Document set '429'
Transcript style:other pages

Philadelphia 6 mo. 11th 1817 --
Dear William
Thy Letter of 15th ulto we recd on the 9th inst -- and were
much Shocked by the perusal of its contents, so unfavourable as regards
the state of thy health, and would willingly hope thy apprehensions
may prove groundless and thee recover thy wonted Strength -- but is there
no possibility of bringing the tedious business thee has been engaged
in to a close, I do'nt profess to know much about it, but it appears to
me very clear that it cannot be for the benefit of any of the Parties
interrested in it, on the contrary there must be a very considerable
Loss, & I should suppose the longer it was continued, the greater the
Loss, if so it may be Spun out until the Expences will Swallow
up the whole; However let that be as it may -- we wish thee to
manage matters so as to Return home before long -- thee has
Suffered much hardship, broke a good Constitution, or at least seriously
injured thy health -- and we don't want thee in addition, to lay thy
bones in a distant land -- it is very desirable & far preferable in
every point of view to have thee at home instead of being amongst
Strangers, however kind, it would save us much anxiety and uneasiness,
thy mind would be more at rest, which with the superior aid to be procured
from medical talents, would be the most likely means under
the blessing of Providence for thy restoration --
Upon receiving thy Letter from Shawanetown we designed to have written, but in order to save Postage, thy mother intended to have made an addition to Martha's letter, but she sealed it up & sent it off without giving the opportunity of so doing -- what it contained we know not, but expect there was not much information in it, we then delayed writing for a while and at length concluded to hear from thee again first -- & had been long waiting in hopes of receiving some pleasing accounts but were sadly Philadelphia 6 mo. 11<sup>th</sup> 1817 --
Dear William
<p-bgn>Thy Letter of 15<sup>th</sup> ult<sup>o</sup> we rec<sup>d</sup> on the 9<sup>th</sup> ins<sup>t</sup> -- and were
much Shocked by the perusal of its contents, so unfavourable as regards
the state of thy health, and would willingly hope thy apprehensions
may prove groundless and thee recover thy wonted Strength -- but is there
no possibility of bringing the tedious business thee has been engaged
in to a close, I do'nt profess to know much about it, but it appears to
me very clear that it cannot be for the benefit of any of the Parties
interrested in it, on the contrary there must be a very considerable
Loss, & I should suppose the longer it was continued, the greater the
Loss, if so it may be Spun out until the Expences will Swallow
up the whole; However let that be as it may -- we wish thee to
manage matters so as to Return home before long -- thee has
Suffered much hardship, broke a good Constitution, or at least seriously
injured thy health -- and we don't want thee in addition, to lay thy
bones in a distant land -- it is very desirable & far preferable in
every point of view to have thee at home instead of being amongst
Strangers, however kind, it would save us much anxiety and uneasiness,
thy mind would be more at rest, which with the superior aid to be procured
from medical talents, would be the most likely means under
the blessing of Providence for thy restoration --<p-end>
<p-bgn>Upon receiving thy Letter from Shawanetown we
designed to have written, but in order to save Postage, thy mother
intended to have made an addition to Martha's letter, but she
sealed it up & sent it off without giving the opportunity
of so doing -- what it contained we know not, but expect there
was not much information in it, we then delayed writing for
a while and at length concluded to hear from thee again first --
& had been long waiting in hopes of receiving some pleasing accounts but were
Upon receiving thy Letter from Shawanetown we designed to have written, but in order to save Postage, thy mother intended to have made an addition to Martha's letter, but she sealed it up & sent it off without giving the opportunity of so doing -- what it contained we know not, but expect there was not much information in it, we then delayed writing for a while and at length concluded to hear from thee again first -- & had been long waiting in hopes of receiving some pleasing accounts but were sadly Philadelphia 6 mo. 11<sup>th</sup> 1817 --
Dear William
<p-bgn>Thy Letter of 15<sup>th</sup> ult<sup>o</sup> we rec<sup>d</sup> on the 9<sup>th</sup> ins<sup>t</sup> -- and were
much Shocked by the perusal of its contents, so unfavourable as regards
the state of thy health, and would willingly hope thy apprehensions
may prove groundless and thee recover thy wonted Strength -- but is there
no possibility of bringing the tedious business thee has been engaged
in to a close, I do'nt profess to know much about it, but it appears to
me very clear that it cannot be for the benefit of any of the Parties
interrested in it, on the contrary there must be a very considerable
Loss, & I should suppose the longer it was continued, the greater the
