Document set '457'
Transcript style:other pages

2nd day Ohio 2nd mo. 1810
I this morning receiv'd thy 3rd very acceptable Epistle, -- & am
at a loss how to address thee, fearing I have acted too precipitately
& shall incur thy blame, but perhaps thee will not censure me quite
as much as Mother does; however thee must hear the whole story --
last 3rd day, 2 young Men call'd on me, & inform'd that J Witchell
& Maylon Smith, had recommended them to me, in expectation that
they cou'd get this place to rent, they likewise told me that they had
come from Loudon County, Virginia, about Christmas (last) with an
intention to go on towards the Muskingum, or further, but finding the
roads very bad, had stop'd at Newells Town, & sojourn'd there ever
since, near which place, they had rented a farm of a man, who they
afterward understood had not a good title for it, & it was likely to
be sold from him this Spring, which put them to a Non-Plus, as
they were living on expences in the Town & wish'd much to get to
business as early as possible; their names are Robert & Thomas Wilson
the young Brother has a Wife, & one Child, they told me, they had
3 good Horses, & I observ'd that they were to all appearance, active
healthy young men, therefore concluded, that altho' several had
been after the place, they wou'd in all probability suit better
than any that had offer'd, -- I therefore said, in reply, that at that
time, I cou'd tell them very little about it, but expected a letter
from thee, shortly, & cou'd then send word to M. Smith or [S.?]
Sharpless; -- this morning, one of them enter'd our Cottage
& presented thy letter, telling me at the same time, that M.
Smith, yesterday inform'd him, that there was a letter in the post
office for me; & he had taken the Liberty of bringing it down
wishing to know whether there was any likelihood of his getting
the place, after looking over the letter, I read part of the --
terms thee proposes, too him, with which he seem'd well satisfy'd
and after a good deal of Conversation on the subject, finally told him
that he shou'd have the place, provided he thought the Cabin
in the wheat field, (Barly Hall) fit to go into; & further if he
was willing to wait for thy arrival, to close the Bargain, & then
you cou'd, perhaps, come upon terms, that wou'd mutually
please, at the same time giving him a favorable opinion of
thy lenity in such cases, adding, that I cou'd engage thee wou'd
not be hard with him, -- now do tell me just what thee
thinks of all this, for my own part, I was applauding myself
for doing just what I ought to have done, & in the midst of
this self approbation, hurry'd over to Fathers to let them have
the pleasure of peruring thy letter &cc. when, to my utter
astonishment, I found they did not approve of what was don --
Mother particularly, said, I had been too hasty, that I shou'd have
consulted Father on the subject, that the young men were
strangers, that they might be dishonest men, that I ought to have
known something of their Characters, &cc, &cc. -- which has
really put me in a great Quandary, & I shall not be reconcil'd
to myself, untill I hear from thee, perhaps not then, I know
how liable we are to be deciev'd, but from any thing I cou'd
2<sup>nd</sup> day Ohio 2<sup>nd</sup> mo. 26.<sup>th</sup> 1810
I this morning receiv'd thy 3<sup>rd</sup> very acceptable Epistle, -- & am
at a loss how to address thee, fearing I have acted too precipitately
& shall incur thy blame, but perhaps thee will not censure me quite
as much as Mother does; however thee must hear the whole story --
last 3<sup>rd</sup> day, 2 young Men call'd on me, & inform'd that J Witchell
& Maylon Smith, had recommended them to me, in expectation that
they cou'd get this place to rent, they likewise told me that they had
come from Loudon County, Virginia, about Christmas (last) with an
intention to go on towards the Muskingum, or further, but finding the
roads very bad, had stop'd at Newells Town, & sojourn'd there ever
since, near which place, they had rented a farm of a man, who they
afterward understood had not a good title for it, & it was likely to
be sold from him this Spring, which put them to a Non-Plus, as
they were living on expences in the Town & wish'd much to get to
business as early as possible; their names are Robert & Thomas Wilson
the young Brother has a Wife, & one Child, they told me, they had
3 good Horses, & I observ'd that they were to all appearance, active
healthy young men, therefore concluded, that altho' several had
been after the place, they wou'd in all probability suit better
than any that had offer'd, -- I therefore said, in reply, that at that
time, I cou'd tell them very little about it, but expected a letter
from thee, shortly, & cou'd then send word to M. Smith or [S.?]
