Document set '483'
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Fourth day 9 mo 10th 34 - continued
I have just returned to the office after dispatching
D. Frock with my hasty half finished notes & a few apples
& potatoes I wrote as fast & as long as I write Scratch in
order to get all in that was possible by that conveyance
and now resume my pen though I foresee that this also
must be a hurried scrawl if it goes into the Post Office
to night -- it is now between 3 & 4 oClock, the whole day,
so far has been consumed in running after Frock to the entire
neglect of the Office, Excepting, meeting time, preparing for it,
& taking the necessary refreshment, it is so extreamly
inconvenient -- & such a distance from Pine St. to the
corner of Race & 4th. -- last Evening as soon
as I got Supper (which by the, by was an hour after all
the others had done, as I staid at the office & wrote those
rough notes by Candle light in order to have some
thing prepared, knowing thee would be anxious to hear from
me & that I could not do it in the morning) I went up
to look for frock between 8 & 9, he had not come -- then
went to cousin Debby's to see Hannah, Staid & chatted a
good while with them -- she has not been so well some part of the time since
her return as when she came, Staid out of school the day before,
but was better that day & had been at School, but I need not
Spend time in saying any more as she told me she had a
letter written to send by mail & perhaps it will come when
this does -- I then had to go home for some necessaries
I wanted, so that it was pretty late by the time I got to my
lodgings (I cannot find the linen Night Shirt thee
Spoke of & therefore have had none, as I did not choose
to take & leave there in sight such as I had -- but mean to manage
differently now by having my velise there I can put my
Shirt & cap Pills & Shaving utensils --had to shave twice at home with cold water in it -- the weather has been very warm & sultry
untill last night & to day it is pleasant, the musquitoes not
so exceeding troublesome, but bad enough yet, have to be either
battling them, off continually, or covering the head entirely
over, to avoid them, (and thus I got some sleep--) but I do not know that it is so in 10th St. I did not
find any place when I have been Shaving & dressing -- this morning after
Fourth day 9 mo 10<sup>th</sup> 34 - continued
<p-bgn>I have just returned to the office after dispatching
D. Frock with my hasty half finished notes & a few apples
& potatoes I wrote as fast & as long as I write Scratch in
order to get all in that was possible by that conveyance
and now resume my pen though I foresee that this also
must be a hurried scrawl if it goes into the Post Office
to night -- it is now between 3 & 4 oClock, the whole day,
so far has been consumed in running after Frock to the entire
neglect of the Office, Excepting, meeting time, preparing for it,
& taking the necessary refreshment, it is so extreamly
inconvenient -- & such a distance from Pine S<sup>t.</sup> to the
corner of Race & 4<sup>th. </sup>-- last Evening as soon
as I got Supper (which by the, by was an hour after all
the others had done, as I staid at the office & wrote those
rough notes by Candle light in order to have some
thing prepared, knowing thee would be anxious to hear from
me & that I could not do it in the morning) I went up
to look for frock between 8 & 9, he had not come -- then
went to cousin Debby's to see Hannah, Staid & chatted a
good while with them -- she has not been so well <add>some part of the time</add> since
her return as when she came, Staid out of school the day before,
but was better that day & had been at School, but I need not
Spend time in saying any more as she told me she had a
letter written to send by mail & <und>perhaps</und> it will come when
this does -- I then had to go home for some necessaries
I wanted, so that it was pretty late by the time I got to my
lodgings (I cannot find the linen Night Shirt thee
Spoke of & therefore have had none, as I did not choose
to take & leave there <add>in sight</add> such as I had -- but mean to manage
differently now by having my velise there I can put my
Shirt & cap <add>Pills & Shaving utensils --had to shave twice at home with cold water</add> in it -- the weather has been very warm & sultry
untill last night & to day it is pleasant, the musquitoes not
so exceeding troublesome, but bad enough yet, have to be either