Loss, if so it may be Spun out until the Expences will Swallow
up the whole; However let that be as it may -- we wish thee to
manage matters so as to Return home before long -- thee has
Suffered much hardship, broke a good Constitution, or at least seriously
injured thy health -- and we don't want thee in addition, to lay thy
bones in a distant land -- it is very desirable & far preferable in
every point of view to have thee at home instead of being amongst
Strangers, however kind, it would save us much anxiety and uneasiness,
thy mind would be more at rest, which with the superior aid to be procured
from medical talents, would be the most likely means under
the blessing of Providence for thy restoration --<p-end>
<p-bgn>Upon receiving thy Letter from Shawanetown we
designed to have written, but in order to save Postage, thy mother
intended to have made an addition to Martha's letter, but she
sealed it up & sent it off without giving the opportunity
of so doing -- what it contained we know not, but expect there
was not much information in it, we then delayed writing for
a while and at length concluded to hear from thee again first --
& had been long waiting in hopes of receiving some pleasing accounts but were

Dear William
Thy letter was reciev'd with pleasure, but
alas, it was read with deep & heart felt sorrow, the news
it contain'd was wholly unexpected, after hearing from
B. M. H. & T P Coates that that thy health was completely
restor'd, that thee had return'd from thy hunting expedition
fat & hearty, & all[?] thy letters since have mention'd
thy health being good, the sudden information of such
a serious indisposition, has been trying in the extreme,
& thee says not one word about coming home, T Coates
told us he expected to meet thee here in the course of next
month, do I beseech thee resign the goods to the care
of some faithful person, & hasten home a_[?] [?]
strength & prudence will allow, we all say co__[?] [?]
for my own part I entreat thee by all the tender
solicitude & affection of a Mother, to return to us, &
let us at least have the melancholy satisfaction of
watching over thy last moments, my anxiety will be
unceasing untill I hear from, or see thee, I fear thee
has not told us the worst, do write immediately on the
on the receipt of this, & hide nothing from us.
I beg of thee to be particularly carefull of thyself, avoid night or evening air exposure to wet, & over fatigue, as thee values the peace of thy, ever truly affectionate tho' afflicted mother. -- S G.
the family who are at home are in durable health -- Hannah has been at Oley about two weeks & expects to remain there perhaps a month more -- I called to see Nathan Dunn was informed he had been for Sometime poorly. we out of town last week being Sent for by a Sister who lays very ill in Jersey about 20 miles from Phila -- & Nathan also is now Sick there -- I mention this as it will accot to thee for his not writing -- I also missed seeing B. Hollingshead -- E. Bonsalls family & Grandmother Gibbons are out of town but I believe well -- also Grandfather & mother milhous -- S. G. Dear William
<p-bgn>Thy letter was reciev'd with pleasure, but
alas, it was read with deep & heart felt sorrow, the news
it contain'd was wholly unexpected, after hearing from
B. M. H. & T P Coates that <del>that</del> thy health was completely
restor'd, that thee <add>had</add> return'd from thy hunting expedition
fat & hearty, & <unclear>all</unclear> thy letters since have mention'd
thy health being good, the sudden information of such
a serious indisposition, has been trying in the extreme,
& thee says not one word about coming home, T Coates
told <add>us</add> he expected to meet thee here in the course of next
month, do I beseech thee resign the goods to the care
of some faithful person, & hasten home <unclear>a_</unclear> <ill>
strength & prudence will allow, we all say <unclear>co__</unclear> <ill>
for my own part I entreat thee by all the tender
solicitude & affection of a Mother, to return to us, &
let us at least have the melancholy satisfaction of
watching over thy last moments, my anxiety will be
unceasing untill I hear from, or see thee, I fear thee
has not told us the worst, do write immediately <del>on the</del>
on the receipt of this, & hide nothing from us.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I beg of thee to be particularly carefull of thyself,
avoid night or evening air exposure to wet, &
over fatigue, as thee values the peace of thy, ever
truly affectionate tho' afflicted mother. -- S G.<p-end>
<p-bgn>the family who are at home are in durable health -- Hannah has been at Oley about two weeks
& expects to remain there perhaps a month more -- I called to see Nathan Dunn was informed he had
been for Sometime poorly. we out of town last week being Sent for by a Sister who lays very
ill in Jersey about 20 miles from Phil<sup>a</sup> -- & Nathan also is now Sick there -- I mention this as
it will accot<sup></sup> to thee for his not writing -- I also missed seeing B. Hollingshead --
E. Bonsalls family & Grandmother Gibbons are out of town but I believe well -- also Grandfather & mother milhous -- S. G.
