Document set '462'
Transcript style:other pages

Oley -- 10 Mo 24 -- 1819 --
Oley -- 10 Mo 24 -- 1819 --
Truly my dear Mother thy plain matter of fact
letter -- was more interesting to Matima -- than a whole
library of novels -- I was ready with Domino to exclaim
prodigious -- when I beheld two sheets full in thy own hand
writing -- and concluded the workshop in thy brain -- had not
experienced the pressure of the times or it would not so liberally
furnish current coin -- but I find half of, it was the production
of Sylvestris -- what a life she leads --
"Blest girl! her bower is ever green Her sky is ever clear She has no sorrow in her song no winter in her year" --
While Matima -- the Recluse of C__ persues with steady step -- the plain unembellish'd path of real life -- seldomdoes
does she indulge herself in the society of the sons of song
or inhale the balmy fragrance of fancy's gay parterre --
nonentity will not spoil her with flattery -- and she can
never forget that she is mortal in such a place as this --
it is the very spot to entomb vanity! and annihilate pride! --
such a neighbourhood! -- I think one half of the inhabitants might
justly be call'd the personifications of the various grades
of stupidity -- "have hairbrained sentimental traces
In their unletter'd nameless faces" --
And if I were to add my opinion of the other moiety -- you
would think me illiberal and unjust -- but the fact is I have no
society out of our own family -- and there we are quite too
busy to talk of sentiment, poetry, and love -- the prevailing
topics with our modern young ladies -- but you will suppose
I have been taking a lesson from Diagenes if I continue in this style
mais en verite il ne pas vrais --
Oley -- 10 Mo 24 -- 1819 --
Oley -- 10 Mo 24 -- 1819 --
<p-bgn>Truly my dear Mother thy plain matter of fact
letter -- was more interesting to Matima -- than a whole
library of novels -- I was ready with Domino to exclaim
prodigious -- when I beheld two sheets full in thy own hand
writing -- and concluded the workshop in thy brain -- had not
experienced the pressure of the times or it would not so liberally
furnish current coin -- but I find half of, it was the production
of Sylvestris -- what a life she leads --<p-end>
<p-bgn>"Blest girl! her bower is ever green
Her sky is ever clear
She has no sorrow in her song
no winter in her year" --<p-end>
<p-bgn>While <und>Matima</und> -- the <und>Recluse of C__ </und>persues with steady
step -- the plain unembellish'd path of <und>real life</und> -- seldom <del>does</del>
does she indulge herself in the society of the sons of song
or inhale the balmy fragrance of fancy's gay parterre --
<und>nonentity</und> will not spoil her with flattery -- and she can
never forget that she is mortal in such a place as this --
it is the very spot to entomb vanity! and annihilate pride! --
such a neighbourhood! -- I think one half of the inhabitants might
justly be call'd the personifications of the various grades
of stupidity -- "have hairbrained sentimental traces
In their unletter'd nameless faces" --
And if I were to add my opinion of the other <und><for>moiety</for></und> -- you
would think me illiberal and unjust -- but the fact is I have no
society out of our own family -- and there we are quite too
busy to talk of <und>sentiment</und>, <und>poetry</und>, and <und>love</und> -- the prevailing
topics with our modern young ladies -- but you will suppose
I have been taking a lesson from Diagenes if I continue in this style
mais en verite il ne pas vrais --
"Blest girl! her bower is ever green Her sky is ever clear She has no sorrow in her song no winter in her year" --
While Matima -- the Recluse of C__ persues with steady step -- the plain unembellish'd path of real life -- seldom
Oley -- 10 Mo 24 -- 1819 --
<p-bgn>Truly my dear Mother thy plain matter of fact
letter -- was more interesting to Matima -- than a whole
library of novels -- I was ready with Domino to exclaim
prodigious -- when I beheld two sheets full in thy own hand
writing -- and concluded the workshop in thy brain -- had not
experienced the pressure of the times or it would not so liberally
furnish current coin -- but I find half of, it was the production
of Sylvestris -- what a life she leads --<p-end>
<p-bgn>"Blest girl! her bower is ever green
Her sky is ever clear
She has no sorrow in her song
no winter in her year" --<p-end>
<p-bgn>While <und>Matima</und> -- the <und>Recluse of C__ </und>persues with steady
step -- the plain unembellish'd path of <und>real life</und> -- seldom <del>does</del>
does she indulge herself in the society of the sons of song
or inhale the balmy fragrance of fancy's gay parterre --
<und>nonentity</und> will not spoil her with flattery -- and she can
never forget that she is mortal in such a place as this --
it is the very spot to entomb vanity! and annihilate pride! --
such a neighbourhood! -- I think one half of the inhabitants might
justly be call'd the personifications of the various grades
of stupidity -- "have hairbrained sentimental traces
In their unletter'd nameless faces" --
And if I were to add my opinion of the other <und><for>moiety</for></und> -- you
