Document set '490'
Transcript style:other pages

2nd Day night as these things go &[?]
Saml. Gumm__[?] we think best not to Sans Souci 2nd mo: 5th
trouble him with raisons & tooth powder
The inclosed letter from M. Bringhurst was handed me by Cousin
Poplar First day afternoon Ive met him between 9th & 10th Streets on our way
to meeting & he walked with us Several Squares -- had just been to see Harry[?]
Gibbons, he said, who is sick in our neighbourhood at a most unfortunate time
when he is preparing to graduate -- & he himself resides in the City now tho[?]
where or for what purpose we have not discover'd - he says M. B. is in good
health & spirits; wish I could peep into her letter & see what she says for herself
Cousin P. has been travelling -- enquired when thee is coming home --wantsto see thee.
Thy note by R. S. arrived the same morning I sent one by Mentor -- we forwarded most of the things requested -- the black silk is ready to go by the first Co__[?][?] also some Raisons which we got cheap by taking a small box, I wanted a [?] dont understand about the bonnet strings -- Here is the Tooth powder & collars & c.
A few Eveneings before I return'd -- Georg[?] & Ann Jones, H. Evans &c. took tea at Sans Souci, as very sociable & pleasant visit they say. I was quite grieved at having miss'd them -- The day following my return M. A. Priscom. D. Passmore & the beatiful Mary & Elisabeth Smith made us a visit -- those Smith girls are charming --we can rarely feast our optics on such lovely faces -- M. Griscom was in P, attending her Aunt Richardson's funeral & Cousin M. Hoskins -
When Mentor came 6th day morning to take leave of me he laid a package on the table, & in going out said I might Select what was good & throw the rest by. On opening the bundle -- found it consisted four 2nd Day night as these things go<unclear> &</unclear>
Sam<sup>l</sup>. <unclear>Gumm__</unclear> we think best not to Sans Souci 2nd mo: 5th
trouble him with raisons & tooth powder
The inclosed letter from M. Bringhurst was handed me by Cousin
Poplar First day afternoon Ive met him between 9<sup>th</sup> & 10th Streets on our way
to meeting & he walked with us Several Squares -- had just been to see <unclear>Harry</unclear>
Gibbons, he said, who is sick in our neighbourhood at a most unfortunate time
when he is preparing to <und>graduate</und> -- & he himself resides in the City now <unclear>tho</unclear>
where or for what purpose we have not discover'd - he says M. B. is in good
health & spirits; wish I could peep into her letter & see what she says for herself
Cousin P. has been travelling -- enquired when thee is coming home --<und>wants</und>to see thee.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Thy note by R. S. arrived the same morning I sent one by Mentor -- we forward<add>ed</add>
most of the things requested -- the black silk is ready to go by the first <unclear>Co__</unclear><ill>
also some Raisons which we got cheap by taking a small box, I wanted a <ill>
dont understand about the bonnet strings -- Here is the Tooth powder &
collars & c.<p-end>
<p-bgn>A few Eveneings before I return'd -- <unclear>Georg</unclear> & Ann Jones, H. Evans &c. took
tea at Sans Souci, as very sociable & pleasant visit they say. I was
quite grieved at having miss'd them -- The day following my return M.
A. Priscom. D. Passmore & the beatiful Mary & Elisabeth Smith made us
a visit -- those Smith girls are charming --we can rarely feast our optics on
such lovely faces -- M. Griscom was in P, attending her Aunt Richardson's
funeral & Cousin M. Hoskins -<p-end>
<p-bgn>When Mentor came 6<sup>th</sup> day morning to take leave of me he laid a
package on the table, & in going <add>out</add> said I might Select what was
good & throw the rest by. On opening the bundle -- found it consisted
Thy note by R. S. arrived the same morning I sent one by Mentor -- we forwarded most of the things requested -- the black silk is ready to go by the first Co__[?][?] also some Raisons which we got cheap by taking a small box, I wanted a [?] dont understand about the bonnet strings -- Here is the Tooth powder & collars & c.