I beg of thee to be particularly carefull of thyself, avoid night or evening air exposure to wet, & over fatigue, as thee values the peace of thy, ever truly affectionate tho' afflicted mother. -- S G.
the family who are at home are in durable health -- Hannah has been at Oley about two weeks & expects to remain there perhaps a month more -- I called to see Nathan Dunn was informed he had been for Sometime poorly. we out of town last week being Sent for by a Sister who lays very ill in Jersey about 20 miles from Phila -- & Nathan also is now Sick there -- I mention this as it will accot to thee for his not writing -- I also missed seeing B. Hollingshead -- E. Bonsalls family & Grandmother Gibbons are out of town but I believe well -- also Grandfather & mother milhous -- S. G. Dear William
<p-bgn>Thy letter was reciev'd with pleasure, but
alas, it was read with deep & heart felt sorrow, the news
it contain'd was wholly unexpected, after hearing from
B. M. H. & T P Coates that <del>that</del> thy health was completely
restor'd, that thee <add>had</add> return'd from thy hunting expedition
fat & hearty, & <unclear>all</unclear> thy letters since have mention'd
thy health being good, the sudden information of such
a serious indisposition, has been trying in the extreme,
& thee says not one word about coming home, T Coates
told <add>us</add> he expected to meet thee here in the course of next
month, do I beseech thee resign the goods to the care
of some faithful person, & hasten home <unclear>a_</unclear> <ill>
strength & prudence will allow, we all say <unclear>co__</unclear> <ill>
for my own part I entreat thee by all the tender
solicitude & affection of a Mother, to return to us, &
let us at least have the melancholy satisfaction of
watching over thy last moments, my anxiety will be
unceasing untill I hear from, or see thee, I fear thee
has not told us the worst, do write immediately <del>on the</del>
on the receipt of this, & hide nothing from us.<p-end>
<p-bgn>I beg of thee to be particularly carefull of thyself,
avoid night or evening air exposure to wet, &
over fatigue, as thee values the peace of thy, ever
truly affectionate tho' afflicted mother. -- S G.<p-end>
<p-bgn>the family who are at home are in durable health -- Hannah has been at Oley about two weeks
& expects to remain there perhaps a month more -- I called to see Nathan Dunn was informed he had
been for Sometime poorly. we out of town last week being Sent for by a Sister who lays very
ill in Jersey about 20 miles from Phil<sup>a</sup> -- & Nathan also is now Sick there -- I mention this as
it will accot<sup></sup> to thee for his not writing -- I also missed seeing B. Hollingshead --
E. Bonsalls family & Grandmother Gibbons are out of town but I believe well -- also Grandfather & mother milhous -- S. G.

