __ I gave her the letter &
purse, she admir'd it very much, said it was beautiful
that she had a nice clasp suitable for it, & wou'd
lay it by for her best.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I fear these stockings are too small, & as I am
footing another pair for thee, shou'd like to know
as soon as convenient how they fit, they are very
easily wash'd & will do without boiling ('tho better
with) so that <add>thee</add> can wash them out & hang <add>them</add> up
in a tree or in thy room ev'ry week, if thee
chooses, -- we <add>have</add> had no further account
from J or H, since the letter thee sent
Hannahs fall & the feelings occasion'd by it
has given me considerable uneasyness, & I am
anxious to hear from he'r. Mary Huges
is deceased a few days since -- & there is a good
deal of sickness in many families, I hope my dear Mary
thee will be very carefull of thyself
I fear these stockings are too small, & as I am footing another pair for thee, shou'd like to know as soon as convenient how they fit, they are very easily wash'd & will do without boiling ('tho better with) so that thee can wash them out & hang them up in a tree or in thy room ev'ry week, if thee chooses, -- we have had no further account from J or H, since the letter thee sent Hannahs fall & the feelings occasion'd by it has given me considerable uneasyness, & I am anxious to hear from he'r. Mary Huges is deceased a few days since -- & there is a good deal of sickness in many families, I hope my dear Mary thee will be very carefull of thyself 6th day
<p-bgn>I was glad to hear of thy safe arrival at West H.
& have been looking dayly for some further account
from thee respecting thy future movements --
yesterday I made a visit to A H she came home on
2nd day last, had been sent for on account of Edwards
sickness, Dr had receiv'd intelligence of his being
very ill, & went to Jersy for him, found it necessary
to bring him home on a bed, he continued bad
for several days, but is now recovering fast -- Anna
& the <add>rest of the</add> children well, __ I gave her the letter &
purse, she admir'd it very much, said it was beautiful
that she had a nice clasp suitable for it, & wou'd
lay it by for her best.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I fear these stockings are too small, & as I am
footing another pair for thee, shou'd like to know
as soon as convenient how they fit, they are very
easily wash'd & will do without boiling ('tho better
with) so that <add>thee</add> can wash them out & hang <add>them</add> up
in a tree or in thy room ev'ry week, if thee
chooses, -- we <add>have</add> had no further account
from J or H, since the letter thee sent
Hannahs fall & the feelings occasion'd by it
has given me considerable uneasyness, & I am
anxious to hear from he'r. Mary Huges
is deceased a few days since -- & there is a good
deal of sickness in many families, I hope my dear Mary
thee will be very carefull of thyself

If thee has time, I shou'd like thee to purchase materials
for 2 purses, the first one for thy Aunt Hannah W
who is expected here in a few weeks, & the other for
Aunt Jane, but I recollect that will not be wanted
this 2 months as she is not to come untill Aunt H's
return when Uncle Green is to accompany her -- I will
pay all expences, & wish thee to put the initials of
H W on it -- if thee is very much engag'd or if
it wou'd encroach too much on time whicd shou'd
be otherwise employ'd -- let it rest -- Anna says
the brown silk is much the best, as the green
fades & looks old much sooner. --
we wish to know what thee gave for thy
bonnet. -- Anna says she often saw Mary B
while at the Springs, she frequently rides out
with gentlemen, has got a Leghorn with a large
bow, & a pongee riding dress trim'd with black
& is call'd the pretty miss Bringhurst -- of course
they never spoke, having no acquaintance, A says
she is beautiful, tho' she only saw her, silent,
& with her Hat on.
If thee has time, I shou'd like thee to purchase materials
for 2 purses, the first one for thy Aunt Hannah W
who is expected here in a few weeks, & the other for
Aunt Jane, but I recollect that will not be wanted
this 2 months as she is not to come untill Aunt H's
return when Uncle Green is to accompany her -- I will
pay all expences, & wish thee to put the initials of
H W on it -- if thee is very much engag'd or if
it wou'd encroach too much on time whicd shou'd
be otherwise employ'd -- let it rest -- Anna says
the brown silk is much the best, as the green
fades & looks old much sooner. --
we wish to know what thee gave for thy
bonnet. -- Anna says she often saw Mary B
while at the Springs, she frequently rides out
with gentlemen, has got a Leghorn with a large
bow, & a pongee riding dress trim'd with black
& is call'd the pretty miss Bringhurst -- of course
they never spoke, having no acquaintance, A says
she is beautiful, tho' she only saw her, silent,
& with her Hat on.