A few Eveneings before I return'd -- Georg[?] & Ann Jones, H. Evans &c. took tea at Sans Souci, as very sociable & pleasant visit they say. I was quite grieved at having miss'd them -- The day following my return M. A. Priscom. D. Passmore & the beatiful Mary & Elisabeth Smith made us a visit -- those Smith girls are charming --we can rarely feast our optics on such lovely faces -- M. Griscom was in P, attending her Aunt Richardson's funeral & Cousin M. Hoskins -
When Mentor came 6th day morning to take leave of me he laid a package on the table, & in going out said I might Select what was good & throw the rest by. On opening the bundle -- found it consisted four 2nd Day night as these things go<unclear> &</unclear>
Sam<sup>l</sup>. <unclear>Gumm__</unclear> we think best not to Sans Souci 2nd mo: 5th
trouble him with raisons & tooth powder
The inclosed letter from M. Bringhurst was handed me by Cousin
Poplar First day afternoon Ive met him between 9<sup>th</sup> & 10th Streets on our way
to meeting & he walked with us Several Squares -- had just been to see <unclear>Harry</unclear>
Gibbons, he said, who is sick in our neighbourhood at a most unfortunate time
when he is preparing to <und>graduate</und> -- & he himself resides in the City now <unclear>tho</unclear>
where or for what purpose we have not discover'd - he says M. B. is in good
health & spirits; wish I could peep into her letter & see what she says for herself
Cousin P. has been travelling -- enquired when thee is coming home --<und>wants</und>to see thee.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Thy note by R. S. arrived the same morning I sent one by Mentor -- we forward<add>ed</add>
most of the things requested -- the black silk is ready to go by the first <unclear>Co__</unclear><ill>
also some Raisons which we got cheap by taking a small box, I wanted a <ill>
dont understand about the bonnet strings -- Here is the Tooth powder &
collars & c.<p-end>
<p-bgn>A few Eveneings before I return'd -- <unclear>Georg</unclear> & Ann Jones, H. Evans &c. took
tea at Sans Souci, as very sociable & pleasant visit they say. I was
quite grieved at having miss'd them -- The day following my return M.
A. Priscom. D. Passmore & the beatiful Mary & Elisabeth Smith made us
a visit -- those Smith girls are charming --we can rarely feast our optics on
such lovely faces -- M. Griscom was in P, attending her Aunt Richardson's
funeral & Cousin M. Hoskins -<p-end>
<p-bgn>When Mentor came 6<sup>th</sup> day morning to take leave of me he laid a
package on the table, & in going <add>out</add> said I might Select what was
good & throw the rest by. On opening the bundle -- found it consisted

of a Complete set of Byron's works -- a splendid edition in eight Volumes
What shall I do! 'Tis umco queer to present a lady with various of these
poems, profane & vulgar in the extreme; but the little man is guiltless
for he never read them himself & would be as much scandolized as any
woman if he knew their character -- set that down[?] to the score of his ignorance
as no offence was intended, none was given, tho' some of these volumes
I would neither read myself nor lend to any one else, nor suffer
to remain where they could be seen -- two whole books elegantly bound
of a Complete set of Byron's works -- a splendid edition in eight Volumes
What shall I do! 'Tis <und>umco queer</und> to present a lady with various of these
poems, profane & vulgar in the extreme; but the little man is <und>guiltless</und>
for he never read them himself & would be as much scandolized as any
woman if he knew their character -- set that <unclear>down</unclear> to the score of his ignorance
as no offence was intended, none was given, tho' some of these volumes
I would neither read myself nor lend to any one else, nor suffer
to remain where they could be seen -- two whole books elegantly bound
What shall I do! 'Tis <und>umco queer</und> to present a lady with various of these
poems, profane & vulgar in the extreme; but the little man is <und>guiltless</und>
for he never read them himself & would be as much scandolized as any
woman if he knew their character -- set that <unclear>down</unclear> to the score of his ignorance
as no offence was intended, none was given, tho' some of these volumes
I would neither read myself nor lend to any one else, nor suffer
to remain where they could be seen -- two whole books elegantly bound

occupied with "Don Juan" -- I must either return them or have them exchang'd
If the set could be broken -- Should like to keep "Childe Harold." "Corsair", "Lara," "Giaour"
English Bards & Scotch Reviewers", "Lament of Tasso", Prisoners of Chillon," "Manfred,
Bride of Abydos", Hebrew Melodies", & most of the Jupiter[?] pieces -- 3 volumes would
contain my selections --- Time was, when I should have thought them an invaluable
treasure, but I am not so eager to possess many books as I used to be -- nor the enthusiastic
admirer of Byron I was when when younger -- my taste has changed
& I feel as if his dark spirit could afford little pleasure or profit in a sick chamber.
