Document set '488'
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Evandale 3rd Day
As this little youth expects to be at Wm.
Trimbles to day I thought I should like
to enquire what you are doing & how
time passes there. Something pleasant has
open'd for me every day thus far & I
never enjoy'd a visit here so much before
The next day after we came I rode six
miles on horseback to Warwick Furnace
& round the neighborhood. 7th day most
of the family attended the Temperance Mtg
all indeed but Molly Tacy & me. the
day was very fine & I rambled alone
in the woods & gather'd wild flowers
not a few -- to dress a flower Pot -- had
taken my Sewing -- but the musquitoes
Evandale 3<sup>rd </sup>Day
As this little youth expects to be at W<sup>m</sup>.
Trimbles to day I thought I should like
to enquire what you are doing & how
time passes there. Something pleasant has
open'd for me every day thus far & I
never enjoy'd a visit here so much before
The next day after we came I rode six
miles on horseback to Warwick Furnace
& round the neighborhood. 7<sup>th</sup> day most
of the family attended the Temperance Mtg
all indeed but Molly Tacy & me. the
day was very fine & I rambled alone
in the woods & gather'd wild flowers
not a few -- to dress a flower Pot -- had
taken my Sewing -- but the musquitoes
As this little youth expects to be at W<sup>m</sup>.
Trimbles to day I thought I should like
to enquire what you are doing & how
time passes there. Something pleasant has
open'd for me every day thus far & I
never enjoy'd a visit here so much before
The next day after we came I rode six
miles on horseback to Warwick Furnace
& round the neighborhood. 7<sup>th</sup> day most
of the family attended the Temperance Mtg
all indeed but Molly Tacy & me. the
day was very fine & I rambled alone
in the woods & gather'd wild flowers
not a few -- to dress a flower Pot -- had
taken my Sewing -- but the musquitoes

Elisabeth E. & her child -- a very interesting
little girl & a great darling
with all the family -- they will remain
here a few days -- We have had many
visitors on account of the Meeting. Some
whose acquaintance I was glad to
make -- If I stay till Sixth day Evan will
take me to Quarterly M. = I am at a loss
what to do, had not come prepared to [?]
so long -- & cannot tell how these three days
will be occupied -- we have not been
over to Coxes yet -- nor to French Cr. Falls.
Men & horses have been at leisure thus
far, but I believe they are going to be
busy now -- They urge my staying -- I wish
thee could let me know your prospects, or
take a ride over -- all enquire after thee.
If the weather Should be cool I can do for
clothes at 2. M. -- but as it is now I could
not think of going without the Lawn dress
in my trunk -- if thee comes near the time
& it Seems warm please bring it & the Cape
& if thee comes any time, bring my best shoes out
Elisabeth E. & her child -- a very interesting
little girl & a great darling
with all the family -- they will remain
here a few days -- We have had many
visitors on account of the Meeting. Some
whose acquaintance I was glad to
make -- If I stay till Sixth day Evan will
take me to Quarterly M. = I am at a loss
what to do, had not come prepared to <ill>
so long -- & cannot tell how these three days
will be occupied -- we have not been
over to Coxes yet -- nor to French Cr. Falls.
Men & horses have been at leisure thus
far, but I believe they are going to be
busy now -- They urge my staying -- I wish
thee could let me know your prospects, or
take a ride over -- all enquire after thee.
If the weather Should be cool I can do for
clothes at 2. M. -- but as it is now I could
not think of going without the Lawn dress
in my trunk -- if thee comes near the time
& it Seems warm please bring it & the Cape
& if thee comes any time, bring my best shoes out
little girl & a great darling
with all the family -- they will remain
here a few days -- We have had many
visitors on account of the Meeting. Some
whose acquaintance I was glad to
make -- If I stay till Sixth day Evan will
take me to Quarterly M. = I am at a loss
what to do, had not come prepared to <ill>
so long -- & cannot tell how these three days
will be occupied -- we have not been
over to Coxes yet -- nor to French Cr. Falls.
Men & horses have been at leisure thus
far, but I believe they are going to be
busy now -- They urge my staying -- I wish
thee could let me know your prospects, or
take a ride over -- all enquire after thee.
If the weather Should be cool I can do for
clothes at 2. M. -- but as it is now I could
not think of going without the Lawn dress
in my trunk -- if thee comes near the time
& it Seems warm please bring it & the Cape
& if thee comes any time, bring my best shoes out

would allow of no serving in their premeses
First day attended Meeting at the dear
Old Spot & Jesse invited me very
handsomely to visit them. Yesterday
Evan Tacy & I travelled over these
beautiful hills once more to Pugh Town
I had been longing to see that part
of the country again, it does me
good to breathe the air -- & a visit
to Jesse is one of the greatest treats I
have all summer. We all enjoy'd
it very much not excepting the old
Patriarch himself. Evan Said when
he reach'd home 'Well I dont Know
when I have had Such a pleasant
afternoon" -- returning we call'd for
would allow of no serving in their premeses
First day attended Meeting at the dear
Old Spot & Jesse invited me very
handsomely to visit them. Yesterday
Evan Tacy & I travelled over these
beautiful hills once more to Pugh Town
I had been longing to see that part
of the country again, it does me
good to breathe the air -- & a visit
to Jesse is one of the greatest treats I
have all summer. We all enjoy'd
it very much not excepting the old
Patriarch himself. Evan Said when
he reach'd home 'Well I dont Know
when I have had Such a pleasant
afternoon" -- returning we call'd for
First day attended Meeting at the dear
Old Spot & Jesse invited me very
handsomely to visit them. Yesterday
Evan Tacy & I travelled over these
beautiful hills once more to Pugh Town
I had been longing to see that part
of the country again, it does me
good to breathe the air -- & a visit
to Jesse is one of the greatest treats I
have all summer. We all enjoy'd
it very much not excepting the old
Patriarch himself. Evan Said when
he reach'd home 'Well I dont Know
when I have had Such a pleasant
afternoon" -- returning we call'd for

of the top of the trunk -- I have wanted them badly
has thee been to West Chester or Mary
B.s yet. do Send me word by any opportunity
What you are doing -- Who goes
to the Morristown Convention?
In great haste as thee may judge H -- of the top of the trunk -- I have wanted them badly
has thee been to West Chester or Mary
B.s yet. do Send me word by any opportunity
What you are doing -- Who goes
to the Morristown Convention?<p-end>
<p-bgn>In great haste as thee may judge
H --
In great haste as thee may judge H -- of the top of the trunk -- I have wanted them badly
has thee been to West Chester or Mary
B.s yet. do Send me word by any opportunity
What you are doing -- Who goes
to the Morristown Convention?<p-end>
<p-bgn>In great haste as thee may judge
H --