Document set '461'
Transcript style:other pages

<corrupted> <document not fully lined>

about half a mile from town in the woods -- yesterday afternoon I walked
out there & went into it alone, it was all shut up and quite dark, I
went into the Gallery & part opened one of the Shutters so that I
could see, I had not been long there before it began to rain & contind
till Evening, I had a fine time for contemplation and my
thoughts naturely turned on Serious Subjects, my mind was led
in a Strain pretty much like the following -- "When we look to
the State of individuals around us, we hear the lamentations of
the unhappy on every side, we meet with weeping Parents and
mourning friends, we behold the young Cut of in the flower of their
days and the aged left desolate in the midst of Sorrows, the useful and
virtuous are swept away, and the worthless left to flourish -- the lives
of the best men are Often filled with discouragements and dissappointed
hopes, merit languishes in neglected Solitude, and vanity &
presumption gains admiration of the world -- from the Scourge
of Calumny and from the Land of violence the injured look up
to God as the avenger of their cause; but often they seem to
look in vain, he is "a God that hideth himself, he dwelleth
as to them in the Secret place of darkness; or if he dwelleth in light,
it is in "light to which no man can approach" Resignation seals
their lips, but in Silence they drop the tear, and mourn while they
adore -- I am often led lately to see how vast a difference there
is between a a life of virtue and one of a Sin, and though I am so
poor a practitioner in the way of "perfect obedience" yet I look
forward with hope that my stubborn heart may yet be broke
to the yoke" --
Please write soon I am extremely anxious to hear from you, as I
have not yet receid any answer to my last respecting J. B. -- I got four
respectable witnesses to sign a few lines in that to prove what he said to
be utterly false -- my very best love to all the family -- adieu
Joseph Gibbons Junr.
N.B. Uncle D. S. was to see me in Ky.
about 4 weeks ago --
about half a mile from town in the woods -- yesterday afternoon I walked
out there & went into it alone, it was all shut up and quite dark, I
went into the Gallery & part opened one of the Shutters so that I
could see, I had not been long there before it began to rain & contind
till Evening, I had a fine time for contemplation and my
thoughts naturely turned on Serious Subjects, my mind was led
in a Strain pretty much like the following -- "When we look to
the State of individuals around us, we hear the lamentations of
the unhappy on every side, we meet with weeping Parents and
mourning friends, we behold the young Cut of in the flower of their
days and the aged left desolate in the midst of Sorrows, the useful and
virtuous are swept away, and the worthless left to flourish -- the lives
of the best men are Often filled with discouragements and dissappointed
hopes, merit languishes in neglected Solitude, and vanity &
presumption gains admiration of the world -- from the Scourge
of Calumny and from the Land of violence the injured look up
to God as the avenger of their cause; but often they seem to
look in vain, he is "a God that hideth himself, he dwelleth
as to them in the Secret place of darkness; or if he dwelleth in light,
it is in "light to which no man can approach" Resignation seals
their lips, but in Silence they drop the tear, and mourn while they
adore -- I am often led lately to see how vast a difference there
is between a a life of virtue and one of a Sin, and though I am so
poor a practitioner in the way of "perfect obedience" yet I look
forward with hope that my stubborn heart may yet be broke
to the yoke" --
Please write soon I am extremely anxious to hear from you, as I
have not yet receid any answer to my last respecting J. B. -- I got four
respectable witnesses to sign a few lines in that to prove what he said to
be utterly false -- my very best love to all the family -- adieu
Joseph Gibbons Junr.
N.B. Uncle D. S. was to see me in Ky.
