Document set '471'
Transcript style:other pages

1st day -- 8th mo 4th 1833
Thy letter & packages arriv'd just before tea time, last evening when
we were wishing for some good new cheese, & good it is, the
very kind I like, we were growing weary of dry'd beef in the morning
& dry'd beef at night, Mary took Tea with us & we all concluded
that Bran bread & such cheese was quite an agreeable change
the sugar is beautiful, clean, & nice, & ev'ry article good of its
kind, & very acceptable, for the care & trouble, & weareness of
providing, & sending all these things, I am greatly oblig'd
I expected you wou'd be dissapointed in not getting a letter, but
I had look'd for Wm's calling on 5th day for the things, he came
on 4th day & seem'd in haste, I had nothing prepare'd but
intended fully, to send to his house next day before he left
it was however oats harvest, a good deal of company here
& ev'ry body busy, found it out of the question, & was
oblig'd to let it pass for that time, intend to be ready
in due season after this.
3rd day. 6th 9.nth[?] morning, -- I suppose you are now on your way in the Ohio, Captain Whilldin, going to Delaware City, & poor Martha has commenc'd her perilous Journy without my seeing or bidding her farewell, I have been with you in mind for several days past, & seem'd to see you in the midst of your hurry & preparation for this great undertaking, for her. was awake early this morning, busy getting you off in time tho in no wise expediting the business, shou'd most gladly have been there assisting in reality. the day is rather gloomy, so much so that I fear cousin Anna will be discourag'd from accompanying thee, hope you will get back in safety & that we may have the pleasure of seeing you on 7th day if the weather is fine, shou'd you reach the half way house & not find M. T, do not forget that you can procure a conveyance from Sally Lightfoots, which is near there 1<sup>st</sup> day -- 8<sup>th</sup> mo 4<sup>th</sup> 1833
Thy letter & packages arriv'd just before tea time, <add>last evening</add> when
we were wishing for some good new cheese, & good it is, the
very kind I like, we were growing weary of dry'd beef in the morning
& dry'd beef at night, Mary took Tea with us & we all concluded
that Bran bread & such cheese was quite an agreeable change
the sugar is beautiful, clean, & nice, & ev'ry article good of its
kind, & very acceptable, for the care & trouble, & weareness of
providing, & sending all these things, I am greatly oblig'd
I expected you wou'd be dissapointed in not getting a letter, but
I had <add>look'd</add> for Wm's calling on 5<sup>th</sup> day for the things, he came
on 4<sup>th</sup> day & seem'd in haste, I had nothing prepare'd but
intended fully, to send to his house next day before he left
it was however oats harvest, a good deal of company here
& ev'ry body busy, found it out of the question, & was
oblig'd to let it pass for that time, intend to be ready
in due season after this.<p-end>
<p-bgn>3<sup>rd</sup> day. 6<sup>th</sup> <unclear>9.nth</unclear> morning, -- I suppose you are now on your way
in the Ohio, Captain Whilldin, going to Delaware City, & poor
Martha has commenc'd her perilous Journy without my seeing
or bidding her farewell, I have been with you in mind for
several days past, & seem'd to see you in the midst of your
hurry & preparation for this great undertaking, <und>for her</und>.