When I see Mentor again I must settle the matter, in the mean time what is thy opinion?
Received a long letter from Aunt H Wright dated the beginning of 1st month -- Friends usually well. Uncle B. had been travelling with Elisha B. -- the Weston[?] disturbance concerning A. Parker had circulated far & wide; before Aunt Arrived of Mt Pleasant __ "A. had written to her father expressing abundance of humility & penitence & asking forgiveness for her conduct & concluded by saying, for her conscience sake, she must bring H. S. in as an accomplice of her guilt." -- Is it not Scandalous? She remains at Weston. Speaking of the homeward Journey Aunt says -- "I had never seen the mountains clad in their winter garb before; it is truly splendid & highly interesting -- sigh well worth passing thro' some pr__[?] to witness-- the evergreens were [?]bending under large snow balls, [?] & had the appearance of a garden occupied with "Don Juan" -- I must either return them or have them exchang'd
If the set could be broken -- Should like to keep "Childe Harold." "Corsair", "Lara," "Giaour"
English Bards & Scotch Reviewers", "Lament of Tasso", Prisoners of Chillon," "Manfred,
Bride of Abydos", Hebrew Melodies", & most of the <unclear>Jupiter</unclear> pieces -- 3 volumes would
contain my selections --- Time was, when I should have thought them an invaluable
treasure, but I am not so eager to possess many books as I used to be -- nor the enthusiastic
admirer of Byron I was when <del>when</del> younger -- my taste has changed
& I feel as if his dark spirit could afford little pleasure or profit in a sick chamber.<p-end>
<p-bgn>When I see Mentor again I must settle the matter, in the mean time what is
thy opinion?<p-end>
Received a long letter from Aunt H Wright dated the
beginning of 1st month -- Friends usually well. Uncle B. had been travelling
with Elisha B. -- the <unclear>Weston</unclear> disturbance concerning A. Parker had circulated
far & wide; before Aunt Arrived of Mt Pleasant __ "A. had written to her father expressing
abundance of humility & penitence & asking forgiveness for her conduct
& concluded by saying, for her conscience sake, she must bring H. S. in as an
accomplice of her guilt." -- Is it not Scandalous? She remains at Weston.
Speaking of the homeward Journey Aunt says -- "I had never seen the mountains
clad in their winter garb before; it is truly splendid & highly interesting -- sigh
well worth passing thro' some <unclear>pr__</unclear> to witness-- the evergreens were
<ill>bending under large snow balls, <ill> & had the appearance of a garden
When I see Mentor again I must settle the matter, in the mean time what is thy opinion?
Received a long letter from Aunt H Wright dated the beginning of 1st month -- Friends usually well. Uncle B. had been travelling with Elisha B. -- the Weston[?] disturbance concerning A. Parker had circulated far & wide; before Aunt Arrived of Mt Pleasant __ "A. had written to her father expressing abundance of humility & penitence & asking forgiveness for her conduct & concluded by saying, for her conscience sake, she must bring H. S. in as an accomplice of her guilt." -- Is it not Scandalous? She remains at Weston. Speaking of the homeward Journey Aunt says -- "I had never seen the mountains clad in their winter garb before; it is truly splendid & highly interesting -- sigh well worth passing thro' some pr__[?] to witness-- the evergreens were [?]bending under large snow balls, [?] & had the appearance of a garden occupied with "Don Juan" -- I must either return them or have them exchang'd
If the set could be broken -- Should like to keep "Childe Harold." "Corsair", "Lara," "Giaour"
English Bards & Scotch Reviewers", "Lament of Tasso", Prisoners of Chillon," "Manfred,
Bride of Abydos", Hebrew Melodies", & most of the <unclear>Jupiter</unclear> pieces -- 3 volumes would
contain my selections --- Time was, when I should have thought them an invaluable
treasure, but I am not so eager to possess many books as I used to be -- nor the enthusiastic
admirer of Byron I was when <del>when</del> younger -- my taste has changed
& I feel as if his dark spirit could afford little pleasure or profit in a sick chamber.<p-end>
<p-bgn>When I see Mentor again I must settle the matter, in the mean time what is
thy opinion?<p-end>
Received a long letter from Aunt H Wright dated the
beginning of 1st month -- Friends usually well. Uncle B. had been travelling
with Elisha B. -- the <unclear>Weston</unclear> disturbance concerning A. Parker had circulated
far & wide; before Aunt Arrived of Mt Pleasant __ "A. had written to her father expressing
abundance of humility & penitence & asking forgiveness for her conduct
& concluded by saying, for her conscience sake, she must bring H. S. in as an
accomplice of her guilt." -- Is it not Scandalous? She remains at Weston.
