Document set '453'
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Uwchlan 6th mo' 14th 1790
Dear Children
Expecting a favourable opportunity
of Conveyance by Edward Bonsall tomorrow
or next day, think best to be provided,
least I shou'd be over Hurried, or detain
him too long from his Jurney, more
Especially as the meterials nowly before
me Except one Esential one, that is the
Situation of my family at the time he
Calls for this, which however may be Supplyd,
at that time if any thing meterial shou'd
happen in the Interim -- fifth day morning
your Mother appeare'd somewhat poorly,
but being often so of late, thought I might
with safety Go to meeting, being our Monthly
meeting, which Concluded between 3 & 4 o Clock
but before I Got a mile on my way home
was met by Rachel with acct of her mother
being very bad, I Imediately Tack'd about
and overtook Mother Baldwin Sister Mary & c
Uwchlan 6<sup>th</sup> mo' 14<sup>th</sup> 1790
Dear Children
<p-bgn>Expecting a favourable opportunity
of Conveyance by Edward Bonsall tomorrow
or next day, think best to be provided,
least I shou'd be over Hurried, or detain
him too long from his Jurney, more
Especially as the meterials nowly before
me Except one Esential one, that is the
Situation of my family at the time he
Calls for this, which however may be Supply<sup>d</sup>,
at that time if any thing meterial shou'<sup>d</sup>
happen in <add>the</add> Interim -- fifth day morning
your Mother appeare'd somewhat poorly,
but being often so of late, thought I might
with safety Go to meeting, being our Monthly
meeting, which Concluded between 3 & 4 o Clock
but before I Got a mile on my way home
was met by Rachel with acc<sup>t</sup> of her mother
being very bad, I Imediately Tack'd about
and overtook Mother Baldwin Sister Mary & c
Dear Children
<p-bgn>Expecting a favourable opportunity
of Conveyance by Edward Bonsall tomorrow
or next day, think best to be provided,
least I shou'd be over Hurried, or detain
him too long from his Jurney, more
Especially as the meterials nowly before
me Except one Esential one, that is the
Situation of my family at the time he
Calls for this, which however may be Supply<sup>d</sup>,
at that time if any thing meterial shou'<sup>d</sup>
happen in <add>the</add> Interim -- fifth day morning
your Mother appeare'd somewhat poorly,
but being often so of late, thought I might
with safety Go to meeting, being our Monthly
meeting, which Concluded between 3 & 4 o Clock
but before I Got a mile on my way home
was met by Rachel with acc<sup>t</sup> of her mother
being very bad, I Imediately Tack'd about
and overtook Mother Baldwin Sister Mary & c

before they reach'd home, (after having Call'd)
upon Er[?] Evans and sent her along with Rachel)
by the time we Got home my Dear wife was
very bad Indeed, yet was Mercifully Supported,
and between 5 and 6 OClock was Deliver'd of a
Daughter, and Continues in the mean nearly
as well as usual at such times, the Child appear
to be a promising one, being Lusty and fat
but sometimes rather too noisey, perhaps on
acct. of some Complaints, which it has not
yet Communicated to us, but by these Inarticulate
sounds, -- I sent a verbal acct, by Stumps Son
this morning as he went by, on his way to Town
but if he fails delivering it, I hope this may
shortly follow, -- as soon as your sittuation will
admit we'll Expect you to Come up to see your
mother and little Sister, and bring William Gibbons
to See Grandfather & Mother and little aunt &c
being the needful at present subscribe myself
with Love to you In which your Mother Joyns
your affectionate father Wm Milhous
before they reach'd home, (after having Call'd)
upon <unclear>Er</unclear> Evans and sent her along with Rachel)
by the time we Got home my Dear wife was
very bad Indeed, yet was Mercifully Supported,
and between 5 and 6 OClock was Deliver'd of a
Daughter, and Continues in the mean nearly
as well as usual at such times, the Child appear
to be a promising one, being Lusty and fat
but sometimes rather too noisey, perhaps on
acc<sup>t</sup>. of some Complaints, which it has not
yet Communicated to us, but by these Inarticulate
sounds, -- I sent a verbal acc<sup>t</sup>, by Stumps Son
this morning as he went by, on his way to Town
but if he fails delivering it, I hope this may
shortly follow, -- as soon as your sittuation will
admit we'll Expect you to Come up to see your
mother and little Sister, and bring William Gibbons
to See Grandfather & Mother and little aunt &c
being the needful at present subscribe myself
with Love to you In which your Mother Joyns
your affectionate father Wm Milhous
upon <unclear>Er</unclear> Evans and sent her along with Rachel)
by the time we Got home my Dear wife was
very bad Indeed, yet was Mercifully Supported,
and between 5 and 6 OClock was Deliver'd of a
Daughter, and Continues in the mean nearly
as well as usual at such times, the Child appear
to be a promising one, being Lusty and fat
but sometimes rather too noisey, perhaps on
acc<sup>t</sup>. of some Complaints, which it has not
yet Communicated to us, but by these Inarticulate
sounds, -- I sent a verbal acc<sup>t</sup>, by Stumps Son
this morning as he went by, on his way to Town
but if he fails delivering it, I hope this may
shortly follow, -- as soon as your sittuation will
admit we'll Expect you to Come up to see your
mother and little Sister, and bring William Gibbons
to See Grandfather & Mother and little aunt &c
being the needful at present subscribe myself
with Love to you In which your Mother Joyns
your affectionate father Wm Milhous

I may further add that Joshua, concerning whom
I gave you a hint sometime ago, Continues to decline
very fast, so that we begin to be apprehensive
how it may go with him --
so that Every Cercumstance seems to hasten your Coming up -- Mercy has been with us almost 2 weeks -- the above was aded this 16th of 6th mo at which time Mother and little Sister Continues hopful Wm Milhous I may further add that Joshua, concerning whom
I gave you a hint sometime ago, Continues to decline
very fast, so that we begin to be apprehensive
how it may go with him --<p-end>
<p-bgn>so that Every Cercumstance seems to hasten
your Coming up -- Mercy has been with us
almost 2 weeks -- the above was aded this 16<sup>th</sup> of
6<sup>th</sup> mo at which time Mother and little Sister
Continues hopful Wm Milhous
so that Every Cercumstance seems to hasten your Coming up -- Mercy has been with us almost 2 weeks -- the above was aded this 16th of 6th mo at which time Mother and little Sister Continues hopful Wm Milhous I may further add that Joshua, concerning whom
I gave you a hint sometime ago, Continues to decline
very fast, so that we begin to be apprehensive
how it may go with him --<p-end>
<p-bgn>so that Every Cercumstance seems to hasten
your Coming up -- Mercy has been with us
almost 2 weeks -- the above was aded this 16<sup>th</sup> of
6<sup>th</sup> mo at which time Mother and little Sister
Continues hopful Wm Milhous