about 4 weeks ago --
out there & went into it alone, it was all shut up and quite dark, I
went into the Gallery & part opened one of the Shutters so that I
could see, I had not been long there before it began to rain & contind
till Evening, I had a fine time for contemplation and my
thoughts naturely turned on Serious Subjects, my mind was led
in a Strain pretty much like the following -- "When we look to
the State of individuals around us, we hear the lamentations of
the unhappy on every side, we meet with weeping Parents and
mourning friends, we behold the young Cut of in the flower of their
days and the aged left desolate in the midst of Sorrows, the useful and
virtuous are swept away, and the worthless left to flourish -- the lives
of the best men are Often filled with discouragements and dissappointed
hopes, merit languishes in neglected Solitude, and vanity &
presumption gains admiration of the world -- from the Scourge
of Calumny and from the Land of violence the injured look up
to God as the avenger of their cause; but often they seem to
look in vain, he is "a God that hideth himself, he dwelleth
as to them in the Secret place of darkness; or if he dwelleth in light,
it is in "light to which no man can approach" Resignation seals
their lips, but in Silence they drop the tear, and mourn while they
adore -- I am often led lately to see how vast a difference there
is between a a life of virtue and one of a Sin, and though I am so
poor a practitioner in the way of "perfect obedience" yet I look
forward with hope that my stubborn heart may yet be broke
to the yoke" --
Please write soon I am extremely anxious to hear from you, as I
have not yet receid any answer to my last respecting J. B. -- I got four
respectable witnesses to sign a few lines in that to prove what he said to
be utterly false -- my very best love to all the family -- adieu
Joseph Gibbons Junr.
N.B. Uncle D. S. was to see me in Ky.
about 4 weeks ago --

Phil.a Second day Mo. 6th 1819 --
My Dear
The day after the left me I recd a letter from Joseph [?]
of which the forgoing is a Copy (the original I thought best to retain as
letters sometimes miscarry) I have written him a long letter (about
twice the length of his) in Reply & forwarded it on fifth day last -- giving
him information as to our health, Scattered State of the family, how
we are getting along -- & of the dull prospects in Phila generally --
& after Some hints respecting his last movement from a place with which he was [?]
lately so much pleased, to one with which I am not acquainted, nor with his prospects --
therefore incapable of judging of the propriety of it -- leave him at liberty to
do as he thinks best, with desiring it may be with due consideration and
prudence &.c &.c -- One part of the business I tell him is satisfactory
I wished him to be far separate from J. B. -- the world is wide enough,
and there is no necessity for their dwelling together & that what we had anticipated
when he first went out to Pitt had been realized &.c &.c
I also informed him that we should all be very Glad to see him, but nevertheless we were not so selfish as to desire this Gratification to his great disadvantage, which perhaps would be the case taking into view the loss of time & great Expence of the Journey to one in Slender Circumstances -- also what prospect there was in respect to disposing of a horse if he should come to Stay -- &c -- if only upon a visit it would be different -- but my advice to him was if he could do any business to advantage in the Western Country to Stick to it, for here it was very certain he could not do any thing -- but thee well understand nothing like a prohibition to his coming on a visit --
I am getting along very quietly (too much so for profit) since thee left me -- Business still remains extremely dull, very little doing -- I keep "Batchelors Hall" & a quiet hall it is --. I went out on Seventh day Evening to E. B's -- was at Frankford meeting, paid no visit in the neighbourhood Section[?]. Second day morning to town -- Excepting which & one day I dined at J. Bonsalls, I have not Eaten a meal from home -- & though all the Evenings have been Spent at home (when in town) not a Single person has called (Except two friends Stops). about five minutes to make Some Enquiries) -- I generally read 'till 11, oClock -- Edwd Bonsall is going to remove this week, & John says the Doctr told him Anna was to come to town -- as there would not be room to accommodate them -- this seems to Phil.<sup>a</sup> Second day 9.<sup>th</sup> Mo. 6<sup>th</sup> 1819 --
My Dear
<p-bgn>The day after the left me I rec<sup>d</sup> a letter from Joseph <ill>
of which the forgoing is a Copy (the original I thought best to retain as
letters sometimes miscarry) I have written him a long letter (about
twice the length of his) in Reply & forwarded it on fifth day last -- giving
him information as to our health, Scattered State of the family, how
we are getting along -- & of the dull prospects in Phil<sup>a</sup> generally --
& after Some hints respecting his last movement from a place with which he was <ill>
lately <add>so</add> much pleased, to one with which I am not acquainted, nor with his prospects --
therefore incapable of judging of the propriety of it -- leave him at liberty to
do as he thinks best, with desiring it may be with due consideration and
prudence &.<sup>c</sup> &.<sup>c </sup>-- One part of the business I tell him is satisfactory
I wished him to be far separate from J. B. -- the world is wide enough,
and there is no necessity for their dwelling together & that what we had anticipated
when he first went out to Pitt had been realized &.<sup>c</sup> &.<sup>c</sup><p-end>
<p-bgn>I also informed him that we should all be very Glad to see
him, but nevertheless we were not so selfish as to desire this Gratification
to his great disadvantage, which perhaps would be the case taking into
view the loss of time & great Expence of the Journey to one in Slender
Circumstances -- also what prospect there was in respect to disposing
of a horse if he should come to Stay -- &<sup>c</sup> -- if only upon a visit it would be
different -- but my advice to him was if he could do any business to advantage
in the Western Country to Stick to it, for here it was very certain
he could not do any thing -- but thee well understand nothing like a prohibition
to his coming on a visit --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I am getting along very quietly (too much so for profit) since thee
left me -- Business still remains extremely dull, very little doing --
I keep "<und>Batchelors Hall</und>" & a quiet hall it is --. I went out on Seventh day Evening
to E. B's -- was at Frankford meeting, paid no visit in the neighbourhood <unclear>Section</unclear>.