battling them, off continually, or covering the head entirely
over, to avoid them, <add>(and thus I got some sleep--)</add> but I do not know that it is so in 10<sup>th</sup> S<sup>t.</sup> I did not
find any place when I have been Shaving & dressing -- this morning after
<p-bgn>I have just returned to the office after dispatching
D. Frock with my hasty half finished notes & a few apples
& potatoes I wrote as fast & as long as I write Scratch in
order to get all in that was possible by that conveyance
and now resume my pen though I foresee that this also
must be a hurried scrawl if it goes into the Post Office
to night -- it is now between 3 & 4 oClock, the whole day,
so far has been consumed in running after Frock to the entire
neglect of the Office, Excepting, meeting time, preparing for it,
& taking the necessary refreshment, it is so extreamly
inconvenient -- & such a distance from Pine S<sup>t.</sup> to the
corner of Race & 4<sup>th. </sup>-- last Evening as soon
as I got Supper (which by the, by was an hour after all
the others had done, as I staid at the office & wrote those
rough notes by Candle light in order to have some
thing prepared, knowing thee would be anxious to hear from
me & that I could not do it in the morning) I went up
to look for frock between 8 & 9, he had not come -- then
went to cousin Debby's to see Hannah, Staid & chatted a
good while with them -- she has not been so well <add>some part of the time</add> since
her return as when she came, Staid out of school the day before,
but was better that day & had been at School, but I need not
Spend time in saying any more as she told me she had a
letter written to send by mail & <und>perhaps</und> it will come when
this does -- I then had to go home for some necessaries
I wanted, so that it was pretty late by the time I got to my
lodgings (I cannot find the linen Night Shirt thee
Spoke of & therefore have had none, as I did not choose
to take & leave there <add>in sight</add> such as I had -- but mean to manage
differently now by having my velise there I can put my
Shirt & cap <add>Pills & Shaving utensils --had to shave twice at home with cold water</add> in it -- the weather has been very warm & sultry
untill last night & to day it is pleasant, the musquitoes not
so exceeding troublesome, but bad enough yet, have to be either
battling them, off continually, or covering the head entirely
over, to avoid them, <add>(and thus I got some sleep--)</add> but I do not know that it is so in 10<sup>th</sup> S<sup>t.</sup> I did not
find any place when I have been Shaving & dressing -- this morning after

breakfast went again up to Race St. D. F.'s waggon was there
hunted him in vain in the market wishing to send several
things by him but could not tell whether he could take them or when
he was going -- after another effort in the market -- went to
meeting, then hurried to Race St. again, F. was Still out, abot.
getting his load, -- I had just recd M's letter & wishing to Send that
also to avoid Double postage, I concluded to run Down to market & get
a few apples & Potatoes thinking he would be back by that time, but
he had not Still come, it then wanted but about 10 or 15 minutes
of Dinner time & the rule is not to wait one minute for any one --
I throw'd them into a barrell in the waggon & told the Landlord
that I was going to Dinner & would be up again, immediately
after, as I wanted to send a letter, but that if Frock came
in the mean time & started without my Seeing him, what
he was to do with the things -- I was there again before 2 oClock
D. F. Still out then went to J. Keinrle's[?] to write some more -- returned at 1/2 past
2 -- F. still out -- so to avoid missing the opportunity, sat
down there to write -- he soon came in -- & I had to cut my
communication Short as I have informed -- I fully intended to
have sent thee a few cantelopes, but could not -- Frock is
partly loaded with water mellons & Pickles he is taking
up for Sale -- on my way up to Race St. I met our friend
J. R. he was well & smiling as usual, Enquired kindly after all
of you particularly, if you were come, & when you were coming
&c. &c. -- could not Stay long Excused myself on accot. of the
urgency of my business to try to send by the waggon &c. & passed on
he had been down by the House (&c. so several others told me they
had) to see if we were come -- no account yet from Joseph --
it was Reported in town that I had gone to Michigan to see