was awake early this morning, busy getting you off in time
tho in no wise expediting the business, shou'd most gladly have
been there assisting in reality. the day is rather gloomy,
so much so that I fear cousin Anna will be discourag'd
from accompanying thee, hope you will get back in safety
& that we may have the pleasure of seeing you on
7<sup>th</sup> day if the weather is fine, shou'd you reach the half
way house & not find M. T, do not forget that you can
procure a conveyance from Sally Lightfoots, which is near
3rd day. 6th 9.nth[?] morning, -- I suppose you are now on your way in the Ohio, Captain Whilldin, going to Delaware City, & poor Martha has commenc'd her perilous Journy without my seeing or bidding her farewell, I have been with you in mind for several days past, & seem'd to see you in the midst of your hurry & preparation for this great undertaking, for her. was awake early this morning, busy getting you off in time tho in no wise expediting the business, shou'd most gladly have been there assisting in reality. the day is rather gloomy, so much so that I fear cousin Anna will be discourag'd from accompanying thee, hope you will get back in safety & that we may have the pleasure of seeing you on 7th day if the weather is fine, shou'd you reach the half way house & not find M. T, do not forget that you can procure a conveyance from Sally Lightfoots, which is near there 1<sup>st</sup> day -- 8<sup>th</sup> mo 4<sup>th</sup> 1833
Thy letter & packages arriv'd just before tea time, <add>last evening</add> when
we were wishing for some good new cheese, & good it is, the
very kind I like, we were growing weary of dry'd beef in the morning
& dry'd beef at night, Mary took Tea with us & we all concluded
that Bran bread & such cheese was quite an agreeable change
the sugar is beautiful, clean, & nice, & ev'ry article good of its
kind, & very acceptable, for the care & trouble, & weareness of
providing, & sending all these things, I am greatly oblig'd
I expected you wou'd be dissapointed in not getting a letter, but
I had <add>look'd</add> for Wm's calling on 5<sup>th</sup> day for the things, he came
on 4<sup>th</sup> day & seem'd in haste, I had nothing prepare'd but
intended fully, to send to his house next day before he left
it was however oats harvest, a good deal of company here
& ev'ry body busy, found it out of the question, & was
oblig'd to let it pass for that time, intend to be ready
in due season after this.<p-end>
<p-bgn>3<sup>rd</sup> day. 6<sup>th</sup> <unclear>9.nth</unclear> morning, -- I suppose you are now on your way
in the Ohio, Captain Whilldin, going to Delaware City, & poor
Martha has commenc'd her perilous Journy without my seeing
or bidding her farewell, I have been with you in mind for
several days past, & seem'd to see you in the midst of your
hurry & preparation for this great undertaking, <und>for her</und>.
was awake early this morning, busy getting you off in time
tho in no wise expediting the business, shou'd most gladly have
been there assisting in reality. the day is rather gloomy,
so much so that I fear cousin Anna will be discourag'd
from accompanying thee, hope you will get back in safety
& that we may have the pleasure of seeing you on
7<sup>th</sup> day if the weather is fine, shou'd you reach the half
way house & not find M. T, do not forget that you can
procure a conveyance from Sally Lightfoots, which is near

4th day morning, dull & cloudy, feel very much so myself, & a
good deal poorly, a heavy fog this morning, it has been so several
times lately, very close & warm at present, which adds to my
usual difficulty of breathing, think the city must be more
healthy now, am anxious to know how you far'd yesterday
fear you had but an unsatisfactory time, kept my eye a good
deal on the time piece untill I thought you had reach'd
home, & concluded that it rain'd all the time you
were at D__e City.
do not want any syrup this week } I expect M. J. to call to day &shall
shall send the medicine bottle, the bag the one outside round it will
do to vend half a dozen or a dozen ears of little sweet corn
corn & a few sweet patatoes if they are large enough
& cheap enough, not else, but as it is not market day
& if thee shou'd be very much engag'd just leave them[?]
till next week when thee can perhaps get them on [?]
day, tho' the corn wou'd be pretty dry if it did not
reach us till 7th day night, however do as [?] is most
convenient to thyself, & do not take so many long walks
for such trifles, I wou'd much rather do without them
think, we have Grocirees sufficient to last while
we stay which will not be much after this month
is out, I apprehend; this division & seperation of family
is very trying to me, & on ev'ry account except the important[?]
one, of health, shou'd greatly prefer my own humble
home, to any other place whatever -- I am alone
this morning the girls both in school.