Sharpless; -- this morning, one of them enter'd our Cottage
& presented thy letter, telling me at the same time, that M.
Smith, yesterday inform'd him, that there was a letter in the post
office for me; & he had taken the Liberty of bringing it down
wishing to know whether there was any likelihood of his getting
the place, after looking over the letter, I read part of the --
terms thee proposes, too him, with which he seem'd well satisfy'd
and after a good deal of Conversation on the subject, finally told him
that he shou'd have the place, provided he thought the Cabin
in the wheat field, (Barly Hall) fit to go into; & further if he
was willing to wait for thy arrival, to close the Bargain, & then
you cou'd, perhaps, come upon terms, that wou'd mutually
please, at the same time giving him a favorable opinion of
thy lenity in such cases, adding, that I cou'd engage thee wou'd
not be hard with him, -- now do tell me just what thee
thinks of all this, for my own part, I was applauding myself
for doing just what I ought to have done, & in the midst of
this self approbation, hurry'd over to Fathers to let them have
the pleasure of peruring thy letter &cc. when, to my utter
astonishment, I found they did not approve of what was don --
Mother particularly, said, I had been too hasty, that I shou'd have
consulted Father on the subject, that the young men were
strangers, that they might be dishonest men, that I ought to have
known something of their Characters, &cc, &cc. -- which has
really put me in a great Quandary, & I shall not be reconcil'd
to myself, untill I hear from thee, perhaps not then, I know
how liable we are to be deciev'd, but from any thing I cou'd
2<sup>nd</sup> day Ohio 2<sup>nd</sup> mo. 26.<sup>th</sup> 1810
I this morning receiv'd thy 3<sup>rd</sup> very acceptable Epistle, -- & am
at a loss how to address thee, fearing I have acted too precipitately
& shall incur thy blame, but perhaps thee will not censure me quite
as much as Mother does; however thee must hear the whole story --
last 3<sup>rd</sup> day, 2 young Men call'd on me, & inform'd that J Witchell
& Maylon Smith, had recommended them to me, in expectation that
they cou'd get this place to rent, they likewise told me that they had
come from Loudon County, Virginia, about Christmas (last) with an
intention to go on towards the Muskingum, or further, but finding the
roads very bad, had stop'd at Newells Town, & sojourn'd there ever
since, near which place, they had rented a farm of a man, who they
afterward understood had not a good title for it, & it was likely to
be sold from him this Spring, which put them to a Non-Plus, as
they were living on expences in the Town & wish'd much to get to
business as early as possible; their names are Robert & Thomas Wilson
the young Brother has a Wife, & one Child, they told me, they had
3 good Horses, & I observ'd that they were to all appearance, active
healthy young men, therefore concluded, that altho' several had
been after the place, they wou'd in all probability suit better
than any that had offer'd, -- I therefore said, in reply, that at that
time, I cou'd tell them very little about it, but expected a letter
from thee, shortly, & cou'd then send word to M. Smith or [S.?]
Sharpless; -- this morning, one of them enter'd our Cottage
& presented thy letter, telling me at the same time, that M.
Smith, yesterday inform'd him, that there was a letter in the post
office for me; & he had taken the Liberty of bringing it down
wishing to know whether there was any likelihood of his getting
the place, after looking over the letter, I read part of the --
terms thee proposes, too him, with which he seem'd well satisfy'd
and after a good deal of Conversation on the subject, finally told him
that he shou'd have the place, provided he thought the Cabin
in the wheat field, (Barly Hall) fit to go into; & further if he
was willing to wait for thy arrival, to close the Bargain, & then
you cou'd, perhaps, come upon terms, that wou'd mutually
please, at the same time giving him a favorable opinion of
thy lenity in such cases, adding, that I cou'd engage thee wou'd
not be hard with him, -- now do tell me just what thee
thinks of all this, for my own part, I was applauding myself
for doing just what I ought to have done, & in the midst of
this self approbation, hurry'd over to Fathers to let them have
the pleasure of peruring thy letter &cc. when, to my utter
astonishment, I found they did not approve of what was don --
Mother particularly, said, I had been too hasty, that I shou'd have
consulted Father on the subject, that the young men were
strangers, that they might be dishonest men, that I ought to have
known something of their Characters, &cc, &cc. -- which has
really put me in a great Quandary, & I shall not be reconcil'd
to myself, untill I hear from thee, perhaps not then, I know
how liable we are to be deciev'd, but from any thing I cou'd

discover, or if I have the smallest skill in phiziognomy, these men will
suit extremely well, however it was done for the best, & tho the young man
had, had 2 journys from Newells Town thro' the Mud, yet I freely
acknowledge that the business might have been delay'd a few days
longer, at any rate I stand open to conviction, but prithee dont be
very severe, I hope it will all turn out right.
