Document set '473'
Transcript style:other pages

willing to trust her alone, so far, very often the
grass, which is strong & high this Summer
is so very wet with frequent Showers
& heavy dews that it is altogether unfit
for her to travel thro'. she is now, my all,
my sole dependance, & I am anxious about her
health, & wish to take care of her, tho' she
sometimes will give me the slip, when I
happen to oversleep myself, to take her early
walk, & meet the Sun upon the upland lawn
& in the evening to take her book & sit upon
a Rock to study Botany, or something better
on 7 th day last we bake'd our new fashion'd
Cake, (excellent, wish you had half of it) put
our house in order, & I cannot tell how many
hundred times I look'd up the hill with
my seeing specks for Father & Hannah
till the Shades of evening chang'd all to sober
grey. & then said, we shall surely have
a letter to morrow, as they have not
come, but to morrow, the next da__[?] the
next have dragg'd there slow length
along without a word from home.
but hope that comes to all, has not quite
deserted me as W. S. or E Kirk [?]were not at
meeting on 1st day. we prevail'd on Samy to saddle
the 2 horses, & Mary & I had a very delightful
ride round by Ludwigs to see after the letter.
the first time I have been on horseback, I enjoy'd
it very much tho' it weary'd me considerably
I had thought much of going down in the stage
to see you this week, but the difficulty of getting
from here, even one mile to the stage, is so great
that I have given out going at all from present
prospects. we have not W. T. to call on. --
willing to trust her alone, so far, very often the
grass, which is strong & high this Summer
is so very wet with frequent Showers
& heavy dews that it is altogether unfit
for her to travel thro'. she is now, my all,
my sole dependance, & I am anxious about her
health, & wish to take care of her, tho' she
sometimes will give me the slip, when I
happen to oversleep myself, to take her early
walk, & meet the Sun upon the upland lawn
& in the evening to take her book & sit upon
a Rock to study Botany, or something better
on 7 <sup>th</sup> day last we bake'd our new fashion'd
Cake, (excellent, wish you had half of it) put
our house in order, & I cannot tell how many
hundred times I look'd up the hill with
my seeing specks for Father & Hannah
till the Shades of evening chang'd all to sober
grey. & then said, we shall surely have
a letter to morrow, as they have not
come, but to morrow, the next <unclear>da__</unclear> the
next have dragg'd there slow length
along without a word from home.
but hope that comes to all, has not quite
deserted me as W. S. or E <unclear>Kirk </unclear>were not at
meeting on 1<sup>st</sup> day. we prevail'd on Samy to saddle
the 2 horses, & Mary & I had a very delightful
ride round by Ludwigs to see after the letter.
the first time I have been on horseback, I enjoy'd
it very much tho' it weary'd me considerably
I had thought much of going down in the stage
to see you this week, but the difficulty of getting
from here, even one mile to the stage, is so great
that I have given out going at all from present
prospects. we have not W. T. to call on. --
grass, which is strong & high this Summer
is so very wet with frequent Showers
& heavy dews that it is altogether unfit
for her to travel thro'. she is now, my all,
my sole dependance, & I am anxious about her
health, & wish to take care of her, tho' she
sometimes will give me the slip, when I
happen to oversleep myself, to take her early
walk, & meet the Sun upon the upland lawn
& in the evening to take her book & sit upon
a Rock to study Botany, or something better
on 7 <sup>th</sup> day last we bake'd our new fashion'd
Cake, (excellent, wish you had half of it) put
our house in order, & I cannot tell how many
hundred times I look'd up the hill with
my seeing specks for Father & Hannah
till the Shades of evening chang'd all to sober
grey. & then said, we shall surely have
a letter to morrow, as they have not
come, but to morrow, the next <unclear>da__</unclear> the
next have dragg'd there slow length
along without a word from home.