love to cousin Anna, M. S. & inquiring frd., & except a large portion thyself. S G I have some detergent here will try it again 4<sup>th</sup> day morning, dull & cloudy, feel very much so myself, & a
good deal poorly, a heavy fog this morning, it has been so several
times lately, very close & warm at present, which adds to my
usual difficulty of breathing, think the city must be more
healthy now, am anxious to know how you far'd yesterday
fear you had but an unsatisfactory time, kept my eye a good
deal on the time piece untill I thought you had reach'd
home, & concluded that it rain'd all the time you
were at D__e City.<p-end>
<p-bgn>do not want any syrup this week } I expect M. J. to call to day & <del>shall</del>
shall send the medicine bottle, the bag <add>the one outside</add> round it will
do to vend half a dozen or a dozen ears of little sweet corn
corn & a few sweet patatoes if they are large enough
& cheap enough, not else, but as it is not market day
& if thee shou'd be very much engag'd just leave <unclear>them</unclear>
till next <add>week</add> when thee can perhaps get them on <ill>
day, tho' the corn wou'd be pretty dry if it did not
reach us till 7<sup>th</sup> day night, however do as <del><ill></del> is most
convenient to thyself, & do not take so many long walks
for such trifles, I wou'd much rather do without them
think, we have Grocirees sufficient to last while
we stay which will not be much after this month
is out, I apprehend; this division & seperation of family
is very trying to me, & on ev'ry account except the <unclear>important</unclear>
one, of health, shou'd greatly prefer my own humble
home, to any other place whatever -- I am alone
this morning the girls both in school.<p-end>
<p-bgn>love to cousin Anna, M. S. & inquiring frd., & except a
large portion thyself. S G
I have some detergent here will try it again
do not want any syrup this week } I expect M. J. to call to day &
love to cousin Anna, M. S. & inquiring frd., & except a large portion thyself. S G I have some detergent here will try it again 4<sup>th</sup> day morning, dull & cloudy, feel very much so myself, & a
good deal poorly, a heavy fog this morning, it has been so several
times lately, very close & warm at present, which adds to my
usual difficulty of breathing, think the city must be more
healthy now, am anxious to know how you far'd yesterday
fear you had but an unsatisfactory time, kept my eye a good
deal on the time piece untill I thought you had reach'd
home, & concluded that it rain'd all the time you
were at D__e City.<p-end>
<p-bgn>do not want any syrup this week } I expect M. J. to call to day & <del>shall</del>
shall send the medicine bottle, the bag <add>the one outside</add> round it will
do to vend half a dozen or a dozen ears of little sweet corn
corn & a few sweet patatoes if they are large enough
& cheap enough, not else, but as it is not market day
& if thee shou'd be very much engag'd just leave <unclear>them</unclear>
till next <add>week</add> when thee can perhaps get them on <ill>
day, tho' the corn wou'd be pretty dry if it did not
reach us till 7<sup>th</sup> day night, however do as <del><ill></del> is most
convenient to thyself, & do not take so many long walks
for such trifles, I wou'd much rather do without them
think, we have Grocirees sufficient to last while
we stay which will not be much after this month
is out, I apprehend; this division & seperation of family
is very trying to me, & on ev'ry account except the <unclear>important</unclear>
one, of health, shou'd greatly prefer my own humble
home, to any other place whatever -- I am alone
this morning the girls both in school.<p-end>
<p-bgn>love to cousin Anna, M. S. & inquiring frd., & except a
large portion thyself. S G
I have some detergent here will try it again

but I have no doubt Wm will go, he gear'd up
yesterday morning, & took S. Copperthwats family 5 in number
15 or 16 miles over towards Chester, to a relations, & has not
yet return'd, -- at dinner on 1st day there were 12 in addition
to their own family we din'd at home, not wishing to make
up the 14, -- I do think it unreasonable, here is Ann Kearn
daughter to Cope the great Butcher, & her neice, who have
been up 3 weeks, were on a visit at Phipp's when you
were here. how long they mean to stay I know not.
last 2 yesterday week Hannah & Jane Smith, plain girls
first cousins of Newberry, came, they are now on a visit
in the vally, we look for their return daily when
they will make a visitation I suppose, we hear of 2 or 3
at west chester, from the City, who intend coming, & 2
immediately from the city who are hourly look'd for these in addition
to all the unexpected, & almost daily guests, relations of
the scholars, &c keep up a large family, & as Sabre
says, what tavern cou'd do more.
find very little change in my health since seeing thee, have been under the impression from the first that a higher, dryer situation wou'd have suited me much better, but here I am, & must endevor to be contented & thankful for the many comforts & blessings bestow'd on one so worthless, & of what avail is it for me to try to lengthen out a life of disease & suffering, without being of any use or benefit to others but on the controversy a burthen this is more trying than all, oh that I may be favor'd patiently to wait the appointed time, & often to remember that I am in the hands of one who will do all things right.
was not at meeting since thee was up next 5th day is Monthly Meeting shou'd like to be there, if able, according to my feelings, the state of Society in these parts is low indeed. (but where is it otherwise) fat & full, plenty of good things of this life, but alas but I have no doubt Wm will go, he gear'd up
yesterday morning, & took S. Copperthwats family 5 in number
15 or 16 miles over towards Chester, to a relations, & has not
yet return'd, -- at dinner on 1<sup>st</sup> day there were 12 in addition
to their own family we din'd at home, not wishing to make
up the 14, -- I do think it unreasonable, here is Ann Kearn
daughter to Cope the great Butcher, & her neice, who have
been up 3 weeks, were on a visit at Phipp's when you
were here. how long they mean to stay I know not.