Second day morning to town -- Excepting which & one day I dined at J. Bonsalls,
I have not Eaten a meal from home -- & though all the Evenings have been
Spent at home (when in town) not a Single person has called (Except two friends Stops).
about five minutes to make Some Enquiries) -- I generally read 'till 11, oClock --
Edw<sup>d</sup> Bonsall is going to remove this week, & John says the Doct<sup>r</sup> told him Anna was
to come to town -- as there would not be room to accommodate them -- this seems to
I also informed him that we should all be very Glad to see him, but nevertheless we were not so selfish as to desire this Gratification to his great disadvantage, which perhaps would be the case taking into view the loss of time & great Expence of the Journey to one in Slender Circumstances -- also what prospect there was in respect to disposing of a horse if he should come to Stay -- &c -- if only upon a visit it would be different -- but my advice to him was if he could do any business to advantage in the Western Country to Stick to it, for here it was very certain he could not do any thing -- but thee well understand nothing like a prohibition to his coming on a visit --
I am getting along very quietly (too much so for profit) since thee left me -- Business still remains extremely dull, very little doing -- I keep "Batchelors Hall" & a quiet hall it is --. I went out on Seventh day Evening to E. B's -- was at Frankford meeting, paid no visit in the neighbourhood Section[?]. Second day morning to town -- Excepting which & one day I dined at J. Bonsalls, I have not Eaten a meal from home -- & though all the Evenings have been Spent at home (when in town) not a Single person has called (Except two friends Stops). about five minutes to make Some Enquiries) -- I generally read 'till 11, oClock -- Edwd Bonsall is going to remove this week, & John says the Doctr told him Anna was to come to town -- as there would not be room to accommodate them -- this seems to Phil.<sup>a</sup> Second day 9.<sup>th</sup> Mo. 6<sup>th</sup> 1819 --
My Dear
<p-bgn>The day after the left me I rec<sup>d</sup> a letter from Joseph <ill>
of which the forgoing is a Copy (the original I thought best to retain as
letters sometimes miscarry) I have written him a long letter (about
twice the length of his) in Reply & forwarded it on fifth day last -- giving
him information as to our health, Scattered State of the family, how
we are getting along -- & of the dull prospects in Phil<sup>a</sup> generally --
& after Some hints respecting his last movement from a place with which he was <ill>
lately <add>so</add> much pleased, to one with which I am not acquainted, nor with his prospects --
therefore incapable of judging of the propriety of it -- leave him at liberty to
do as he thinks best, with desiring it may be with due consideration and
prudence &.<sup>c</sup> &.<sup>c </sup>-- One part of the business I tell him is satisfactory
I wished him to be far separate from J. B. -- the world is wide enough,
and there is no necessity for their dwelling together & that what we had anticipated
when he first went out to Pitt had been realized &.<sup>c</sup> &.<sup>c</sup><p-end>
<p-bgn>I also informed him that we should all be very Glad to see
him, but nevertheless we were not so selfish as to desire this Gratification
to his great disadvantage, which perhaps would be the case taking into
view the loss of time & great Expence of the Journey to one in Slender
Circumstances -- also what prospect there was in respect to disposing
of a horse if he should come to Stay -- &<sup>c</sup> -- if only upon a visit it would be
different -- but my advice to him was if he could do any business to advantage
in the Western Country to Stick to it, for here it was very certain
he could not do any thing -- but thee well understand nothing like a prohibition
to his coming on a visit --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I am getting along very quietly (too much so for profit) since thee
left me -- Business still remains extremely dull, very little doing --
I keep "<und>Batchelors Hall</und>" & a quiet hall it is --. I went out on Seventh day Evening
to E. B's -- was at Frankford meeting, paid no visit in the neighbourhood <unclear>Section</unclear>.
