Document set '456'
Transcript style:other pages

First day evening 11th of the 2nd mo. 1810.
Whether your Philadelphia complaint (the influenza) was
transported over the Mountains in thy Letter or whether
it was the power of Sympathy, I cannot determine,
but certain it is that 2 days after the reception of thy
first Epistle, I was siezed with a violent cold, sore throat
hoarseness & Cough, with (I believe) evry other Symtom
of that disagreeable disorder -- most of which have continu'd
ever since; this morning I concluded it was not prudent
to go out, was therefore getting Martha ready to go to Meeting
when T Satterthwaite came in, with thy Letter of the
26th ultimo, which was as pleasing as it was unexpected
& serv'd as a Cordial to raise my drooping Spirits, -- but
if it was not for the humourous stile in which some part
of it is written, I shou'd very probably have imagin'd
thee seriously ill, -- but from my present feelings --
entertain a hope that thee is, at least on the recovery.
Thy information in regard to business was very Satisfactory, only I shou'd liked to have known under what firm it is to be carried on, perhaps its an idle curiosity.
As to what our friends & acquaintance say about our coming back, it is pleasing to suppose, that we possess a share in their affections; but, Alas! Quiet, Retirement, & a Seclusion from the customs & Ceremonies of the Metropolis, are so dear to my heart, that I seriously dread a reverse so incongruous with my feelings, but do not mistake me, my dearest friend, I have endeavour'd to feel reconcil'd to the change, & if my repugnancy was still greater than it really is, I shou'd [?] duty to sacrifice my own First day evening 11<sup>th</sup> of the 2<sup>nd</sup> mo. 1810.
<p-bgn>Whether your Philadelphia complaint (the influenza) was
transported over the Mountains in thy Letter or whether
it was the power of Sympathy, I cannot determine,
but certain it is that 2 days after the reception of thy
first Epistle, I was siezed with a violent cold, sore throat
hoarseness & Cough, with (I believe) evry other Symtom
of that disagreeable disorder -- most of which have continu'd
ever since; this morning I concluded it was not prudent
to go out, was therefore getting Martha ready to go to Meeting
when T Satterthwaite came in, with thy Letter of the
26th ultimo, which was as pleasing as it was unexpected
& serv'd as a Cordial to raise my drooping Spirits, -- but
if it was not for the humo<del>u</del>rous stile in which some part
of it is written, I shou'd very probably have imagin'd
thee seriously ill, -- but from my present feelings --
entertain a hope that thee is, at least on the recovery.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Thy information in regard to business was
very Satisfactory, only I shou'd liked to have known
under what firm it is to be carried on, perhaps its an
idle curiosity.<p-end>
<p-bgn>As to what our friends & acquaintance say about
our coming back, it is pleasing to suppose, that we possess
a share in their affections; but, Alas! Quiet, Retirement,
& a Seclusion from the customs & Ceremonies of the
Metropolis, are so dear to my heart, that I seriously
dread a reverse so incongruous with my feelings, but
do not mistake me, my dearest friend, I have
endeavour'd to feel reconcil'd to the change, & if my
repugnancy was still greater than it really is, I shou'd
<ill> duty to sacrifice my own
Thy information in regard to business was very Satisfactory, only I shou'd liked to have known under what firm it is to be carried on, perhaps its an idle curiosity.
As to what our friends & acquaintance say about our coming back, it is pleasing to suppose, that we possess a share in their affections; but, Alas! Quiet, Retirement, & a Seclusion from the customs & Ceremonies of the Metropolis, are so dear to my heart, that I seriously dread a reverse so incongruous with my feelings, but do not mistake me, my dearest friend, I have endeavour'd to feel reconcil'd to the change, & if my repugnancy was still greater than it really is, I shou'd [?] duty to sacrifice my own First day evening 11<sup>th</sup> of the 2<sup>nd</sup> mo. 1810.