Speaking of the homeward Journey Aunt says -- "I had never seen the mountains
clad in their winter garb before; it is truly splendid & highly interesting -- sigh
well worth passing thro' some <unclear>pr__</unclear> to witness-- the evergreens were
<ill>bending under large snow balls, <ill> & had the appearance of a garden

Father desired as 'tis
against the law here
to pass a note of
less than five dollars
that thee will take
no small notes,
at least bring none
home --
Has thee visited M Woolman
yet -- this is a beautiful young
moon for you -- & how
is thy Squire Johannes -- &
Proge's[?] frozen toes?
Write soon -- & remember me to Friend S -- doubtless you know Dr. B seems recovering -- Isaac W. M.__ appears better also but if the complaint should prove disification[?] of the heart as some have apprehended, there is little dependance on apparent health -- M. Howell & C. Evans Statu quo ites together with myself -- somedays better, some days worse, no material change. feel pretty comfortable just now, but dare not venture to meeting this date day [?] First day 2nd mo 8th Father desired as 'tis
against the law here
to pass a note of
less than five dollars
that thee will take
<und>no small notes</und>,
at least bring none
home --
<p-bgn>Has thee visited M Woolman
yet -- this is a beautiful young
moon for you -- & how
is thy Squire Johannes -- &
<unclear>Proge's</unclear> frozen toes?<p-end>
<p-bgn>Write soon -- & remember me
to Friend S -- doubtless you
know Dr. B seems recovering --
Isaac W. M.__ appears better also
but if the complaint should
prove <unclear>disification</unclear> of the heart
as some have apprehended, there
is little dependance on apparent
health -- M. Howell &
C. Evans <und>Statu quo ites</und> together
with myself -- somedays
better, some days worse, no
material change. feel
pretty comfortable just now, but
dare not venture to meeting this
date day <ill> First day 2nd mo 8th
Write soon -- & remember me to Friend S -- doubtless you know Dr. B seems recovering -- Isaac W. M.__ appears better also but if the complaint should prove disification[?] of the heart as some have apprehended, there is little dependance on apparent health -- M. Howell & C. Evans Statu quo ites together with myself -- somedays better, some days worse, no material change. feel pretty comfortable just now, but dare not venture to meeting this date day [?] First day 2nd mo 8th Father desired as 'tis
against the law here
to pass a note of
less than five dollars
that thee will take
<und>no small notes</und>,
at least bring none
home --
<p-bgn>Has thee visited M Woolman
yet -- this is a beautiful young
moon for you -- & how
is thy Squire Johannes -- &
<unclear>Proge's</unclear> frozen toes?<p-end>
<p-bgn>Write soon -- & remember me
to Friend S -- doubtless you
know Dr. B seems recovering --
Isaac W. M.__ appears better also
but if the complaint should
prove <unclear>disification</unclear> of the heart
as some have apprehended, there
is little dependance on apparent
health -- M. Howell &
C. Evans <und>Statu quo ites</und> together
with myself -- somedays
better, some days worse, no
material change. feel
pretty comfortable just now, but
dare not venture to meeting this
date day <ill> First day 2nd mo 8th