but hope that comes to all, has not quite
deserted me as W. S. or E <unclear>Kirk </unclear>were not at
meeting on 1<sup>st</sup> day. we prevail'd on Samy to saddle
the 2 horses, & Mary & I had a very delightful
ride round by Ludwigs to see after the letter.
the first time I have been on horseback, I enjoy'd
it very much tho' it weary'd me considerably
I had thought much of going down in the stage
to see you this week, but the difficulty of getting
from here, even one mile to the stage, is so great
that I have given out going at all from present
prospects. we have not W. T. to call on. --

mowing & harvest will shortly commence but
that will make no differance to your coming
when will it be, here we remain in ignorance of
all the important affairs that are going on
& have so much time & quiet to think, it is really
a great drawback to thy pleasure I might enjoy if we
cou'd have more frequent & regular intelligence
from you, surrounded as we are by many
blessings, & comforts, I endevor to cultivate
a chearful & thankful disposition, but at times
when feverish & nervous these some things weigh
heavy on my spirits. give my best love to
cousin A. Sister Jane. M. S. & all inquiring frds
by no means forgetting the 2 at 149 S. Tenth Street S G
& cousin H L her parents are well as usual
S took the horses from the plow
& sister R & I rode to meeting, as soon
as it clos'd inquir'd of E K[?], for a letter
there was none, felt badly, we however
proceeded to J. W's near half a mile beyond
the meeting house, who very politely agreed
to bringing any bundle, package or letters
from the city, weekly, when we wish'd it on inquiry when or
what day he wou'd go this week that is his
man, or the neighbor that hauls for him.
his reply was, that he had loaded at his
house on 2nd day evening, & he expected
him back to night, this was another
dissapointment, he said if I wou'd leave a
letter there on 2nd day next it shou'd be sent
so I had to fold up this scrawl which I had
open'd to make a little addition there
& seal -- after taking dinner went up stairs
& began to be very sorrowful, when hearing
a slight noise at our door & looking round what
did I see
mowing & harvest will shortly commence but
that will make no differance to your coming
when will it be, here we remain in ignorance of
all the important affairs that are going on
& have so much time & quiet to think, it is really
a great drawback to <add>thy</add> pleasure I might enjoy if we
cou'd have more frequent & regular intelligence
from you, surrounded as we are by many
blessings, & comforts, I endevor to cultivate
a chearful & thankful disposition, but at times
when feverish & nervous these <add>some</add> things weigh
heavy on my spirits. give my best love to
cousin A. Sister Jane. M. S. & all inquiring frds
by no means forgetting the 2 at 149 S. Tenth Street S G
& cousin H L her parents are well as usual
<p-bgn>S took the horses from the plow
& sister R & I rode to meeting, as soon
as it clos'd inquir'd of E <unclear>K</unclear>, for a letter
there was none, felt badly, we however
proceeded to J. W's near half a mile beyond
the meeting house, who very politely agreed
to bring<del>ing</del> any bundle, package or letters
from the city, weekly, <add>when we wish'd it</add> on inquiry when or
what day he wou'd go <und>this</und> week that is <und>his</und>
man, or the neighbor that hauls for him.
his reply was, that he had loaded at his
house on 2<sup>nd</sup> day evening, & he expected
him back to night, this was another
dissapointment, he said if I wou'd leave a
letter there on 2<sup>nd </sup>day <add>next</add> it shou'd be sent
so I had to fold up this scrawl which I had
open'd to make a little addition there
& seal -- after taking dinner went up stairs
& began to be very sorrowful, when hearing
a slight noise at our door & <add>looking</add> round what
did I see
that will make no differance to your coming
when will it be, here we remain in ignorance of
all the important affairs that are going on
& have so much time & quiet to think, it is really
a great drawback to <add>thy</add> pleasure I might enjoy if we
cou'd have more frequent & regular intelligence
from you, surrounded as we are by many
blessings, & comforts, I endevor to cultivate
a chearful & thankful disposition, but at times
when feverish & nervous these <add>some</add> things weigh
heavy on my spirits. give my best love to
cousin A. Sister Jane. M. S. & all inquiring frds
by no means forgetting the 2 at 149 S. Tenth Street S G
& cousin H L her parents are well as usual
<p-bgn>S took the horses from the plow
& sister R & I rode to meeting, as soon
as it clos'd inquir'd of E <unclear>K</unclear>, for a letter
there was none, felt badly, we however
proceeded to J. W's near half a mile beyond
the meeting house, who very politely agreed
to bring<del>ing</del> any bundle, package or letters
from the city, weekly, <add>when we wish'd it</add> on inquiry when or
what day he wou'd go <und>this</und> week that is <und>his</und>
man, or the neighbor that hauls for him.