<p-bgn>Whether your Philadelphia complaint (the influenza) was
transported over the Mountains in thy Letter or whether
it was the power of Sympathy, I cannot determine,
but certain it is that 2 days after the reception of thy
first Epistle, I was siezed with a violent cold, sore throat
hoarseness & Cough, with (I believe) evry other Symtom
of that disagreeable disorder -- most of which have continu'd
ever since; this morning I concluded it was not prudent
to go out, was therefore getting Martha ready to go to Meeting
when T Satterthwaite came in, with thy Letter of the
26th ultimo, which was as pleasing as it was unexpected
& serv'd as a Cordial to raise my drooping Spirits, -- but
if it was not for the humo<del>u</del>rous stile in which some part
of it is written, I shou'd very probably have imagin'd
thee seriously ill, -- but from my present feelings --
entertain a hope that thee is, at least on the recovery.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Thy information in regard to business was
very Satisfactory, only I shou'd liked to have known
under what firm it is to be carried on, perhaps its an
idle curiosity.<p-end>
<p-bgn>As to what our friends & acquaintance say about
our coming back, it is pleasing to suppose, that we possess
a share in their affections; but, Alas! Quiet, Retirement,
& a Seclusion from the customs & Ceremonies of the
Metropolis, are so dear to my heart, that I seriously
dread a reverse so incongruous with my feelings, but
do not mistake me, my dearest friend, I have
endeavour'd to feel reconcil'd to the change, & if my
repugnancy was still greater than it really is, I shou'd
<ill> duty to sacrifice my own

covered with Snow, perhaps a foot deep [?] getting out without
Shoveling roads, it felt rather disagreeable when I reflected, that
we had not more than 2 sticks of wood cut, beside what was
in the house for the morning Fire, we however made up
a large fire of what we had, & just as it was finished
in came D Wright & Andy, to see whether we stood in
need of assistance -- after warming awhile, they fell too
chop'd & split enough to last a week, & pil'd the Corner
full, placing the rest close by the door, -- for which I
gave them a good breakfast, & many thanks, indeed
I sensibly felt their kindness, in our helpless situation.
I cou'd not at first recollect that I had laid any restrictions on thee about writing on any subject thee pleas'd, (except fires) -- but I do hereby release, & make null & void ev'ry obligation of that kind, (if there was any) henceforth & forever, -- indeed I often feel the great need I have of, Counsil, advice, & think I may add encouragement, sometimes, frequently finding it an arduous task to watch over & order my little family, in the spirit of Meekness & Love, -- & oh! how often have I to mourn over my own weaknesses & failings, with tears of heartfelt Contrition -- tho I may add with thankfulness, that many seasons of retirement & sweet consolation have been vouchsaf'd, when no human being was near except the 3 little Children asleep by me, I do not recollect ever pressing my pillow since thee left us, without putting up a sincere & ardent prayer, for thy preservation, & safe return, & oh! if it shou'd be granted, I can never be sufficiently thankful for so great a favor. covered with Snow, perhaps a foot deep <ill> getting out without
Shoveling roads, it felt rather disagreeable when I reflected, that
we had not more than 2 sticks of wood cut, beside what was
in the house for the morning Fire, we however made up
a large fire of what we had, & just as it was finished
in came D Wright & Andy, to see whether we stood in
need of assistance -- after warming awhile, they fell too
chop'd & split enough to last a week, & pil'd the Corner
full, placing the rest close by the door, -- for which I
gave them a good breakfast, & many thanks, indeed
I sensibly felt their kindness, in our helpless situation.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I cou'd not at first recollect that I had laid
any restrictions on thee about writing on any subject thee
pleas'd, (except fires) -- but I do hereby release, & make
null & void ev'ry obligation of that kind, (if there was any)
henceforth & forever, -- indeed I often feel the great
need I have of, Counsil, advice, & think I may add
encouragement, sometimes, frequently finding it an arduous
task to watch over & order my little family, in the
spirit of Meekness & Love, -- & oh! how often have I
to mourn over my own weaknesses & failings, with
tears of heartfelt Contrition -- tho I may add with
thankfulness, that many seasons of retirement & sweet
consolation have been vouchsaf'd, when no human being
was near except the 3 little Children asleep by me,
I do not recollect ever pressing my pillow since thee
left us, without putting up a sincere & ardent
prayer, for thy preservation, & safe return, & oh!
if it shou'd be granted, I can never be sufficiently
thankful for so great a favor.