the white stone attached to the lead mineral is calld Sparr or Tiff
there is also freequently found a dark glass Sparr of Tiff
from Father & Mother
6th Mo 11th 1817
the white stone attached to the lead mineral is call<sup>d</sup> Sparr or Tiff
there is also freequently found a dark glass Sparr of Tiff
from Father & Mother
6th<sup></sup> Mo 11<sup>th</sup> 1817
there is also freequently found a dark glass Sparr of Tiff
from Father & Mother
6th<sup></sup> Mo 11<sup>th</sup> 1817

Jane Milhous still in OhioJane Milhous still in Ohio

disappointed in the Contents of thy last -- Joseph also has been long in
a poor way, he was first confined with a Severe Spell of illness -- and after recovering
a little from [?] that, had a dangerous attack of the Rheumatism,
was confined 6 weeks to his bed, great part of the time (he informs us) he could
neither Eat nor Sleep, and that his Sufferings were very great, had two
Doctors to attend him, -- we were ignorant of his Situation until he had a
little recovered so as to be able with great difficulty to scrawl a few lines
Scarcely intelligible to convey us the information, whilst he was doing it
he said he was in so much pain the tears ran down his Cheeks, poor
fellow! I am affraid he will never enjoy health, we have written to him
to come home as soon as he can bear travelling, making 3 or 4 stages of he
journey & laying by amongst his relatives for some days between to recruit --
he says if he should not have any relapse it will be 5 or 6 weeks before
he would be able to work -- his situation & Expences has of course involved
him in Debts -- which I have to pay -- so it is, that our Schemes & Plans & Prospects
are defeated & blighted, and daily experience teaches us the futility & uncertainty
of all mundane things -- the world and all its contents are composed of perishable
materials & all its enjoyments & acquisitions shall pass away leaving not a trace behind --
that in this world there is no enjoyment equal to the favour & Smiles of that gracious
being who formed us for a purpose of his own Glory, (not to live to ourselves & do as
we pleased, but to live to him who laid down his precious Life to save a sinful
world) and no durable Riches but Righteousness -- not our own, but the
Righteousness of Christ, which his humble, faithful obedient followers are cloathed[?] upon
even in this mortal State, and will be their diadem & Crown of rejoicing through
all Eternity -- may this be the happy experience of us all -- but whilst here
let us continually bear in mind "no Cross, no Crown" --
In order to have room for thy mother, I must now close, with much Love I remain &c. J. Gibbons
I enquired of Doctr Hartshorn about Bowers, but he says he cannot recollect him -- think it probable B. must have known him when he attended at the Hospital -- & tho! he does not remember the name he might the person if he was to see him -- , If thee should attempt to come home there is one thing necessary to be considered & duly weighed & have advice on the subject, -- which is the Rout, by Sea, or by Land -- for Some kinds of Consumption the Sea air is highly injurious -- tis too moist, many persons who have gone to [?] the Sea Shore for that complaint have hastened their desstriction[?] by so doing -- but on the Contrary Dry air, such as is to be found in the mountains -- together with moderate Exercise has proved beneficial -- disappointed in the Contents of thy last -- Joseph also has been long in
a poor way, he was first confined with a Severe Spell of illness -- and after recovering
a little from <del><ill></del> that, had a dangerous attack of the Rheumatism,
was confined 6 weeks to his bed, great part of the time (he informs us) he could
neither Eat nor Sleep, and that his Sufferings were very great, had two
Doctors to attend him, -- we were ignorant of his Situation until he had a
little recovered so as to be able with great difficulty to scrawl a few lines
Scarcely intelligible to convey us the information, whilst he was doing it
he said he was in so much pain the tears ran down his Cheeks, poor
fellow! I am affraid he will never enjoy health, we have written to him
to come home as soon as he can bear travelling, making 3 or 4 stages of he
journey & laying by amongst his relatives for some days between to recruit --
he says if he should not have any relapse it will be 5 or 6 weeks before
he would be able to work -- his situation & Expences has of course involved
him in Debts -- which I have to pay -- so it is, that our Schemes & Plans & Prospects
are defeated & blighted, and daily experience teaches us the futility & uncertainty
of all mundane things -- the world and all its contents are composed of perishable
materials & all its enjoyments & acquisitions <add>shall </add>pass away leaving not a trace behind --
that in this world there is no enjoyment equal to the favour & Smiles of that gracious
being who formed us for a purpose of his own Glory, (not to live to ourselves & do as
we pleased, but to live to him who laid down his precious Life to save a sinful
world) and no durable Riches but Righteousness -- not our own, but the
Righteousness of Christ, which his humble, faithful obedient followers are <unclear>cloathed</unclear> upon
even in this mortal State, and will be their diadem & Crown of rejoicing through
all Eternity -- may this be the happy experience of us all -- but whilst here
let us continually bear in mind "no Cross, no Crown" --<p-end>
<p-bgn>In order to have room for thy mother, I must now close, with much Love I remain &c.