<del>last 2</del> yesterday week Hannah & Jane Smith, plain girls
first cousins of Newberry, came, they are now on a visit
in the vally, we look for their return daily when
they will make a visitation I suppose, we hear of 2 or 3
at west chester, from the City, who intend coming, & 2
<add>immediately</add> from the city who are hourly look'd for <add>these</add> in addition
to all the unexpected, & almost daily guests, relations of
the scholars, &c keep up a large family, & as Sabre
says, what tavern cou'd do more.<p-end>
<p-bgn>find very little change in my health since seeing
thee, have been under the impression from the first
that a higher, dryer situation wou'd have suited me
much better, but here I am, & must endevor to be contented
& thankful for the many comforts & blessings bestow'd
on one so worthless, & of what avail is it for me to try
to lengthen out a life of disease & suffering, without being
of any use or benefit to others but on the controversy a burthen
this is more trying than all, oh that I may be favor'd
patiently to wait the appointed time, & often to remember
that I am in the hands of one who will do all things right.<p-end>
<p-bgn>was not at meeting since thee was up
next 5th day is Monthly Meeting shou'd like to be
there, if able, according to my feelings, the state of Society
in these parts is low indeed. (but where is it otherwise)
fat & full, plenty of good things of this life, but alas
find very little change in my health since seeing thee, have been under the impression from the first that a higher, dryer situation wou'd have suited me much better, but here I am, & must endevor to be contented & thankful for the many comforts & blessings bestow'd on one so worthless, & of what avail is it for me to try to lengthen out a life of disease & suffering, without being of any use or benefit to others but on the controversy a burthen this is more trying than all, oh that I may be favor'd patiently to wait the appointed time, & often to remember that I am in the hands of one who will do all things right.
was not at meeting since thee was up next 5th day is Monthly Meeting shou'd like to be there, if able, according to my feelings, the state of Society in these parts is low indeed. (but where is it otherwise) fat & full, plenty of good things of this life, but alas but I have no doubt Wm will go, he gear'd up
yesterday morning, & took S. Copperthwats family 5 in number
15 or 16 miles over towards Chester, to a relations, & has not
yet return'd, -- at dinner on 1<sup>st</sup> day there were 12 in addition
to their own family we din'd at home, not wishing to make
up the 14, -- I do think it unreasonable, here is Ann Kearn
daughter to Cope the great Butcher, & her neice, who have
been up 3 weeks, were on a visit at Phipp's when you
were here. how long they mean to stay I know not.
<del>last 2</del> yesterday week Hannah & Jane Smith, plain girls
first cousins of Newberry, came, they are now on a visit
in the vally, we look for their return daily when
they will make a visitation I suppose, we hear of 2 or 3
at west chester, from the City, who intend coming, & 2
<add>immediately</add> from the city who are hourly look'd for <add>these</add> in addition
to all the unexpected, & almost daily guests, relations of
the scholars, &c keep up a large family, & as Sabre
says, what tavern cou'd do more.<p-end>
<p-bgn>find very little change in my health since seeing
thee, have been under the impression from the first
that a higher, dryer situation wou'd have suited me
much better, but here I am, & must endevor to be contented
& thankful for the many comforts & blessings bestow'd
on one so worthless, & of what avail is it for me to try
to lengthen out a life of disease & suffering, without being
of any use or benefit to others but on the controversy a burthen
this is more trying than all, oh that I may be favor'd
patiently to wait the appointed time, & often to remember
that I am in the hands of one who will do all things right.<p-end>
<p-bgn>was not at meeting since thee was up
next 5th day is Monthly Meeting shou'd like to be
there, if able, according to my feelings, the state of Society
in these parts is low indeed. (but where is it otherwise)
fat & full, plenty of good things of this life, but alas