Document set '472'
Transcript style:other pages

First day.} 9th mo. 8th 1833
Cousin William came over after dark
last night, & after talking a while said well W J has
not been here yet, I reply'd, no, I had hoped he wou'd have come before
this time, Why rejoin'd he, do you expect to receive
any thing by him, oh yes letters from Martha, & Father
will send a verbal message at least, if he meets with him
he then very deliberately drew a letter from his pocket
saying here was one somebody had given to the Girls
(Jane King & Ann Shaw) as they came from the store.
I immediately commenc'd reading thine, & mention'd
that there was a Basket of Grapes sent with it, William
thought he had better go & see after, it having notic'd
a basket for which there seem'd to be no owner, he soon
return'd, saying if he had been a few minutes later, they
wou'd have been all eaten, Jane having told one
of the small girls it was hers, they had torn off
the cover & help'd themselves to more than one half
if the basket was full, however let that pass, thee cou'd
not have had time to put name or directions on them,
& there was enough left for us to taste how good they
are, & impress us with a sense of thy kindness & care in
sending them at such a busy & hurry'd time, indeed I can
scarcely realize how thee cou'd do so much in 2 short
hours, if you find the grapes too many for you, they will keep
a long time laid away in a drawer or Closet, & you can give some
to M Sharpless
First day.} 9<sup>th</sup> mo. 8<sup>th</sup> 1833
<p-bgn>Cousin William came over after dark
last night, & after talking a while said well W J has
not been here yet, I reply'd, no, I <add>had hoped</add> he wou'd have come before
this time, Why rejoin'd he, do you expect to receive
any thing by him, oh yes letters from Martha, & Father
will send a verbal message at least, if he meets with him
he then very deliberately drew a letter from his pocket
saying here was one somebody had given to the Girls
(Jane King & Ann Shaw) as they came from the store.
I immediately commenc'd reading thine, & mention'd
that there was a Basket of Grapes sent with it, William
thought he had better go & see after, it having notic'd
a basket for which there seem'd to be no owner, he soon
return'd, saying if he had been a few minutes later, they
wou'd have been all eaten, Jane having told one
of the small girls it was hers, they had torn off
the cover & help'd themselves to more than one half
if the basket was full, however let that pass, thee cou'd
not have had time to put name or directions on them,
& there was enough left for us to taste how good they
are, & impress <add>us</add> with a sense of thy kindness & care in
sending them at such a busy & hurry'd time, indeed I can
scarcely realize how thee cou'd do so much in 2 short
hours, if you find the grapes too many for you, they will keep
a long time laid away in a drawer or Closet, & you can give some
to M Sharpless
<p-bgn>Cousin William came over after dark
last night, & after talking a while said well W J has
not been here yet, I reply'd, no, I <add>had hoped</add> he wou'd have come before
this time, Why rejoin'd he, do you expect to receive
any thing by him, oh yes letters from Martha, & Father
will send a verbal message at least, if he meets with him
he then very deliberately drew a letter from his pocket
saying here was one somebody had given to the Girls
(Jane King & Ann Shaw) as they came from the store.
I immediately commenc'd reading thine, & mention'd
that there was a Basket of Grapes sent with it, William
thought he had better go & see after, it having notic'd
a basket for which there seem'd to be no owner, he soon
return'd, saying if he had been a few minutes later, they
wou'd have been all eaten, Jane having told one
of the small girls it was hers, they had torn off
the cover & help'd themselves to more than one half
if the basket was full, however let that pass, thee cou'd
not have had time to put name or directions on them,
& there was enough left for us to taste how good they
are, & impress <add>us</add> with a sense of thy kindness & care in
sending them at such a busy & hurry'd time, indeed I can
scarcely realize how thee cou'd do so much in 2 short
hours, if you find the grapes too many for you, they will keep
a long time laid away in a drawer or Closet, & you can give some
to M Sharpless

