Document set '399'
Transcript style:other pages

Philada the 1 of ye 3 mo 1718
dear Brother
We Received thine by Capt Anniss dated
above seven Months before it came to hand for he
was drove away from the Capes to was for at[?] away
to Meviss so that he did not arrive here till the
23 of the last Month Wherein thee Makes great
Complaint of our negligence of not writing to thee
it is true We received thine from barbadoes and liknesse
writ thee an Answer to it so that I do not see where we
are so much to blame though thy reflections Comes by
Wholesale not only upon us but on our profession
which we cannot but wage a little hard and as[?] for thy telling
us of not Writeing by First[?] becoming as it were from our
own doors we could not then tell where to write to thee
but after that writt to thee to barbadoes, now Concerning
the giving thee power to sell the house we have gott
a copy of the will and have had advice upon it and
all that have seen it gives it as their judgment
that there are very disputable points in it Concerning
mothers holding of it for her life which many are
of opinion she may do it being to short on our side there fore Without Coming to
some Composition they will not give it up without
we could recover it by law which we are not willing
to do but rather wait till some way or other is made
for us dear brother thee writes of hearing of our sisters
death and that thee art informed that thee cann recover
her part which if that be thy design It and all that sees
the will are fully persuaded that was not Intended[?]
By our father so that if thee should do any such thing it
would be very dishonest in itself therefore hard hopeng thee
art guided by a better principle of honesty and <unclear>willt do his Sister justice
shall leave the event to Almighty God Who have the
disposall of all things in his great hand Whom I beseech
to guide and protect the by his divine providence and
keep thee out of all hurt full things
turn over
Philada the 1 of y<sup>e</sup> 3 m<sup>o</sup> 1718
dear Brother
We Received thine by Cap<sup>t</sup> Anniss dated
above seven Months before it came to hand for he
was drove away from the Capes to was for <unclear>at</unclear> away
to Meviss so that he did not arrive here till the
23 of the last Month Wherein thee Makes great
Complaint of our negligence of not writing to thee
it is true We received thine from barbadoes and liknes<add>se</add>
writ thee an Answer to it so that I do not see where we
are so much to blame though thy reflections Comes by
Wholesale not only upon us but on our profession
which we cannot but <unclear>wage a little hard and as</unclear> for thy telling
us of not Writeing by <unclear>First</unclear> becoming as it were from our
own doors we could not then tell where to write to thee
but after that writt to thee to barbadoes, now Concerning
the giving thee power to sell the house we have gott
a copy of the will and have had advice upon it and
all that have seen it gives it as their judgment
that there are very disputable points in it Concerning
mothers holding of it for her life which many are
of opinion she may do <add>it being to short on our side</add> there fore Without Coming to
some Composition they will not give it up without
we could recover it by law which we are not willing
to do but rather wait till some way or other is made
for us dear brother thee writes of hearing of our sisters
death and that thee art informed that thee cann recover
her part which if that be thy design It and all that sees
the will are fully persuaded that was not <unclear>Intended</unclear>
By our father so that if thee should do any such thing it
would be very <del>dishonest in itself therefore</del> <add>hard</add> hope<del>ng</del> thee
<del>art guided by a better principle of honesty and</del> <<add>unclear>willt do his Sister </unclear></add>justice
shall leave the event to Almighty God Who have the
disposall of all things in his great hand Whom I beseech
to guide and protect the by his divine providence and
<p-end>keep thee out of all hurt full things<p-end><del> turn over</del>
keep thee out of all hurt full things
dear Brother
We Received thine by Cap<sup>t</sup> Anniss dated
above seven Months before it came to hand for he
was drove away from the Capes to was for <unclear>at</unclear> away
to Meviss so that he did not arrive here till the
23 of the last Month Wherein thee Makes great
Complaint of our negligence of not writing to thee
it is true We received thine from barbadoes and liknes<add>se</add>
writ thee an Answer to it so that I do not see where we
are so much to blame though thy reflections Comes by
Wholesale not only upon us but on our profession
which we cannot but <unclear>wage a little hard and as</unclear> for thy telling
us of not Writeing by <unclear>First</unclear> becoming as it were from our
own doors we could not then tell where to write to thee
but after that writt to thee to barbadoes, now Concerning
the giving thee power to sell the house we have gott
a copy of the will and have had advice upon it and
all that have seen it gives it as their judgment