Second day morning to town -- Excepting which & one day I dined at J. Bonsalls,
I have not Eaten a meal from home -- & though all the Evenings have been
Spent at home (when in town) not a Single person has called (Except two friends Stops).
about five minutes to make Some Enquiries) -- I generally read 'till 11, oClock --
Edw<sup>d</sup> Bonsall is going to remove this week, & John says the Doct<sup>r</sup> told him Anna was
to come to town -- as there would not be room to accommodate them -- this seems to

be hastening the business, & different from what Anna Expected when we were
there; I don't know the cause --
I have scribbled so far with a trembling hand in order to be prepared if any opportunity offers -- for which I intend looking out to morrow --
7th I have Searched in vain this forenoon for a Conveyance of my Letter -- my visit to E. B's was agreeable -- Martha gave me a long Letter from Charley over the water to his friend S. Carpenter, to Read also his journal from the hour of taking leave of his friends to Several days after his arrival in Liverpool it is a very interesting accot. -- thee would be very much gratified with the description of his feelings on parting with his friends & of the occurrences of the voyage -- this came to hand some time ago, which Martha is copying to Send to his friends in New England -- the vessel has just arrived in which he went out & Martha Says has brot. a Continuation of his journal which I intend to try to get a Sight of -- She wrote a Letter while I was there to Send to our Martha as she said she found M[?]. G. would not write first, I was Directed to send it by Post but I concluded to keep it for a private conveyance & now enclose it to thee; having just heard at _elenlour[?] Thomas's that Doctr. Sharpless is in town & will be going out presently therefore hurried to the office to make a little addition -- it is a miserable scrawl -- but I have no time to make it better -- Please give my Love to Sister Jane & to James & Rachel -- & if opportunity offers to all our Kiss & Kin at Oley Kiss dear little Mary for me -- dont make thyself uneasy on my accot I am getting along in the housekeeping line very well, my health is good -- & tho.' as must be supposed I am lonesome enough, Still I want thee to make out thy visit & not hurry unnecessarily -- thine as ever, J. Gibbons be hastening the business, & different from what Anna Expected when we were
there; I don't know the cause --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I have scribbled so far with a trembling hand in order to be prepared
if any opportunity offers -- for which I intend looking out to morrow --<p-end>
<p-bgn>7<sup>th</sup> I have Searched in vain this forenoon for a Conveyance of my Letter --
my visit to E. B's was agreeable -- Martha gave me a long Letter from Charley
over the water to his friend S. Carpenter, to Read also his journal from the hour of taking
leave of his friends to Several days after his arrival in Liverpool it is a very interesting
acco<sup>t</sup>. -- thee would be very much gratified with the description of his
feelings on parting with his friends & of the occurrences of the voyage -- this came
to hand some time ago, which Martha is copying to Send to his friends in
New England -- the vessel has just arrived in which he went out & Martha
Says has bro<sup>t</sup>. a Continuation of his journal which I intend to try to get a
Sight of -- She wrote a Letter while I was there to Send to our Martha as she
said she found <unclear>M</unclear>. G. would not write first, I was Directed to send it by Post but
I concluded to keep it for a private conveyance & now enclose it to thee; having
just heard at <unclear>_elenlour</unclear> Thomas's that Doct<sup>r</sup>. Sharpless is in town & will be going out
presently therefore hurried to the office to make a little addition -- it is a miserable
scrawl -- but I have no time to make it better -- Please give my Love to Sister Jane
& to James & Rachel -- & if opportunity offers to all our Kiss & Kin at Oley
Kiss dear little Mary for me -- dont make thyself uneasy on my acco<sup>t</sup> I am getting
along in the housekeeping line very well, my health is good -- & tho.' as must be supposed I am lonesome
enough, Still I want thee to make out thy visit & not hurry unnecessarily -- thine as ever, J. Gibbons
I have scribbled so far with a trembling hand in order to be prepared if any opportunity offers -- for which I intend looking out to morrow --