I cou'd not at first recollect that I had laid any restrictions on thee about writing on any subject thee pleas'd, (except fires) -- but I do hereby release, & make null & void ev'ry obligation of that kind, (if there was any) henceforth & forever, -- indeed I often feel the great need I have of, Counsil, advice, & think I may add encouragement, sometimes, frequently finding it an arduous task to watch over & order my little family, in the spirit of Meekness & Love, -- & oh! how often have I to mourn over my own weaknesses & failings, with tears of heartfelt Contrition -- tho I may add with thankfulness, that many seasons of retirement & sweet consolation have been vouchsaf'd, when no human being was near except the 3 little Children asleep by me, I do not recollect ever pressing my pillow since thee left us, without putting up a sincere & ardent prayer, for thy preservation, & safe return, & oh! if it shou'd be granted, I can never be sufficiently thankful for so great a favor. covered with Snow, perhaps a foot deep <ill> getting out without
Shoveling roads, it felt rather disagreeable when I reflected, that
we had not more than 2 sticks of wood cut, beside what was
in the house for the morning Fire, we however made up
a large fire of what we had, & just as it was finished
in came D Wright & Andy, to see whether we stood in
need of assistance -- after warming awhile, they fell too
chop'd & split enough to last a week, & pil'd the Corner
full, placing the rest close by the door, -- for which I
gave them a good breakfast, & many thanks, indeed
I sensibly felt their kindness, in our helpless situation.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I cou'd not at first recollect that I had laid
any restrictions on thee about writing on any subject thee
pleas'd, (except fires) -- but I do hereby release, & make
null & void ev'ry obligation of that kind, (if there was any)
henceforth & forever, -- indeed I often feel the great
need I have of, Counsil, advice, & think I may add
encouragement, sometimes, frequently finding it an arduous
task to watch over & order my little family, in the
spirit of Meekness & Love, -- & oh! how often have I
to mourn over my own weaknesses & failings, with
tears of heartfelt Contrition -- tho I may add with
thankfulness, that many seasons of retirement & sweet
consolation have been vouchsaf'd, when no human being
was near except the 3 little Children asleep by me,
I do not recollect ever pressing my pillow since thee
left us, without putting up a sincere & ardent
prayer, for thy preservation, & safe return, & oh!
if it shou'd be granted, I can never be sufficiently
thankful for so great a favor.

I just make [?] proposal & leave it to thy better
judgment to determine.
It wou'd be satisfactory to know whether J. Johnson got safe home, & when, as I have never heard of him since, also how & where J Lewis is, & if time wou'd permit, thee wou'd oblige me by calling at Betsy Woods, & making some inquiry after S. Feris's Brother Abner, -- our neighbour Robert Wood, wou'd likewise be pleased to hear some account from his Aunt & Family, perhaps the Girls may wish to send a small present, to his Wife, or daughters, by thee as a token of Relationship; he has been very kind & neighborly to us, in thy absence.
Thee will be[?] [?] care of housekeeping, & the noise of Children, this Winter that I am sometimes, almost afraid thee will think it quite Burthensome, to be again incumberd with a Family, tho variety is the happiness of life, & perhaps thee will be as completely tir'd of thy Widower state, as of one which, to a careless & uninterested[?] observer, might appear to be strew'd with trouble anxiety & cares, without a single comfort to place on[?] the oppisate scale.