would think me illiberal and unjust -- but the fact is I have no
society out of our own family -- and there we are quite too
busy to talk of <und>sentiment</und>, <und>poetry</und>, and <und>love</und> -- the prevailing
topics with our modern young ladies -- but you will suppose
I have been taking a lesson from Diagenes if I continue in this style
mais en verite il ne pas vrais --

before I proceed with any account of my recent adventures I must
make some remarks on Mothers letter as she wishes me to notice
all her information -- R Kimbers love was very acceptable
Please remember me to her and kiss -- little Anna for me --
poor George B -- how distressing must be his situation --
J Bonsall -- is now -- sans doubt one of the proudest and happiest of fathers --
do not suffer yourselves to experience any uneasiness relative to my eyes
they are as well as usual -- but for some time past -- they have not
relish'd reading a writing by candle light --
The infatuated Lydia L__ is at length married with such a home and such enjoyments -- dwelling in the sunshine ofprosper
liberty how could she condemn herself to wear for life the matrimonial
fetters -- I am pleased to hear W. Planner has returnd
to his helpless family -- and it glads my heart to learn that Melmand
inhabits the same planet which contains Juliet -- notwithstanding
the various terrestrial retardations which have so long separated us
and thus induced me to doubt his existence --
Can it be possible T K__ is to pass so soon -- ? I hope he will send express for Matima if she is to witness the important ceremony.
I fear -- thee will like Blakey & as well Mother -- he seems to supply the place of sons and daughters -- of late -- please remember me to him -- tell him I am much obliged for his attention to you during the absence of yourtwo daughters amiable and interesting filles --
If I dare I would congratuate him on his bright prospects -- I can
think of no girl more person so well calculated for him as the one he
has chosen -- May they be happy -- but alas! for his stove --
out of pure compassion for its deserted situation -- I think we must
have it in our Old Maids Hall -- Martha B__s letter's are very
interesting -- I intended to have written to her this morning but
I fear under existing circumstances it will be impossible --
if I do not -- present my case -- and thanks to her -- she has been
very good about writing -- I wish I could repay her attention -- I
will try to send her a letter at quarterly meeting. --
before I proceed with any account of my recent adventures I must
make some remarks on Mothers letter as she wishes me to notice
all her information -- R Kimbers love was very acceptable
Please remember me to her and kiss -- little Anna for me --
poor George B -- how distressing must be his situation --
J Bonsall -- is now -- <und><for>sans</for> doubt</und> one of the proudest and happiest of fathers --
do not suffer yourselves to experience any uneasiness relative to my eyes
they are as well as usual -- but for some time past -- they have not
relish'd reading a writing by candle light --<p-end>
<p-bgn>The infatuated Lydia L__ is at length married with such a home
and such enjoyments -- dwelling in the sunshine of <del>prosper</del>
liberty how could she condemn herself to wear for life the matrimonial
fetters -- I am pleased to hear W. Planner has returnd
to his helpless family -- and it glads my heart to learn that Melmand
inhabits the same planet which contains Juliet -- notwithstanding
the various terrestrial <und>retardations</und> which have so long separated us
and thus induced me to doubt his existence --<p-end>
<p-bgn>Can it be possible T K__ is to pass so soon -- ? I hope he will
send <und>express</und> for Matima if she is to witness the important ceremony.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I fear -- thee will like Blakey & <und>as well</und> Mother -- he seems
to supply the place of <und>sons</und> and <und>daughters</und> -- of late -- please remember
me to him -- tell him I am much obliged for his attention to
you during the absence of your <del>two</del> <add>daughters</add> amiable and interesting <for>filles</for> --
If I dare I would congratuate him on his bright prospects -- I can
think of no <del>girl more</del> <add>person</add> so well calculated for him as the one he
has chosen -- <und>May they be happy </und>-- but alas! for his stove --
out of pure compassion for its deserted situation -- I think we must
have it in our <und>Old Maids</und> Hall -- Martha B__s letter's are very
interesting -- I intended to have written to her this morning but
I fear under existing circumstances it will be impossible --
if I do not -- present my case -- and thanks to her -- she has been
very good about writing -- I wish I could repay her attention -- I
will try to send her a letter at quarterly meeting. --<p-end>
The infatuated Lydia L__ is at length married with such a home and such enjoyments -- dwelling in the sunshine of
Can it be possible T K__ is to pass so soon -- ? I hope he will send express for Matima if she is to witness the important ceremony.