him. cousin Jane says she told Several that I had & thought it
was so, She got it from Some Person whom I had done business for between
them & said he had been at the office not long before & I had been at
their House -- but how in the world he could have so misunderstood, I am
at a loss to tell -- cousin Ann said her father thought it could not be
so, or I would have told him -- but Jane insisted upon it that it was --
She is a positive body, but very kind --
I had to quit when after Supper at the Office -- I wrote the above to go home for my Velise, &c. and breakfast went again up to Race S<sup>t</sup>. D. F.'s waggon was there
hunted him in vain in the market wishing to send several
things by him but could <add>not</add> tell whether he could take them or when
he was going -- after another effort in the market -- went to
meeting, then hurried to Race S<sup>t.</sup> again, F. was Still out, abo<sup>t.</sup>
getting his load, -- I had just rec<sup>d</sup> M'<sup>s</sup> letter & wishing to Send that
also to avoid Double postage, I concluded to run Down to market & get
a few apples & Potatoes thinking he would be back by that time, but
he had not Still come, it then wanted but about 10 or 15 minutes
of Dinner time & the rule is not to wait one minute for any one --
I throw'<sup>d</sup> them into a barrell in the waggon & told the Landlord
that I was going to Dinner & would be up again, immediately
after, as I wanted to send a letter, but that if Frock came
in the mean time & started without my Seeing him, what
he was to do with the things -- I was there again before 2 oClock
<add>D. F. Still out </add>then went to J. <unclear>Keinrle's</unclear> to write some more -- returned at 1/2 past
2 -- F. still out -- so to avoid missing the opportunity, sat
down there to write -- he soon came in -- & I had to cut my
communication Short as I have informed -- I fully intended to
have sent thee a few cantelopes, but could not -- Frock is
partly loaded with water mellons & Pickles he is taking
up for Sale -- on my way up to Race S<sup>t.</sup> I met our friend
<und>J. R.</und> he was well & smiling as usual, Enquired kindly after all
of you particularly, if you were come, & when you were coming
&<sup>c</sup>. &<sup>c</sup>. -- could not Stay long Excused myself on acco<sup>t.</sup> of the
urgency of my business to try to send by the waggon &<sup>c.</sup> & passed on
he had been down by the House (&c. so several others told me they
had) to see if we were come -- no account yet from Joseph --
it was Reported in town that I had gone to Michigan to see
him. cousin <add>Jane</add> says she told Several that I had & thought it
was so, She got <add>it</add> from Some Person whom I had done business for between
them & said he had been at the office not long before & I had been at
their House -- but how in the world he could have so misunderstood, I am
at a loss to tell -- cousin Ann said her father thought it could not be
so, or I would have told <add>him</add> -- but Jane insisted upon it that it was --
She is a positive body, but very kind --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I had to quit when <add>after Supper at the Office --</add> I wrote the above to go home for my Velise, &<sup>c.</sup> and
I had to quit when after Supper at the Office -- I wrote the above to go home for my Velise, &c. and breakfast went again up to Race S<sup>t</sup>. D. F.'s waggon was there
hunted him in vain in the market wishing to send several
things by him but could <add>not</add> tell whether he could take them or when
he was going -- after another effort in the market -- went to
meeting, then hurried to Race S<sup>t.</sup> again, F. was Still out, abo<sup>t.</sup>
getting his load, -- I had just rec<sup>d</sup> M'<sup>s</sup> letter & wishing to Send that
also to avoid Double postage, I concluded to run Down to market & get
a few apples & Potatoes thinking he would be back by that time, but
he had not Still come, it then wanted but about 10 or 15 minutes
of Dinner time & the rule is not to wait one minute for any one --
I throw'<sup>d</sup> them into a barrell in the waggon & told the Landlord
that I was going to Dinner & would be up again, immediately
after, as I wanted to send a letter, but that if Frock came
in the mean time & started without my Seeing him, what
he was to do with the things -- I was there again before 2 oClock