I told D. W. with as much tenderness as possible, that thee was not willing he shou'd have the place, poor fellow he appear'd extremely disconcerted, having fully expected to get it, & in that hope, mov'd, (with my leave) into the Cabin which Isaac occupid last summer, having some time ago engag'd the camp you work'd last year, & four of the Kettles -- which wou'd have been very inconvenient to his late dwelling. I pity'd him much, his kindness & attention to us this winter, has been more than either thee, or I, cou'd have look'd for, & I believe he had taken a resolution to do better than heretofore & try to give Satisfaction in evry respect, if he had got the place.
as Joseph is now in good health, & can hop about pretty well without crutches, I may venture to inform thee of his hair-breadth 'scapes this winter, all of which happened previous to the last letter I wrote thee, but concluding that they wou'd only occasion anxiety & concern, of which I suppos'd thee had a sufficiency already, thought best to suppress the information at that time, in the first place, I had frequently warned him against bringing in heavy back-logs, especially when the ground was frozen, & Icy, but his ambition often prompted him to try his strength, & having made a strong Sled, wou'doften
haul large logs to the door, & then work them along to the Fire -- on
the 9th of this month, in the Evening, he went as usual to get wood in,
for morning, & after conveying a round sugar tree log, (quite weighty
enough for any common Man to carry) to the door, from whence with
some difficulty, he got it to the hearth, on which, being a little higher
than the floor, he attempted to raise it, but the log proving too heavy
threw him back, a chair, however, luckily standing in the way,
in some measure broke his fall, & kept the log off his body, but it
came with great force on his head, which coming in contact with the
chair, was sadly bruised, I cry'd out that the child was kill'd, supposing
the log had fallen on his breast, in which case I had no Idea that[?]
he wou'd ever speak more, he however rais'd himself up & cried[?]
most piteously, holding his hands to his head, from which the blood[?]
issued freely, we plac'd him on the bed, & it was some time before[?]
he cou'd speak, upon examination we found that the blood proceeded
from one of his ears, which was a good deal mash'd & swell'd
& tho' his head was much bruised, in different parts, I cou'd not find
any thing that appear'd to be dangerous; it was a favourable circumstance;
that S. Feris had been here that day, washing & had concluded
to stay all night, if alone, I cannot tell whether I cou'd have
supported myself, being greatly alarm'd at the accident, which has
not however, been productive of any fatal consequences, after suffering
a few days, with a severe headach, & extreme soreness in his
temples & ears, he gradually recover'd, & his head is now as sound
as ever, & as full of enterprizes.