that there are very disputable points in it Concerning
mothers holding of it for her life which many are
of opinion she may do <add>it being to short on our side</add> there fore Without Coming to
some Composition they will not give it up without
we could recover it by law which we are not willing
to do but rather wait till some way or other is made
for us dear brother thee writes of hearing of our sisters
death and that thee art informed that thee cann recover
her part which if that be thy design It and all that sees
the will are fully persuaded that was not <unclear>Intended</unclear>
By our father so that if thee should do any such thing it
would be very <del>dishonest in itself therefore</del> <add>hard</add> hope<del>ng</del> thee
<del>art guided by a better principle of honesty and</del> <<add>unclear>willt do his Sister </unclear></add>justice
shall leave the event to Almighty God Who have the
disposall of all things in his great hand Whom I beseech
to guide and protect the by his divine providence and
<p-end>keep thee out of all hurt full things<p-end><del> turn over</del>

Our[?] Mother have been very weakly for this 3 or 4
months last past with a sort of a fever and Ague which some
times is very violent upon her she was somthing better
but last time we heard from her she had it come on again
so not having to add having informed thee in a letter
dated about 6 months before this which also went by
way of Lisbourn of our sisters Sarahs death and sister
marys mariage to Edward Pilkinton that lived with Caleb
Jacobs shall Conclude with Mine and husbands
dear love to thee desiring thy wellfare hear and
eternal well being hereafter is all at present
from thy loving sister Hannah Allen
Our sister Mary and her husband desires to have their loves remembred to thee they have had one child and buried it and she is big with another and we have had one likwise and buried it it lived but eleven days and we are also like to have another Samuel Shreta[?] is maried to Agness Warder and Sarah Lee is maried to ffrancis Nowls[?] and Jane Harrod is Maried to John Owen Cozen William Moninton and his Wife are well and have got a son avery likly child it is now about a quarter of a year old <unclear>Our</unclear> Mother have been very weakly for this 3 or 4
months last past with a sort of a fever and Ague which some
times is very violent upon her she was somthing better
but last time we heard from her she had it come on again
so not having to add having informed thee in a letter
dated about 6 months before this which also went by
way of Lisbourn of our sisters Sarahs death and sister
marys mariage to Edward Pilkinton that lived with Caleb
Jacobs shall Conclude with Mine and husbands
dear love to thee desiring thy wellfare hear and
eternal well being hereafter is all at present
from thy loving sister Hannah Allen<p-end>
<p-bgn>Our sister Mary and her husband desires to have their
loves remembred to thee they have had one child and
buried it and she is big with another and we have
had one likwise and buried it it lived but eleven days
and we are also like to have another Samuel <unclear>Shreta</unclear>
is maried to Agness Warder and Sarah Lee is maried
to ffrancis <unclear>Nowls</unclear> and Jane Harrod is Maried to
John Owen Cozen William Moninton and his
Wife are well and have got a son avery likly child
it is now about a quarter of a year old
Our sister Mary and her husband desires to have their loves remembred to thee they have had one child and buried it and she is big with another and we have had one likwise and buried it it lived but eleven days and we are also like to have another Samuel Shreta[?] is maried to Agness Warder and Sarah Lee is maried to ffrancis Nowls[?] and Jane Harrod is Maried to John Owen Cozen William Moninton and his Wife are well and have got a son avery likly child it is now about a quarter of a year old <unclear>Our</unclear> Mother have been very weakly for this 3 or 4
months last past with a sort of a fever and Ague which some
times is very violent upon her she was somthing better
but last time we heard from her she had it come on again
so not having to add having informed thee in a letter
dated about 6 months before this which also went by
way of Lisbourn of our sisters Sarahs death and sister
marys mariage to Edward Pilkinton that lived with Caleb
Jacobs shall Conclude with Mine and husbands
dear love to thee desiring thy wellfare hear and
eternal well being hereafter is all at present
from thy loving sister Hannah Allen<p-end>
<p-bgn>Our sister Mary and her husband desires to have their
loves remembred to thee they have had one child and
buried it and she is big with another and we have
had one likwise and buried it it lived but eleven days
and we are also like to have another Samuel <unclear>Shreta</unclear>
is maried to Agness Warder and Sarah Lee is maried
to ffrancis <unclear>Nowls</unclear> and Jane Harrod is Maried to
John Owen Cozen William Moninton and his
Wife are well and have got a son avery likly child
it is now about a quarter of a year old