<add>D. F. Still out </add>then went to J. <unclear>Keinrle's</unclear> to write some more -- returned at 1/2 past
2 -- F. still out -- so to avoid missing the opportunity, sat
down there to write -- he soon came in -- & I had to cut my
communication Short as I have informed -- I fully intended to
have sent thee a few cantelopes, but could not -- Frock is
partly loaded with water mellons & Pickles he is taking
up for Sale -- on my way up to Race S<sup>t.</sup> I met our friend
<und>J. R.</und> he was well & smiling as usual, Enquired kindly after all
of you particularly, if you were come, & when you were coming
&<sup>c</sup>. &<sup>c</sup>. -- could not Stay long Excused myself on acco<sup>t.</sup> of the
urgency of my business to try to send by the waggon &<sup>c.</sup> & passed on
he had been down by the House (&c. so several others told me they
had) to see if we were come -- no account yet from Joseph --
it was Reported in town that I had gone to Michigan to see
him. cousin <add>Jane</add> says she told Several that I had & thought it
was so, She got <add>it</add> from Some Person whom I had done business for between
them & said he had been at the office not long before & I had been at
their House -- but how in the world he could have so misunderstood, I am
at a loss to tell -- cousin Ann said her father thought it could not be
so, or I would have told <add>him</add> -- but Jane insisted upon it that it was --
She is a positive body, but very kind --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I had to quit when <add>after Supper at the Office --</add> I wrote the above to go home for my Velise, &<sup>c.</sup> and

getting Short of room & nothing further occurs at present, shall close
with my dear love to thee & thy Girls, Saml. & Rachel --
J. G
intend writing to M. & perhaps send her
Some or all of the things she mentions on 7th day --
I thought to day I was really Glad, it was the last time I should have to run
so after Frock --
getting Short of room & nothing further occurs at present, shall close
with my dear love to thee & thy Girls, Sam<sup>l</sup>. & Rachel --
J. G
intend writing to M. & perhaps send her
Some or all of the things she mentions on 7<sup>th</sup> day --
I thought to day I was really Glad, it was the last time I should have to run
so after Frock --
with my dear love to thee & thy Girls, Sam<sup>l</sup>. & Rachel --
J. G
intend writing to M. & perhaps send her
Some or all of the things she mentions on 7<sup>th</sup> day --
I thought to day I was really Glad, it was the last time I should have to run
so after Frock --

attend to some other matters & have now returned to finish
these notes by candle light -- all the folks who enquire after
you want to know when you are coming, but I have been
pretty careful not to commit myself -- upon conversing with
Some few as respects the prospect of business, they say money
is more plenty & that business is better & getting more into the
Old Channel than it was some time ago & If I had not been
so exceedingly worried & every moment of my time taken up to
day I should have went round to many of my customers
to let them know of my return & readiness to attend to
business, there was no letter or note left for me & not many
that called so that upon the whole I don't find yet that
any thing Suffered in my absence & I seem to have laid
in a fresh Stock of health -- cousin H. L. told me
as respects Doctors family, that Sydney had not recd any
letter from them since their arrival at the Springs, but that
a letter had been recd by one of the Logan family from a
Person of the name of Gray at the Springs which accot. she
thought might be depended upon. that cousin Mary was so
exhausted when she arrived there that she was for [?]
after confined to her bed but had recruited a bit [?]
be able to sit up & even walk into the large R [?]
called the Ballroom --& that cousin A. had also been [?]
on the way as we before heard -- no further particulars
divers friends at meeting today seemed pleased
to see me, it was a large meeting as most of the wanderers
have got back to the City -- after meeting Jona.
told me that Ann Mifflins House had been broken open
& robbed, her plate & other valuables taking even her
bank book & a Check forged to draw her money out of
the Bank, but they did not succeed, there was not time
to go into particulars & I do not know whether any one
was taken up on that accot. or not -- I then spoke to
Ann, herself & she said she was Robbed of her Plate &c.