I fear -- thee will like Blakey & as well Mother -- he seems to supply the place of sons and daughters -- of late -- please remember me to him -- tell him I am much obliged for his attention to you during the absence of your
before I proceed with any account of my recent adventures I must
make some remarks on Mothers letter as she wishes me to notice
all her information -- R Kimbers love was very acceptable
Please remember me to her and kiss -- little Anna for me --
poor George B -- how distressing must be his situation --
J Bonsall -- is now -- <und><for>sans</for> doubt</und> one of the proudest and happiest of fathers --
do not suffer yourselves to experience any uneasiness relative to my eyes
they are as well as usual -- but for some time past -- they have not
relish'd reading a writing by candle light --<p-end>
<p-bgn>The infatuated Lydia L__ is at length married with such a home
and such enjoyments -- dwelling in the sunshine of <del>prosper</del>
liberty how could she condemn herself to wear for life the matrimonial
fetters -- I am pleased to hear W. Planner has returnd
to his helpless family -- and it glads my heart to learn that Melmand
inhabits the same planet which contains Juliet -- notwithstanding
the various terrestrial <und>retardations</und> which have so long separated us
and thus induced me to doubt his existence --<p-end>
<p-bgn>Can it be possible T K__ is to pass so soon -- ? I hope he will
send <und>express</und> for Matima if she is to witness the important ceremony.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I fear -- thee will like Blakey & <und>as well</und> Mother -- he seems
to supply the place of <und>sons</und> and <und>daughters</und> -- of late -- please remember
me to him -- tell him I am much obliged for his attention to
you during the absence of your <del>two</del> <add>daughters</add> amiable and interesting <for>filles</for> --
If I dare I would congratuate him on his bright prospects -- I can
think of no <del>girl more</del> <add>person</add> so well calculated for him as the one he
has chosen -- <und>May they be happy </und>-- but alas! for his stove --
out of pure compassion for its deserted situation -- I think we must
have it in our <und>Old Maids</und> Hall -- Martha B__s letter's are very
interesting -- I intended to have written to her this morning but
I fear under existing circumstances it will be impossible --
if I do not -- present my case -- and thanks to her -- she has been
very good about writing -- I wish I could repay her attention -- I
will try to send her a letter at quarterly meeting. --<p-end>

If my letter has reached Sidney why does she not write? I have not
received one line from her since I came -- tis passing strange --
I hope you have visited the mourning widow of our friend J. Johnston
What a shock it must have been to the family -- I am pleased
to hear of Uncle E B__s recovery -- And Dr's are moving --
What a change for a few months absence from the city will present to
Matima even in the small circle of her friends -- I wish much
to see Anna -- and her interesting little family -- please give my best
love to her -- If my dear cousin would endeavour to divest herself,
of the care of a wife and the anxiety of a Mother for an hour or two
perhaps she would favour me with some account of her past and
present situation and feelings -- How much I shall miss Edward's
my love to them -- when you meet -- it will be a good stopping place for
us Oley friends when we come down to your quarterly & yearly meetings --
I am glad to hear you still retain possession at Sans Souci -- as to thy Downingtown excursion -- in toto it was was very interesting -- my love to A. Hutchinson -- & Janeand how is she and
the child -- Now I think I certainly have satisfied Mother for
once -- but while I have thus minutely replied to her various
subjects my time has been passing rapidly away -- Our man
John[?] will call for my letter in a very short period -- [?]