for 2 purses, the first one for thy Aunt Hannah W
who is expected here in a few weeks, & the other for
Aunt Jane, but I recollect that will not be wanted
this 2 months as she is not to come untill Aunt H's
return when Uncle Green is to accompany her -- I will
pay all expences, & wish thee to put the initials of
H W on it -- if thee is very much engag'd or if
it wou'd encroach too much on time whicd shou'd
be otherwise employ'd -- let it rest -- Anna says
the brown silk is much the best, as the green
fades & looks old much sooner. --
we wish to know what thee gave for thy
bonnet. -- Anna says she often saw Mary B
while at the Springs, she frequently rides out
with gentlemen, has got a Leghorn with a large
bow, & a pongee riding dress trim'd with black
& is call'd the pretty miss Bringhurst -- of course
they never spoke, having no acquaintance, A says
she is beautiful, tho' she only saw her, silent,
& with her Hat on.

Samedi matin
I am in the midst of my seventh day's
business & have only time to scribble a few hasty lines
but they might be more acceptable than the blank
page Mother was going to send -- have made a
very pleasant visit of three or four days at Friend M's
since thee left us -- Cedar Grove is delightful in
itself & with such society I did enjoy it exceedingly
think it quite a privilege to be admitted into such
a family -- they moved to town this week --Henry
M -- made us a visit during my stay at the Grove [?]
did not seem to know any thing about Hannah's
plans -- I made several calls yesterday where I
should have been glad of thy company -- particularly
at Regina Shobur's & E. Evans -- the former -- had
just been cupped for violent headach -- quite poorly -- the
latter has been very much confined lately with sickness
in her family -- the Infant had two fits -- has been ill
but nearly recover'd -- M___[?] -- Erasmus waited on[?] me from
meeting the other day -- he is -- no matter
Father must take this -- Adieu do write soon & longer letters -- <for>Samedi matin</for>
<p-bgn>I am in the midst of my seventh day's
business & have only time to scribble a few hasty lines
but they might be more acceptable than the blank
page Mother was going to send -- have made a
very pleasant visit of three or four days at Friend M's
since thee left us -- Cedar Grove is delightful in
itself & with such society I did enjoy it exceedingly
think it quite a privilege to be admitted into such
a family -- they moved to town this week --Henry
M -- made us a visit during my stay at the Grove <ill>
did not seem to know any thing about Hannah's
plans -- I made several calls yesterday where I
should have been glad of thy company -- particularly
at Regina Shobur's & E. Evans -- the former -- had
just been cupped for violent headach -- quite poorly -- the
latter has been very much confined lately with sickness
in her family -- the Infant had two fits -- has been ill
but nearly recover'd -- <unclear>M___</unclear> -- Erasmus waited <unclear>on</unclear> me from
meeting the other day -- he is -- no matter<p-end>
<p-bgn>Father must take this --
do write soon & longer letters --
Father must take this -- Adieu do write soon & longer letters -- <for>Samedi matin</for>
<p-bgn>I am in the midst of my seventh day's
business & have only time to scribble a few hasty lines
but they might be more acceptable than the blank
page Mother was going to send -- have made a
very pleasant visit of three or four days at Friend M's
since thee left us -- Cedar Grove is delightful in
itself & with such society I did enjoy it exceedingly
think it quite a privilege to be admitted into such
a family -- they moved to town this week --Henry
M -- made us a visit during my stay at the Grove <ill>
did not seem to know any thing about Hannah's
plans -- I made several calls yesterday where I
should have been glad of thy company -- particularly
at Regina Shobur's & E. Evans -- the former -- had
just been cupped for violent headach -- quite poorly -- the
latter has been very much confined lately with sickness
in her family -- the Infant had two fits -- has been ill
but nearly recover'd -- <unclear>M___</unclear> -- Erasmus waited <unclear>on</unclear> me from
meeting the other day -- he is -- no matter<p-end>
<p-bgn>Father must take this --
do write soon & longer letters --