A few days after this Hannah came home, & the 12th instant I told the children if they wou'd find some eggs, I wou'd poach them for dinner __ay[?] they all Scampered to[?] the Barn, & after waiting till my patience was discover, or if I have the smallest skill in phiziognomy, these men will
<add>suit </add>extremely well, however it was done for the best, & tho the young man
had, had 2 journys from Newells Town thro' the Mud, yet I freely
acknowledge that the business might have been delay'd a few days
longer, at any rate I stand open to conviction, but prithee dont be
very severe, I hope it will all turn out right.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I told D. W. with as much tenderness as possible, that
thee was not willing he shou'd have the place, poor fellow he
appear'd extremely disconcerted, having fully expected to get it, & in
that hope, mov'd, (with my leave) into the Cabin which Isaac occupid
last summer, having some time ago engag'd the camp you work'd
last year, & four of the Kettles -- which wou'd have been very inconvenient
to his late dwelling. I pity'd him much, his kindness & attention
to us this winter, has been more than either thee, or I, cou'd have look'd
for, & I believe he had taken a resolution to do better than heretofore
& try to give Satisfaction in evry respect, if he had got the place.<p-end>
<p-bgn>as Joseph is now in good health, & can hop about pretty
well without crutches, I may venture to inform thee of his hair-breadth
'scapes this winter, all of which happened previous to the
last letter I wrote thee, but concluding that they wou'd only occasion
anxiety & concern, of which I suppos'd thee had a sufficiency already, thought
best to suppress the information at that time, in the first place, I had
frequently warned him against bringing in heavy back-logs, especially
when the ground was frozen, & Icy, but his ambition often prompted
him to try his strength, & having made a strong Sled, wou'd <del>often</del>
haul large logs to the door, & then work them along to the Fire -- on
the 9<sup>th</sup> of this month, in the Evening, he went as usual to get wood in,
for morning, & after conveying a round sugar tree log, (quite weighty
enough for any common Man to carry) to the door, from whence with
some difficulty, he got it to the hearth, on which, being a little higher
than the floor, he attempted to raise it, but the log proving too heavy
threw him back, a chair, however, luckily standing in the way,
in some measure broke his fall, & kept the log off his body, but it
came with great force on his head, which coming in contact with the
chair, was sadly bruised, I cry'd <add>out</add> that the child was kill'd, supposing
the log had fallen on his breast, in which case I had no Idea <unclear>that</unclear>
he wou'd ever speak more, he however rais'd himself up & <unclear>cried</unclear>
most piteously, holding his hands to his head, from which the <unclear>blood</unclear>
issued freely, we plac'd him on the bed, & it was some time <unclear>before</unclear>
he cou'd speak, upon examination we found that the blood proceeded
from one of his ears, which was a good deal mash'd & swell'd
& tho' his head was much bruised, in different parts, I cou'd not find
any thing that appear'd to be dangerous; it was a favourable circumstance;
that S. Feris had been here that day, washing & had concluded
to stay all night, if alone, I cannot tell whether I cou'd have
supported myself, being greatly alarm'd at the accident, which has
<add>not</add> however, been productive of any fatal consequences, after suffering
a few days, with a severe headach, & extreme soreness in his
temples & ears, he gradually recover'd, & his head is now as sound
as ever, & as full of enterprizes.<p-end>
<p-bgn>A few days after this Hannah came home, & the 12<sup>th</sup> instant I told
the children if they wou'd find some eggs, I wou'd poach them for dinner
<unclear>__ay</unclear> they all <unclear>Scampered to</unclear> the Barn, & after waiting till my patience was
I told D. W. with as much tenderness as possible, that thee was not willing he shou'd have the place, poor fellow he appear'd extremely disconcerted, having fully expected to get it, & in that hope, mov'd, (with my leave) into the Cabin which Isaac occupid last summer, having some time ago engag'd the camp you work'd last year, & four of the Kettles -- which wou'd have been very inconvenient to his late dwelling. I pity'd him much, his kindness & attention to us this winter, has been more than either thee, or I, cou'd have look'd for, & I believe he had taken a resolution to do better than heretofore & try to give Satisfaction in evry respect, if he had got the place.