[?] write[?] relative to moi meme -- what is to be done? [?] to
not know[?] he intended to start today or I should have tried to
have written before -- much as I am constanty engaged --
we have had numerous visitors of late -- Grand Parents have been
gone a week to Nantmeal[?] -- they will probably remain there a month.
last 15th day my new friend Nancy Lee -- sent her brother for Matima as she insisted on my passing the day with them -- immediately after dinner -- we left home for the express purpose of visiting Mountain Mary -- And now indeed I regret that my time is so limited -- it is impossible for me to give you a description of my feelings on this occasion -- I never was more interested. -- If my letter has reached Sidney why does she not write? I have not
received one line from her since I came -- tis passing strange --
I hope you have visited the mourning widow of our friend J. Johnston
What a shock it must have been to the family -- I am pleased
to hear of Uncle E B__s recovery -- And Dr's are moving --
What a change for a few months absence from the city will present to
Matima even in the small circle of her friends -- I wish much
to see Anna -- and <add>her</add> interesting little family -- please give my best
love to her -- If my dear cousin would endeavour to divest herself,
of the care of a wife and the anxiety of a Mother for an hour or two
perhaps she would favour me with some account of her past and
present situation and feelings -- How much I shall miss Edward's
my love to them -- when you meet -- it will be a good stopping place for
<und>us Oley</und> friends when we come down to <und>your</und> quarterly & yearly meetings --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I am glad to hear you still retain possession at Sans Souci --
as to thy Downingtown excursion -- in <und>toto</und> it was was very interesting
-- my love to A. Hutchinson -- & Jane <del>and</del> how is she and
the child -- Now I think I certainly have satisfied Mother for
once -- but while I have thus minutely replied to her various
subjects my time has been passing rapidly away -- Our man
<unclear>John</unclear> will call for my letter in a very short period -- <ill>
<ill> <unclear>write</unclear> relative to <for>moi meme</for> -- what is to be done? <ill> to <note>torn from other page</note>
<unclear>not know</unclear> he intended to start today or I should have tried to
have written before -- much as I am constanty engaged --
we have had numerous visitors of late -- Grand Parents have been
gone a week to <unclear>Nantmeal</unclear> -- they will probably remain there a month.<p-end>
<p-bgn>last 15<sup>th</sup> day my new friend Nancy Lee -- sent her brother for
Matima as she insisted on my passing the day with them --
immediately after dinner -- we left home for the express purpose of
visiting <und>Mountain Mary</und> -- And now indeed I regret that
my time is so limited -- it is impossible for me to give you
a description of my feelings on this occasion -- I never was more
interested. --
I am glad to hear you still retain possession at Sans Souci -- as to thy Downingtown excursion -- in toto it was was very interesting -- my love to A. Hutchinson -- & Jane
last 15th day my new friend Nancy Lee -- sent her brother for Matima as she insisted on my passing the day with them -- immediately after dinner -- we left home for the express purpose of visiting Mountain Mary -- And now indeed I regret that my time is so limited -- it is impossible for me to give you a description of my feelings on this occasion -- I never was more interested. -- If my letter has reached Sidney why does she not write? I have not
received one line from her since I came -- tis passing strange --
I hope you have visited the mourning widow of our friend J. Johnston
What a shock it must have been to the family -- I am pleased
to hear of Uncle E B__s recovery -- And Dr's are moving --
What a change for a few months absence from the city will present to
Matima even in the small circle of her friends -- I wish much
to see Anna -- and <add>her</add> interesting little family -- please give my best
love to her -- If my dear cousin would endeavour to divest herself,
of the care of a wife and the anxiety of a Mother for an hour or two
perhaps she would favour me with some account of her past and
present situation and feelings -- How much I shall miss Edward's
my love to them -- when you meet -- it will be a good stopping place for
<und>us Oley</und> friends when we come down to <und>your</und> quarterly & yearly meetings --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I am glad to hear you still retain possession at Sans Souci --
as to thy Downingtown excursion -- in <und>toto</und> it was was very interesting
-- my love to A. Hutchinson -- & Jane <del>and</del> how is she and