7th I have Searched in vain this forenoon for a Conveyance of my Letter -- my visit to E. B's was agreeable -- Martha gave me a long Letter from Charley over the water to his friend S. Carpenter, to Read also his journal from the hour of taking leave of his friends to Several days after his arrival in Liverpool it is a very interesting accot. -- thee would be very much gratified with the description of his feelings on parting with his friends & of the occurrences of the voyage -- this came to hand some time ago, which Martha is copying to Send to his friends in New England -- the vessel has just arrived in which he went out & Martha Says has brot. a Continuation of his journal which I intend to try to get a Sight of -- She wrote a Letter while I was there to Send to our Martha as she said she found M[?]. G. would not write first, I was Directed to send it by Post but I concluded to keep it for a private conveyance & now enclose it to thee; having just heard at _elenlour[?] Thomas's that Doctr. Sharpless is in town & will be going out presently therefore hurried to the office to make a little addition -- it is a miserable scrawl -- but I have no time to make it better -- Please give my Love to Sister Jane & to James & Rachel -- & if opportunity offers to all our Kiss & Kin at Oley Kiss dear little Mary for me -- dont make thyself uneasy on my accot I am getting along in the housekeeping line very well, my health is good -- & tho.' as must be supposed I am lonesome enough, Still I want thee to make out thy visit & not hurry unnecessarily -- thine as ever, J. Gibbons be hastening the business, & different from what Anna Expected when we were
there; I don't know the cause --<p-end>
<p-bgn>I have scribbled so far with a trembling hand in order to be prepared
if any opportunity offers -- for which I intend looking out to morrow --<p-end>
<p-bgn>7<sup>th</sup> I have Searched in vain this forenoon for a Conveyance of my Letter --
my visit to E. B's was agreeable -- Martha gave me a long Letter from Charley
over the water to his friend S. Carpenter, to Read also his journal from the hour of taking
leave of his friends to Several days after his arrival in Liverpool it is a very interesting
acco<sup>t</sup>. -- thee would be very much gratified with the description of his
feelings on parting with his friends & of the occurrences of the voyage -- this came
to hand some time ago, which Martha is copying to Send to his friends in
New England -- the vessel has just arrived in which he went out & Martha
Says has bro<sup>t</sup>. a Continuation of his journal which I intend to try to get a
Sight of -- She wrote a Letter while I was there to Send to our Martha as she
said she found <unclear>M</unclear>. G. would not write first, I was Directed to send it by Post but
I concluded to keep it for a private conveyance & now enclose it to thee; having
just heard at <unclear>_elenlour</unclear> Thomas's that Doct<sup>r</sup>. Sharpless is in town & will be going out
presently therefore hurried to the office to make a little addition -- it is a miserable
scrawl -- but I have no time to make it better -- Please give my Love to Sister Jane
& to James & Rachel -- & if opportunity offers to all our Kiss & Kin at Oley
Kiss dear little Mary for me -- dont make thyself uneasy on my acco<sup>t</sup> I am getting
along in the housekeeping line very well, my health is good -- & tho.' as must be supposed I am lonesome
enough, Still I want thee to make out thy visit & not hurry unnecessarily -- thine as ever, J. Gibbons

Richmond 8th mo. 9th 1819
Dear Parents
You know not how anxious I have felt about you for
several weeks past, and more particularly since yesterday morning as
I have had an uncommonly disagreeable dream concerning you
last 7th day night -- I dreamed that I was just returning home
that I had met with Sister Martha & was walking through the Streets
with her towards home that our minds were fearful of an injury of
Some kind as there had been some disturbance in and near the
City, just as we had arrived within Sight of home I espied a
small fire kindled and[?] a hat over it and minding our pace
I observed that I did not like the looks of it, we had scarcely got
two steps past it when I heard a great explosion of Gunpowder
and turning round I beheld Sister M. all mangled to pieces
and lifeless -- the House was at hand & I stepped in to call Father
but could hear no answer -- I then walked in & found
Father alone, Dying, he seemed in great distress of mind & hardly
took notice of me, but told me not to trouble him, I could bear
no more but sunk upon a chair as I thought to [?] die, I
concluded that all the rest of the family were dead & that I could
not survive you, in this situation I awakened, and though
I put but little faith in Dreams, yet this one has caused me to
Shed a good many tears at the idea of never Seeing all of the
family again -- I was on the point of buying property here
and commencing business immediately but have almost given it
out now, although I have most excellent offers here better than
I ever expect to have again -- I have no kind of doubt but
that I could make a decent and respectable living here if I
was to stay -- if I do commence business here I shall note I expect
be home before Spring on a visit, if not (which I think is at
present most probable as I am too home sick to Stay much longer