as Joseph is now in good health, & can hop about pretty well without crutches, I may venture to inform thee of his hair-breadth 'scapes this winter, all of which happened previous to the last letter I wrote thee, but concluding that they wou'd only occasion anxiety & concern, of which I suppos'd thee had a sufficiency already, thought best to suppress the information at that time, in the first place, I had frequently warned him against bringing in heavy back-logs, especially when the ground was frozen, & Icy, but his ambition often prompted him to try his strength, & having made a strong Sled, wou'd
A few days after this Hannah came home, & the 12th instant I told the children if they wou'd find some eggs, I wou'd poach them for dinner __ay[?] they all Scampered to[?] the Barn, & after waiting till my patience was discover, or if I have the smallest skill in phiziognomy, these men will
<add>suit </add>extremely well, however it was done for the best, & tho the young man
had, had 2 journys from Newells Town thro' the Mud, yet I freely
acknowledge that the business might have been delay'd a few days
longer, at any rate I stand open to conviction, but prithee dont be
very severe, I hope it will all turn out right.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I told D. W. with as much tenderness as possible, that
thee was not willing he shou'd have the place, poor fellow he
appear'd extremely disconcerted, having fully expected to get it, & in
that hope, mov'd, (with my leave) into the Cabin which Isaac occupid
last summer, having some time ago engag'd the camp you work'd
last year, & four of the Kettles -- which wou'd have been very inconvenient
to his late dwelling. I pity'd him much, his kindness & attention
to us this winter, has been more than either thee, or I, cou'd have look'd
for, & I believe he had taken a resolution to do better than heretofore
& try to give Satisfaction in evry respect, if he had got the place.<p-end>
<p-bgn>as Joseph is now in good health, & can hop about pretty
well without crutches, I may venture to inform thee of his hair-breadth
'scapes this winter, all of which happened previous to the
last letter I wrote thee, but concluding that they wou'd only occasion
anxiety & concern, of which I suppos'd thee had a sufficiency already, thought
best to suppress the information at that time, in the first place, I had
frequently warned him against bringing in heavy back-logs, especially
when the ground was frozen, & Icy, but his ambition often prompted
him to try his strength, & having made a strong Sled, wou'd <del>often</del>
haul large logs to the door, & then work them along to the Fire -- on
the 9<sup>th</sup> of this month, in the Evening, he went as usual to get wood in,
for morning, & after conveying a round sugar tree log, (quite weighty
enough for any common Man to carry) to the door, from whence with
some difficulty, he got it to the hearth, on which, being a little higher
than the floor, he attempted to raise it, but the log proving too heavy
threw him back, a chair, however, luckily standing in the way,
in some measure broke his fall, & kept the log off his body, but it
came with great force on his head, which coming in contact with the
chair, was sadly bruised, I cry'd <add>out</add> that the child was kill'd, supposing
the log had fallen on his breast, in which case I had no Idea <unclear>that</unclear>
he wou'd ever speak more, he however rais'd himself up & <unclear>cried</unclear>
most piteously, holding his hands to his head, from which the <unclear>blood</unclear>
issued freely, we plac'd him on the bed, & it was some time <unclear>before</unclear>
he cou'd speak, upon examination we found that the blood proceeded
from one of his ears, which was a good deal mash'd & swell'd
& tho' his head was much bruised, in different parts, I cou'd not find
any thing that appear'd to be dangerous; it was a favourable circumstance;
that S. Feris had been here that day, washing & had concluded
to stay all night, if alone, I cannot tell whether I cou'd have
supported myself, being greatly alarm'd at the accident, which has
<add>not</add> however, been productive of any fatal consequences, after suffering
a few days, with a severe headach, & extreme soreness in his
temples & ears, he gradually recover'd, & his head is now as sound
as ever, & as full of enterprizes.<p-end>
<p-bgn>A few days after this Hannah came home, & the 12<sup>th</sup> instant I told
the children if they wou'd find some eggs, I wou'd poach them for dinner
<unclear>__ay</unclear> they all <unclear>Scampered to</unclear> the Barn, & after waiting till my patience was

exausted, I call'd them, at length Martha made her appearance, I interogated
her upon their stay, she replied, with a dejected Countenance, "that Joseph
had crept under a Haystack, & cou'd not get out." I hurry'd to the Spot, & after
labouring a full hour, we effected his liberation, to the great joy of all partys
concerned, but not without serious thoughts on my part of alarming the
It was 2 days after this, that I went to meeting, & left a pot over the fire with some meat in, to boil for dinner, with particular injunctions for the Children to be careful, & not get Mary scalded, upon my return, before I enter'd the house, the voice of lamentation assail'd my ear, hurrying in, I found Joseph sitting with one foot on a chair, scalded badly, the account the Children gave, was, that 2 of the neighbors coming in, had built up a large fire, which occasion'd the pot to boil over, Joseph attempted to hang it higher, but the fire being very hot, he some how let it slip, several holes, one foot caught on the back log, & upset the boiling water, onto his thigh, & foot, the first was not deep, but having a thick Woolen Stocking on, which when drawn off, brought the Skin with it, occasion'd his foot to be deeply scalded, -- I was now, almost overdone, but exerting myself as much as possible, apply'd ev'ry thing I cou'd, think of, or that was in the house suitable for the purpose of taking out fire, & neither eat nor drank, but hung over him, with agoniz'd feeling[?] 'till towards Evening, when the fire appear'd to be pretty well out, & he became much easier, about which time Father & Jane came, their presence & conversation, seem'd to recruit me a good deal. -- it was now, that the kindness of our neighbors, shone forth too conspicuously to be pass'd by unotic'd, or indeed ever to be forgotten by me, "while mem'ry holds her seat, -- R W[?] & D. W. came regularly morning & Evening brought in wood, made fires, went to mill for us, & indeed ev'ry other act of kindness, that was in their power to perform, always asking if there was any thing more that they cou'd do, indeed they still continue to come, altho J might very well do it himself now M Newport sent salve for his foot which has had a very good effect
It is likely I shall become quite a heroine this Winter, having, now, no better -- half to fly to let the exigence be what it may I find the necessity of exerting my own pow'rs, -- but ah! how sensibly do I feel, at such times, the vacuum occasion'd by [?] absence.