the child -- Now I think I certainly have satisfied Mother for
once -- but while I have thus minutely replied to her various
subjects my time has been passing rapidly away -- Our man
<unclear>John</unclear> will call for my letter in a very short period -- <ill>
<ill> <unclear>write</unclear> relative to <for>moi meme</for> -- what is to be done? <ill> to <note>torn from other page</note>
<unclear>not know</unclear> he intended to start today or I should have tried to
have written before -- much as I am constanty engaged --
we have had numerous visitors of late -- Grand Parents have been
gone a week to <unclear>Nantmeal</unclear> -- they will probably remain there a month.<p-end>
<p-bgn>last 15<sup>th</sup> day my new friend Nancy Lee -- sent her brother for
Matima as she insisted on my passing the day with them --
immediately after dinner -- we left home for the express purpose of
visiting <und>Mountain Mary</und> -- And now indeed I regret that
my time is so limited -- it is impossible for me to give you
a description of my feelings on this occasion -- I never was more
interested. --

Next morning my friends brother escorted me to Uncles and in half an
hour I was on the road to Reading -- our carriage contained Dr's wife
Nurse and child -- Betsy Baum -- Dr. Evans and Matima -- Dr J accompanied
us on horseback -- We dined at Baums -- I made A Jackson a viz -- they
all insisted on my spending a week or two with them -- Charles said he would
bring me to Uncle's whenever I chose -- if I would consent to remain
there a few days -- but Aunt's situation did not permit me to hesitate
a moment as to returning -- I came back the same evening -- I believe
I have not written since C's last visit -- he was here 6th day week -- and sewed
for Matima almost the whole evening -- malgrè all the attractions of his brothers
wife and child -- who were up stairs --
He goes to attend lectures this day week -- and insists on my accompanying him
that I may be there at Quarterly meeting -- how considerate ! My new favorite
J. Lee lodged with is last night -- he brought Matima the two last Numbers of the Record
and read to dville[?] to her in the evening -- had it not been for his visit this scrawl
would not have been written in such haste -- but I hope it will at least convince
you that you are still dear to your & Matima.
Next morning my friends brother escorted me to Uncles and in half an
hour I was on the road to Reading -- our carriage contained Dr's wife
<add>Nurse</add> and child -- Betsy Baum -- Dr. Evans and Matima -- Dr J accompanied
us on horseback -- We dined at Baums -- I made A Jackson a <for>viz</for> -- they
all insisted on my spending a week or two with them -- Charles said he would
bring me to Uncle's whenever I chose -- if I would consent to remain
there a few days -- but Aunt's situation did not permit me to hesitate
a moment as to returning -- I came back the same evening -- I believe
I have not written since C's last visit -- he was here 6<sup>th</sup> day week -- and <und>sewed</und>
for Matima almost the whole evening -- <for>malgrè</for> all the attractions of his brothers
wife and child -- who were up stairs --
He goes to attend lectures this day week -- and insists on my accompanying him
that I may be there at Quarterly meeting -- how considerate ! My new favorite
J. Lee lodged with is last night -- he brought Matima the two last Numbers of the Record
and read to <unclear>dville</unclear> to her in the evening -- had it not been for his visit this scrawl
would not have been written in such haste -- but I hope it will at least convince
you that you are still dear to your & Matima.
hour I was on the road to Reading -- our carriage contained Dr's wife
<add>Nurse</add> and child -- Betsy Baum -- Dr. Evans and Matima -- Dr J accompanied
us on horseback -- We dined at Baums -- I made A Jackson a <for>viz</for> -- they
all insisted on my spending a week or two with them -- Charles said he would
bring me to Uncle's whenever I chose -- if I would consent to remain
there a few days -- but Aunt's situation did not permit me to hesitate
a moment as to returning -- I came back the same evening -- I believe
I have not written since C's last visit -- he was here 6<sup>th</sup> day week -- and <und>sewed</und>
for Matima almost the whole evening -- <for>malgrè</for> all the attractions of his brothers
wife and child -- who were up stairs --
He goes to attend lectures this day week -- and insists on my accompanying him
that I may be there at Quarterly meeting -- how considerate ! My new favorite
J. Lee lodged with is last night -- he brought Matima the two last Numbers of the Record
and read to <unclear>dville</unclear> to her in the evening -- had it not been for his visit this scrawl
would not have been written in such haste -- but I hope it will at least convince
you that you are still dear to your & Matima.