<und>J. Gibbons</und><p-end>
I enquired of Doct<sup>r</sup> Hartshorn about Bowers, but he says he cannot
recollect him -- think it probable B. must have known him when
he attended at the Hospital -- & tho! he does not remember the name
he might the person if he was to see him -- , If thee should attempt to come home
there is one thing necessary to be considered & duly weighed & have advice on the subject, --
which is the Rout, by Sea, or <add>by</add> Land -- for Some kinds of Consumption the Sea air is
highly injurious -- tis too moist, many persons who have gone to <ill> the Sea Shore for that complaint
have hastened their <unclear>desstriction</unclear> by so doing -- but on the Contrary Dry air, such as is to be found in
the mountains -- together with moderate Exercise has proved beneficial --
In order to have room for thy mother, I must now close, with much Love I remain &c. J. Gibbons
I enquired of Doctr Hartshorn about Bowers, but he says he cannot recollect him -- think it probable B. must have known him when he attended at the Hospital -- & tho! he does not remember the name he might the person if he was to see him -- , If thee should attempt to come home there is one thing necessary to be considered & duly weighed & have advice on the subject, -- which is the Rout, by Sea, or by Land -- for Some kinds of Consumption the Sea air is highly injurious -- tis too moist, many persons who have gone to [?] the Sea Shore for that complaint have hastened their desstriction[?] by so doing -- but on the Contrary Dry air, such as is to be found in the mountains -- together with moderate Exercise has proved beneficial -- disappointed in the Contents of thy last -- Joseph also has been long in
a poor way, he was first confined with a Severe Spell of illness -- and after recovering
a little from <del><ill></del> that, had a dangerous attack of the Rheumatism,
was confined 6 weeks to his bed, great part of the time (he informs us) he could
neither Eat nor Sleep, and that his Sufferings were very great, had two
Doctors to attend him, -- we were ignorant of his Situation until he had a
little recovered so as to be able with great difficulty to scrawl a few lines
Scarcely intelligible to convey us the information, whilst he was doing it
he said he was in so much pain the tears ran down his Cheeks, poor
fellow! I am affraid he will never enjoy health, we have written to him
to come home as soon as he can bear travelling, making 3 or 4 stages of he
journey & laying by amongst his relatives for some days between to recruit --
he says if he should not have any relapse it will be 5 or 6 weeks before
he would be able to work -- his situation & Expences has of course involved
him in Debts -- which I have to pay -- so it is, that our Schemes & Plans & Prospects
are defeated & blighted, and daily experience teaches us the futility & uncertainty
of all mundane things -- the world and all its contents are composed of perishable
materials & all its enjoyments & acquisitions <add>shall </add>pass away leaving not a trace behind --
that in this world there is no enjoyment equal to the favour & Smiles of that gracious
being who formed us for a purpose of his own Glory, (not to live to ourselves & do as
we pleased, but to live to him who laid down his precious Life to save a sinful
world) and no durable Riches but Righteousness -- not our own, but the
Righteousness of Christ, which his humble, faithful obedient followers are <unclear>cloathed</unclear> upon
even in this mortal State, and will be their diadem & Crown of rejoicing through
all Eternity -- may this be the happy experience of us all -- but whilst here
let us continually bear in mind "no Cross, no Crown" --<p-end>
<p-bgn>In order to have room for thy mother, I must now close, with much Love I remain &c.
<und>J. Gibbons</und><p-end>
I enquired of Doct<sup>r</sup> Hartshorn about Bowers, but he says he cannot
recollect him -- think it probable B. must have known him when
he attended at the Hospital -- & tho! he does not remember the name
he might the person if he was to see him -- , If thee should attempt to come home
there is one thing necessary to be considered & duly weighed & have advice on the subject, --
which is the Rout, by Sea, or <add>by</add> Land -- for Some kinds of Consumption the Sea air is
highly injurious -- tis too moist, many persons who have gone to <ill> the Sea Shore for that complaint
have hastened their <unclear>desstriction</unclear> by so doing -- but on the Contrary Dry air, such as is to be found in
the mountains -- together with moderate Exercise has proved beneficial --