his reply was, that he had loaded at his
house on 2<sup>nd</sup> day evening, & he expected
him back to night, this was another
dissapointment, he said if I wou'd leave a
letter there on 2<sup>nd </sup>day <add>next</add> it shou'd be sent
so I had to fold up this scrawl which I had
open'd to make a little addition there
& seal -- after taking dinner went up stairs
& began to be very sorrowful, when hearing
a slight noise at our door & <add>looking</add> round what
did I see

nothing more or less than Anna Mary
with the long wish'd for letter in her
hand, what a change of feeling did the
perusal produce, it has kept me pretty
busy for me to read it 4 or 5 times in the
course of the afternoon & M to comment
on its contents
nothing more or less than Anna Mary
with the long wish'd for letter in her
hand, what a change of feeling did the
perusal produce, it has kept me pretty
busy <del>for me</del> to read <add>it</add> 4 or 5 times in the
course of the afternoon & M to comment
on its contents<p-end>
nothing more or less than Anna Mary
with the long wish'd for letter in her
hand, what a change of feeling did the
perusal produce, it has kept me pretty
busy <del>for me</del> to read <add>it</add> 4 or 5 times in the
course of the afternoon & M to comment
on its contents<p-end>

what did Aunt J & Anna say of their visit
thee is silent on that head.
do not let Father worry himself about this said Frock, I insist upon his not doing so if very busy -- find upon further inquiry he firsts/suits [?]up at the 7 Stars corner of Race & 4th too long a walk this hot weather what did Aunt J & Anna say of their visit
thee is silent on that head.<p-end>
<p-bgn>do not let Father worry himself about this
said Frock, I insist upon his not doing so
if very busy -- find upon further inquiry
he <unclear>firsts/suits </unclear>up at the 7 Stars corner of Race
& 4th too long a walk this hot weather
do not let Father worry himself about this said Frock, I insist upon his not doing so if very busy -- find upon further inquiry he firsts/suits [?]up at the 7 Stars corner of Race & 4th too long a walk this hot weather what did Aunt J & Anna say of their visit
thee is silent on that head.<p-end>
<p-bgn>do not let Father worry himself about this
said Frock, I insist upon his not doing so
if very busy -- find upon further inquiry
he <unclear>firsts/suits </unclear>up at the 7 Stars corner of Race
& 4th too long a walk this hot weather

4th day 2nd of 7[?]th mo 1834
No letter yet, no tidings from P. since our
frds left us, in a state of anxiety & suspence
which continues to increase with me untill the
present moment, not only on account of our dear
Mary B. H. but yours who occupy so much of my thoug_[?]