28th [S?] Kinsy was here just now & desires me to say, that if[?] [?] can make it any how convenient to bring him a Book of Architecture or plans & rules for building & a Turky oil stone -- weighing about 1 st & 1/2 or rather more, he will be much oblig'd, & satisfy thee for thy trouble I gave him no encouragement, but shou'd be glad the wou'd bring one of them at least. -- please give a double portion of love to mother & Emily -- & H Bonsall having clos'd my last letter in haste, when their was company in the house -- forgot several things & that in particular. exausted, I call'd them, at length Martha made her appearance, I interogated
her upon their stay, she replied, with a dejected Countenance, "that Joseph
had crept under a Haystack, & cou'd not get out." I hurry'd to the Spot, & after
labouring a full hour, we effected his liberation, to the great joy of all partys
concerned, but not without serious thoughts on my part of alarming the
<p-bgn>It was 2 days after this, that I went to meeting, & left a pot
over the fire with some meat in, to boil for dinner, with particular injunctions
for the Children to be careful, & not get Mary scalded, upon my return, before
I enter'd the house, the voice of lamentation assail'd my ear, hurrying
in, I found Joseph sitting with one foot on a chair, scalded badly, the
account the Children gave, was, that 2 of the neighbors coming in, had
built up a large fire, which occasion'd the pot to boil over, Joseph
attempted to hang it higher, but the fire being very hot, he some how
let it slip, several holes, one foot caught on the back log, & upset the
boiling water, onto his thigh, & foot, the first was not deep, but having
a thick Woolen Stocking on, which when drawn off, brought the Skin
with it, occasion'd his foot to be deeply scalded, -- I was now, almost
overdone, but exerting myself as much as possible, apply'd ev'ry thing I
cou'd, think of, or that was in the house suitable for the purpose of taking out
fire, & neither eat nor drank, but hung over him, with agoniz'd <unclear>feeling</unclear>
'till towards Evening, when the fire appear'd to be pretty well out, & he
became much easier, about which time Father & Jane came, their
presence & conversation, seem'd to recruit me a good deal. -- it was
now, that the kindness of our neighbors, shone forth too conspicuously
to be pass'd by unotic'd, or indeed ever to be forgotten by me, "while mem'ry
holds her seat, -- R <unclear>W</unclear> & D. W. came regularly morning & Evening
brought in wood, made fires, went to mill for us, & indeed ev'ry other
act of kindness, that was in their power to perform, always asking
if there was any thing more that they cou'd do, indeed they still
continue to come, altho J might very well do it himself now
M Newport sent salve for his foot which has had a very good effect<p-end>
<p-bgn>It is likely I shall become quite a heroine this Winter, having,
now, no better -- half to fly to let the exigence be what it may
I find the necessity of exerting my own pow'rs, -- but ah! how
sensibly do I feel, at such times, the vacuum occasion'd by <ill>
<p-bgn>28th [S?] Kinsy was here just now & desires me to say, that <unclear>if</unclear> <ill>
can make it any how convenient to bring him a Book of Architecture or
plans & rules for building & a Turky oil stone -- weighing about 1 <sup>st</sup> & 1/2 or
rather more, he will be much oblig'd, & satisfy thee for thy trouble
I gave him no encouragement, but shou'd be glad the wou'd bring
one of them at least. -- please give a double portion of love
to mother & Emily -- <add>& H Bonsall</add> having clos'd my last letter in haste, when their was
company in the house -- forgot several things & that in particular.