I tore of, & and burn'd the latter part of thy letter, as soon as read, & thee may rest assur'd, that I will religiously observe thy directions on that score
There are many little occurances I might [?] thee of, but knowing thy time is precious, shall not detain thee much longer, than to say, that our relations & frds are (I believe) in usual health, & that the Children desire their love to be sent to Father, little I just make <ill> proposal & leave it to thy better
judgment to determine.<p-end>
<p-bgn>It wou'd be satisfactory to know whether J. Johnson
got safe home, & when, as I have never heard of him since,
also how & where J Lewis is, & if time wou'd permit, thee
wou'd oblige me by calling at Betsy Woods, & making some
inquiry after S. Feris's Brother Abner, -- our neighbour
Robert Wood, wou'd likewise be pleased to hear some account
from his Aunt & Family, perhaps the Girls may wish
to send a small present, to his Wife, or daughters, by thee
as a token of Relationship; he has been very kind &
neighborly to us, in thy absence.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Thee <unclear>will be</unclear> <ill>
care of housekeeping, & the noise of Children, this Winter
that I am sometimes, almost afraid thee will think
it quite Burthensome, to be again incumberd with
a Family, tho variety is the happiness of life, &
perhaps thee will be as completely tir'd of thy
Widower state, as of one which, to a careless & <unclear>uninterested</unclear>
observer, might appear to be strew'd with trouble
anxiety & cares, without a single comfort to place <unclear>on</unclear>
the oppisate scale.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I tore of, & and burn'd the latter part of thy
letter, as soon as read, & thee may rest assur'd, that
I will religiously observe thy directions on that score<p-end>
<p-bgn>There are many little occurances I might <ill>
thee of, but knowing thy time is precious, shall not
detain thee much longer, than to say, that our relations
& frds are (I believe) in usual health, & that the
Children desire their love to be sent to Father, little
It wou'd be satisfactory to know whether J. Johnson got safe home, & when, as I have never heard of him since, also how & where J Lewis is, & if time wou'd permit, thee wou'd oblige me by calling at Betsy Woods, & making some inquiry after S. Feris's Brother Abner, -- our neighbour Robert Wood, wou'd likewise be pleased to hear some account from his Aunt & Family, perhaps the Girls may wish to send a small present, to his Wife, or daughters, by thee as a token of Relationship; he has been very kind & neighborly to us, in thy absence.
Thee will be[?] [?] care of housekeeping, & the noise of Children, this Winter that I am sometimes, almost afraid thee will think it quite Burthensome, to be again incumberd with a Family, tho variety is the happiness of life, & perhaps thee will be as completely tir'd of thy Widower state, as of one which, to a careless & uninterested[?] observer, might appear to be strew'd with trouble anxiety & cares, without a single comfort to place on[?] the oppisate scale.
I tore of, & and burn'd the latter part of thy letter, as soon as read, & thee may rest assur'd, that I will religiously observe thy directions on that score
There are many little occurances I might [?] thee of, but knowing thy time is precious, shall not detain thee much longer, than to say, that our relations & frds are (I believe) in usual health, & that the Children desire their love to be sent to Father, little I just make <ill> proposal & leave it to thy better
judgment to determine.<p-end>
<p-bgn>It wou'd be satisfactory to know whether J. Johnson
got safe home, & when, as I have never heard of him since,
also how & where J Lewis is, & if time wou'd permit, thee
wou'd oblige me by calling at Betsy Woods, & making some
inquiry after S. Feris's Brother Abner, -- our neighbour
Robert Wood, wou'd likewise be pleased to hear some account
from his Aunt & Family, perhaps the Girls may wish
to send a small present, to his Wife, or daughters, by thee
as a token of Relationship; he has been very kind &
neighborly to us, in thy absence.<p-end>
<p-bgn>Thee <unclear>will be</unclear> <ill>
care of housekeeping, & the noise of Children, this Winter
that I am sometimes, almost afraid thee will think
it quite Burthensome, to be again incumberd with
a Family, tho variety is the happiness of life, &
perhaps thee will be as completely tir'd of thy
Widower state, as of one which, to a careless & <unclear>uninterested</unclear>
observer, might appear to be strew'd with trouble
anxiety & cares, without a single comfort to place <unclear>on</unclear>
the oppisate scale.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I tore of, & and burn'd the latter part of thy
letter, as soon as read, & thee may rest assur'd, that
I will religiously observe thy directions on that score<p-end>
<p-bgn>There are many little occurances I might <ill>
thee of, but knowing thy time is precious, shall not
detain thee much longer, than to say, that our relations
& frds are (I believe) in usual health, & that the
Children desire their love to be sent to Father, little