Document set '297'
Transcript style:other pages

Care of The Land Title and Trust Company
Dec: 27 - 1892
Dear Bessie.
As thee will see by the
inclosed -- thee owes the Estate for 15 shs:
of Penna R.R. at $53, per share -- $795.00
The Est: owes thee -- as thy sixth -- 750.00
Bal due the estate -- 45.00 I give thee half of the Exr's com: 126.22 = 63.11 and inclose check for the difference $18.11
I have had the stock transferred to thee -- and thee can have the cert: at any time thee can get to see me here, or I can mail it to thee if thee prefers. I send thee the acct partly because thee may like to make and keep a copy of it for thy mother and thyself. When through with it, thee can sign it and return it to me.
We were very sorry to hear indirectly that Aubrey was sick, yesterday. With love to all -- thy aff uncle
Charles Richardson P. O. ADDRESS,
<del>Care of The Land Title and Trust Company</del>
Dec: 27 - 1892
Dear Bessie.
<p-bgn>As thee will see by the
inclosed -- thee owes the Estate for 15 shs:
of Penn<sup>a</sup> R.R. at $53, per share -- $795.00
The Est: owes thee -- as thy sixth -- <und>750.00</und><p-end>
<p-bgn>Bal due the estate -- 45.00
I give thee half of the Ex<sup>r's</sup> com: 126.22 = <und>63.11</und>
and inclose check for the difference <und>$18.11</und><p-end>
<p-bgn>I have had the stock transferred
to thee -- and thee can have the cert: at
any time thee can get to see me here,
or I can mail it to thee if thee prefers.
I send thee the acc<sup>t</sup> partly
because thee may like to make and
keep a copy of it for thy mother and
thyself. When through with it, thee
can sign it and return it to me.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We were very sorry to hear
indirectly that Aubrey was sick,
yesterday. With love to all -- thy aff uncle<p-end>
Charles Richardson
Bal due the estate -- 45.00 I give thee half of the Exr's com: 126.22 = 63.11 and inclose check for the difference $18.11
I have had the stock transferred to thee -- and thee can have the cert: at any time thee can get to see me here, or I can mail it to thee if thee prefers. I send thee the acct partly because thee may like to make and keep a copy of it for thy mother and thyself. When through with it, thee can sign it and return it to me.
We were very sorry to hear indirectly that Aubrey was sick, yesterday. With love to all -- thy aff uncle
Charles Richardson P. O. ADDRESS,
<del>Care of The Land Title and Trust Company</del>
Dec: 27 - 1892
Dear Bessie.
<p-bgn>As thee will see by the
inclosed -- thee owes the Estate for 15 shs:
of Penn<sup>a</sup> R.R. at $53, per share -- $795.00
The Est: owes thee -- as thy sixth -- <und>750.00</und><p-end>
<p-bgn>Bal due the estate -- 45.00
I give thee half of the Ex<sup>r's</sup> com: 126.22 = <und>63.11</und>
and inclose check for the difference <und>$18.11</und><p-end>
<p-bgn>I have had the stock transferred
to thee -- and thee can have the cert: at
any time thee can get to see me here,
or I can mail it to thee if thee prefers.
I send thee the acc<sup>t</sup> partly
because thee may like to make and
keep a copy of it for thy mother and
thyself. When through with it, thee
can sign it and return it to me.<p-end>
<p-bgn>We were very sorry to hear
indirectly that Aubrey was sick,
yesterday. With love to all -- thy aff uncle<p-end>
Charles Richardson