it was while she was at Westtown -- In respect to the
Bedsteads I have written about -- they will be Painted & varnished
and all complete -- I told him we wanted no foot Board, the
head Posts & Board will not be as high as cousin H's & lighter
I don't care how soon thee informs me what thee thinks of them
that I may bespeak them forthwith -- and now as I am
attend to some other matters & have now returned to finish
these notes by candle light -- all the folks who enquire after
you want to know when you are coming, but I have been
pretty careful not to commit myself -- upon conversing with
Some few as respects the prospect of business, they say money
is more plenty & that business is better & getting more into the
Old Channel than it was some time ago & If I had not been
so exceedingly worried & <und>every moment</und> of my time taken up to
day I should have went round to many of my customers
to let them know of my return & readiness to attend to
business, there was no letter or note left for me & not many
that called so that upon the whole I don't find yet that
any thing Suffered in my absence & I seem to have laid
in a fresh Stock of health -- cousin H. L. told me
as respects Doctors family, that Sydney had not recd any
letter from them since their arrival at the Springs, but that
a letter had been rec<sup>d</sup> by one of the Logan family from a
Person of the name of <und>Gray</und> at the Springs which acco<sup>t</sup>. she
thought might be depended upon. that cousin Mary was so
exhausted when she arrived there that she was for <ill>
after confined to her bed but had recruited a bit <ill>
be able to sit up & even walk into the large R <ill>
called the Ballroom --& that cousin A. had also been <ill>
on the way as we before heard -- no further particulars
divers friends at meeting today seemed pleased
to see me, it was a large meeting as most of the wanderers
have got back to the City -- after meeting Jon<sup>a</sup>.
told me that Ann Mifflins House had been broken open
& robbed, her plate & other valuables taking even her
bank book & a Check forged to draw her money out of
the Bank, but they did not succeed, there was not time
to go into particulars & I do not know whether any one
was taken up on that acco<sup>t</sup>. or not -- I then spoke to
Ann, herself & she said she was Robbed of her Plate &<sup>c</sup>.
it was while she was at Westtown -- In respect to the
Bedsteads I have written about -- they will be Painted & varnished
and all complete -- I told him we wanted no foot Board, the
head Posts & Board will not be as high as cousin H's & lighter
I don't care how soon thee informs me what thee thinks of them
that I may bespeak them forthwith -- and now as I am
these notes by candle light -- all the folks who enquire after
you want to know when you are coming, but I have been
pretty careful not to commit myself -- upon conversing with
Some few as respects the prospect of business, they say money
is more plenty & that business is better & getting more into the
Old Channel than it was some time ago & If I had not been
so exceedingly worried & <und>every moment</und> of my time taken up to
day I should have went round to many of my customers
to let them know of my return & readiness to attend to
business, there was no letter or note left for me & not many
that called so that upon the whole I don't find yet that
any thing Suffered in my absence & I seem to have laid
in a fresh Stock of health -- cousin H. L. told me
as respects Doctors family, that Sydney had not recd any
letter from them since their arrival at the Springs, but that
a letter had been rec<sup>d</sup> by one of the Logan family from a
Person of the name of <und>Gray</und> at the Springs which acco<sup>t</sup>. she
thought might be depended upon. that cousin Mary was so
exhausted when she arrived there that she was for <ill>
after confined to her bed but had recruited a bit <ill>
be able to sit up & even walk into the large R <ill>
called the Ballroom --& that cousin A. had also been <ill>
on the way as we before heard -- no further particulars
divers friends at meeting today seemed pleased
to see me, it was a large meeting as most of the wanderers
have got back to the City -- after meeting Jon<sup>a</sup>.
told me that Ann Mifflins House had been broken open
& robbed, her plate & other valuables taking even her
bank book & a Check forged to draw her money out of
the Bank, but they did not succeed, there was not time
to go into particulars & I do not know whether any one
was taken up on that acco<sup>t</sup>. or not -- I then spoke to
Ann, herself & she said she was Robbed of her Plate &<sup>c</sup>.
it was while she was at Westtown -- In respect to the
Bedsteads I have written about -- they will be Painted & varnished
and all complete -- I told him we wanted no foot Board, the
head Posts & Board will not be as high as cousin H's & lighter
I don't care how soon thee informs me what thee thinks of them
that I may bespeak them forthwith -- and now as I am