Cousin Betsy Loyd, E. Evans, Mary Evans or who you please
the Rain has come at last, a great deal fell last night & it still continues, so that Mary & I are keeping Cottage this morning, while Wm. H. G. & 2 of the Girls have gone to meeting in the Carriage -- have not been well since thee left, rose yesterday morning with the sick head ache had rather an uncomfortable day, owing in part to the weather I suppose, feel somewhat better to day. having had such a feast of good things last night in the way of letters, some of which produc'd very serious reflexions which banish'd sle'ep from my eyes for a long time.
Cousin Sarah is mending & the family pretty much as usual, please give love to cousin Jane, & let us know how you are getting along
S G Entertaining a strong hope that our dear Martha has reach'd our long deserted home, in safetybefore without being exposed to this uncomfortable
weather, I most cordially welcome her
thereto, & shou'd most gladly have been there
in person so to do, but it was concluded otherwise
as Father will inform thee, & now I know not when
I shall have the satisfaction of seeing thee, unless
thee can consent to come up next 7th day with S. Webb
who is coming for Rebbeca, [?] as far
as the half way house where, William is to meet him
with the children, with them, S. returns to the City
Cousin Betsy Loyd, E. Evans, Mary Evans or who you please<p-end>
<p-bgn>the Rain has come at last, a great deal fell last night
& it still continues, so that Mary & I are keeping Cottage
this morning, while Wm. H. G. & 2 of the Girls have gone
to meeting in the Carriage -- have not been well since
thee left, rose yesterday morning with the sick head ache
had rather an uncomfortable day, owing in part to the
weather I suppose, feel somewhat better to day. having
had such a feast of good things last night in the way
of letters, some of which produc'd very serious reflexions
which banish'd sle'ep from my eyes for a long time.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Cousin Sarah is mending & the family
pretty much as usual, please give love to cousin
Jane, & let us know how you are getting along<p-end>
<p-bgn>Entertaining a strong hope that our dear
Martha has reach'd our long deserted home, in
safety <del>before</del> without being exposed to this uncomfortable
weather, I most cordially welcome her
thereto, & shou'd most gladly have been there
in person so to do, but it was concluded otherwise
as Father will inform thee, & now I know not when
I shall have the satisfaction of seeing thee, unless
thee can consent to come up next 7<sup>th</sup> day with S. Webb
who is coming for Rebbeca, <ill> as far
as the half way house where, William is to meet him
with the children, with them, S. returns to the City
the Rain has come at last, a great deal fell last night & it still continues, so that Mary & I are keeping Cottage this morning, while Wm. H. G. & 2 of the Girls have gone to meeting in the Carriage -- have not been well since thee left, rose yesterday morning with the sick head ache had rather an uncomfortable day, owing in part to the weather I suppose, feel somewhat better to day. having had such a feast of good things last night in the way of letters, some of which produc'd very serious reflexions which banish'd sle'ep from my eyes for a long time.
Cousin Sarah is mending & the family pretty much as usual, please give love to cousin Jane, & let us know how you are getting along
S G Entertaining a strong hope that our dear Martha has reach'd our long deserted home, in safety
<p-bgn>the Rain has come at last, a great deal fell last night
& it still continues, so that Mary & I are keeping Cottage
this morning, while Wm. H. G. & 2 of the Girls have gone
to meeting in the Carriage -- have not been well since
thee left, rose yesterday morning with the sick head ache
had rather an uncomfortable day, owing in part to the
weather I suppose, feel somewhat better to day. having
had such a feast of good things last night in the way
of letters, some of which produc'd very serious reflexions
which banish'd sle'ep from my eyes for a long time.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Cousin Sarah is mending & the family
pretty much as usual, please give love to cousin
Jane, & let us know how you are getting along<p-end>
<p-bgn>Entertaining a strong hope that our dear
Martha has reach'd our long deserted home, in
safety <del>before</del> without being exposed to this uncomfortable
weather, I most cordially welcome her
thereto, & shou'd most gladly have been there
in person so to do, but it was concluded otherwise
as Father will inform thee, & now I know not when
I shall have the satisfaction of seeing thee, unless
thee can consent to come up next 7<sup>th</sup> day with S. Webb
who is coming for Rebbeca, <ill> as far
as the half way house where, William is to meet him
with the children, with them, S. returns to the City

& W. home, with an empty Carriage, according
to present plans; thee can know to a certainty by
calling at Mary Webbs[?] -- & we shou'd like to be inform'd
by W. J. that we may all be at home ready to recieve
thee, I do not urge it, but leave the matter interely
to thy own feelings & freedom, hoping & believeng
on my own part that we shall all be favor'd to meet
once more at that dear home in the course of a few
weeks, wiser, & better than when we left it.
if not the fault will be our own; we have indeed
much to be thankful for.
James & Polly B. return'd with us from meeting dined at Williams & spent most of the afternoon here After their departure in the midst of our supper cousin W. tapp'd gently at our door & here he has staid 'till bed time -- no quiet for reading (& I intended to finish Legh Richmond) much less for writing -- I am too sleepy now & Mary too lazy mother says hope you will conclude to come & see us 7th day W. & W. home, with an empty Carriage, according
to present plans; thee can know to a certainty by
calling at Mary <unclear>Webbs</unclear> -- & we shou'd like to be inform'd
by W. J. that <add>we</add> may all be at home ready to recieve
thee, I do not urge it, but leave the matter interely
to thy own feelings & freedom, hoping & believeng
on my own part that we shall all be favor'd to meet
once more at that dear home in the course of <add>a</add> few
weeks, wiser, & better than when we left it.
if not the fault will be our own; we have indeed
much to be thankful for.<p-end>
James & Polly B. return'd with us from meeting
dined at Williams & spent most of the afternoon here
After their departure in the midst of our supper cousin
W. tapp'd gently at our door & here he has staid
'till bed time -- no quiet for reading (& I intended
to finish Legh Richmond) much less for writing --
I am too sleepy now & Mary too lazy mother says
hope you will conclude to come & see us 7th day W.
James & Polly B. return'd with us from meeting dined at Williams & spent most of the afternoon here After their departure in the midst of our supper cousin W. tapp'd gently at our door & here he has staid 'till bed time -- no quiet for reading (& I intended to finish Legh Richmond) much less for writing -- I am too sleepy now & Mary too lazy mother says hope you will conclude to come & see us 7th day W. & W. home, with an empty Carriage, according
to present plans; thee can know to a certainty by
calling at Mary <unclear>Webbs</unclear> -- & we shou'd like to be inform'd
by W. J. that <add>we</add> may all be at home ready to recieve
thee, I do not urge it, but leave the matter interely
to thy own feelings & freedom, hoping & believeng
on my own part that we shall all be favor'd to meet
once more at that dear home in the course of <add>a</add> few
weeks, wiser, & better than when we left it.
if not the fault will be our own; we have indeed
much to be thankful for.<p-end>
James & Polly B. return'd with us from meeting
dined at Williams & spent most of the afternoon here
After their departure in the midst of our supper cousin
W. tapp'd gently at our door & here he has staid
'till bed time -- no quiet for reading (& I intended
to finish Legh Richmond) much less for writing --
I am too sleepy now & Mary too lazy mother says
hope you will conclude to come & see us 7th day W.