It was 2 days after this, that I went to meeting, & left a pot over the fire with some meat in, to boil for dinner, with particular injunctions for the Children to be careful, & not get Mary scalded, upon my return, before I enter'd the house, the voice of lamentation assail'd my ear, hurrying in, I found Joseph sitting with one foot on a chair, scalded badly, the account the Children gave, was, that 2 of the neighbors coming in, had built up a large fire, which occasion'd the pot to boil over, Joseph attempted to hang it higher, but the fire being very hot, he some how let it slip, several holes, one foot caught on the back log, & upset the boiling water, onto his thigh, & foot, the first was not deep, but having a thick Woolen Stocking on, which when drawn off, brought the Skin with it, occasion'd his foot to be deeply scalded, -- I was now, almost overdone, but exerting myself as much as possible, apply'd ev'ry thing I cou'd, think of, or that was in the house suitable for the purpose of taking out fire, & neither eat nor drank, but hung over him, with agoniz'd feeling[?] 'till towards Evening, when the fire appear'd to be pretty well out, & he became much easier, about which time Father & Jane came, their presence & conversation, seem'd to recruit me a good deal. -- it was now, that the kindness of our neighbors, shone forth too conspicuously to be pass'd by unotic'd, or indeed ever to be forgotten by me, "while mem'ry holds her seat, -- R W[?] & D. W. came regularly morning & Evening brought in wood, made fires, went to mill for us, & indeed ev'ry other act of kindness, that was in their power to perform, always asking if there was any thing more that they cou'd do, indeed they still continue to come, altho J might very well do it himself now M Newport sent salve for his foot which has had a very good effect
It is likely I shall become quite a heroine this Winter, having, now, no better -- half to fly to let the exigence be what it may I find the necessity of exerting my own pow'rs, -- but ah! how sensibly do I feel, at such times, the vacuum occasion'd by [?] absence.
28th [S?] Kinsy was here just now & desires me to say, that if[?] [?] can make it any how convenient to bring him a Book of Architecture or plans & rules for building & a Turky oil stone -- weighing about 1 st & 1/2 or rather more, he will be much oblig'd, & satisfy thee for thy trouble I gave him no encouragement, but shou'd be glad the wou'd bring one of them at least. -- please give a double portion of love to mother & Emily -- & H Bonsall having clos'd my last letter in haste, when their was company in the house -- forgot several things & that in particular. exausted, I call'd them, at length Martha made her appearance, I interogated
her upon their stay, she replied, with a dejected Countenance, "that Joseph
had crept under a Haystack, & cou'd not get out." I hurry'd to the Spot, & after
labouring a full hour, we effected his liberation, to the great joy of all partys
concerned, but not without serious thoughts on my part of alarming the
<p-bgn>It was 2 days after this, that I went to meeting, & left a pot
over the fire with some meat in, to boil for dinner, with particular injunctions
for the Children to be careful, & not get Mary scalded, upon my return, before
I enter'd the house, the voice of lamentation assail'd my ear, hurrying
in, I found Joseph sitting with one foot on a chair, scalded badly, the
account the Children gave, was, that 2 of the neighbors coming in, had
built up a large fire, which occasion'd the pot to boil over, Joseph
attempted to hang it higher, but the fire being very hot, he some how
let it slip, several holes, one foot caught on the back log, & upset the
boiling water, onto his thigh, & foot, the first was not deep, but having
a thick Woolen Stocking on, which when drawn off, brought the Skin
with it, occasion'd his foot to be deeply scalded, -- I was now, almost
overdone, but exerting myself as much as possible, apply'd ev'ry thing I
cou'd, think of, or that was in the house suitable for the purpose of taking out
fire, & neither eat nor drank, but hung over him, with agoniz'd <unclear>feeling</unclear>
'till towards Evening, when the fire appear'd to be pretty well out, & he
became much easier, about which time Father & Jane came, their
presence & conversation, seem'd to recruit me a good deal. -- it was
now, that the kindness of our neighbors, shone forth too conspicuously
to be pass'd by unotic'd, or indeed ever to be forgotten by me, "while mem'ry
holds her seat, -- R <unclear>W</unclear> & D. W. came regularly morning & Evening
brought in wood, made fires, went to mill for us, & indeed ev'ry other
act of kindness, that was in their power to perform, always asking
if there was any thing more that they cou'd do, indeed they still
continue to come, altho J might very well do it himself now
M Newport sent salve for his foot which has had a very good effect<p-end>
<p-bgn>It is likely I shall become quite a heroine this Winter, having,
now, no better -- half to fly to let the exigence be what it may
I find the necessity of exerting my own pow'rs, -- but ah! how
sensibly do I feel, at such times, the vacuum occasion'd by <ill>
<p-bgn>28th [S?] Kinsy was here just now & desires me to say, that <unclear>if</unclear> <ill>
can make it any how convenient to bring him a Book of Architecture or
plans & rules for building & a Turky oil stone -- weighing about 1 <sup>st</sup> & 1/2 or
rather more, he will be much oblig'd, & satisfy thee for thy trouble
I gave him no encouragement, but shou'd be glad the wou'd bring
one of them at least. -- please give a double portion of love
to mother & Emily -- <add>& H Bonsall</add> having clos'd my last letter in haste, when their was
company in the house -- forgot several things & that in particular.