from you) I intend to return as soon as the weather becomes cool
& pleasant travelling, perhaps in two months I shall start, or may
be a little sooner -- I have been here about 2 weeks & have
been suffering under a pretty severe Dysenterry but feel much better
at present -- they say it is not uncommon for strangers to be taken
with it in this place -- our meeting house stands
Richmond 8<sup>th</sup> mo. 9<sup>th</sup> 1819
Dear Parents
<p-bgn>You know not how anxious I have felt about you for
several weeks past, and more particularly since yesterday morning as
I have had an uncommonly disagreeable dream concerning you
last 7<sup>th</sup> day night -- I dreamed that I was just returning home
that I had met with Sister Martha & was walking through the Streets
with her towards home that our minds were fearful of an injury of
Some kind as there had been some disturbance in and near the
City, just as we had arrived within Sight of home I espied a
small fire kindled <unclear>and</unclear> a hat over it and minding our pace
I observed that I did not like the looks of it, we had scarcely got
two steps past it when I heard a great explosion of Gunpowder
and turning round I beheld Sister M. all mangled to pieces
and lifeless -- the House was at hand & I stepped in to call Father
but could hear no answer -- I then walked in & found
Father alone, Dying, he seemed in great distress of mind & hardly
took notice of me, but told me not to trouble him, I could bear
no more but sunk upon a chair as I thought to <del><ill></del> die, I
concluded that all the rest of the family were dead & that I could
not survive you, in this situation I awakened, and though
I put but little faith in Dreams, yet this one has caused me to
Shed a good many tears at the idea of never Seeing all of the
family again -- I was on the point of buying property here
and commencing business immediately but have almost given it
out now, although I have most excellent offers here better than
I ever expect to have again -- I have no kind of doubt but
that I could make a decent and respectable living here if I
was to stay -- if I do commence business here I shall note I expect
be home before Spring on a visit, if not (which I think is at
present most probable as I am too home sick to Stay much longer
from you) I intend to return as soon as the weather becomes cool
& pleasant travelling, perhaps in two months I shall start, or may
be a little sooner -- I have been here about 2 weeks & have
been suffering under a pretty severe Dysenterry but feel much better
at present -- they say it is not uncommon for strangers to be taken
with it in this place -- our meeting house stands
Richmond 8<sup>th</sup> mo. 9<sup>th</sup> 1819
Dear Parents
<p-bgn>You know not how anxious I have felt about you for
several weeks past, and more particularly since yesterday morning as
I have had an uncommonly disagreeable dream concerning you
last 7<sup>th</sup> day night -- I dreamed that I was just returning home
that I had met with Sister Martha & was walking through the Streets
with her towards home that our minds were fearful of an injury of
Some kind as there had been some disturbance in and near the
City, just as we had arrived within Sight of home I espied a
small fire kindled <unclear>and</unclear> a hat over it and minding our pace
I observed that I did not like the looks of it, we had scarcely got
two steps past it when I heard a great explosion of Gunpowder
and turning round I beheld Sister M. all mangled to pieces
and lifeless -- the House was at hand & I stepped in to call Father
but could hear no answer -- I then walked in & found
Father alone, Dying, he seemed in great distress of mind & hardly
took notice of me, but told me not to trouble him, I could bear
no more but sunk upon a chair as I thought to <del><ill></del> die, I
concluded that all the rest of the family were dead & that I could
not survive you, in this situation I awakened, and though
I put but little faith in Dreams, yet this one has caused me to
Shed a good many tears at the idea of never Seeing all of the
family again -- I was on the point of buying property here
and commencing business immediately but have almost given it
out now, although I have most excellent offers here better than
I ever expect to have again -- I have no kind of doubt but
that I could make a decent and respectable living here if I
was to stay -- if I do commence business here I shall note I expect
be home before Spring on a visit, if not (which I think is at
present most probable as I am too home sick to Stay much longer
from you) I intend to return as soon as the weather becomes cool
& pleasant travelling, perhaps in two months I shall start, or may
be a little sooner -- I have been here about 2 weeks & have
been suffering under a pretty severe Dysenterry but feel much better
at present -- they say it is not uncommon for strangers to be taken
with it in this place -- our meeting house stands