more especially as the last we heard from Hannah
was pain in her side, & & sense of weareness, which
I fear portended no good, there may be a letter of
the post O. now, this is preparative Meeting day
if I get there (which is doubtful as the horses are
in the plow & S. dont attend M's for dicipline) &
find none, shall be sadly dissapointed, shall then
take this to J. Whitesides, & try to prevail on his
man to leave it at 96 Wt street, he is not
able to go himself having been confin'd to the
house for some time with the rheumatism
or we might perhaps have communicated with you
thro him ere now, I fear Father went in search
of him on 6th day last, & was very sorry I had said
anything about it, *from last summer please not send Peas of any
kind[?] of vegatables, as we will now have more
than enough, our garden is very flourishing
& such frequent bring showers brings things forward
rapidly, -- I sometimes think you can hardly
make allowance for our neglects as you may
suppose, in not writing more frequently, but
we are very differantly situated in that respect
I seem to be planted here, the extent of my walks
are to the Bars by the road, & back again --
quite enough at one time, & Mary has not yet
learn'd[?] the way across the woods, & feilds
to the P. O. tho' there is a house half way
that she has sometimes left the letters at which
are taken over by the Man who belongs to it as he
goes to work daily at Kirks, indeed I am not
4<sup>th</sup> day 2<sup>nd</sup> of <unclear>7</unclear><sup>th</sup> mo 1834
No letter yet, no tidings from P. since our
frds left us, in a state of anxiety & suspence
which continues to increase with me untill the
present moment, not only on account of our dear
Mary B. H. but yours who occupy so much of my <unclear>thoug_</unclear>
more especially as the last we heard from Hannah
was pain in her side, & & sense of weareness, which
I fear portended no good, there may be a letter of
the post O. now, this is preparative Meeting day
if I get there (which is doubtful as the horses are
in the plow & S. dont attend M's for dicipline) &
find none, shall be sadly dissapointed, shall then
take this to J. Whitesides, & try to prevail on his
man to leave it at 96 W<sup>t</sup> street, he is not
able to go himself having been confin'd to the
house for some time with the rheumatism
or we might perhaps have communicated with you
thro him ere now, I fear Father went in search
of him on 6th day last, & was very sorry I had said
anything about it, <add>*from last summer</add> please not send Peas of any
<unclear>kind</unclear> of vegatables, as we will now have more
than enough, our garden is very flourishing
& such frequent <del>bring</del> showers brings things forward
rapidly, -- I sometimes think you can hardly
make allowance for our neglects as you may
suppose, in not writing more frequently, but
we are very differantly situated in that respect
I seem to be planted here, the extent of my walks
are to the Bars by the road, & back again --
quite enough at one time, & Mary has not yet
<unclear>learn'd</unclear> the way across the woods, & feilds
to the P. O. tho' there is a house half way
that she has sometimes left the letters at which
are taken over by the Man who belongs to it as he
goes to work daily at Kirks, indeed I am not
No letter yet, no tidings from P. since our
frds left us, in a state of anxiety & suspence
which continues to increase with me untill the
present moment, not only on account of our dear
Mary B. H. but yours who occupy so much of my <unclear>thoug_</unclear>
more especially as the last we heard from Hannah
was pain in her side, & & sense of weareness, which
I fear portended no good, there may be a letter of
the post O. now, this is preparative Meeting day
if I get there (which is doubtful as the horses are
in the plow & S. dont attend M's for dicipline) &
find none, shall be sadly dissapointed, shall then
take this to J. Whitesides, & try to prevail on his
man to leave it at 96 W<sup>t</sup> street, he is not
able to go himself having been confin'd to the
house for some time with the rheumatism
or we might perhaps have communicated with you
thro him ere now, I fear Father went in search
of him on 6th day last, & was very sorry I had said
anything about it, <add>*from last summer</add> please not send Peas of any
<unclear>kind</unclear> of vegatables, as we will now have more
than enough, our garden is very flourishing
& such frequent <del>bring</del> showers brings things forward
rapidly, -- I sometimes think you can hardly
make allowance for our neglects as you may
suppose, in not writing more frequently, but
we are very differantly situated in that respect
I seem to be planted here, the extent of my walks
are to the Bars by the road, & back again --
quite enough at one time, & Mary has not yet
<unclear>learn'd</unclear> the way across the woods, & feilds
to the P. O. tho' there is a house half way
that she has sometimes left the letters at which
are taken over by the Man who belongs to it as he
goes to work daily at Kirks, indeed I am not