I[?] am well satisfy'd that thee has not purchac'd any linen nor is it
worth while, as I find plenty to do, & shall not have leisure to get
near all the sewing, I have in the house, done, if we go this spring, I
have a good deal of Company, & last week Jane & I commenc'd visiting
of which I wish'd much to give thee some particulars, but my paper
proves too scanty, must therefore leave it till next sheet -- if thee cou'd
bring out 9 yards & 1/2 of dark blue check Gingham, or any thing that will
come low, & hide dirt, for the 3 little girls frocks, it wou'd oblige me
by the time thee gets to the end of this scrall, thee will have no cause to complain of my not writing enough, & if thee is not entertain'd thee will at least be fatigue'd -- the Frds at Harmony Hill desire to be affectionately remember'd to thee -- please write immediately on the reciept[?] of this -- SG <unclear>I</unclear> <note>check original</note>am well satisfy'd that thee has not purchac'd any linen nor is it
worth while, as I find plenty to do, & shall not have leisure to get
near all the sewing, I have in the house, done, if we go this spring, I
have a good deal of Company, & last week Jane & I commenc'd visiting
of which I wish'd much to give thee some particulars, but my paper
proves too scanty, must therefore leave it till next sheet -- if thee cou'd
bring out 9 yards & 1/2 of dark blue check Gingham, or any thing that will
come low, & hide dirt, for the 3 little girls frocks, it wou'd oblige me<p-end>
<p-bgn>by the time thee gets to the end of this scrall, thee will have no
cause to complain of my not writing enough, & if thee is not entertain'd
thee will <add>at least</add> be fatigue'd -- the Frds at Harmony Hill desire to be
affectionately remember'd to thee -- please write immediately
on the <unclear>reciept</unclear> of this -- SG
by the time thee gets to the end of this scrall, thee will have no cause to complain of my not writing enough, & if thee is not entertain'd thee will at least be fatigue'd -- the Frds at Harmony Hill desire to be affectionately remember'd to thee -- please write immediately on the reciept[?] of this -- SG <unclear>I</unclear> <note>check original</note>am well satisfy'd that thee has not purchac'd any linen nor is it
worth while, as I find plenty to do, & shall not have leisure to get
near all the sewing, I have in the house, done, if we go this spring, I
have a good deal of Company, & last week Jane & I commenc'd visiting
of which I wish'd much to give thee some particulars, but my paper
proves too scanty, must therefore leave it till next sheet -- if thee cou'd
bring out 9 yards & 1/2 of dark blue check Gingham, or any thing that will
come low, & hide dirt, for the 3 little girls frocks, it wou'd oblige me<p-end>
<p-bgn>by the time thee gets to the end of this scrall, thee will have no
cause to complain of my not writing enough, & if thee is not entertain'd
thee will <add>at least</add> be fatigue'd -- the Frds at Harmony Hill desire to be
affectionately remember'd to thee -- please write immediately
on the <unclear>reciept</unclear> of this -- SG

please excuse my prolix manner of telling a story
please excuse my prolix manner of telling a story